Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit

Rapportage 2005 over resten bestrijdingsmiddelen op groenten en fruit

21 september 2006 - nieuwsbericht

De VWA controleert groenten en fruit op resten van bestrijdingsmiddelen. In 2005 werden voor het derde jaar minder overtredingen geconstateerd op producten afkomstig uit de EU. Het aantal overtredingen op producten uit niet-EU landen nam toe. Gemiddeld bleef het aantal overtredingen op geïmporteerd product stabiel.


In 2005 werd ongeveer hetzelfde percentage 25,0 overschrijdingen gevonden voor buitenland product 20,0 als de afgelopen jaren (figuur 1). Voor het derde jaar achtereen nam het aantal overschrijdingen van 15,0 Europese producten af, terwijl dat van niet-Europese 10,0 % > MRL producten toenam. Mogelijk is dit mede een effect 5,0 van de voortgaande EU-harmonisatie. In 2005 is 0,0 avg avg avg '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 bijdrage van EU-Maximale ResiduLimieten (MRL's) '87/90 '91/93 '94/96 in het aantal overschrijdingen toegenomen tot 67 %, NL EU non-EU non-NL vergeleken met 53 % in 2004. Ongeveer 63 % van de gevonden residuen wordt door EU-MRL's Figuur 1. Percentage MRL overschrijdingen zonder incidenten gereguleerd (tabel 1). Tabel 2 geeft de meest voorkomende product/middel-combinaties met de belangrijkste herkomstlanden. In ongeveer 3500 monsters werden ca. 6000 residuen van 189 verschillende analyten gevonden. Van de gevonden residuen viel 70 % binnen het analyseprogramma van het gecoördineerde programma van de EU. Voor de meerderheid van de gevonden residuen is een Acute Referentie Dosis (ARfD) bekend (tabel 1). Hoewel minder giftige stoffen, waarvoor geen ARfD nodig is, in de minderheid zijn, worden die relatief vaker gevonden. Wanneer in verband met bestrijdingsmiddelen de voedselveiligheid in het geding is, is dit meestal vanwege acute effecten. Daarom is voor de gewas/bestrijdingsmiddel combinaties de "Critical Crop/Pesticide Concentration" (CCPC) berekend. Boven deze grenswaarde kan overschrijding van de ARfD niet uitgesloten worden en wordt het product beschouwd als "onveilig" en "schadelijk voor de gezondheid" in de zin van de Algemene Levensmiddelenverordening (EC/1782002). In 2005 heeft Nederland 7 meldingen gedaan aan het Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) waarmee EU-landen elkaar snel op de hoogte kunnen stellen van voedselveiligheidsproblemen (tabel 3). Zowel bij de overschrijdingen als bij de RASFF-meldingen vallen de residuen van zeer toxische ouderwetse bestrijdingsmiddelen uit derde-wereld-landen op. Tabel 4 geeft een overzicht van de belangrijke producten met een vergelijking met voorgaande jaren.Opvallend meer overschrijdingen werden gevonden bij sinaasappelen, vooral uit Egypte, mandarijnen en bonen. Minder overschrijdingen werden gevonden bij aardbeien, druiven en paprika.

Tabel 1. Gevonden bestrijdingsmiddelen met verdeling naar toxiciteitsindeling. totaal met ARfD geen ARfD nodig ARfD onbekend met EU-MRL Stoffen 179 109 40 30 89 Residuen 5994 3881 2005 108 3797

Tabel 2. Belangrijke producten met hoge percentages overschrijdingen, met betreffende bestrijdingsmiddelen en landen van herkomst. Product Bestrijdingsmiddel %>MRL Land Tropische peulgroenten (vers) dimethoaat, omethoaat,epn 50,0 Thailand Peper carbendazim, dimethoaat, methamidofos, dicofol 32,7 Thailand Mandarijnen fenthion 24,4 Spanje, Turkije Perzik/nectarine etofenprox, fenthion 21,7 Spanje Bonen (met peul) dimethoaat, dicofol 20,9 Kenya, Senegal, Thailand Sinaasappel dimethoaat 18,2 Egypte Druif tebufenpyrad, imazalil 16,3 Italië, Turkije Paprika methiocarb, pyrimethanil 14,9 Spanje

Tabel 3. Door Nederland verzonden meldingen aan het RASFF-systeem.

Product Bestrijdingsmiddel Land Sla oxydemeton-methyl (0.94 mg/kg) België Eetbare orchidee cypermethrin (14 mg/kg) and omethoaat (12 mg/kg) Nederland Kousenband dicrotophos (0.9 mg/kg) Thailand Kousenband triazophos (0.45 mg/kg) and EPN (0.22 mg/kg) Thailand Kiwi methidathion (0,36 mg/kg) Griekenland Druif methomyl (0.36 mg/kg) Zuid-Afrika Kousenband dicrotophos (0,94 mg/kg) Thailand Tabel 4. Bemonstering van gewassen in het controleprogramma 2005, met vergelijking van overschrijdingspercentages met vorige jaren en naar herkomst.

PRODUCT Consumpti Jaar EU- NL monsters % monsters % monsters % monsters % monsters monsters% monsters e gecoordineerd program genomen > MRL > MRL > MRL > MRL per jaar > MRL (g/dag) programma 2005 2005 2005 2005 NL 2005 EU 2005 niet-EU 2000-2004 2000-2004 Mandarijnen 13,4 97/02/05 50 41 24,4 0,0 32,1 7,7 59 13,7 Sinaasappelen 93,7 98/02/05 150 110 18,2 0,0 2,9 25,3 110 7,4 Appelen 74,4 96/01/04 100 87 8,0 2,8 4,5 17,2 104 2,7 Peren 10,8 97/02/05 100 54 1,9 0,0 0,0 7,7 86 3,0 Perzik/nectarine 3,5 98/02 100 83 21,7 0,0 24,3 7,7 58 14,4 Druiven 14,4 96/01/06 200 135 16,3 100,0 17,0 14,8 201 36,3 Aardbeien 4,8 96/01/04 200 127 5,5 3,9 3,2 21,4 142 14,9 Bananen 19,7 97/02/06 50 35 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 36 3,9 Wortelen 13,6 98/02/05 100 59 1,7 2,0 0,0 0,0 61 7,6 Uien 14,5 4 50 28 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 21 6,6 Tomaten 26,9 96/01/04 125 112 8,0 1,5 18,2 16,7 107 7,5 Paprika's 4,2 99/03/06 125 114 14,9 0,0 26,3 20,6 122 23,5 Pepers 0,0 99/03 100 107 32,7 7,1 20,0 37,5 76 41,5 Komkommers 7,9 00/03/05 75 63 6,3 0,0 8,3 23,1 62 8,4 Meloen 3,3 99/03 50 47 4,3 0,0 5,9 3,3 58 11,8 Bloemkool 14,9 99/03/06 40 44 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 47 0,9 Rode Kool 4,2 00/04 18 13 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 13 0,0 Witte Kool 6,2 00/04 17 17 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 15 0,0 Kropsla 4,2 96/01/04 175 113 12,4 6,5 40,0 0,0 105 14,2 IJsbergsla 3,3 96/01/04 0 51 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 42 6,3 Andijvie 7,3 100 79 3,8 1,4 33,3 0,0 70 9,2 Spinazie 8,9 98/02/05 100 60 8,3 5,4 0,0 33,3 35 12,5 Bonen met peul (vers) 3,2 97/02/05 125 86 20,9 7,1 33,3 21,7 97 12,2 Erwten met peul (vers) 12,6 00/03/06 75 25 12,0 25,0 0,0 9,5 0 0,0 Prei 12,3 4 50 49 8,2 7,1 20,0 0,0 40 8,5 Aardappelen 172,6 97/02/05 75 49 2,0 2,4 0,0 0,0 49 2,9 Rijst 10,1 00/03/05 25 24 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 25 0,0 Tarwe 130,6 00/03/04/06 75 30 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 72 0,3 Bewerkt product 450 422 6,6 7,6 0,0 8,5 0 0,0

Producten in programma 695,4 2900 2264 10,1 3,3 12,5 15,7 1913 13,5 Totaal 838,8 3400 3406 11,4 3,9 13,7 17,5 3080 12,3

Report of Pesticide Residue Monitoring Results of the Netherlands for 2005

Concerning Directive 90/642/EEC, 86/362/EEC and Recommendation 2005/178/EU

Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA)

Project: NW06B101: August 2006


Summary 3

1. Introduction 3 2. Sampling 3 3. Analysis and Quality Assurance 3 4. Monitoring Results 4 Table A1: Summary of numbers of samples, sample origins and results I. Surveillance sampling II. Follow-up enforcement sampling Table A2: Summarised Statistical Report (all Pesticide Monitoring) multiresidue methods I. Fruits and vegetables II. Cereals Table B: Notifications of the co-ordinated programme (specific exercise) to the European Commission Table C: Notification of check and monitoring sampling and control to the Commission with respect to Directive 90/642/EC and 86/362/EC. Table D1: Details of Confirmed Residues Exceeding the MRL, surveillance sampling (EC Harmonised MRLs only) Table D2: Details of Confirmed Residues Exceeding the MRL, surveillance sampling (non-harmonised MRLs) Table D3: Details of Confirmed Residues Exceeding the MRL, enforcement/follow-up sampling (EC Harmonised MRLs only) Table D4: Details of Confirmed Residues Exceeding the MRL, enforcement follow-up sampling (non-harmonised MRLs) Table E: Details of Samples with Multiple Residues (>=2) in Single Samples Table F: Details of the Homogeneity Exercise Table G: Laboratory information 2


During 2005 about 3400 samples of fruits, vegetables, cereals and processed products of domestic and non- domestic origin were analysed in the national and co-ordinated monitoring program. With respect to fresh products, domestic produce made up 37,5 % of the samples, 22,9 % of the samples came from other EU countries and 39,6 % from non-EU countries. In general, products originating from other countries show higher percentages of MRL-violations than Dutch produce. For the third year EU products have shown a decrease in percentage non-compliances, whereas non-EU product violations increase. Dutch products show residues above the reporting limit in about 47 % of the samples, whereas non-domestic products contain residues in 82 % (EU) and 58 % (non-EU) of the cases, respectively. Because of the increased scope and sensitivity of the analytical methods, especially by routinely applying LC-MS/MS, these numbers are considerably higher than in previous years.

1. INTRODUCTION Pesticide residue control has been a task of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA) and its predecessing organisational structures for many years. Therefore, a suitable infrastructure is present for the EU-monitoring as required by directives 90/642/EEC (products of plant origin), 86/362/EEC (cereals) and Recommendation 2005/178/EU (the harmonised specific program 2005).

2. SAMPLING The samples are taken without prior information about the presence of pesticides in the sample. Therefore, they represent the situation on the market for the product at that time. However, sampling is directed relatively more to products that need attention because of the violation rate in previous years. Therefore, high violation rates can indicate both an efficient sampling strategy and problems in the agricultural practice. As required by EU-directive 90/642/EU, a monitoring plan is made accordingly. The monitoring program is primarily directed to major products in the consumption pattern, but some capacity is reserved to minor products. The main sampling points are the premises of the auction system for Dutch products, importers, warehouses and distribution centres of retail chains for both domestic and non-domestic products. At those inspection points, it is clear who is responsible for the product, so that appropriate legal action can be taken in case of non-compliance. Only a few suitable samples could be obtained for the EU-homogeneity exercise to study the distribution of residues within samples. The sampling procedure, i.e. the number of subsamples taken from a lot is regulated by the Dutch Food and Commodity Law. This regulation is the implementation of the EC-directive 2002/63/EU. Inspectors of the five regional inspectorates are taking samples.

3. ANALYSIS AND QUALITY ASSURANCE One regional laboratory (Northwest, in Amsterdam) performs the analyses of the samples taken by all five regional inspectorates. The general strategy is detecting as many pesticides as possible in one analysis by using Multi-Residue- Methods (MRMs). The Dutch method consists of an acetone extraction, followed by a partition step of the residues into dichloromethane/petroleum ether. The extracts are analysed by a chromatographic separation and selective detection of residues. The main detection methods are Gas Chromatography (GC) - Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometric Detection (GC-ITD) and Liquid Chromatography ­ tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC- MS/MS). Only for some analytes that are not detectable sensitively enough by ITD, additionally GC with Electron Capture Detection (ECD) is used. Gas chromatography ­ nitrogen/phosphorus detection (GC-NPD) and gas chromatography ­ flame photometric detection (GC-FPD) are only used qualitatively. 3

For some pesticides not amenable to GC, Single Residue Methods based on LC-MS/MS detection are used. In the 2005 program this was the case for chlormequat. Dithiocarbamates are analysed as CS2 using GC-FPD and GC-ITD after decomposing with acidic tin-chloride solution and extraction into iso-octane. Together the scope of the methods is about 400 analytes. The validity of the analytical results is governed by a quality assurance system under ISO17025 accreditation. The multi-residue methods are within the scope of the accreditation of the laboratory. The centralised laboratory has implemented the EU Guideline on Quality Control Procedures. It takes part in FAPAS and EU proficiency tests. In order to check system performance and to avoid false negative results, representative pesticides standard mixtures containing 76 and 156 analytes for GC-ITD and LC-MS/MS respectively are run in each batch of samples at the lowest calibration level (LCL), which corresponds to the reporting limit. For these mixtures, 4-point calibration and recovery checks are performed. The average inter-laboratory relative standard deviation (RSDR) is estimated at 25 % based on EU- proficiency tests. The expanded measurement uncertainty applied to reported results is 50 %. In this report, all results above the MRL are considered to be violative. However, legal measures are taken after subtracting the measurement uncertainty from the analytical result. The applied MRMs and SRMs are recorded and the results are stored. Because of the registration of MRMs and the known scope of the method, also the absence of a residue can be established.

4. MONITORING RESULTS During 2005 about 3400 samples, both domestic and 25,0 non-domestic products, were analysed in the national 20,0 and co-ordinated monitoring program. With respect to 15,0 fresh products, domestic produce made up 37,5 % of % > MRL 10,0 5,0 the samples, 22,9 % of the samples came from other 0,0 EU countries and 39,6 % from non-EU countries. In avg avg avg '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '87/90 '91/93 '94/96 general, products originating from other countries show higher percentages of MRL-violations than NL EU non-EU non-NL Figure 1. Percentage of MRL violations not including incidents Dutch produce. For the third year EU products have shown a decrease in percentage non-compliances, whereas non-EU product violations increase. Probably progressing EU-harmonisation contributes to this effect. In 2005 the contribution of EU-MRLs to the number of MRL-violations has risen to 67 %, compared to 53 % in 2004. About 63% of the residue findings is governed by EU-MRLs (Table 1). Especially, products from South-East Asia often violate limits. In these cases frequently acute toxic organophosphorous pesticides are involved. Therefore, measures were taken to prevent imports at Schiphol airport. Dutch products show residues above the reporting limit in about 47 % of the samples, whereas non-domestic products contain residues in 82 % (EU) and 58 % (non-EU) of the cases, respectively (figure 2). Because of the further increased scope and sensitivity of the analytical methods applied these numbers are considerably higher than in previous years. Table 2 gives the most frequently non-complying pesticide/crop combinations with the main countries of origin. Table 3 gives results on main products in the year 2005. A comparison is made with the results of previous years. For the main products in the national program, considerably more violations were observed with tangerines, oranges and beans. Fewer violations were observed with strawberry, grapes and sweet pepper. Some minor products, not planned within the national program show a considerable violation rate too. Examples are celery and tropical fruits. 4

Table 1. Pesticide residues detected in the EU-coordinated and Dutch monitoring program, with or without an Acute Reference Dose. Table 1a by pesticide, table 1b by residue.

table 1a number of pesticides (active subtances) total with ARfD no ARfD needed ARfD unknown with EU-MRL EU-coordinated monitoring 55 37 17 1 47 Dutch national program 124 72 23 29 42 Total 179 109 40 30 89 table 1b number of residues of pesticides in samples total with ARfD no ARfD needed ARfD unknown with EU-MRL EU-coordinated monitoring 4123 2765 1354 4 3240 Dutch national program 1871 1116 651 104 686 Total 5994 3881 2005 108 3926

In about 3400 samples about 6000 residues of 179 different analytes were found. The scope of the coordinated program comprised 70 % of the residues found. For a majority of the results it has been established whether an Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) is necessary or not (table 1). When food safety issues are involved in pesticide residues, it is mainly with respect to acute effects. Therefore, it is important to notice to what extent pesticides that give acute intake hazards are used. For product/pesticide combinations the Critical Crop/Pesticide Concentration (CCPC) has been evaluated. Above this limit ARfD exceedacnce cannot be excluded and a product is considered to be unsafe and "injurious to health" in the meaning of the General Food Law (Regulation EC/178/2002). In such cases a Rapid alert is issued. The Netherlands issued seven rapid or information alerts on pesticide residues, as indicated in table 2.

No residue Res. MRL No residue Res. MRL Figure 2a. Residues in Dutch products Figure 2b. Residues in products from EU- countries

No residue Res. MRL Figure 2c. Residues in products from non-EU-countries 5

Table 2. Main products with high percentages of non-compliances, with corresponding pesticides and countries of origin.

Product Pesticides %>MRL Countries Tropical legume vegetables (fresh) dimethoate, omethoate, epn 50,0 Thailand Pepper carbendazim, dimethoate, methamidophos, dicofol 32,7 Thailand Tangerines Fenthion 24,4 Spain, Turkey Peach/nectarine etofenprox, fenthion 21,7 Spain Beans with pod (fresh) dimethoate, dicofol 20,9 Kenya, Senegal, Thailand Orange Dimethoate 18,2 Egypt Grape tebufenpyrad, imazalil 16,3 Italy, Turkey Sweet pepper methiocarb, pyrimethanil 14,9 Spain

Table 3. Samples of crops taken in monitoring program 2005, with trends in percentage MRL violations, comparing origin and previous years.

