Wim van Velzen

Christen Democratisch Appel European People's Party European People's Party and European Democrats Group


Wim van Velzen naar Warschau voor gesprekken met politieke partijen

Datum: 12 November 2003

Op 13 en 14 november zal Wim van Velzen in Warschau verblijven voor gesprekken met onder andere zusterpartijen van de Europese Volkspartij (EVP)in Polen.

Hieronder vindt u het programma van dit bezoek:

13 november

13.00 - meeting with Dr Henning Tewes, Director of the Wasraw Office of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

15.00 - Meeting with PiS (Law and Justice) Participation: Micha@ K. Ujazdowski, Vicepresident responsible for International Relations

16.15 - meeting with PO (Civic Platform) Participation: Donald Tusk, PO Chairman, Jan Rokita PO Parliament Group Leader, Pawe@ Piskorski Secretary General, Janusz Lewandowski First Deputy Chairman of the Polish Delegation in the EPP-ED Group, Jacek Protasiewicz - Observer MEP Deputy Secretary General Responsible for EP campaign)

17.30/18.00 (depends on how fast we walk to the party HQ from the Sejm) - combined meeting with RS (Social Movement) and SKL-RNP (Conservative People's Party - New Polish Movement) Participation: senator Krzysztof Piesiewicz - RS Chairman, Artur Balazs MP - SKL-RNP chairman, senator Zbigniew Religa , Jerzy Buzek RS International Secretary tbc., Zbigniew Chrzanowski - Chairman of the Polish Delegation in the EPP- ED Group, Tomasz Jackowski - SKL-RNP Deputy International Secretary, , Lidia Bia@ek - Deputy Chairwoman of EPP Woman, Tomasz Ro@niak - asystent w inter sec RS, senator Andrzej Chronowski, Observer MEP - tbc)

20.00 - Dinner with PSL (Polish People's Party) Participation: Jaros@aw Kalinowski party chairman, Janusz Wojciechowski - Deputy Speaker of the Polish Parliamnet, Czes@aw Siekierski - Observer MEP ^ former State Secretray in the Ministry of Agriculture, Andrzej Grzyb
-Observer MEP Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary EU Affairs Committee

14 november

9.30 - breakfast with with chairmen of the future SKL-RS partymeeting with SKL - RNP Participation: Artur Balazs, senator Religa i Piesiewicz, ewentualnie Buzek.