
Stichting 3xM
Hilversum, 6 april 2001

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

In de periode van 9 tot 16 mei organiseren wij een training voor onze projectpartners uit Afrika, Oost-Europa, Midden-Oosten en Zuid-Amerika. De training heeft twee onderwerpen: christelijke programmering en management. Onze buitenlandse gasten zijn vooraf en nadien nog enkele dagen hier om contact met Nederlandse organisaties te leggen of te onderhouden. Zij logeren gedurende hun verblijf in Nederland, in "Het Brandpunt" te Doorn.

Indien u geïnteresseerd bent, is het mogelijk met één of meer van onze partners een afspraak te maken voor een interview. Zij zullen u graag te woord staan op 14, 15 of 16 mei over het christelijke televisiewerk, maar ook over de ontwikkelingen op christelijk gebied in hun land en regio. Indien deze data u niet schikken, maar u toch met één of meer van onze partners wilt spreken, dan nodigen wij u uit voor de openingsavond op 9 mei om 19.30 uur.

Bijgaand geef ik u een (Engelstalig) overzicht van de personen, de landen waar zij vandaan komen en hun activiteiten. Op bijgevoegd antwoordformulier (zie Word-attachment) kunt u aangeven of en met wie u een afspraak wilt realiseren. We zien uw reactie met belangstelling tegemoet!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Martien Timmer AA
Directeur Stichting Christelijke Media Projecten - 3xM

Overzicht van de door 3xM uitgenodigde partnerorganisaties

Eastern Europe

Bulgaria: Studio 865 Stoyko Petkov (director)

Studio 865 produces a weekly 1 hour program for the cable station DEMO TV which is airing in 22 cities all over Bulgaria. The program consists of 30 minutes program for woman and children and 30 minutes talk show.

Estonia: Estonian Christian Television (ECT) Peeter Vösu (director)

ECT produces a weekly Christian news program for the national television. They also produce series of programs, either for the National Television or for one of the national commercial channels in Estonia. They also produce videos on demand for other Christian organisations or for special purposes. They have produced "The fruits of vodka", against alcohol abuse and a video about an orphanage to stimulate the political era to take more actions towards this need in the society.

Romania: Master Media Foundation Lucian Despa (director)

Master Media Foundation now produces a two-weekly program which is aired through 10 regional television stations in several cities in Romania. Master Media Foundation will increase it s production to once a week, beginning in July 2001. Furthermore they produced the video "The boot of Love" against domestic violence. We believe the legislations in Romania are changed because this video has been sent to parliamentarians and to 60 Family Life organisations in Romania.

Former Yugoslavia: Gospel Media George Gvozdic (director)

Gospel Media has distributed a variety of Christian television and video programs in the former republics of Yugoslavia. They are producing the 4 languages, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and Macedonian. They have a network throughout these countries and they have also contacts with the television stations in those countries.

Poland: DEO Recordings Dr. Henryk Krol (director)

DEO Recordings has it s own recording studios, publishing company for Christian music and Christian radio stations in Gliwice, Cieszyn and Auschwitz. They also have plans to start with Christian television on either the National Television or private television stations in Poland.


Ivory Coast, Francophone Africa: African Christian Television (ACT) Gilbert Okoronkwo (president)

ACT has constructed it s studio and installed the equipment in the year 2000 and is now producing Christian television programs for the French speaking countries in Africa. The first series of programs have been aired in about 10 countries, for instance Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa) and Guinea (Conakry). Recently they have produced a program about AIDS and one about street children.

Mali: Association Chrétienne de la Communication au Mali (ACCM) Maurice Sogoba (director)

ACCM is producing Christian television programs for the National Television in Mali. They air 20 minutes every Saturday night at 20.30 h. As we know that Mali has a population of 86% Muslims, we see this as a special opportunity.

Swaziland: Christian Media Centre (CMC)- Duma Mtetwa (co-ordinator)

CMC produces Christian radio programs for the national radio, SBIS, 16 hours a week. For the National Television they have produced a children s series of 13 programs about Christian faith. They approached the children through this television programs but in the same time through radio in both English and Siswati and they also used the newspaper to advertise the whole programs. So we can say that it has been an integral approach

Middle East


A producer of Christian programs will join the conference. Programs are produced for special segments like children, women and North Africa but also for the general audience. Airings take place through satellite and local or national channels.


The Christians in Sudan have created an opportunity with the government in Khartoum to have airings of one hour a week on a local television station in Khartoum and one hour a week on the National Radio. The Christians have made a commitment to start negotiating with the national television to have airings on the national television, since this was done up to 1997. We are not totally sure that a representative will be present at our conference due to scheduled activities in Sudan.

Chaîne Nord African.

CNA is a new channel which is in the registrations process now. Airings are taking place through satellite for some years already in the languages of North Africa. A representative of CNA will be present.

Malaga Media Centre

The Malaga Media Centre produces programs for the Middle East and North Africa as well as for Spain. Representative will be presented during the conference.

South America

Surinam: Word and Music Ministries (WMM) Rev. Glenn Blom (director)

In the past Word and Music Ministries has aired a talk show about Christian identity and faith through the most popular television station in Surinam, Apintie. It was one of the most popular talk shows in Surinam. Due to financial constraints the project had to be cut off, but 3xM and WMM want to revive this in the year 2001.