PRODUCT Consumption Year EU- Dutch samples % samples % samples % samples % samples samples % samples (g/day) coordinated program realised > MRL > MRL > MRL > MRL a year > MRL program 2005 2005 2005 2005 Dutch 2005 EU 2005 non -EU 2000-2004 2000-2004 Tangerines 13,4 97/02/05 50 41 24,4 0,0 32,1 7,7 59 13,7 Orange 93,7 98/02/05 150 110 18,2 0,0 2,9 25,3 110 7,4 Apple 74,4 96/01/04 100 87 8,0 2,8 4,5 17,2 104 2,7 Pear 10,8 97/02/05 100 54 1,9 0,0 0,0 7,7 86 3,0 Peach/nectarine 3,5 98/02 100 83 21,7 0,0 24,3 7,7 58 14,4 Grape 14,4 96/01/06 200 135 16,3 100,0 17,0 14,8 201 36,3 Strawberry 4,8 96/01/04 200 127 5,5 3,9 3,2 21,4 142 14,9 Banana 19,7 97/02/06 50 35 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 36 3,9 Carrot 13,6 98/02/05 100 59 1,7 2,0 0,0 0,0 61 7,6 Onion 14,5 04 50 28 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 21 6,6 Tomato 26,9 96/01/04 125 112 8,0 1,5 18,2 16,7 107 7,5 Sweet pepper 4,2 99/03/06 125 114 14,9 0,0 26,3 20,6 122 23,5 Pepper 0,0 99/03 100 107 32,7 7,1 20,0 37,5 76 41,5 Cucumber 7,9 00/03/05 75 63 6,3 0,0 8,3 23,1 62 8,4 Melon 3,3 99/03 50 47 4,3 0,0 5,9 3,3 58 11,8 Cauliflower 14,9 99/03/06 40 44 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 47 0,9 Red Cabbage 4,2 00/04 18 13 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 13 0,0 White Cabbage 6,2 00/04 17 17 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 15 0,0 Lettuce 4,2 96/01/04 175 113 12,4 6,5 40,0 0,0 105 14,2 Iceberg lettuce 3,3 96/01/04 0 51 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 42 6,3 Endive 7,3 100 79 3,8 1,4 33,3 0,0 70 9,2 Spinach 8,9 98/02/05 100 60 8,3 5,4 0,0 33,3 35 12,5 Beans(fresh) 3,2 97/02/05 125 86 20,9 7,1 33,3 21,7 97 12,2 Peas (fresh) 12,6 00/03/06 75 25 12,0 25,0 0,0 9,5 0 0,0 Leek 12,3 04 50 49 8,2 7,1 20,0 0,0 40 8,5 Potato 172,6 97/02/05 75 49 2,0 2,4 0,0 0,0 49 2,9 Rice 10,1 00/03/05 25 24 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 25 0,0 Wheat 130,6 00/03/04/06 75 30 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 72 0,3 Processed Products 450 422 6,6 7,6 0,0 8,5 0 0,0

Products in program 695,4 2900 2264 10,1 3,3 12,5 15,7 1913 13,5 Total 838,8 3400 3406 11,4 3,9 13,7 17,5 3080 12,3 6

Table 4. Alerts to the RASFF system issued by the Netherlands. Product Pesticide Country Lettuce oxydemeton-methyl (0.94 mg/kg) Belgium edible orchids cypermethrin (14 mg/kg) and omethoate (12 mg/kg) The Netherlands yard long beans dicrotophos (0.9 mg/kg) Thailand yard long bean triazophos (0.45 mg/kg) and EPN (0.22 mg/kg) Thailand Kiwi methidathion (0,36 mg/kg) Greece grapes methomyl (0.36 mg/kg) South Africa yard long beans dicrotophos (0,94 mg/kg) Thailand


Table C: Notifications of the results of Check sampling (Surveillance Sampling) of the National Programme to the European Commission

Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005 Product group: fruits Food item: Grapefruit Total number of samples analysed: 26 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 4 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 22 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 26 24 0,01 2 0,02 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 26 25 0,01 1 0,07 1,00 E Bromopropylate 26 24 0,05 1 1 0,41 2,00 E Buprofezin 26 24 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Carbaryl 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 1,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 26 22 0,01 2 2 0,04 NA Carbendazim (sum) 26 22 0,01 2 2 0,04 5,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 26 14 0,03 2 5 5 0,34 1 0,30 E Chlorpyriphos-methyl 26 25 0,03 1 0,04 0,05 E Diazinon 26 25 0,03 1 0,08 1,00 E Dichlofluanid (sum) 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 5,00 E Dichlofluanide (parent) 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 NA Dicofol 26 25 0,05 1 1,30 2,00 E Fenbuconazole 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Imazalil 26 3 0,01 2 1 3 11 4 2 2,80 5,00 E Imidacloprid 26 24 0,01 1 1 0,05 1,00 N Malathion 26 24 0,01 1 1 0,10 2,00 E Methidathion 26 23 0,03 1 2 0,41 2,00 E Parathion-methyl 26 25 0,03 1 0,13 1 0,02 E Phenylphenol 2- 26 19 0,03 1 4 1 1 1,30 12,00 N Prochloraz 26 24 0,01 2 0,02 10,00 E Pyraclostrobine 26 23 0,01 1 1 1 0,07 0,00 NA Pyriproxifen 26 20 0,01 4 2 0,03 2 0,02 N Thiabendazole 26 9 0,01 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 5 1 2,40 5,00 E Trifloxystrobine 26 25 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Product group: fruits Food item: Lemon Total number of samples analysed: 16 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 4 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 4 or without MRL: 12 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azinphos-methyl 16 15 0,01 1 0,02 2,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 16 7 0,01 3 1 2 1 2 0,19 NA Carbendazim (sum) 16 7 0,01 3 1 2 1 2 0,19 5,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 16 13 0,03 1 2 0,07 0,20 E Clofentezine 16 15 0,01 1 0,03 0,50 E Dicofol 16 11 0,05 1 4 0,20 2,00 E Fenitrothion 16 14 0,05 1 1 0,10 2,00 E Imazalil 16 1 0,01 2 2 5 6 4,40 5,00 E Malathion 16 15 0,01 1 0,03 2,00 E Methidathion 16 13 0,03 1 1 1 0,42 2,00 E Myclobutanil 16 14 0,01 2 0,02 3,00 E Phenylphenol 2- 16 10 0,03 1 2 2 1 4,60 12,00 N Prochloraz 16 10 0,01 1 1 2 1 1 3,20 10,00 E Pyriproxifen 16 10 0,01 2 4 0,04 4 0,02 N Thiabendazole 16 9 0,01 1 2 2 1 1 1,60 5,00 E Table C. Page 1

Product group: fruits Food item: Lime

Total number of samples analysed: 13 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 11 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 13 12 0,03 1 0,37 1 0,30 E Cypermethrin 13 12 0,05 1 0,29 2,00 E Dimethoaat (parent) 13 11 0,01 2 0,01 NA Dimethoate (sum) 13 11 0,01 2 0,01 0,02 E Imazalil 13 2 0,01 5 5 1 1,10 5,00 E Malathion 13 12 0,01 1 0,18 2,00 E Methidathion 13 12 0,03 1 0,03 2,00 E Prochloraz 13 8 0,01 2 1 1 1 0,91 10,00 E Thiabendazole 13 5 0,01 1 2 2 2 1 1,10 5,00 E Product group: fruits Food item: Tangerines Total number of samples analysed: 39 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 9 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 8 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 30 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Bromopropylate 39 38 0,05 1 0,19 2,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 39 31 0,01 5 1 2 0,08 NA Carbendazim (sum) 39 30 0,01 5 1 3 0,08 5,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 39 14 0,03 5 8 6 6 0,41 2,00 E Dicofol 39 32 0,05 1 1 2 3 0,42 2,00 E Difenoconazole 39 38 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 39 38 0,01 1 0,28 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 39 37 0,01 1 1 0,37 1 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,04 5,00 E Fenthion (parent) 39 33 0,01 1 3 2 0,16 2 NA Fenthion (sum) 39 30 0,01 2 4 1 1 1 0,55 7 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 39 31 0,01 2 2 2 2 0,34 4 NA Hexythiazox 39 37 0,01 1 1 0,03 1 0,02 N Imazalil 39 3 0,01 1 1 2 6 17 9 3,70 5,00 E Imidacloprid 39 37 0,01 1 1 0,02 1,00 N Malathion 39 14 0,01 4 1 6 5 3 6 0,48 2,00 E Metalaxyl 39 38 0,01 1 0,06 0,50 E Methidathion 39 36 0,03 1 2 0,10 2,00 E Methiocarb (parent) 39 38 0,01 1 0,01 NA Methiocarb (sum) 39 38 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Myclobutanil 39 38 0,01 1 0,02 3,00 E Omethoate 39 38 0,01 1 0,08 1 0,02 E Phenylphenol 2- 39 21 0,03 3 4 9 2 6,00 12,00 N Phosmet (parent) 39 38 0,01 1 0,02 NA Phosmet (sum) 39 38 0,01 1 0,02 5,00 N Prochloraz 39 33 0,01 1 1 1 1 2 1,10 10,00 E Propargite 39 37 0,05 1 1 0,64 5,00 N Propiconazole 39 38 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Pyriproxifen 39 34 0,01 4 1 0,07 1 0,02 N Tebuconazole 39 38 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 39 38 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Tetradifon 39 38 0,10 1 0,10 2,00 N Thiabendazole 39 20 0,01 1 1 3 2 2 3 7 4,50 5,00 E Table C. Page 2

Product group: fruits Food item: Orange

Total number of samples analysed: 109 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 20 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 18 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 86 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 109 108 0,01 1 0,03 1,00 E Bromopropylate 109 102 0,05 1 2 2 2 0,25 2,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 109 81 0,01 4 3 16 2 3 0,16 NA Carbendazim (sum) 109 80 0,01 5 3 16 2 3 0,16 5,00 E Carbofuran (parent) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 NA Carbofuran (sum) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 0,30 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 109 80 0,03 10 10 5 4 0,45 1 0,30 E Diazinon 109 107 0,03 2 0,09 1,00 E Dichlofluanid (sum) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 5,00 E Dichlofluanide (parent) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 NA Dicofol 109 100 0,05 1 6 1 1 1,40 2,00 E Dimethoaat (parent) 109 97 0,01 2 1 4 1 3 1 0,38 9 NA Dimethoate (sum) 109 91 0,01 1 2 3 7 4 1 0,42 16 0,02 E Diphenylamine 109 108 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Fenthion (parent) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 NA Fenthion (sum) 109 108 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 109 108 0,01 1 0,03 NA Hexythiazox 109 107 0,01 2 0,01 0,02 N Imazalil 109 8 0,01 1 4 28 47 21 4,20 5,00 E Imidacloprid 109 103 0,01 2 3 1 0,08 1,00 N Malathion 109 81 0,01 8 8 7 4 1 0,13 2,00 E Methidathion 109 93 0,03 5 1 2 4 4 0,82 2,00 E Methiocarb (parent) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 NA Methiocarb (sum) 109 108 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Omethoate 109 103 0,01 1 2 3 0,04 3 0,02 E Phenthoate 109 108 0,10 1 0,22 1 0,05 N Phenylphenol 2- 109 58 0,03 2 2 5 10 18 11 3 3,50 12,00 N Piperonyl-butoxide 109 108 0,01 1 0,01 3,00 N Pirimiphos-methyl 109 102 0,03 3 3 1 0,15 1,00 E Prochloraz 109 102 0,01 1 2 1 2 1 5,20 10,00 E Profenofos 109 107 0,01 2 0,02 0,05 E Pyraclostrobine 109 108 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Pyriproxifen 109 104 0,01 2 2 1 0,03 1 0,02 N Sulfur (S8) 109 108 0,10 1 0,19 50,00 N Tebufenpyrad 109 107 0,01 2 0,04 0,05 N Thiabendazole 109 44 0,01 1 3 1 4 6 9 18 12 10 1 6,20 1 5,00 E Product group: fruits Food item: Pomelo Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Imazalil 1 0 0,01 1 2,20 5,00 E Thiabendazole 1 0 0,01 1 1,20 5,00 E Table C. Page 3

Product group: fruits Food item: Other citrus fruit

Total number of samples analysed: 13 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 5 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 5 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Bifenthrin 13 12 0,03 1 0,04 0,05 E Carbofuran (parent) 13 12 0,01 1 0,01 NA Carbofuran (sum) 13 12 0,01 1 0,01 0,30 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 13 12 0,03 1 0,12 0,30 E Dicofol 13 12 0,05 1 0,17 2,00 E Dimethoaat (parent) 13 12 0,01 1 0,05 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 13 12 0,01 1 0,17 1 0,02 E Fenthion (sum) 13 9 0,01 2 2 0,11 4 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 13 9 0,01 4 0,10 4 NA Flutriafol 13 12 0,01 1 0,02 0,00 NA Imazalil 13 10 0,01 2 1 3,40 5,00 E Iprodione 13 12 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Malathion 13 11 0,01 2 0,03 2,00 E Methidathion 13 12 0,03 1 0,17 2,00 E Omethoate 13 12 0,01 1 0,12 1 0,02 E Phenylphenol 2- 13 12 0,03 1 0,11 1,00 N Pyriproxifen 13 12 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 N Thiabendazole 13 10 0,01 2 1 0,76 5,00 E Product group: fruits Food item: Almond Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Piperonyl-butoxide 1 0 0,01 1 0,01 8,00 N Product group: fruits Food item: Coconut Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: fruits Food item: Apple Total number of samples analysed: 87 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 7 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 6 or without MRL: 76 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azinphos-methyl 87 72 0,01 2 4 8 1 0,11 0,50 E Boscalid 87 86 0,01 1 0,07 1,00 N Captan 87 65 0,05 2 9 7 3 1 0,79 3,00 E Carbaryl 87 79 0,01 2 1 2 3 0,24 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 87 38 0,01 3 4 6 16 12 7 1 0,58 NA Carbendazim (sum) 87 36 0,01 3 4 6 17 12 8 1 0,58 2,00 E Chlormequat 1 1 0,05 0,00 0,05 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 87 82 0,03 4 1 0,06 0,50 E Diazinon 87 85 0,03 1 1 0,09 0,30 E Diethofencarb 87 85 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 87 86 0,01 1 0,01 NA Dimethoate (sum) 87 86 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Diphenylamine 87 65 0,01 2 3 2 5 4 2 4 3,60 5,00 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 2 2 0,05 0,00 3,00 E DMST 87 55 0,01 3 5 14 3 2 5 0,41 NA Endosulfan 87 83 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,10 0,30 E Famoxadone 87 86 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Fenoxycarb 87 83 0,01 3 1 0,02 0,05 N Fenpyroximate 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 0,00 NA Fenthion (sum) 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Table C. Page 4

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Fenthion-sulfoxide 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 NA Imazalil 87 86 0,01 1 0,52 5,00 E Indoxacarb 87 75 0,01 8 2 1 1 0,06 0,00 NA Iprodione 87 85 0,01 1 1 0,81 10,00 E Malathion 87 86 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 E Methoxyfenozide 87 85 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,00 NA Phosmet (parent) 87 84 0,01 1 2 0,05 NA Phosmet (sum) 87 84 0,01 1 2 0,05 1,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 87 67 0,01 4 2 6 6 1 1 0,23 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 87 66 0,01 4 2 7 6 1 1 0,25 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 NA Propargite 87 82 0,05 1 1 2 1 1,10 5,00 N Pyraclostrobine 87 86 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,02 E Pyridaphenthion 87 86 0,01 1 0,17 1 0,02 N Pyriproxifen 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 N Spirodiclofen 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 N Tebuconazole 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Tebufenozide 87 77 0,01 3 2 4 1 0,15 5 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 87 84 0,01 3 0,01 0,20 N Thiabendazole 87 70 0,01 2 1 1 4 5 4 1,80 5,00 E Thiacloprid 87 86 0,01 1 0,02 0,30 E Tolylfluanid (sum) 87 49 0,01 3 3 10 9 6 5 2 0,87 2,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 87 55 0,01 8 8 10 3 2 1 0,27 NA Triadimefon (sum) 87 85 0,01 2 0,02 0,20 E Triadimenol 87 85 0,01 2 0,02 NA Trichlorfon 87 85 0,01 1 1 0,11 2,00 E Trifloxystrobine 87 86 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Product group: fruits Food item: Pear Total number of samples analysed: 52 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 47 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 52 51 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Azinphos-methyl 52 46 0,01 1 3 2 0,10 0,50 E Captan 52 41 0,05 2 7 2 0,19 3,00 E Carbaryl 52 49 0,01 3 0,09 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 52 17 0,01 1 2 3 11 13 4 1 0,70 NA Carbendazim (sum) 52 15 0,01 1 2 3 11 14 5 1 0,70 2,00 E Chlormequat 52 42 0,05 8 2 0,15 0,30 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 52 50 0,03 1 1 0,07 0,50 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 52 51 0,03 1 0,04 0,10 E Difenoconazole 52 49 0,01 2 1 0,02 0,50 N Diflubenzuron 52 51 0,05 1 0,37 1,00 N Dimethoaat (parent) 52 51 0,01 1 0,02 NA Dimethoate (sum) 52 51 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E Diphenylamine 52 51 0,01 1 1,70 10,00 E DMST 52 23 0,01 3 1 6 12 7 0,16 NA Folpet 52 51 0,05 1 1,10 3,00 E Imazalil 52 51 0,01 1 0,56 5,00 E Indoxacarb 52 35 0,01 5 9 3 0,04 0,00 NA Iprodione 52 51 0,01 1 0,04 10,00 E Parathion 52 51 0,03 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Phosmet (parent) 52 50 0,01 1 1 0,17 NA Phosmet (sum) 52 50 0,01 1 1 0,17 1,00 N Spirodiclofen 52 45 0,01 2 4 1 0,06 0,10 N Sulfur (S8) 52 51 0,10 1 0,30 50,00 N Tebuconazole 52 51 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Tebufenozide 52 50 0,01 2 0,04 0,05 N Thiabendazole 52 50 0,01 1 1 0,56 5,00 E Tolylfluanid (sum) 52 23 0,01 1 2 1 9 14 2 0,55 2,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 52 26 0,01 1 2 6 8 9 0,36 NA Trifloxystrobine 52 51 0,01 1 0,02 0,50 E Table C. Page 5

