dat plaatsvond in Brussel in het kader van een serie evenementen onder de naam "W3C Interop Tour", had mede tot doel deze uitbreiding naar de Benelux te markeren.
serie evenementen was "WWW Interoperability". Ook in andere Europese hoofdsteden vond een dergelijk ééndaags evenement plaats op andere dagen. Zie het volledige programma.
News! W3C Advisory Committee Elects New Advisory Board 27 June 2002: W3C Advisory Committee has filled six open seats on the W3C Advisory Board. Created in 1998, the Advisory Board provides guidance to the Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. Beginning 1 July, the nine Advisory Board participants are Ann Bassetti (Boeing), Jim Bell (Hewlett-Packard), Carl Cargill (Sun Microsystems), Don Deutsch (Oracle), Steve Holbrook (IBM), Renato Iannella (IPR Systems), Ken Laskey (SAIC), Ora Lassila (Nokia), and Lauren Wood (Unaffiliated). Steve Zilles is the interim Advisory Board Chair. Read more about the Advisory Board in the W3C Process Document.

News! Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Advances to Candidate Recommendation

26 June 2002: W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of Speech Recognition Grammar to Candidate Recommendation. Speech grammars allow voice-based application authors to create rules describing what users are expected to say after listening to each application prompt. Read the press release and testimonials, and visit the Voice Browser home page.

News! XML Conformance Test Suite Released

12 June 2002: W3C is pleased to release the XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Conformance Test Suite, built in cooperation with NIST and formerly hosted by OASIS. The suite contains over 2000 test files that any developer can download free of cost and use to test the conformance of an XML processor to the XML Recommendation. Read the press release.