Product group: fruits Food item: Apricot

Total number of samples analysed: 7 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 4 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azinphos-methyl 7 6 0,01 1 0,08 0,50 E Captan 7 5 0,05 1 1 0,28 2,00 E Carbaryl 7 6 0,01 1 0,89 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 7 5 0,01 1 1 0,02 NA Carbendazim (sum) 7 5 0,01 1 1 0,02 1,00 E Difenoconazole 7 6 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 N Endosulfan 7 6 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Fenarimol 7 6 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 E Indoxacarb 7 6 0,01 1 0,04 0,00 NA Iprodione 7 6 0,01 1 1,40 5,00 E Propargite 7 6 0,05 1 0,06 7,00 E Tebuconazole 7 5 0,01 1 1 0,16 2 0,05 N Product group: fruits Food item: Cherry Total number of samples analysed: 17 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 10 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azinphos-methyl 17 16 0,01 1 0,07 0,50 E Bitertanol 17 15 0,01 1 1 0,07 1,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 17 11 0,01 1 1 3 1 0,08 NA Carbendazim (sum) 17 11 0,01 1 1 3 1 0,08 0,10 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 17 15 0,03 1 1 0,22 0,30 E Diazinon 17 15 0,03 1 1 0,07 0,30 E Dicofol 17 16 0,05 1 0,20 1 0,02 E Dimethoaat (parent) 17 12 0,01 1 2 2 0,37 NA Dimethoate (sum) 17 9 0,01 1 2 1 2 2 0,40 1,00 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Endosulfan 17 16 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Fenbuconazole 17 16 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Fenhexamid 17 16 0,01 1 0,12 5,00 E Fenthion (parent) 17 16 0,01 1 0,01 NA Fenthion (sum) 17 15 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 17 16 0,01 1 0,02 NA Imidacloprid 17 15 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Iprodione 17 14 0,01 1 1 1 0,56 5,00 E Monocrotophos 17 16 0,01 1 0,12 1 0,05 N Myclobutanil 17 16 0,01 1 0,04 1,00 E Omethoate 17 9 0,01 1 2 4 1 0,06 1,00 E Pirimicarb (parent) 17 16 0,01 1 0,05 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 17 16 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 N Tebuconazole 17 13 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Thiacloprid 17 16 0,01 1 0,02 0,30 E Product group: fruits Food item: Peach Total number of samples analysed: 37 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 9 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 3 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 6 or without MRL: 26 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 37 36 0,01 1 0,02 0,00 NA Azinphos-methyl 37 31 0,01 4 2 0,09 0,50 E Bitertanol 37 36 0,01 1 0,06 1,00 E Captan 37 34 0,05 1 1 1 1,00 2,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 37 20 0,01 2 5 1 5 2 1 1 0,55 NA Carbendazim (sum) 37 20 0,01 2 5 1 5 2 1 1 0,55 1,00 E Chlorothalonil 37 33 0,01 1 1 2 0,32 1,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 37 33 0,03 4 0,04 0,20 E Chlorpyriphos-methyl 37 36 0,03 1 0,03 0,50 E Table C. Page 6

Cyhalothrin-lambda 37 36 0,03 1 0,04 0,20 E Cypermethrin 37 36 0,05 1 0,05 2,00 E Cyprodinil 37 36 0,01 1 0,10 1 0,05 N

Table C. Page 7

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Difenoconazole 37 36 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 37 36 0,01 1 0,05 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 37 36 0,01 1 0,07 1 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,40 2,00 E Endosulfan 37 36 0,01 1 0,06 0,50 E Etofenprox 37 35 0,01 2 0,05 2 0,01 N Fenbuconazole 37 34 0,01 1 2 0,04 0,05 N Fenitrothion 37 36 0,05 1 0,07 0,50 E Fenpyroximate 37 36 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Fenthion (parent) 37 36 0,01 1 0,03 NA Fenthion (sum) 37 33 0,01 2 1 1 0,16 2 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 37 33 0,01 3 1 0,16 1 NA Fludioxonil 37 36 0,01 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Hexythiazox 37 36 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 N Imazalil 37 36 0,01 1 0,04 1 0,02 E Imidacloprid 37 35 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Iprodione 37 32 0,01 1 1 2 1 2,30 5,00 E Malathion 37 35 0,01 1 1 0,07 0,50 E Methomyl (parent) 37 35 0,01 1 1 0,18 NA Methomyl (sum) 37 35 0,01 1 1 0,18 0,20 E Myclobutanil 37 34 0,01 3 0,02 0,50 E Omethoate 37 36 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E Phosmet (parent) 37 35 0,01 2 0,09 2 NA Phosmet (sum) 37 35 0,01 2 0,09 2 0,05 N Procymidone 37 33 0,05 4 0,45 2,00 E Propargite 37 35 0,05 1 1 0,60 7,00 N Spinosad (A & D) 37 35 0,01 1 1 0,07 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 37 35 0,10 1 1 0,30 50,00 N Tebuconazole 37 33 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,17 2 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 37 36 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Thiabendazole 37 36 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Thiacloprid 37 35 0,01 1 1 0,05 0,30 E Trifloxystrobine 37 36 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 N Product group: fruits Food item: Nectarine Total number of samples analysed: 46 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 9 Without detectable residues: 7 With residues above EC-MRL: 4 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 5 or without MRL: 30 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acrinathrin 46 45 0,05 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Azinphos-methyl 46 35 0,01 2 3 5 1 0,08 0,50 E Bitertanol 46 41 0,01 1 1 2 1 0,08 1,00 E Bupirimate 46 45 0,03 1 0,03 0,05 N Carbaryl 46 41 0,01 1 2 2 0,07 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 46 31 0,01 3 3 3 3 3 0,39 NA Carbendazim (sum) 46 31 0,01 3 3 3 3 3 0,39 1,00 E Chlorothalonil 46 45 0,01 1 0,01 1,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 46 41 0,03 1 3 1 0,36 1 0,20 E Chlorpyriphos-methyl 46 45 0,03 1 0,12 0,50 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 46 45 0,03 1 0,03 0,20 E Cyprodinil 46 44 0,01 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Etofenprox 46 43 0,01 2 1 0,47 3 0,01 N Fenbuconazole 46 45 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Fenthion (parent) 46 43 0,01 1 2 0,09 2 NA Fenthion (sum) 46 42 0,01 1 1 2 0,20 3 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 46 42 0,01 3 1 0,09 1 NA Fludioxonil 46 45 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Flusilazole 46 45 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Imazalil 46 45 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E Iprodione 46 36 0,01 1 2 2 1 3 1 2,40 5,00 E Malathion 46 44 0,01 2 0,02 0,50 E Methiocarb (sum) 46 45 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfoxide 46 45 0,01 1 0,04 NA Methomyl (parent) 46 44 0,01 1 1 0,09 NA Methomyl (sum) 46 44 0,01 1 1 0,09 0,20 E Phosmet (parent) 46 41 0,01 4 1 0,03 NA Phosmet (sum) 46 41 0,01 4 1 0,03 0,05 N Procymidone 46 38 0,05 2 4 2 0,38 2,00 E Propargite 46 43 0,05 1 2 0,18 7,00 N Spinosad (A & D) 46 44 0,01 2 0,01 0,00 NA Tebuconazole 46 39 0,01 3 3 1 0,14 1 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 46 45 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Tetraconazole 46 45 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Trichlorfon 46 45 0,01 1 0,07 0,50 E Trifloxystrobine 46 45 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Table C. Page 8

Table C. Page 9

Product group: fruits Food item: Plum, including damson

Total number of samples analysed: 26 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 10 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 16 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azinphos-methyl 26 25 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 E Bitertanol 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 2,00 E Captan 26 25 0,05 1 0,08 2,00 E Carbaryl 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 26 23 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 NA Carbendazim (sum) 26 23 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 0,50 E Imidacloprid 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Iprodione 26 20 0,01 1 1 1 1 2 1,20 5,00 E Monocrotophos 26 25 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Phosmet (parent) 26 24 0,01 1 1 0,02 NA Phosmet (sum) 26 24 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Propargite 26 24 0,05 1 1 0,30 7,00 N Tebuconazole 26 25 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Product group: fruits Food item: Grape Total number of samples analysed: 135 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 22 Without detectable residues: 6 With residues above EC-MRL: 9 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 13 or without MRL: 107 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 135 134 0,01 1 0,04 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 135 105 0,01 2 8 8 8 3 1 0,60 2,00 E Bifenthrin 135 121 0,03 11 3 0,09 0,20 E Boscalid 135 132 0,01 1 2 0,16 5,00 N Captan 135 134 0,05 1 1,20 3,00 E Carbaryl 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,14 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 135 107 0,01 2 3 5 6 2 4 5 1 1,10 NA Carbendazim (sum) 135 106 0,01 3 3 5 6 2 4 5 1 1,10 2,00 E chlorfenapyr 135 134 0,03 1 0,10 1 0,05 N Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 135 115 0,03 7 10 2 1 0,21 0,50 E Chlorpyriphos-methyl 135 131 0,03 3 1 0,07 0,20 E Clofentezine 135 132 0,01 2 1 0,15 3 0,02 E Clothianidin 135 134 0,01 1 0,05 0,00 NA Cyfluthrin 135 132 0,05 1 2 0,15 0,30 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 135 126 0,03 2 2 2 3 0,25 3 0,20 E Cypermethrin 135 133 0,05 1 1 0,40 0,50 E Cyproconazole 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Cyprodinil 135 97 0,01 2 3 5 5 14 7 2 1,30 3,00 N Dicofol 135 133 0,05 1 1 1,50 2,00 E Difenoconazole 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Dimethoate (sum) 135 134 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Dimethomorph 135 118 0,01 2 4 8 1 2 0,31 3 0,05 N Diniconazole 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 6 0 0,05 3 1 2 0,38 3,00 E DMST 135 126 0,01 2 3 3 1 0,12 NA Endosulfan 135 134 0,01 1 0,02 0,50 E Etofenprox 135 132 0,01 1 1 1 0,13 2 0,01 N Famoxadone 135 128 0,01 2 1 2 1 1 1,10 2,00 E Fenamidone 135 134 0,01 1 0,07 0,00 NA Fenarimol 135 132 0,01 3 0,01 0,30 E Fenazaquin 135 133 0,01 2 0,04 0,00 NA Fenbuconazole 135 134 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Fenhexamid 135 109 0,01 1 5 1 6 8 5 1,90 5,00 E Fenitrothion 135 128 0,05 3 4 0,41 0,50 E Fenpyroximate 135 133 0,01 2 0,03 0,00 NA Fipronil 135 133 0,02 2 0,02 2 0,01 N Fludioxonil 135 102 0,01 1 1 7 7 7 8 1 1 1,10 2,00 N Flufenoxuron 135 131 0,05 1 2 1 0,18 3 0,05 N Flusilazole 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,04 0,05 N Folpet 135 134 0,05 1 0,07 3,00 E Hexaconazole 135 130 0,01 4 1 0,02 0,10 E Hexythiazox 135 132 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 0,20 N Imazalil 135 131 0,01 2 2 0,38 4 0,02 E Imidacloprid 135 128 0,01 3 2 2 0,03 1,00 E Indoxacarb 135 113 0,01 3 8 6 3 1 1 0,25 0,00 NA Iprodione 135 104 0,01 1 5 2 3 11 8 1 3,60 10,00 E Iprovalicarb 135 127 0,01 3 4 1 0,06 2,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 135 132 0,01 2 1 0,05 1,00 E Table C. Page 10

Metalaxyl 135 100 0,01 5 8 9 8 3 2 0,35 2,00 E Methomyl (parent) 135 130 0,01 2 1 1 1 0,36 2 NA Methomyl (sum) 135 129 0,01 2 1 1 2 0,36 3 0,05 E

Table C. Page 11

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Myclobutanil 135 114 0,01 1 6 9 4 1 0,11 1,00 E Omethoate 135 134 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Penconazole 135 123 0,01 5 2 4 1 0,06 0,20 E Phosalone 135 133 0,05 2 0,28 1,00 E Phosmet (parent) 135 134 0,01 1 0,01 NA Phosmet (sum) 135 134 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Piperonyl-butoxide 135 132 0,01 1 2 0,08 3,00 N Procymidone 135 117 0,05 2 3 3 6 3 1 3,90 5,00 E Propargite 135 132 0,05 1 2 0,49 10,00 N Pyridaben 135 134 0,01 1 0,05 1 0,02 N Pyrifenox 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Pyrimethanil 135 113 0,01 5 4 3 3 4 1 2 1,60 5,00 N Quinoxyfen 135 131 0,05 1 3 0,10 1,00 E Spinosad (A & D) 135 132 0,01 1 1 1 0,03 0,00 NA Spiroxamine 135 131 0,01 1 2 1 0,06 1,00 E Sulfur (S8) 135 101 0,10 3 4 5 3 6 6 2 3 1 1 55,00 1 50,00 N Tebuconazole 135 121 0,01 2 2 6 1 2 1 0,29 2,00 N Tebufenozide 135 132 0,01 1 1 1 0,18 1 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 135 124 0,01 3 5 2 1 0,21 8 0,05 N Tetraconazole 135 131 0,01 2 2 0,09 0,00 NA Thiabendazole 135 134 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Thiamethoxam 135 133 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 135 125 0,01 1 2 4 2 1 0,99 5,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 135 125 0,01 1 2 3 2 1 1 0,80 NA Triadimefon (sum) 135 98 0,01 8 9 9 6 3 1 1 0,70 2,00 E Triadimenol 135 98 0,01 8 9 9 6 3 1 1 0,70 NA Trichlorfon 135 131 0,01 1 2 1 0,04 0,50 E Trifloxystrobine 135 133 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Vinclozolin 135 134 0,05 1 0,06 5,00 E Zoxamide 135 130 0,01 1 1 1 1 1 0,38 0,00 NA Product group: fruits Food item: Strawberry Total number of samples analysed: 127 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 7 Without detectable residues: 6 With residues above EC-MRL: 3 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 4 or without MRL: 114 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 127 106 0,01 4 1 3 5 5 3 0,98 2,00 E Boscalid 127 113 0,01 2 1 2 3 5 1 0,42 5,00 N Bupirimate 127 118 0,03 3 2 2 2 0,31 0,50 N Captan 127 124 0,05 1 2 0,76 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 127 122 0,01 1 1 1 1 1 0,14 1 NA Carbendazim (sum) 127 122 0,01 1 1 1 1 1 0,14 1 0,10 E Chlorothalonil 127 121 0,01 4 2 0,02 3,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 127 124 0,03 3 0,05 0,20 E Clofentezine 127 114 0,01 1 1 3 2 5 1 0,51 2,00 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 127 126 0,03 1 0,03 0,50 E Cyprodinil 127 105 0,01 3 1 6 3 5 4 0,44 2,00 N Dimethomorph 127 121 0,01 4 1 1 0,05 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 5 4 0,05 1 0,08 3,00 E DMST 127 114 0,01 7 3 2 1 0,20 NA Endosulfan 127 124 0,01 1 2 0,03 0,05 E Ethirimol 127 124 0,01 1 2 0,04 0,10 N Fenarimol 127 118 0,01 2 2 4 1 0,09 0,30 E Fenhexamid 127 99 0,01 2 2 6 5 3 6 2 1 1 3,40 5,00 E Fludioxonil 127 106 0,01 3 8 7 1 2 0,22 2,00 N Flusilazole 127 126 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Hexaconazole 127 121 0,01 1 1 4 0,03 0,20 E Hexythiazox 127 112 0,01 7 4 2 1 1 0,11 1 0,10 N Imazalil 127 126 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Indoxacarb 127 125 0,01 2 0,02 0,00 NA Iprodione 127 106 0,01 4 3 4 6 2 2 0,29 10,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 127 99 0,01 4 7 9 5 2 1 0,22 1,00 E Malathion 127 123 0,01 3 1 0,05 0,50 E Mepanipyrim 127 94 0,01 4 2 4 3 8 10 2 0,63 2,00 E Metalaxyl 127 123 0,01 2 2 0,24 0,50 E Myclobutanil 127 113 0,01 2 5 4 2 1 0,21 1,00 E Penconazole 127 122 0,01 2 1 1 1 0,08 1 0,05 E Pirimicarb (parent) 127 111 0,01 1 2 4 5 3 1 0,24 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 127 111 0,01 1 2 4 5 3 1 0,24 0,50 N Procymidone 127 123 0,05 3 1 0,20 5,00 E Profenofos 127 126 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Pyraclostrobine 127 120 0,01 1 3 2 1 0,09 0,50 E Pyridaben 127 126 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 N Pyrimethanil 127 121 0,01 1 1 1 2 1 0,56 5,00 N Spiromesifen 127 126 0,03 1 0,21 0,00 NA Table C. Page 12

Sulfur (S8) 127 79 0,10 2 4 4 5 1 9 11 8 3 1 87,00 1 50,00 N Tebufenpyrad 127 124 0,01 1 1 1 0,08 1 0,05 N Tetraconazole 127 126 0,01 1 0,30 0,00 NA

Table C. Page 13

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Thiacloprid 127 117 0,01 1 1 4 2 2 0,15 0,50 E Thiamethoxam 127 126 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 127 114 0,01 1 4 3 4 1 0,86 10,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 127 115 0,01 1 2 5 2 1 1 0,54 NA Triadimefon (sum) 127 109 0,01 4 2 5 5 1 1 0,73 1 0,50 E Triadimenol 127 109 0,01 4 2 5 5 1 1 0,74 1 NA Vinclozolin 127 124 0,05 1 2 0,35 5,00 E Product group: fruits Food item: Blackberry Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) DMST 2 1 0,01 1 0,01 NA Fenhexamid 2 1 0,01 1 0,31 10,00 E Iprodione 2 1 0,01 1 0,27 5,00 E Pirimicarb (parent) 2 1 0,01 1 0,10 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 2 1 0,01 1 0,10 2,00 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 2 1 0,01 1 0,03 10,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 2 1 0,01 1 0,01 NA Product group: fruits Food item: Raspberry Total number of samples analysed: 8 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Cyprodinil 8 7 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Fenhexamid 8 6 0,01 1 1 0,79 10,00 E Fludioxonil 8 7 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Iprodione 8 5 0,01 1 1 1 0,13 5,00 E Piperonyl-butoxide 8 7 0,01 1 0,03 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 8 7 0,01 1 0,02 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 8 7 0,01 1 0,02 2,00 N Pyrimethanil 8 7 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 8 7 0,01 1 0,08 1 0,05 N Trifloxystrobine 8 7 0,01 1 0,04 1 0,02 E Product group: fruits Food item: Blue bilberry Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 3 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Captan 5 4 0,05 1 0,79 3,00 E Carbaryl 5 4 0,01 1 0,03 1,00 E DMST 5 3 0,01 1 1 0,06 NA Fenhexamid 5 4 0,01 1 0,23 5,00 E Imidacloprid 5 4 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 5 3 0,01 1 1 0,20 10,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 5 3 0,01 2 0,10 NA Table C. Page 14

Product group: fruits Food item: Currant (red, white, black)

Total number of samples analysed: 8 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 7 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Captan 8 3 0,05 2 1 2 1,00 3,00 E Cyprodinil 8 7 0,01 1 1,60 1 0,05 N DMST 8 1 0,01 1 3 1 1 1 0,28 NA Famoxadone 8 7 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Fenhexamid 8 2 0,01 1 1 1 2 1 2,20 5,00 E Fludioxonil 8 7 0,01 1 2,10 1 0,05 N Imidacloprid 8 7 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Iprodione 8 2 0,01 2 4 2,80 10,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 8 4 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,06 1,00 E Pirimicarb (parent) 8 4 0,01 1 3 0,05 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 8 4 0,01 1 3 0,05 0,50 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 8 1 0,01 1 1 2 2 1 1,44 10,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 8 1 0,01 1 2 1 2 1 0,99 NA Product group: fruits Food item: Gooseberry Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: fruits Food item: Avocado Total number of samples analysed: 14 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 10 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 4 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 14 13 0,01 1 0,04 NA Carbendazim (sum) 14 13 0,01 1 0,04 0,10 E Prochloraz 14 10 0,01 1 1 1 1 2,20 5,00 E Product group: fruits Food item: Banana Total number of samples analysed: 35 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 8 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 27 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 35 33 0,01 1 1 0,83 2,00 E Bitertanol 35 34 0,01 1 0,52 3,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 35 34 0,03 1 0,03 3,00 E Imazalil 35 14 0,01 1 5 12 3 0,60 2,00 E Thiabendazole 35 14 0,01 2 4 11 3 1 1,10 5,00 E Table C. Page 15

Product group: fruits Food item: Date

Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) anthrachinon 0 -1 1 0,04 0,05 N Dicofol 5 4 0,05 1 0,06 1 0,02 E Sulfur (S8) 5 3 0,10 1 1 1,00 50,00 N Triadimefon (parent) 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 NA Triadimefon (sum) 5 4 0,01 1 0,04 0,10 E Triadimenol 5 4 0,01 1 0,03 NA Product group: fruits Food item: Fig Total number of samples analysed: 8 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 6 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Methamidophos 8 6 0,01 2 0,09 2 0,01 E Parathion-methyl 8 7 0,03 1 0,06 1 0,02 E Sulfur (S8) 8 7 0,10 1 2,00 50,00 N Tebuconazole 8 7 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Product group: fruits Food item: Kiwi fruit Total number of samples analysed: 21 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 11 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 9 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 21 19 0,01 1 1 0,03 NA Carbendazim (sum) 21 19 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,10 E Diphenylamine 21 20 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 E Fenhexamid 21 17 0,01 1 1 2 7,70 10,00 E Imazalil 21 20 0,01 1 0,04 1 0,02 E Iprodione 21 17 0,01 1 1 2 0,07 5,00 E Malathion 21 20 0,01 1 0,08 0,50 E Methidathion 21 20 0,03 1 0,36 1 0,02 E Product group: fruits Food item: Cumquat Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Malathion 2 0 0,01 1 1 0,51 1 0,50 E Product group: fruits Food item: Lychee Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0

With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C. Page 16

Product group: fruits Food item: Mango

Total number of samples analysed: 38 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 17 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 19 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acephate 38 37 0,01 1 0,05 1 0,02 E Carbendazim (parent) 38 36 0,01 1 1 0,02 NA Carbendazim (sum) 38 36 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,10 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 38 37 0,03 1 0,09 1 0,05 E Monocrotophos 38 36 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Prochloraz 38 25 0,01 1 5 1 4 2 0,80 5,00 E Thiabendazole 38 29 0,01 1 2 1 2 3 0,90 5,00 E Product group: fruits Food item: Passion fruit Total number of samples analysed: 11 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 3 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 4 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,14 1 NA Carbendazim (sum) 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,14 1 0,10 E Difenoconazole 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,10 1 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,30 1 0,05 E Fenthion (sum) 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 NA Fenthion-sulfoxide 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 NA Flusilazole 11 10 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Methamidophos 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 0,01 E Methomyl (parent) 11 10 0,01 1 0,03 NA Methomyl (sum) 11 10 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 E Omethoate 11 10 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,02 E Prochloraz 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Pyrimethanil 11 10 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Sulfur (S8) 11 10 0,10 1 0,20 50,00 N Trifloxystrobine 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Product group: fruits Food item: Pineapple Total number of samples analysed: 17 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 14 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbaryl 17 13 0,01 1 2 1 0,46 1,00 E Piperonyl-butoxide 17 14 0,01 1 2 1,00 3,00 N Prochloraz 17 16 0,01 1 0,01 5,00 E Thiabendazole 17 16 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Triadimefon (parent) 17 4 0,01 3 1 3 4 2 0,98 NA Triadimefon (sum) 17 3 0,01 1 1 5 5 1 1 2,17 3,00 E Triadimenol 17 3 0,01 2 3 3 5 1 1,20 NA Table C. Page 17

Product group: fruits Food item: Other fruits and fruit products

Total number of samples analysed: 44 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 12 Without detectable residues: 12 With residues above EC-MRL: 11 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 20 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 44 43 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Carbaryl 44 41 0,01 3 0,09 1,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 44 28 0,01 3 6 3 2 2 0,20 2 NA Carbendazim (sum) 44 28 0,01 3 6 3 2 2 0,20 2 0,10 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 44 42 0,03 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Dimethoaat (parent) 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,04 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,07 2 0,02 E Ethion 44 43 0,03 1 0,04 0,10 E Ethiprole 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,00 NA Fenpyroximate 44 43 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Imazalil 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,88 2 0,02 E Imidacloprid 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,04 0,05 N Iprodione 44 43 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,02 E Malathion 44 43 0,01 1 0,02 0,50 E Methomyl (parent) 44 43 0,01 1 0,01 NA Methomyl (sum) 44 43 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Omethoate 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,03 1 0,02 E Paclobutrazol 44 43 0,01 1 0,05 0,00 NA Parathion-methyl 44 43 0,03 1 0,05 0,20 E Prochloraz 44 36 0,01 1 5 2 0,37 1 5,00 E Propiconazole 44 43 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Prothiofos 44 43 0,03 1 0,03 1 0,02 N Sulfur (S8) 44 41 0,10 2 1 0,37 50,00 N Thiabendazole 44 38 0,01 1 1 2 1 1 0,64 1 10,00 E Thiamethoxam 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Triadimefon (sum) 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,30 1 0,10 E Triadimenol 44 42 0,01 1 1 0,14 1 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Beetroot Total number of samples analysed: 14 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 13 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 8 8 0,05 0,00 0,05 E Tebuconazole 14 13 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Carrot Total number of samples analysed: 59 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 25 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 33 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 59 54 0,01 1 2 2 0,03 0,20 E Boscalid 59 57 0,01 1 1 0,03 1,00 N Chlorfenvinphos 59 53 0,03 4 1 1 0,15 0,50 E Chlorothalonil 59 57 0,01 1 1 0,04 1,00 E Difenoconazole 59 54 0,01 4 1 0,06 0,20 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Epoxyconazole 59 58 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Flutolanil 59 58 0,01 1 0,04 1 0,02 N Iprodione 59 54 0,01 1 2 2 0,06 0,30 E Linuron 59 43 0,01 5 3 3 4 1 0,11 0,20 E Metalaxyl 59 58 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Sulfur (S8) 59 58 0,10 1 0,40 50,00 N Tebuconazole 59 54 0,01 2 3 0,02 0,50 N Vinclozolin 59 58 0,05 1 0,08 0,50 E Table C. Page 18

Product group: vegetables Food item: Celeriac

Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlorfenvinphos 5 4 0,03 1 0,03 0,50 E Chlorothalonil 5 4 0,01 1 0,44 1,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 5 4 0,03 1 0,03 0,05 E Difenoconazole 5 0 0,01 1 2 2 0,10 0,50 N Epoxyconazole 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Imazalil 5 4 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,02 E Iprodione 5 4 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,02 E Linuron 5 1 0,01 2 2 0,03 0,50 E Prochloraz 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Tebuconazole 5 4 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Radish Total number of samples analysed: 6 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,06 2,00 E Iprodione 6 5 0,01 1 0,27 0,30 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Sweet potato Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Thiabendazole 1 0 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Swede Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,04 0,05 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Other roots and tubers Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Garlic Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C. Page 19

Product group: vegetables Food item: Onion

Total number of samples analysed: 28 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 23 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (sum) 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Dimethomorph 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Epoxyconazole 28 26 0,01 2 0,02 0,05 N Halofenozide 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Procymidone 28 27 0,05 1 0,07 0,20 E Tebuconazole 28 26 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Thiofanate-methyl 28 27 0,01 1 0,02 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Shallot Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Onion (small) Total number of samples analysed: 11 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 4 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 3 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 2,00 E Chlorothalonil 11 9 0,01 1 1 1,30 5,00 E Cyprodinil 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Dimethomorph 11 8 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,06 1,00 E DMST 11 10 0,01 1 0,51 1 NA Iprodione 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,23 3,00 E Profenofos 11 10 0,01 1 0,14 1 0,05 E Tolylfluanid (sum) 11 10 0,01 1 0,99 1 0,10 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 11 10 0,01 1 0,49 1 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Tomato Total number of samples analysed: 112 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 9 Without detectable residues: 42 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 7 or without MRL: 61 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 112 110 0,01 1 1 0,23 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 112 110 0,01 1 1 0,05 2,00 E Bifenthrin 112 108 0,03 3 1 0,06 0,20 E Bitertanol 112 110 0,01 1 1 0,40 3,00 E Boscalid 112 110 0,01 1 1 0,08 1 0,05 N Bupirimate 112 111 0,03 1 0,12 1,00 N Buprofezin 112 103 0,01 5 3 1 0,15 0,20 N Carbendazim (parent) 112 101 0,01 2 5 3 1 0,06 NA Carbendazim (sum) 112 101 0,01 2 5 3 1 0,06 0,50 E Chlorothalonil 112 103 0,01 1 3 4 1 0,22 2,00 E Clothianidin 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Cyprodinil 112 107 0,01 1 1 2 1 0,22 1 0,05 N Dimethomorph 112 105 0,01 3 3 1 0,03 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3 2 0,05 1 0,05 3,00 E DMST 112 103 0,01 5 2 1 1 0,11 NA Endosulfan 112 110 0,01 1 1 0,26 0,50 E Famoxadone 112 111 0,01 1 0,04 0,20 E Fenarimol 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 E Fenhexamid 112 110 0,01 1 1 0,13 1,00 E Fludioxonil 112 107 0,01 1 1 3 0,05 0,05 N Fluvalinate, tau- 112 110 0,05 2 0,09 2 0,05 N Table C. Page 20

Hexaconazole 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Hexythiazox 112 107 0,01 2 2 1 0,06 0,10 N Imazalil 112 111 0,01 1 0,05 0,50 E

Table C. Page 21

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Iprodione 112 101 0,01 1 2 2 1 5 0,17 5,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 112 110 0,01 2 0,04 0,50 E Mepanipyrim 112 110 0,01 2 0,02 1,00 E Metalaxyl 112 111 0,01 1 0,10 1 0,05 E Oxadixyl 112 111 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Oxamyl (sum) 112 108 0,01 4 0,05 2,00 N Oxamyl-oxime 112 108 0,01 2 2 0,04 NA Piperonyl-butoxide 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 3,00 N Procymidone 112 106 0,05 1 3 2 0,41 2,00 E Pyridaben 112 108 0,01 1 1 2 0,04 0,10 N Pyrimethanil 112 103 0,01 2 1 1 4 1 0,20 1,00 N Pyriproxifen 112 101 0,01 6 2 2 1 0,07 0,10 N Spinosad (A & D) 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Spiromesifen 112 110 0,03 1 1 0,08 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 112 99 0,10 6 4 1 1 1 5,00 50,00 N Tebuconazole 112 104 0,01 2 2 1 1 2 0,15 3 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Tetraconazole 112 109 0,01 2 1 0,03 0,00 NA Thiabendazole 112 111 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Thiacloprid 112 109 0,01 3 0,02 0,00 NA Tolylfluanid (sum) 112 103 0,01 1 4 3 1 0,13 5,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 112 105 0,01 3 1 2 1 0,07 NA Triadimefon (sum) 112 95 0,01 9 3 4 1 0,07 0,30 E Triadimenol 112 95 0,01 9 3 4 1 0,07 NA Triflumizole 112 110 0,01 2 0,05 1,00 N Vinclozolin 112 111 0,05 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Sweet pepper Total number of samples analysed: 114 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 17 Without detectable residues: 34 With residues above EC-MRL: 8 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 9 or without MRL: 63 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 114 103 0,01 1 4 1 5 0,08 0,00 NA Acrinathrin 114 112 0,05 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Azoxystrobine 114 102 0,01 2 1 2 2 4 1 0,22 2,00 E Bifenthrin 114 113 0,03 1 0,05 0,20 E Boscalid 114 110 0,01 2 2 0,04 0,00 NA Bromopropylate 114 113 0,05 1 0,05 0,05 E Buprofezin 114 113 0,01 1 0,12 0,20 N Carbendazim (parent) 114 110 0,01 1 2 1 0,14 1 NA Carbendazim (sum) 114 109 0,01 1 2 2 0,19 2 0,10 E Carbofuran (parent) 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 NA Carbofuran (sum) 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Chlorothalonil 114 109 0,01 1 2 2 0,04 2,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 114 111 0,03 1 1 1 0,13 0,50 E Clothianidin 114 112 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,00 NA Cypermethrin 114 107 0,05 2 4 1 0,46 0,50 E Cyproconazole 114 112 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Cyprodinil 114 108 0,01 3 1 2 0,04 0,05 N Dichlorvos 114 111 0,01 2 1 0,07 0,10 E Dicofol 114 113 0,05 1 0,13 1 0,02 E Diethofencarb 114 113 0,01 1 0,08 1 0,05 N Diniconazole 114 113 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 6 4 0,05 1 1 0,36 2,00 E DMST 114 111 0,01 1 1 1 0,05 NA Endosulfan 114 101 0,01 1 4 6 2 0,17 1,00 E Ethoprophos 114 113 0,03 1 0,05 1 0,02 N Fenamidone 114 113 0,01 1 0,07 0,00 NA Fenarimol 114 113 0,01 1 0,04 0,50 E Fenhexamid 114 112 0,01 2 0,01 2,00 E Fludioxonil 114 103 0,01 3 1 5 2 0,09 2 0,05 N Flusilazole 114 112 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Hexaconazole 114 113 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E Hexythiazox 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 N Imidacloprid 114 62 0,01 4 7 5 8 17 11 0,47 0,50 E Indoxacarb 114 111 0,01 2 1 0,05 0,00 NA Iprodione 114 100 0,01 2 4 2 5 1 0,33 5,00 E Lindane (HCH gamma-) 114 113 0,01 1 0,02 1 0,01 E Lufenuron 114 111 0,05 2 1 0,06 0,00 NA Malathion 114 110 0,01 3 1 0,03 3,00 E Metalaxyl 114 113 0,01 1 0,12 1 0,05 E Methiocarb (parent) 114 105 0,01 2 1 3 2 1 0,49 3 NA Methiocarb (sum) 114 101 0,01 1 5 3 2 1 1 0,54 4 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfoxide 114 105 0,01 5 3 1 0,06 1 NA Methomyl (parent) 114 108 0,01 1 1 3 1 0,17 1 NA Table C. Page 22

Methomyl (sum) 114 106 0,01 1 2 3 2 0,17 2 0,05 E Myclobutanil 114 113 0,01 1 0,02 0,50 E Oxamyl (parent) 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 NA

Table C. Page 23

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Oxamyl (sum) 114 107 0,01 2 5 0,04 2,00 N Oxamyl-oxime 114 107 0,01 2 3 2 0,03 NA Penconazole 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Piperonyl-butoxide 114 111 0,01 1 2 0,03 3,00 N Pirimiphos-methyl 114 109 0,03 2 2 1 0,16 1,00 E Procymidone 114 96 0,05 1 4 5 7 1 0,82 2,00 E Profenofos 114 113 0,01 1 0,08 1 0,05 E Pyraclostrobine 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Pyridaben 114 103 0,01 3 3 3 1 1 0,16 1 0,10 N Pyrifenox 114 112 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Pyrimethanil 114 103 0,01 2 3 2 2 1 1 0,42 4 0,05 N Pyriproxifen 114 111 0,01 2 1 0,05 0,10 N Spinosad (A & D) 114 112 0,01 2 0,03 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 114 106 0,10 1 4 2 1 4,00 50,00 N Tebuconazole 114 100 0,01 3 4 5 1 1 0,13 2 0,05 N Tebufenozide 114 112 0,01 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Teflubenzuron 114 113 0,05 1 0,07 0,50 N Tetraconazole 114 111 0,01 2 1 0,10 0,00 NA Tetramethrin 114 113 0,10 1 0,25 1 0,05 N Thiacloprid 114 113 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Thiamethoxam 114 113 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 114 110 0,01 1 1 2 0,07 5,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 114 110 0,01 2 1 1 0,03 NA Triadimefon (sum) 114 98 0,01 2 2 7 2 2 1 0,21 0,50 E Triadimenol 114 98 0,01 2 2 7 2 2 1 0,21 NA Trifloxystrobine 114 111 0,01 2 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Aubergine/egg plant Total number of samples analysed: 15 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 4 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 6 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 15 11 0,01 1 2 1 0,48 0,00 NA Captan 15 14 0,05 1 0,05 0,10 E Carbendazim (parent) 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,17 NA Carbendazim (sum) 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,17 0,50 E Chlorothalonil 15 12 0,01 3 0,02 2,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 15 14 0,03 1 0,03 0,50 E Cyprodinil 15 12 0,01 2 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Diethofencarb 15 14 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 2 0 0,05 1 1 0,16 2,00 E Endosulfan 15 14 0,01 1 0,09 1 0,05 E Fludioxonil 15 14 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Imidacloprid 15 10 0,01 1 3 1 0,34 0,50 E Iprodione 15 14 0,01 1 0,04 5,00 E Methiocarb (parent) 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,39 2 NA Methiocarb (sum) 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,74 2 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfoxide 15 13 0,01 2 0,37 2 NA Methomyl (parent) 15 14 0,01 1 0,03 NA Methomyl (sum) 15 14 0,01 1 0,03 0,50 E Oxamyl (parent) 15 14 0,01 1 0,02 NA Oxamyl (sum) 15 14 0,01 1 0,05 2,00 N Oxamyl-oxime 15 14 0,01 1 0,02 NA Procymidone 15 14 0,05 1 0,08 2,00 E Pyridaben 15 13 0,01 2 0,02 0,10 N Pyrimethanil 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,14 1 0,05 N Pyriproxifen 15 14 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 N Sulfur (S8) 15 14 0,10 1 0,20 50,00 N Thiacloprid 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,06 0,50 E Thiamethoxam 15 13 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Table C. Page 24

Product group: vegetables Food item: Pepper

Total number of samples analysed: 107 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 35 Without detectable residues: 33 With residues above EC-MRL: 32 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 3 or without MRL: 39 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 107 105 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 107 100 0,01 2 1 1 1 1 1 0,38 2,00 E Bifenthrin 107 105 0,03 1 1 0,07 0,20 E Bromuconazole 107 106 0,01 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Buprofezin 107 104 0,01 3 0,01 0,20 N Carbaryl 107 102 0,01 1 1 2 1 0,74 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 107 83 0,01 4 4 5 5 3 3 0,45 6 NA Carbendazim (sum) 107 81 0,01 4 4 5 5 3 4 1 0,90 8 0,10 E Carbofuran (parent) 107 95 0,01 4 4 1 1 2 0,15 2 NA Carbofuran (sum) 107 95 0,01 4 4 1 1 2 0,17 2 0,10 E Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 107 104 0,01 1 2 0,02 NA Chlorothalonil 107 105 0,01 1 1 4,70 1 2,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 107 95 0,03 2 2 2 5 1 1,00 1 0,50 E Clofentezine 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Clothianidin 107 104 0,01 1 1 1 0,04 0,00 NA Cyhalothrin-lambda 107 106 0,03 1 0,09 0,10 E Cypermethrin 107 97 0,05 1 3 3 3 0,92 3 0,50 E Cyproconazole 107 105 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Cyprodinil 107 106 0,01 1 0,09 1 0,05 N Dichlofluanid (sum) 107 106 0,01 1 0,27 5,00 E Dichlorvos 107 106 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 E Dicofol 107 103 0,05 1 1 1 1 1,80 4 0,02 E Dicrotophos 107 106 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Dimethoaat (parent) 107 104 0,01 2 1 0,11 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 107 98 0,01 1 4 1 2 1 0,41 6 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 8 1 0,05 1 3 2 1 0,70 2,00 E DMSA 107 106 0,01 1 0,16 NA Dodemorph 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Endosulfan 107 106 0,01 1 0,12 1,00 E Ethion 107 103 0,03 1 2 1 0,26 3 0,10 E Fludioxonil 107 106 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Flutriafol 107 105 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,00 NA Halofenozide 107 106 0,01 1 0,19 0,00 NA Hexythiazox 107 104 0,01 2 1 0,09 0,10 N Imazalil 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Imidacloprid 107 90 0,01 2 2 5 4 3 1 0,23 0,50 E Iprodione 107 106 0,01 1 0,12 5,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 107 106 0,01 1 0,04 1,00 E Metalaxyl 107 100 0,01 2 1 2 2 0,08 1 0,50 E Methamidophos 107 102 0,01 1 1 1 2 0,59 5 0,01 E Methiocarb (sum) 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfoxide 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 NA Methomyl (parent) 107 100 0,01 2 1 1 1 1 1 0,25 3 NA Methomyl (sum) 107 100 0,01 2 1 1 1 1 1 0,25 3 0,05 E Methoxyfenozide 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Monocrotophos 107 106 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,02 N Myclobutanil 107 105 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,30 N Omethoate 107 99 0,01 3 1 1 1 1 1 0,38 4 0,02 E Penconazole 107 104 0,01 1 1 1 0,45 2 0,05 E Phosalone 107 106 0,05 1 0,14 1,00 E Piperonyl-butoxide 107 106 0,01 1 0,09 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 107 106 0,01 1 0,03 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 107 106 0,01 1 0,03 1,00 N Pirimiphos-methyl 107 106 0,03 1 0,05 1,00 E Prochloraz 107 103 0,01 1 2 1 0,08 1 0,05 E Procymidone 107 105 0,05 1 1 0,33 2,00 E Profenofos 107 92 0,01 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 1,30 5,00 E Propiconazole 107 102 0,01 2 3 0,08 3 0,05 E Pymetrozine 107 106 0,01 1 0,01 1,00 E Pyridaben 107 106 0,01 1 0,66 1 0,10 N Pyrimethanil 107 105 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Pyriproxifen 107 105 0,01 2 0,05 0,10 N Spinosad (A & D) 107 103 0,01 1 2 1 0,12 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 107 103 0,10 1 1 1 1 0,96 50,00 N Tebuconazole 107 106 0,01 1 0,12 1 0,05 N Tebufenpyrad 107 104 0,01 1 2 0,94 3 0,05 N Teflubenzuron 107 105 0,05 1 1 0,17 0,50 N Thiacloprid 107 106 0,01 1 0,05 0,00 NA Thiamethoxam 107 106 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Triadimefon (sum) 107 102 0,01 1 1 3 0,26 0,50 E Triadimenol 107 102 0,01 1 1 3 0,26 NA Triazophos 107 106 0,05 1 1,10 1 0,02 E Trifloxystrobine 107 106 0,01 1 0,09 1 0,02 E Triforine 107 106 0,01 1 0,07 1 0,05 E Table C. Page 25

Product group: vegetables Food item: Other solanacea

Total number of samples analysed: 28 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 18 With residues above EC-MRL: 3 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 7 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Bifenthrin 28 27 0,03 1 0,03 0,20 E Carbendazim (parent) 28 26 0,01 1 1 0,37 1 NA Carbendazim (sum) 28 26 0,01 1 1 0,37 1 0,10 E Chlorfenvinphos 28 27 0,03 1 0,03 0,10 E Chlorothalonil 28 26 0,01 1 1 0,05 2,00 E Clothianidin 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Cyhalothrin-lambda 28 27 0,03 1 0,16 1 0,02 E Diazinon 28 27 0,03 1 0,03 0,50 E Dimethoaat (parent) 28 27 0,01 1 0,11 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 28 27 0,01 1 0,14 1 0,02 E Endosulfan 28 26 0,01 1 1 0,26 2 0,05 E Omethoate 28 27 0,01 1 0,04 1 0,02 E Profenofos 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Propargite 28 27 0,05 1 0,05 0,05 E Sulfur (S8) 28 27 0,10 1 0,84 50,00 N Thiamethoxam 28 27 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Cucumber Total number of samples analysed: 63 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 4 Without detectable residues: 31 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 28 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 63 57 0,01 1 2 2 1 0,06 1,00 E Bitertanol 63 62 0,01 1 0,03 0,50 E Boscalid 63 60 0,01 1 2 0,04 0,20 N Carbendazim (parent) 63 57 0,01 1 3 2 0,05 NA Carbendazim (sum) 63 57 0,01 1 3 2 0,05 1,00 E Chlorothalonil 63 58 0,01 1 1 1 2 0,94 1,00 E Cyprodinil 63 58 0,01 1 1 3 0,04 0,05 N Dichloran 63 62 0,01 1 0,02 0,30 N Dimethoaat (parent) 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,06 2 NA Dimethoate (sum) 63 61 0,01 2 0,12 2 0,02 E Dimethomorph 63 58 0,01 4 1 0,02 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 2 2 0,05 0,00 1,00 E Endosulfan 63 62 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Fipronil 63 62 0,02 1 0,02 1 0,01 N Fludioxonil 63 60 0,01 3 0,05 0,50 N Imazalil 63 61 0,01 2 0,01 0,20 E Imidacloprid 63 57 0,01 1 3 2 0,05 0,50 E Iprodione 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,13 2,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 63 62 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Metalaxyl 63 61 0,01 2 0,02 0,50 E Methiocarb (parent) 63 62 0,01 1 0,13 NA Methiocarb (sum) 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,43 0,50 E Methiocarb-sulfone 63 62 0,01 1 0,03 NA Methiocarb-sulfoxide 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,32 NA Methomyl (parent) 63 62 0,01 1 0,02 NA Methomyl (sum) 63 62 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Myclobutanil 63 62 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 E Omethoate 63 61 0,01 2 0,06 2 0,02 E Oxamyl (parent) 63 60 0,01 1 1 1 0,09 NA Oxamyl (sum) 63 59 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,24 2,00 N Oxamyl-oxime 63 59 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,11 NA Procymidone 63 55 0,05 4 3 1 0,40 1,00 E Pymetrozine 63 62 0,01 1 0,03 0,50 E Pyridaben 63 62 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 N Pyrimethanil 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,09 1 0,05 N Thiacloprid 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,50 E Thiamethoxam 63 62 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Triadimefon (sum) 63 61 0,01 2 0,01 0,10 E Triadimenol 63 61 0,01 2 0,01 NA Triflumizole 63 61 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,20 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Gherkin/pickle Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 Table C. Page 26

With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0

Table C. Page 27

Product group: vegetables Food item: Courgette

Total number of samples analysed: 18 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 9 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 8 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 18 16 0,01 2 0,04 NA Carbendazim (sum) 18 16 0,01 2 0,04 0,30 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3 3 0,05 0,00 2,00 E DMST 18 17 0,01 1 0,01 NA Endosulfan 18 14 0,01 1 3 0,05 0,05 E Imidacloprid 18 10 0,01 2 2 1 1 2 0,13 0,50 E Pyrimethanil 18 17 0,01 1 0,46 1 0,05 N Sulfur (S8) 18 17 0,10 1 2,00 50,00 N Thiamethoxam 18 17 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 18 17 0,01 1 0,02 5,00 N Triadimefon (sum) 18 17 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 E Triadimenol 18 17 0,01 1 0,02 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Melon Total number of samples analysed: 47 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 12 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 33 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 47 45 0,01 2 0,01 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 47 46 0,01 1 0,02 0,50 E Boscalid 47 46 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 N Buprofezin 47 45 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,20 N Carbendazim (parent) 47 40 0,01 3 2 2 0,03 NA Carbendazim (sum) 47 40 0,01 3 2 2 0,03 0,50 E chlorfenapyr 47 46 0,03 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Chlorothalonil 47 46 0,01 1 0,06 1,00 E Dicofol 47 46 0,05 1 0,08 0,50 E Endosulfan 47 35 0,01 2 4 4 2 0,21 0,30 E Fludioxonil 47 46 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Imazalil 47 37 0,01 1 3 1 1 3 1 0,88 2,00 E Imidacloprid 47 43 0,01 3 1 0,04 0,05 E Methamidophos 47 46 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,01 E Methomyl (parent) 47 45 0,01 2 0,01 NA Methomyl (sum) 47 45 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 E Nitenpyram 47 46 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Oxamyl (sum) 47 45 0,01 2 0,05 2,00 N Oxamyl-oxime 47 45 0,01 1 1 0,04 NA Procymidone 47 46 0,05 1 0,09 1,00 E Pyridaben 47 46 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 N Sulfur (S8) 47 43 0,10 1 2 1 1,00 50,00 N Tetraconazole 47 45 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,00 NA Thiabendazole 47 45 0,01 2 0,03 0,05 E Thiacloprid 47 46 0,01 1 0,07 0,30 E Triadimefon (sum) 47 42 0,01 3 1 1 0,03 0,10 E Triadimenol 47 42 0,01 3 1 1 0,03 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Squash, pumpkin Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C. Page 28

Product group: vegetables Food item: Watermelon

Total number of samples analysed: 6 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 6 5 0,01 1 0,02 0,00 NA Endosulfan 6 4 0,01 1 1 0,10 0,30 E Imidacloprid 6 5 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Methamidophos 6 5 0,01 1 0,08 1 0,01 E Methiocarb (sum) 6 5 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Methiocarb-sulfoxide 6 5 0,01 1 0,02 NA Methomyl (parent) 6 5 0,01 1 0,03 NA Methomyl (sum) 6 5 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 E Sulfur (S8) 6 5 0,10 1 0,10 50,00 N Tebufenozide 6 5 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Sweet corn Total number of samples analysed: 6 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 6 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Product group: vegetables Food item: Broccoli Total number of samples analysed: 26 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 20 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 26 25 0,01 1 0,04 NA Carbendazim (sum) 26 25 0,01 1 0,04 0,10 E Chlorfluazuron 26 25 0,05 1 0,20 1 0,02 N Cypermethrin 26 25 0,05 1 4,40 1 0,50 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,08 2,00 E Imidacloprid 26 25 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Metalaxyl 26 24 0,01 2 0,01 0,10 E Piperonyl-butoxide 26 25 0,01 1 0,36 3,00 N Propiconazole 26 25 0,01 1 0,34 1 0,05 E Thiabendazole 26 25 0,01 1 0,01 5,00 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Cauliflower Total number of samples analysed: 44 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 42 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 2 0 0,05 1 1 0,07 2,00 E Table C. Page 29

Product group: vegetables Food item: Brussels sprouts

Total number of samples analysed: 18 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 8 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 10 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 18 17 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Carbendazim (parent) 18 17 0,01 1 0,05 NA Carbendazim (sum) 18 17 0,01 1 0,05 0,50 E Chlorothalonil 18 17 0,01 1 0,09 0,50 E Epoxyconazole 18 17 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Kresoxim-methyl 18 17 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Tebuconazole 18 10 0,01 3 3 2 0,03 0,50 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Red Cabbage Total number of samples analysed: 13 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 6 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 7 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 13 11 0,01 1 1 0,03 NA Carbendazim (sum) 13 11 0,01 1 1 0,03 3,00 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3 1 0,05 1 1 0,45 2,00 E Iprodione 13 9 0,01 1 1 2 0,07 5,00 E Tebuconazole 13 12 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: White Cabbage Total number of samples analysed: 17 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 16 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Iprodione 17 16 0,01 1 0,03 5,00 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Other head cabbage Total number of samples analysed: 10 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 4 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Difenoconazole 10 7 0,01 1 1 1 0,05 0,20 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,04 2,00 E Endosulfan 10 8 0,01 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Table C. Page 30

Product group: vegetables Food item: Chinese Cabbage

Total number of samples analysed: 18 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 11 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 6 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dimethoaat (parent) 18 16 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 NA Dimethoate (sum) 18 16 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Iprodione 18 16 0,01 1 1 0,21 5,00 E Pirimicarb (parent) 18 14 0,01 4 0,01 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 18 14 0,01 4 0,01 1,00 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Kale Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Permethrin 2 1 0,03 1 0,31 1 0,05 E Pyridaben 2 1 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 N Tebuconazole 2 1 0,01 1 0,58 1 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Other leafy cabbage Total number of samples analysed: 28 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 14 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 13 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acephate 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Chlorpropham 28 27 0,03 1 0,09 1 0,05 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 2 1 0,05 1 0,12 2,00 E Imidacloprid 28 26 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Iprodione 28 20 0,01 2 1 1 2 2 4,80 5,00 E Malathion 28 27 0,01 1 0,01 3,00 E Piperonyl-butoxide 28 26 0,01 1 1 0,44 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 28 25 0,01 1 1 1 0,12 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 28 24 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,30 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 28 24 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,17 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Kohlrabi Total number of samples analysed: 6 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Iprodione 6 5 0,01 1 0,06 0,10 E Table C. Page 31

Product group: vegetables Food item: Lamb's lettuce

Total number of samples analysed: 7 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Deltamethrin 7 6 0,05 1 0,07 0,50 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 0 0,05 1 0,78 5,00 E Iprodione 7 1 0,01 1 1 2 2 5,00 10,00 E Pirimicarb (parent) 7 6 0,01 1 0,04 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 7 6 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 7 6 0,01 1 0,02 NA Sulfur (S8) 7 6 0,10 1 0,80 50,00 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Lettuce Total number of samples analysed: 113 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 14 Without detectable residues: 19 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 12 or without MRL: 80 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acephate 113 112 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E anthrachinon 0 -1 1 0,02 0,05 N Azoxystrobine 113 110 0,01 1 1 1 0,78 3,00 E Bifenthrin 113 110 0,03 3 0,03 2,00 E Carbaryl 113 112 0,01 1 0,03 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 113 111 0,01 1 1 0,02 NA Carbendazim (sum) 113 111 0,01 1 1 0,02 5,00 E Chlorfenvinphos 113 112 0,03 1 0,03 0,10 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 113 112 0,03 1 0,07 1,00 E Cypermethrin 113 112 0,05 1 0,18 2,00 E Cyprodinil 113 111 0,01 1 1 1,30 2 0,05 N Deltamethrin 113 107 0,05 1 2 1 2 0,46 0,50 E Demeton-S-methyl 113 112 0,01 1 0,28 1 NA Dichloran 113 112 0,01 1 0,04 3,00 N Dimethoaat (parent) 113 111 0,01 1 1 0,02 NA Dimethoate (sum) 113 111 0,01 2 0,02 0,50 E Dimethomorph 113 108 0,01 1 2 1 1 3,80 4 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 22 16 0,05 3 2 1 1,00 5,00 E DMST 113 105 0,01 1 1 3 1 2 0,92 NA Fludioxonil 113 110 0,01 1 2 1,00 2 0,05 N Folpet 113 112 0,05 1 0,40 2,00 E Imidacloprid 113 103 0,01 3 2 3 1 1 0,81 2 0,05 N Indoxacarb 113 112 0,01 1 0,20 0,00 NA Iprodione 113 42 0,01 1 6 10 9 7 17 5 7 7 1 1 11,00 1 10,00 E Mepronil 113 112 0,03 1 1,30 1 0,05 N Metalaxyl 113 106 0,01 1 1 3 2 0,48 2,00 E Methamidophos 113 112 0,01 1 0,01 0,20 E Mevinphos 113 112 0,03 1 0,18 0,50 E Omethoate 113 112 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 E Oxadixyl 113 110 0,01 1 1 1 0,18 2 0,05 N Oxydemeton-methyl (parent) 113 112 0,01 1 0,67 1 NA Oxydemeton-methyl (sum) 113 112 0,01 1 0,94 1 0,05 E Piperonyl-butoxide 113 111 0,01 1 1 1,00 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 113 100 0,01 3 6 1 3 0,16 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 113 84 0,01 1 11 1 5 7 3 1 0,73 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 113 85 0,01 5 6 2 7 4 3 1 0,57 NA Procymidone 113 111 0,05 1 1 2,70 5,00 E Pymetrozine 113 112 0,01 1 0,04 1,00 E Sulfur (S8) 113 111 0,10 1 1 1,70 50,00 N Tolclofos-methyl 113 84 0,03 8 7 5 2 5 2 1,90 2 1,00 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 113 104 0,01 2 1 2 1 2 1 2,18 3 1,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 113 105 0,01 2 1 1 1 1 2 0,91 NA Vinclozolin 113 95 0,05 3 4 5 3 2 1 2,10 5,00 E Table C. Page 32

Product group: vegetables Food item: Iceberg lettuce

Total number of samples analysed: 51 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 21 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 30 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 51 50 0,01 1 0,03 3,00 E Cyprodinil 51 50 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 51 44 0,01 1 1 5 0,05 NA Dimethoate (sum) 51 44 0,01 1 1 5 0,05 0,50 E Dimethomorph 51 45 0,01 1 4 1 0,03 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 7 6 0,05 1 0,07 5,00 E Imidacloprid 51 37 0,01 7 1 6 0,04 0,05 E Iprodione 51 48 0,01 1 1 1 0,15 10,00 E Metalaxyl 51 45 0,01 3 2 1 0,04 2,00 E Methomyl (parent) 51 48 0,01 1 2 0,05 NA Methomyl (sum) 51 47 0,01 2 2 0,05 2,00 E Pirimicarb (parent) 51 50 0,01 1 0,02 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 51 50 0,01 1 0,06 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 51 50 0,01 1 0,04 NA Procymidone 51 46 0,05 4 1 0,13 5,00 E Thiamethoxam 51 50 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Tolclofos-methyl 51 50 0,03 1 0,09 1,00 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 51 50 0,01 1 0,01 1,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 51 50 0,01 1 0,01 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Endive Total number of samples analysed: 79 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 42 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 3 or without MRL: 34 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Deltamethrin 79 78 0,05 1 0,06 0,50 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 12 11 0,05 1 0,06 5,00 E DMST 79 78 0,01 1 0,01 NA Etofenprox 79 78 0,01 1 0,90 1 0,01 N Fenpropimorph 79 78 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Fludioxonil 79 78 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Folpet 79 78 0,05 1 0,78 2,00 E Imidacloprid 79 69 0,01 3 3 3 1 0,09 1 0,05 N Iprodione 79 56 0,01 4 2 8 5 3 1 1,30 10,00 E Mevinphos 79 78 0,03 1 0,07 0,50 E Oxadixyl 79 78 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Penconazole 79 77 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 E Piperonyl-butoxide 79 78 0,01 1 0,07 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 79 69 0,01 3 5 1 1 0,26 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 79 69 0,01 7 1 1 1 0,36 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 79 69 0,01 2 3 2 3 0,09 NA Procymidone 79 77 0,05 1 1 0,36 5,00 E Sulfur (S8) 79 77 0,10 1 1 8,60 50,00 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 79 78 0,01 1 0,04 1,00 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 79 78 0,01 1 0,02 NA Table C. Page 33

Product group: vegetables Food item: Spinach

Total number of samples analysed: 60 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 5 Without detectable residues: 44 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 5 or without MRL: 11 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 60 58 0,01 2 0,10 NA Carbendazim (sum) 60 58 0,01 2 0,10 0,10 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 60 59 0,03 1 0,07 0,50 E Cypermethrin 60 57 0,05 1 2 0,40 0,50 E Dimethomorph 60 58 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 5 3 0,05 1 1 0,32 2,00 E Etofenprox 60 57 0,01 1 2 0,43 3 0,01 N Flufenoxuron 60 59 0,05 1 0,16 1 0,05 N Imidacloprid 60 59 0,01 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Indoxacarb 60 59 0,01 1 0,06 0,00 NA Kresoxim-methyl 60 59 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Piperonyl-butoxide 60 59 0,01 1 0,02 3,00 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Beet greens Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Witloof Total number of samples analysed: 11 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 8 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 3 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dimethomorph 11 9 0,01 1 1 0,03 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Thiabendazole 11 10 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Other leafy vegetables Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Iprodione 5 3 0,01 1 1 8,20 2 0,02 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Chives Total number of samples analysed: 4 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Halofenozide 4 3 0,01 1 0,02 0,00 NA Table C. Page 34

Product group: vegetables Food item: Parsley

Total number of samples analysed: 14 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 8 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 14 13 0,01 1 0,02 3,00 E Chlorpropham 14 12 0,03 2 0,03 0,10 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 14 13 0,03 1 0,53 1 0,05 E Clothianidin 14 13 0,01 1 0,04 0,00 NA Cyproconazole 14 13 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 N Difenoconazole 14 13 0,01 1 0,08 3,00 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 5,00 E Fenitrothion 14 13 0,05 1 1,30 1 0,50 E Linuron 14 9 0,01 1 2 2 0,07 1,00 E Malathion 14 13 0,01 1 0,04 3,00 E Mepanipyrim 14 13 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Metalaxyl 14 13 0,01 1 0,01 1,00 E Piperonyl-butoxide 14 12 0,01 1 1 12,00 1 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 14 12 0,01 1 1 0,10 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 14 11 0,01 1 2 0,20 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 14 11 0,01 2 1 0,15 NA Propiconazole 14 13 0,01 1 0,12 1 0,05 E Prothiofos 14 13 0,03 1 0,04 1 0,02 N Tebufenozide 14 13 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 N Thiamethoxam 14 13 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Other herbs Total number of samples analysed: 78 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 23 Without detectable residues: 41 With residues above EC-MRL: 22 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 14 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 78 77 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 78 76 0,01 1 1 0,06 3,00 E Carbaryl 78 76 0,01 1 1 2,10 1 1,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 78 69 0,01 1 4 2 1 1 1,60 4 NA Carbendazim (sum) 78 66 0,01 1 4 2 1 3 1 2,30 7 0,10 E Carbofuran (parent) 78 77 0,01 1 0,38 1 NA Carbofuran (sum) 78 76 0,01 2 0,43 2 0,10 E Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 78 77 0,01 1 0,05 NA Chlorfluazuron 78 77 0,05 1 0,05 1 0,02 N Chlorothalonil 78 76 0,01 1 1 0,79 5,00 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 78 76 0,03 2 0,19 2 0,05 E Clofentezine 78 77 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E Cypermethrin 78 70 0,05 1 2 2 1 1 1 2,20 2 2,00 E Dichlofluanid (sum) 78 77 0,01 1 0,37 5,00 E Dichlofluanide (parent) 78 77 0,01 1 0,37 NA Dichlorvos 78 75 0,01 3 0,14 3 0,10 E Difenoconazole 78 76 0,01 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 78 74 0,01 1 2 1 2,30 3 NA Dimethoate (sum) 78 70 0,01 1 1 1 2 2 1 6,00 7 0,02 E Dimethomorph 78 77 0,01 1 0,14 1 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 6 3 0,05 1 1 1 3,40 5,00 E DMST 78 76 0,01 1 1 1,50 2 NA EPN 78 77 0,10 1 0,12 1 0,05 N Epoxyconazole 78 77 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Indoxacarb 78 77 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Iprodione 78 77 0,01 1 0,26 10,00 E Linuron 78 77 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Malathion 78 75 0,01 1 2 0,02 3,00 E Metalaxyl 78 70 0,01 2 1 2 1 2 1,40 2 1,00 E Methomyl (parent) 78 70 0,01 1 2 1 4 0,47 NA Methomyl (sum) 78 70 0,01 1 2 1 4 0,47 2,00 E Omethoate 78 71 0,01 3 2 2 0,68 7 0,02 E Parathion-methyl 78 74 0,03 1 1 1 1 1,50 4 0,02 E Penconazole 78 77 0,01 1 0,16 1 0,05 E Piperonyl-butoxide 78 77 0,01 1 0,02 3,00 N Prochloraz 78 75 0,01 2 1 0,09 1 5,00 E Procymidone 78 77 0,05 1 0,16 1 0,02 E Profenofos 78 77 0,01 1 1,60 1 0,05 E Propiconazole 78 76 0,01 2 0,04 0,05 E Pyrifenox 78 76 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Sulfur (S8) 78 72 0,10 1 1 1 3 47,00 50,00 N Table C. Page 35

Tebufenozide 78 76 0,01 1 1 0,66 2 0,05 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 78 75 0,01 1 1 1 9,80 3 0,10 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 78 77 0,01 1 8,30 1 NA Trifloxystrobine 78 77 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N

Table C. Page 36

Product group: vegetables Food item: Beans with pod (fresh)

Total number of samples analysed: 86 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 18 Without detectable residues: 40 With residues above EC-MRL: 16 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 28 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acephate 86 85 0,01 1 0,22 1 0,02 E Bifenthrin 86 82 0,03 3 1 0,08 0,50 E Carbaryl 86 85 0,01 1 0,11 1,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 86 81 0,01 2 2 1 0,06 NA Carbendazim (sum) 86 81 0,01 2 2 1 0,06 0,10 E Carbofuran (parent) 86 85 0,01 1 0,05 NA Carbofuran (sum) 86 85 0,01 1 0,07 0,10 E Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 86 85 0,01 1 0,02 NA Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 86 85 0,03 1 0,07 1 0,05 E Cyhalothrin-lambda 86 84 0,03 2 0,04 0,20 E Cypermethrin 86 84 0,05 1 1 0,88 1 0,50 E Cyprodinil 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Dicofol 86 84 0,05 1 1 0,11 2 0,02 E Difenoconazole 86 85 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 86 76 0,01 1 2 5 1 1 0,27 7 NA Dimethoate (sum) 86 76 0,01 1 2 4 1 1 1 0,32 7 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3 3 0,05 0,00 2,00 E EPN 86 85 0,10 1 0,36 1 0,05 N Famoxadone 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Fenitrothion 86 85 0,05 1 0,11 0,50 E Fenpyroximate 86 85 0,01 1 0,06 0,00 NA Fluvalinate, tau- 86 85 0,05 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Hexaconazole 86 84 0,01 1 1 0,04 1 0,02 E Imidacloprid 86 83 0,01 1 1 1 0,08 1 0,05 N Iprodione 86 80 0,01 2 3 1 0,13 5,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Lindane (HCH gamma-) 86 85 0,01 1 0,02 1 0,01 E Methamidophos 86 85 0,01 1 0,02 0,50 E Methiocarb (parent) 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 NA Methiocarb (sum) 86 85 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfoxide 86 85 0,01 1 0,03 NA Methomyl (parent) 86 82 0,01 1 2 1 0,11 1 NA Methomyl (sum) 86 82 0,01 1 2 1 0,11 1 0,05 E Methoxyfenozide 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Myclobutanil 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Omethoate 86 83 0,01 1 1 1 0,12 2 0,02 E Oxamyl (parent) 86 84 0,01 1 1 0,05 NA Oxamyl (sum) 86 84 0,01 1 1 0,05 0,20 N Oxamyl-oxime 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 NA Oxycarboxine 86 85 0,10 1 0,11 1 0,05 N Phosphamidon 86 85 0,01 1 0,03 0,20 E Piperonyl-butoxide 86 85 0,01 1 0,12 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 86 85 0,01 1 0,06 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 86 85 0,01 1 0,07 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 NA Procymidone 86 85 0,05 1 0,08 2,00 E Profenofos 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Spinosad (A & D) 86 85 0,01 1 0,01 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 86 75 0,10 2 2 3 1 2 1 15,00 50,00 N Tebuconazole 86 85 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 N Triadimefon (sum) 86 81 0,01 2 1 2 0,14 2 0,10 E Triadimenol 86 81 0,01 2 1 2 0,14 2 NA Triforine 86 84 0,01 1 1 0,09 1 0,05 E Vinclozolin 86 82 0,05 2 2 0,20 2,00 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Green/(garden) peas (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 25 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 8 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 14 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 25 24 0,01 1 0,09 0,50 E Carbendazim (parent) 25 24 0,01 1 0,01 NA Carbendazim (sum) 25 24 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Carbofuran (sum) 25 24 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 25 24 0,01 1 0,01 NA Cypermethrin 25 24 0,05 1 0,77 1 0,50 E Table C. Page 37

Dimethoaat (parent) 25 15 0,01 2 4 4 0,10 NA Dimethoate (sum) 25 15 0,01 2 4 4 0,10 1,00 E Epoxyconazole 25 24 0,01 1 0,09 1 0,05 N Famoxadone 25 24 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E

Table C. Page 38

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Iprodione 25 24 0,01 1 0,06 1,00 E Kresoxim-methyl 25 23 0,01 2 0,05 0,05 E Spinosad (A & D) 25 24 0,01 1 0,03 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 25 20 0,10 2 3 0,77 50,00 N Tebuconazole 25 18 0,01 4 2 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Vinclozolin 25 23 0,05 1 1 0,46 2,00 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Beans without pod (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 9 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 7 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Carbendazim (parent) 9 8 0,01 1 0,03 NA Carbendazim (sum) 9 8 0,01 1 0,03 0,10 E Dimethomorph 9 8 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 2 2 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Peas without pod (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dimethoaat (parent) 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 NA Dimethoate (sum) 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 0,02 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Other legume vegetables (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 50 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 25 Without detectable residues: 20 With residues above EC-MRL: 23 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 50 48 0,01 1 1 0,02 1,00 E Bitertanol 50 46 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,13 2 0,05 E Carbaryl 50 48 0,01 1 1 0,04 1,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 50 37 0,01 2 5 3 2 1 0,17 1 NA Carbendazim (sum) 50 37 0,01 2 5 3 2 1 0,17 1 0,10 E Carbofuran (parent) 50 47 0,01 1 2 0,05 NA Carbofuran (sum) 50 47 0,01 1 2 0,10 0,10 E Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 50 47 0,01 1 1 1 0,07 NA Chlorothalonil 50 49 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,01 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 50 45 0,03 2 2 1 0,21 3 0,05 E Cypermethrin 50 39 0,05 2 4 4 1 0,89 1 0,50 E Diazinon 50 49 0,03 1 0,04 1 0,02 E Dicofol 50 49 0,05 1 0,18 1 0,02 E Dicrotophos 50 47 0,01 1 2 0,96 0,00 NA Difenoconazole 50 49 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 50 43 0,01 1 2 1 1 1 1 0,83 6 NA Dimethoate (sum) 50 39 0,01 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1,10 10 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3 1 0,05 1 1 0,19 2,00 E Endosulfan 50 48 0,01 1 1 0,08 1 0,05 E EPN 50 46 0,10 1 3 0,39 4 0,05 N Ethion 50 48 0,03 2 0,05 0,10 E Imidacloprid 50 49 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Metalaxyl 50 47 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Methamidophos 50 47 0,01 1 1 1 0,21 0,50 E Methiocarb (parent) 50 49 0,01 1 0,16 1 NA Methiocarb (sum) 50 46 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,84 2 0,05 E Table C. Page 39

Methiocarb-sulfone 50 49 0,01 1 0,01 NA Methiocarb-sulfoxide 50 46 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,68 2 NA Methomyl (parent) 50 39 0,01 4 2 4 1 0,07 1 NA Methomyl (sum) 50 38 0,01 4 2 4 1 1 0,13 2 0,05 E Monocrotophos 50 46 0,01 2 1 1 0,23 1 0,20 N

Table C. Page 40

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Omethoate 50 40 0,01 2 3 3 2 0,31 8 0,02 E Sulfur (S8) 50 49 0,10 1 4,00 50,00 N Thiamethoxam 50 49 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Triazophos 50 47 0,05 1 1 1 0,45 3 0,02 E Trifloxystrobine 50 48 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Asparagus Total number of samples analysed: 6 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 6 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 0,05 E Product group: vegetables Food item: Celery Total number of samples analysed: 23 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 9 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 11 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 23 22 0,01 1 0,02 3,00 E Carbendazim (parent) 23 22 0,01 1 0,02 NA Carbendazim (sum) 23 22 0,01 1 0,02 2,00 E Carbofuran (parent) 23 22 0,01 1 0,81 1 NA Carbofuran (sum) 23 22 0,01 1 0,94 1 0,10 E Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 23 22 0,01 1 0,13 1 NA Chlorothalonil 23 21 0,01 1 1 0,29 10,00 E Difenoconazole 23 19 0,01 1 3 0,02 1,00 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 5,00 E Fenitrothion 23 22 0,05 1 0,29 0,50 E Imidacloprid 23 22 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Iprodione 23 22 0,01 1 0,09 1 0,02 E Linuron 23 18 0,01 1 3 1 0,06 1,00 E Methiocarb (sum) 23 22 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfoxide 23 22 0,01 1 0,04 NA Piperonyl-butoxide 23 22 0,01 1 0,01 3,00 N Pirimicarb (parent) 23 22 0,01 1 0,04 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 23 22 0,01 1 0,06 1,00 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 23 22 0,01 1 0,02 NA Propiconazole 23 22 0,01 1 0,04 0,05 E Tebuconazole 23 22 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Thiamethoxam 23 22 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 N Triadimefon (sum) 23 22 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 E Triadimenol 23 22 0,01 1 0,02 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Fennel Total number of samples analysed: 7 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dichloran 7 6 0,01 1 0,01 0,01 N Difenoconazole 7 6 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Artichoke Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 Table C. Page 41

or without MRL: 0

Table C. Page 42

Product group: vegetables Food item: Leek

Total number of samples analysed: 49 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 4 Without detectable residues: 28 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 3 or without MRL: 17 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Boscalid 49 47 0,01 2 0,02 5,00 N Chlorothalonil 49 46 0,01 1 1 1 0,95 10,00 E Difenoconazole 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3 1 0,05 1 1 0,29 3,00 E DMST 49 45 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,54 2 NA Epoxyconazole 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 1,00 N Fenpropimorph 49 48 0,01 1 0,29 0,50 E Halofenozide 49 48 0,01 1 0,02 0,00 NA Kresoxim-methyl 49 43 0,01 3 1 1 1 0,12 NA Malathion 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 3,00 E Methiocarb (parent) 49 47 0,01 1 1 0,10 NA Methiocarb (sum) 49 46 0,01 1 2 0,20 1,00 E Methiocarb-sulfone 49 48 0,01 1 0,02 NA Methiocarb-sulfoxide 49 47 0,01 1 1 0,09 NA Procymidone 49 48 0,05 1 0,12 1 0,02 E Tebuconazole 49 40 0,01 2 4 1 2 0,45 1,00 N Tolylfluanid (sum) 49 45 0,01 1 1 1 1 0,73 3 0,10 N Tolylfluanide (parent) 49 46 0,01 1 1 1 0,27 2 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Rhubarb Total number of samples analysed: 8 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 7 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 0,05 E Pyrimethanil 8 7 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Mushrooms (not wild) Total number of samples analysed: 7 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 7 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Mushrooms (wild) Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Other pulses (dried) Total number of samples analysed: 4 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Sesame seed Total number of samples analysed: 21 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 21 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Sunflower seed Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C. Page 43

Product group: vegetables Food item: Mustard seed

Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: vegetables Food item: Other oil seed Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Piperonyl-butoxide 3 2 0,01 1 0,02 NA Propoxur 3 2 0,01 1 0,02 NA Product group: vegetables Food item: Potato Total number of samples analysed: 49 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 22 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 26 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Azoxystrobine 49 48 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Chlorpropham 49 27 0,03 2 1 6 5 2 4 2 6,80 1 10,00 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1 1 0,05 0,00 0,05 E Flutolanil 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 N Pencycuron 49 47 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Tebufenozide 49 48 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N Product group: vegetables Food item: Other arable product Total number of samples analysed: 119 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 33 Without detectable residues: 60 With residues above EC-MRL: 29 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 4 or without MRL: 26 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Acetamiprid 119 117 0,01 2 0,02 0,00 NA Azoxystrobine 119 115 0,01 2 1 1 0,38 1 0,05 E Bifenthrin 119 118 0,03 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Bromopropylate 119 118 0,05 1 0,08 1 0,05 E Buprofezin 119 118 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Carbaryl 119 116 0,01 1 1 1 0,58 1 0,10 E Carbendazim (parent) 119 105 0,01 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 6,20 4 NA Carbendazim (sum) 119 103 0,01 5 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 6,20 6 0,10 E Carbofuran (parent) 119 118 0,01 1 0,03 NA Carbofuran (sum) 119 118 0,01 1 0,03 0,10 E chlorfenapyr 119 118 0,03 1 0,06 1 0,05 N Chlorothalonil 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,03 2 0,01 E Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 119 113 0,03 1 1 1 1 2 4,30 5 0,05 E Cypermethrin 119 112 0,05 1 2 2 1 1 14,00 7 0,05 E Cyproconazole 119 118 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Cyprodinil 119 118 0,01 1 1,20 1 0,05 N Difenoconazole 119 114 0,01 2 1 2 0,15 3 0,05 N Dimethoaat (parent) 119 111 0,01 2 3 2 1 0,27 3 NA Dimethoate (sum) 119 107 0,01 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 12,91 7 0,02 E Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 6 1 0,05 2 1 1 1 0,75 5 0,05 E Diuron 119 118 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N EPN 119 116 0,10 1 1 1 3,20 3 0,00 NA Ethion 119 118 0,03 1 0,22 1 0,10 E Etofenprox 119 117 0,01 1 1 1,10 2 0,01 N Fenitrothion 119 118 0,05 1 0,06 0,50 E Fenpropimorph 119 118 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Fenthion (sum) 119 118 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E Fenthion-sulfoxide 119 118 0,01 1 0,02 NA Fludioxonil 119 118 0,01 1 0,38 1 0,05 N Imidacloprid 119 110 0,01 6 1 1 1 0,32 1 0,05 E Table C. Page 44

Indoxacarb 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,10 0,00 NA Iprodione 119 114 0,01 1 1 1 1 1 37,00 4 0,02 E Kresoxim-methyl 119 118 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Mepanipyrim 119 118 0,01 1 0,02 0,10 E

Table C. Page 45

Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*)

Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Metalaxyl 119 115 0,01 1 2 1 0,12 3 0,05 E Methiocarb (parent) 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,32 1 NA Methiocarb (sum) 119 113 0,01 2 2 1 1 0,71 2 0,05 E Methiocarb-sulfone 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,02 NA Methiocarb-sulfoxide 119 116 0,01 1 2 0,40 2 NA Methomyl (parent) 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 NA Methomyl (sum) 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,07 1 0,05 E Omethoate 119 115 0,01 1 1 1 1 12,00 3 0,02 E Oxadixyl 119 118 0,01 1 0,07 1 0,05 N Parathion-methyl 119 118 0,03 1 1,10 1 0,02 E Pirimicarb (parent) 119 118 0,01 1 0,02 NA Pirimicarb (sum) 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,05 1 0,05 N Pirimicarb, desmethyl 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,03 NA Pirimiphos-methyl 119 118 0,03 1 0,31 1 0,05 E Procymidone 119 118 0,05 1 0,07 1 0,02 E Profenofos 119 116 0,01 1 1 1 1,70 2 0,05 E Propiconazole 119 116 0,01 2 1 0,31 3 0,05 E Prothiofos 119 118 0,03 1 0,25 1 0,02 N Spinosad (A & D) 119 117 0,01 1 1 0,15 0,00 NA Sulfur (S8) 119 114 0,10 1 2 1 1 12,00 2 50,00 N Tebuconazole 119 117 0,01 2 0,01 0,05 N Tebufenozide 119 118 0,01 1 0,26 1 0,05 N Triforine 119 118 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E Product group: cereals Food item: Buckwheat Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: cereals Food item: Barley Total number of samples analysed: 20 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 17 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 3 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlormequat 16 16 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Flusilazole 20 19 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Pencycuron 20 19 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N Pirimiphos-methyl 20 19 0,03 1 0,38 5,00 E Product group: cereals Food item: Oat Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlormequat 2 2 0,05 0,00 5,00 E Pirimiphos-methyl 2 1 0,03 1 0,32 5,00 E Product group: cereals Food item: Maize Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Pirimiphos-methyl 5 4 0,03 1 0,58 5,00 E Table C. Page 46

Pyrifenox 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N

Table C. Page 47

Product group: cereals Food item: Rice

Total number of samples analysed: 24 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 22 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlormequat 8 8 0,05 0,00 0,05 E Pirimiphos-methyl 24 22 0,03 1 1 0,33 5,00 E Product group: cereals Food item: Rye Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlormequat 1 1 0,05 0,00 2,00 E Product group: cereals Food item: Wheat Total number of samples analysed: 30 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 12 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 18 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Chlormequat 30 18 0,05 6 6 0,16 2,00 E Dichlorvos 30 27 0,01 1 1 1 0,39 2,00 E Malathion 30 28 0,01 1 1 0,64 8,00 E Piperonyl-butoxide 30 28 0,01 1 1 0,12 10,00 N Pirimiphos-methyl 30 22 0,03 3 1 4 0,46 5,00 E Trichlorfon 30 29 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Product group: cereals Food item: Other cerials Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Maximum samples Number of residue with Total samples Reporting level residues number of without level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) Hexaconazole 5 4 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E Piperonyl-butoxide 5 4 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N Pirimiphos-methyl 5 3 0,03 2 0,22 2 0,05 E (*) i.e column 0.02 includes the range from 0.011... mg/kg upto 0.020... mg/kg (**) in alphabetical order of the English name
(***) E=EC-MRL, N=National MRL, NA=without MRL, P=depending on product Table C. Page 48

Table C: Notifications of the results of Check sampling (Surveillance Sampling) of the National Programme to the European Commission

Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005 Product group: processed products Food item: baby cereals Total number of samples analysed: 21 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 20 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) chloormequat kation 15 15 0,05 0,00 NA dithiocarbamaten (als cs2) 14 14 0,05 0,00 NA thiabendazool 21 20 0,01 1 0,01 0,01 E Product group: processed products Food item: baby food Total number of samples analysed: 111 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 5 Without detectable residues: 103 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 5 or without MRL: 3 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) chloormequat kation 35 35 0,05 0,00 NA dithiocarbamaten (als cs2) 88 88 0,05 0,00 NA imazalil 111 110 0,01 1 0,02 1 0,01 E piperonylbutoxide 111 108 0,01 1 1 1 0,13 2 0,01 E tolylfluanide (som) 111 107 0,01 2 2 0,02 2 0,01 E dmst 111 110 0,01 1 0,01 0,01 E Product group: processed products Food item: baby milk Total number of samples analysed: 33 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 33 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) dithiocarbamaten (als cs2) 2 2 0,05 0,00 NA Product group: processed products Food item: Wine (non-EU) Total number of samples analysed: 13 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 9 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 4 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (som) 11 10 0,010 1 0,015 NA dimethoaat (som) 11 10 0,010 1 0,021 NA iprodion 11 10 0,010 1 0,056 NA methiocarb (som) 11 9 0,010 1 1 0,470 NA carbendazim (parent) 11 10 0,010 1 0,015 NA dimethoaat (parent) 11 10 0,010 1 0,017 NA Table C, processed. Page 1

Product group: processed products Food item: Table wine (EU)

Total number of samples analysed: 8 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 5 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbaryl 8 7 0,010 1 0,013 NA carbendazim (som) 8 6 0,010 2 0,020 NA dimethomorph 8 5 0,010 3 0,020 NA pyrimethanil 8 6 0,010 2 0,040 NA fenhexamide 8 7 0,010 1 0,012 NA tebufenozide 8 7 0,010 1 0,010 NA carbendazim (parent) 8 6 0,010 2 0,020 NA Product group: processed products Food item: Quality wine (EU) Total number of samples analysed: 63 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 17 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 46 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbaryl 63 60 0,010 1 1 1 0,050 NA carbendazim (som) 63 46 0,010 1 5 5 3 1 2 0,420 NA iprodion 63 58 0,010 1 3 1 0,070 NA metalaxyl 63 55 0,010 3 4 1 0,050 NA procymidon 63 52 0,050 3 2 3 3 0,060 NA diethofencarb 63 61 0,010 1 1 0,020 NA dimethomorph 63 56 0,010 3 3 1 0,030 NA oxadixyl 63 62 0,010 1 0,020 NA pyridafenthion 63 62 0,010 1 0,020 NA pyrimethanil 63 48 0,010 2 6 3 1 1 1 1 1,000 NA cyprodinil 63 62 0,010 1 0,040 NA fludioxonil 63 62 0,010 1 0,030 NA azoxystrobine 63 60 0,010 1 2 0,030 NA fenhexamide 63 49 0,010 1 2 4 3 3 1 0,370 NA iprovalicarb 63 59 0,010 3 1 0,014 NA tebufenozide 63 62 0,010 1 0,010 NA carbendazim (parent) 63 46 0,010 1 5 5 3 1 2 0,420 NA Product group: processed products Food item: other alcoholic drinks Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: processed products Food item: Fruit juice Total number of samples analysed: 15 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 14 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbaryl 15 14 0,01 1 0,02 NA carbendazim (parent) 15 14 0,01 1 0,02 NA carbendazim (som) 15 14 0,01 1 0,02 NA Product group: processed products Food item: Fruit drink Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 2

Product group: processed products Food item: Tea

Total number of samples analysed: 74 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 2 Without detectable residues: 47 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 2 or without MRL: 25 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) acetamiprid 74 73 0,01 1 0,03 NA anthrachinon 74 56 7 11 0,03 0,05 N bifenthrin 74 71 0,03 1 1 1 0,12 5,00 E buprofezin 74 72 0,01 1 1 0,07 0,05 N carbendazim (parent) 74 71 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 NA carbendazim (som) 74 71 0,01 1 1 1 0,06 0,10 E cypermethrin 74 72 0,05 1 1 0,07 1 1,00 E dicofol 74 68 0,05 1 4 1 0,71 20,00 E endosulfan 74 69 0,01 2 3 0,41 30,00 E esfenvaleraat 74 73 0,10 1 0,47 1 0,05 E ethion 74 72 0,03 1 1 0,03 3,00 E imidacloprid 74 70 0,01 3 1 0,06 1 0,05 N methomyl (parent) 74 73 0,01 1 0,03 NA methomyl (som) 74 73 0,01 1 0,03 0,10 E Product group: dried products Food item: Celeriac Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) linuron 1 0 0,01 1 0,01 0,50 E Product group: dried products Food item: Parsnip Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Carrot Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Onion Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 5 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Garlic Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 3

Product group: dried products Food item: Sweet pepper

Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 3 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) allethrin 4 3 0,10 1 0,10 0,00 NA carbendazim (som) 4 3 0,01 1 0,03 0,10 E ethion 4 3 0,03 1 0,38 1 0,10 E permethrin 4 2 0,03 1 1 0,54 2 0,05 E tetramethrin 4 2 0,10 2 0,45 2 0,05 N triazofos 4 3 0,05 1 0,02 0,02 E carbendazim (parent) 4 3 0,01 1 0,03 0,10 N fenobucarb 4 2 0,10 1 1 0,75 0,00 NA Product group: dried products Food item: Tomato Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 3 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) dicofol 5 4 0,05 1 0,87 1,00 E permethrin 5 3 0,03 1 1 0,72 1 0,05 E tetradifon 5 3 0,10 1 1 0,34 2,00 N tetramethrin 5 3 0,10 1 1 1,20 1 0,05 N zwavel 5 3 0,10 1 1 2,20 50,00 N chloorfenapyr 5 4 0,03 1 0,02 0,05 N Product group: dried products Food item: Melon Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Spinach Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Pepper Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (som) 3 2 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E cypermethrin 3 2 0,05 1 0,14 0,50 E ethion 3 2 0,03 1 0,19 1 0,10 E fosalon 3 2 0,05 1 0,02 1,00 E profenofos 3 2 0,01 1 0,02 5,00 E carbendazim (parent) 3 2 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 N Product group: dried products Food item: Celery Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 4

Product group: dried products Food item: Leek

Total number of samples analysed: 5 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Pesticide (**) number of samples level 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 residue samples with (mg/kg) MRL (***) permethrin 5 4 0,03 1 0,81 1 0,05 E tetramethrin 5 4 0,10 1 0,53 1 0,05 N Product group: dried products Food item: Green cabbage Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) endosulfan 1 0 0,01 1 0,46 1 0,05 E Product group: dried products Food item: White Cabbage Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Mushroom Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (som) 3 1 0,01 1 1 4,50 1 1,00 E carbofuran (som) 3 2 0,01 1 0,12 1 0,10 E prochloraz 3 2 0,01 1 0,09 2,00 E thiabendazool 3 2 0,01 1 0,27 10,00 E zwavel 3 2 0,10 1 0,24 50,00 N carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 3 2 0,01 1 0,06 0,10 N carbendazim (parent) 3 1 0,01 1 1 4,50 1 1,00 N carbofuran (parent) 3 2 0,01 1 0,06 0,10 N Product group: dried products Food item: Beans with pod (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Peas without pod (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Green/(garden) peas (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 5

Product group: dried products Food item: Bean (dry)

Total number of samples analysed: 7 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 7 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Lentil Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Fennel (fresh) Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Potato Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Mixed vegetables Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Other vegetables Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) esfenvaleraat 3 2 0,10 1 0,06 1 0,02 E Product group: dried products Food item: Apple Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbaryl 2 1 0,01 1 0,05 3,00 E thiabendazool 2 1 0,01 1 0,03 5,00 E Product group: dried products Food item: Pear Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 6

Product group: dried products Food item: Apricot

Total number of samples analysed: 10 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 4 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 6 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) captan 10 8 0,05 1 1 0,20 2,00 E cypermethrin 10 9 0,05 1 0,02 2,00 E zwavel 10 5 0,10 1 1 1 1 1 37,00 50,00 N Product group: dried products Food item: Cherry Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) chloorpyrifos 1 0 0,03 1 0,03 0,30 E zwavel 1 0 0,10 1 3,00 50,00 N Product group: dried products Food item: Lemon Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (som) 1 0 0,01 1 0,67 5,00 E ethion 1 0 0,03 1 1,00 2,00 E mecarbam 1 0 0,01 1 0,98 1 0,05 E methidathion 1 0 0,03 1 0,04 2,00 E orthofenylfenol 1 0 0,03 1 0,63 12,00 N piperonylbutoxide 1 0 0,01 1 0,47 3,00 N pyriproxyfen 1 0 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,02 N carbendazim (parent) 1 0 0,01 1 0,67 5,00 N Product group: dried products Food item: Bilberry/cowberry/cranberry Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Strawberry Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Pineapple Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Banana Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 7

Table C, processed. Page 8

Product group: dried products Food item: Date

Total number of samples analysed: 4 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 3 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) dicofol 4 3 0,05 1 0,04 1 0,02 E esfenvaleraat 4 3 0,10 1 0,13 1 0,02 E triadimefon (som) 4 3 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E zwavel 4 3 0,10 1 1,00 50,00 N triadimefon (parent) 4 3 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 N Product group: dried products Food item: Lychee Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Mango Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Papaya Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Fig Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0

Table C, processed. Page 9

Product group: dried products Food item: Raisin

Total number of samples analysed: 17 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 2 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 14 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) broompropylaat 17 16 0,05 1 0,02 2,00 E carbendazim (som) 17 10 0,01 2 2 3 0,10 8,70 E chloorpyrifos 17 13 0,03 1 1 2 0,03 0,22 E cypermethrin 17 11 0,05 4 2 0,10 2,20 E esfenvaleraat 17 16 0,10 1 0,95 1 0,44 E iprodion 17 10 0,01 1 3 2 1 0,14 44,00 E metalaxyl 17 15 0,01 1 1 0,02 8,70 E orthofenylfenol 17 16 0,03 1 0,11 1,00 N piperonylbutoxide 17 16 0,01 1 0,03 3,00 N procymidon 17 6 0,05 1 2 3 3 2 0,31 21,75 E propargiet 17 14 0,05 1 2 0,04 10,00 N zwavel 17 4 0,10 1 3 2 2 4 1 1,30 217,50 N lambda-cyhalothrin 17 16 0,03 1 0,03 0,87 E thiodicarb 17 16 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 E pyrimethanil 17 13 0,01 1 2 1 0,03 5,00 N cyprodinil 17 12 0,01 2 2 1 0,05 3,00 N fludioxonil 17 16 0,01 1 0,01 2,00 N flufenoxuron 17 13 0,05 3 1 0,15 1 0,05 N azoxystrobine 17 16 0,01 1 0,01 8,70 E fenhexamide 17 15 0,01 1 1 0,07 21,75 E tebufenozide 17 15 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N hexythiazox 17 16 0,01 1 0,01 0,87 N pyraclostrobine 17 16 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,02 E indoxacarb 17 14 0,01 2 1 0,08 0,00 NA boscalid 17 16 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 N carbendazim (parent) 17 12 0,01 1 2 2 0,10 8,70 N Product group: dried products Food item: Other fruits and fruit products Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: bijzondere kruiden en -mengsel Total number of samples analysed: 12 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 9 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (som) 12 9 0,01 1 1 1 0,11 1 0,10 E vinchlozolin 12 11 0,05 1 0,03 0,05 E acetamiprid 12 11 0,01 1 0,13 0,00 NA carbendazim (parent) 12 9 0,01 1 1 1 0,11 1 0,10 N Table C, processed. Page 10

Product group: dried products Food item: Parsley

Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) linuron 3 2 0,01 1 0,03 0,05 N prometryn 3 2 0,03 1 1,90 1 0,10 N triadimefon (som) 3 2 0,01 1 0,06 0,10 E triadimenol 3 2 0,01 1 0,06 0,10 E nuarimol 3 2 0,01 1 0,03 1 0,01 N tebuconazool 3 2 0,01 1 0,51 1 0,05 N azoxystrobine 3 2 0,01 1 0,14 3,00 E kresoxim-methyl 3 2 0,01 1 0,06 1 0,05 E Product group: dried products Food item: Celery Total number of samples analysed: 3 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 2 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) chloorpyrifos 3 2 0,03 1 0,05 0,05 E chloorthalonil 3 2 0,01 1 0,11 5,00 E iprodion 3 2 0,01 1 0,06 10,00 E linuron 3 2 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N metalaxyl 3 2 0,01 1 0,01 1,00 E azoxystrobine 3 2 0,01 1 0,01 3,00 E mepanipyrim 3 2 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E Product group: dried products Food item: Thyme Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: dried products Food item: Chives Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 1 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 1 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (som) 2 1 0,01 1 0,31 1 0,10 E chloorthalonil 2 1 0,01 1 0,08 5,00 E metalaxyl 2 1 0,01 1 0,03 1,00 E methamidofos 2 1 0,01 1 0,01 0,01 E methomyl (som) 2 1 0,01 1 0,10 2,00 E procymidon 2 1 0,05 1 0,04 1 0,02 E triadimefon (som) 2 1 0,01 1 0,04 0,10 E triadimenol 2 1 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E diethofencarb 2 1 0,01 1 0,05 0,05 N iprovalicarb 2 1 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 E methomyl (parent) 2 1 0,01 1 0,10 2,00 N triadimefon (parent) 2 1 0,01 1 0,03 0,10 N carbendazim (parent) 2 1 0,01 1 0,31 1 0,10 N Product group: dried products Food item: gember Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 1 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Table C, processed. Page 11

Product group: dried products Food item: Dill

Total number of samples analysed: 1 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 1 Without detectable residues: 0 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 1 or without MRL: 0 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Number of Number of Maximum samples with Total samples Reporting residue residues number of without level level found exceeding MRL Source of Pesticide (**) samples residues (mg/kg) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 (mg/kg) the MRL (mg/kg) MRL (***) prometryn 1 0 0,03 1 0,28 1 0,10 N trifluralin 1 0 0,10 1 0,06 1 0,01 N Product group: dried products Food item: Basil Total number of samples analysed: 2 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 0 Without detectable residues: 2 With residues above EC-MRL: 0 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 0 Product group: processed products Food item: other processed products Total number of samples analysed: 49 With residues above MRL (EC+national): 3 Without detectable residues: 37 With residues above EC-MRL: 3 With detectable residues at or below MRL With residues above national MRL: 0 or without MRL: 9 Samples with quantifiable residues in classes up to and including (in mg/kg) (*) Pesticide (**) number of samples level 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 >50 residue samples with (mg/kg) MRL (***) carbendazim (parent) 49 46 0,01 1 1 1 0,04 NA carbendazim (som) 49 46 0,01 1 1 1 0,04 NA chloorfenvinfos 49 48 0,03 1 0,01 0,50 E chloorthalonil 49 48 0,01 1 0,08 1 0,01 E dmst 49 48 0,01 1 0,05 NA fenbuconazole 49 48 0,01 1 0,02 0,05 N iprodion 49 48 0,01 1 0,02 0,02 E methiocarb (som) 49 47 0,01 1 1 0,02 0,05 N orthofenylfenol 49 48 0,03 1 0,06 10,00 N pirimifos-methyl 49 48 0,03 1 0,01 0,05 E tebuconazool 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 0,05 N tolylfluanide (som) 49 48 0,01 1 0,08 NA triadimefon (som) 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E triadimenol 49 48 0,01 1 0,01 0,10 E triazofos 49 48 0,05 1 0,05 1 0,02 E vinchlozolin 49 46 0,05 1 2 0,14 2,00 E zwavel 49 48 0,10 1 0,28 50,00 N

Table C, processed. Page 12

Table D1: Details of Residues Exceeding EC-MRLs
Surveillance sampling

(Samples of national and co-ordinated programme)
(Fresh and frozen fruit, vegetables and cereals)
(Pesticides covered by Directives 76/895, 86/362 and 90/642) Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005

Please make one entry in the list for each exceeded MRL. The same samples should have the same sample reference. Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Acephate French bean W Kenya 0,22 0,02 A 57042818 Acephate Mango W Brasil 0,05 0,02 A 45277763 Azoxystrobine Other vegetables W Israel 0,38 0,05 A 57046481 Bifenthrin Mixed vegetables W The Netherlands 0,06 0,05 57242337 Bitertanol Yard long bean W Dominic. Rep. 0,10 0,05 57291885 Bitertanol Yard long bean W Dominic. Rep. 0,13 0,05 A 57291877 Bromopropylate Other vegetables W Egypt 0,08 0,05 A 57042796 Carbaryl Basil W Thailand 2,10 1,00 A 57037741 Carbaryl Other vegetables W Thailand 0,58 0,10 A 57061626 Carbendazim (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,17 0,10 A 57031344 Carbendazim (sum) Basil W Thailand 1,20 0,10 A 57031247 Carbendazim (sum) Basil W Thailand 0,14 0,10 A 57042109 Carbendazim (sum) Basil W Thailand 1,60 0,10 56061002 Carbendazim (sum) Basil W Thailand 2,00 0,10 A 56061002 Carbendazim (sum) Basil W Thailand 0,28 0,10 A 57469277 Carbendazim (sum) Chives W The Netherlands 0,31 0,10 45518736 Carbendazim (sum) coriander W Thailand 2,30 0,10 A 57458909 Carbendazim (sum) coriander W Thailand 0,20 0,10 A 57059532 Carbendazim (sum) Fruits in sirop W China 0,13 0,10 45470628 Carbendazim (sum) Mushroom W The Netherlands 4,50 1,00 45518884 Carbendazim (sum) Okra W Uganda 0,37 0,10 A 57299444 Carbendazim (sum) other herbs W China 0,11 0,10 48853161 Carbendazim (sum) Other tropical fruits W Thailand 0,13 0,10 57060506 Carbendazim (sum) Other vegetables W United States 6,20 0,10 A 57430427 Carbendazim (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,96 0,10 A 57031328 Carbendazim (sum) Other vegetables W Columbia 0,55 0,10 A 57043202 Carbendazim (sum) Other vegetables W The Netherlands 0,21 0,10 A 56060839 Carbendazim (sum) Other vegetables W Israel 1,20 0,10 A 57046481 Carbendazim (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,14 0,10 46671449 Carbendazim (sum) Papaya W Malaysia 0,20 0,10 57444681 Carbendazim (sum) Passion fruit W Kenya 0,14 0,10 57552085 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,27 0,10 A 57302062 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Uganda 0,14 0,10 57299452 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Suriname 0,20 0,10 57043776 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,90 0,10 A 57037814 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,38 0,10 A 57016779 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,18 0,10 A 57444827 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,45 0,10 A 57043806 Carbendazim (sum) Pepper W Dominic. Rep. 0,22 0,10 A 57306785 Carbendazim (sum) Strawberry W Egypt 0,14 0,10 58323128 Carbendazim (sum) Sweet pepper W Thailand 0,19 0,10 A 45328104 Carbendazim (sum) Sweet pepper W Turkey 0,14 0,10 48528244 Carbofuran (sum) Basil W Thailand 0,26 0,10 A 57031336 Carbofuran (sum) Celery W Suriname 0,94 0,10 A 57041978 Carbofuran (sum) coriander W Thailand 0,43 0,10 A 57059532 Carbofuran (sum) Mushroom W The Netherlands 0,12 0,10 45518884 Carbofuran (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,17 0,10 A 57043806 Carbofuran (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,14 0,10 A 57041617 Chlorothalonil Yard long bean W Dominic. Rep. 0,03 0,01 A 57291974 Chlorothalonil Mixed vegetables W The Netherlands 0,08 0,01 46937457 Chlorothalonil Mixed vegetables W The Netherlands 0,03 0,01 48972128 Chlorothalonil Other vegetables W Suriname 0,02 0,01 57453095 Chlorothalonil Pepper W Suriname 4,70 2,00 A 57557486 Table D1. Page 1

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Chlorpropham Paksoy W The Netherlands 0,09 0,05 48636209 Chlorpropham Potato W The Netherlands 6,80 5,00 48750974 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Yard long bean W Thailand 0,10 0,05 57469595 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Yard long bean W Thailand 0,07 0,05 57469293 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Yard long bean W Thailand 0,21 0,05 A 57016795 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl coriander W Thailand 0,14 0,05 A 57469269 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl coriander W Thailand 0,19 0,05 A 57031239 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl French bean W Egypt 0,07 0,05 57469234 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Grapefruit W Turkey 0,34 0,30 45277704 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Lime W Malaysia 0,37 0,30 57446129 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Mango W Ivory Coast 0,09 0,05 57301708 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Nectarine W Spain 0,36 0,20 48688985 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Orange W Morocco 0,45 0,30 45390152 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Other flavourings W Thailand 0,14 0,05 A 57299363 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Other vegetables W Thailand 3,00 0,05 A 57041854 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Other vegetables W Thailand 0,25 0,05 A 57458917 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Other vegetables W Columbia 0,79 0,05 A 57043202 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Other vegetables W Thailand 1,60 0,05 A 57031328 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Other vegetables W Thailand 4,30 0,05 A 57533625 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Parsley W Thailand 0,53 0,05 A 57294493 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Pepper W Thailand 1,00 0,50 A 57302062 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Pomegranate W Spain 0,06 0,05 48952526 Clofentezine Grape W Italy 0,04 0,02 A 45567516 Clofentezine Grape W Italy 0,03 0,02 A 56060618 Clofentezine Grape W Italy 0,15 0,02 A 48689566 Cyhalothrin-lambda Grape W Turkey 0,22 0,20 A 45403882 Cyhalothrin-lambda Grape W Turkey 0,24 0,20 A 57462256 Cyhalothrin-lambda Grape W Turkey 0,25 0,20 48952674 Cyhalothrin-lambda Okra W Jordan 0,16 0,02 A 45429962 Cypermethrin Yard long bean W Suriname 0,89 0,50 A 57032219 Cypermethrin Basil W Thailand 2,20 2,00 57291893 Cypermethrin Beans with pod (fresh) W Thailand 0,88 0,50 A 57453028 Cypermethrin Broccoli W China 4,40 0,50 A 57043423 Cypermethrin coriander W Thailand 0,10 0,05 A 57061685 Cypermethrin Green/(garden) peas (fresh)W Morocco 0,77 0,50 45445437 Cypermethrin Other vegetables W Thailand 0,11 0,05 46671449 Cypermethrin Other vegetables W Thailand 4,60 0,05 A 57469242 Cypermethrin Other vegetables W Thailand 0,10 0,05 A 57444797 Cypermethrin Other vegetables W United States 10,00 0,05 A 57430427 Cypermethrin Other vegetables W Columbia 4,70 0,05 A 57043202 Cypermethrin Edible Orchids W The Netherlands 14,00 0,05 RA 56060839 Cypermethrin Other vegetables W Thailand 0,20 0,05 A 57054174 Cypermethrin Pepper W Thailand 0,85 0,50 57469285 Cypermethrin Pepper W Thailand 0,92 0,50 57466154 Cypermethrin Pepper W Thailand 0,52 0,50 A 57302062 Diazinon Yard long bean W Suriname 0,04 0,02 57043253 Dichlorvos Basil W Thailand 0,13 0,10 56061002 Dichlorvos Basil W Thailand 0,14 0,10 57466235 Dichlorvos Basil W Thailand 0,13 0,10 A 56061002 Dicofol Yard long bean W Dominic. Rep. 0,18 0,02 A 57291974 Dicofol Cherry W Turkey 0,20 0,02 A 57467916 Dicofol Date W China 0,06 0,02 A 57032618 Dicofol French bean W Senegal 0,11 0,02 A 46705068 Dicofol Fruits in sirop W China 0,10 0,02 45470628 Dicofol Pepper W Thailand 0,64 0,02 A 57041617 Dicofol Pepper W Thailand 1,80 0,02 A 57551992 Dicofol Pepper W Thailand 0,19 0,02 A 46671368 Dicofol Pepper W Thailand 0,47 0,02 A 57444827 Dicofol Sweet pepper W Thailand 0,13 0,02 A 45328104 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Suriname 0,10 0,02 A 57042052 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,03 0,02 57557516 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Suriname 0,17 0,02 A 57031174 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,04 0,02 57043814 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,30 0,02 A 57016795 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Suriname 1,10 0,02 A 57032294 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,17 0,02 A 46671384 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,77 0,02 A 57060468 Table D1. Page 2

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,04 0,02 57037776 Dimethoate (sum) Yard long bean W Suriname 0,07 0,02 A 57032219 Dimethoate (sum) Basil W Thailand 6,00 0,02 A 57037784 Dimethoate (sum) Basil W Thailand 2,50 0,02 A 57302186 Dimethoate (sum) Basil W Thailand 0,77 0,02 A 56061002 Dimethoate (sum) Basil W Thailand 5,00 0,02 A 57037741 Dimethoate (sum) Basil W Thailand 0,77 0,02 56061002 Dimethoate (sum) Beans with pod (fresh) W Suriname 0,19 0,02 A 57453087 Dimethoate (sum) Beans with pod (fresh) W Kenya 0,05 0,02 A 46809521 Dimethoate (sum) Chinese Cabbage W The Netherlands 0,07 0,02 A 48513719 Dimethoate (sum) coriander W Thailand 0,15 0,02 A 57061685 Dimethoate (sum) coriander W Thailand 0,28 0,02 A 57037768 Dimethoate (sum) Cucumber W Suriname 0,11 0,02 A 57043768 Dimethoate (sum) Cucumber W Suriname 0,12 0,02 A 57043857 Dimethoate (sum) French bean W Spain 0,32 0,02 A 46716353 Dimethoate (sum) French bean W Senegal 0,06 0,02 A 46768116 Dimethoate (sum) French bean W Kenya 0,03 0,02 46809548 Dimethoate (sum) French bean W Egypt 0,03 0,02 57031778 Dimethoate (sum) Kaki, sharonfruit W Spain 0,17 0,02 48634435 Dimethoate (sum) Okra W Suriname 0,14 0,02 A 57533595 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,08 0,02 A 57043644 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,09 0,02 A 57043628 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,13 0,02 A 57042621 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Spain 0,08 0,02 A 48775667 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,07 0,02 A 57034394 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,20 0,02 A 57296984 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,14 0,02 A 57038802 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,06 0,02 A 46716558 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,42 0,02 A 57292253 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,07 0,02 A 57296968 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,06 0,02 A 57296941 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,03 0,02 46671538 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,03 0,02 57043598 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,02 0,02 57043636 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,03 0,02 57292687 Dimethoate (sum) Orange W Egypt 0,16 0,02 A 44196557 Dimethoate (sum) Other flavourings W Thailand 1,90 0,02 A 57453001 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W The Netherlands 12,91 0,02 A 56060839 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W Suriname 0,07 0,02 57554118 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,60 0,02 57043792 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,27 0,02 A 57061626 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W Suriname 0,15 0,02 A 57042095 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,56 0,02 A 57043792 Dimethoate (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,27 0,02 A 57061626 Dimethoate (sum) Papaya W Brasil 0,07 0,02 A 45277917 Dimethoate (sum) Papaya W Malaysia 0,03 0,02 57453141 Dimethoate (sum) Passion fruit W Kenya 0,10 0,02 A 57540508 Dimethoate (sum) Peach W Israel 0,07 0,02 A 46656024 Dimethoate (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,13 0,02 A 57538821 Dimethoate (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,05 0,02 A 57302208 Dimethoate (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,02 0,02 A 57043806 Dimethoate (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,02 0,02 A 57291923 Dimethoate (sum) Pepper W Dominic. Rep. 0,18 0,02 A 57469536 Dimethoate (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,41 0,02 A 57444827 Dimethoate (sum) Tangerines W Morocco 0,37 0,02 A 58323152 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Other vegetables W Germany 0,10 0,05 48732259 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Other vegetables W Italy 0,75 0,05 48732135 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Other vegetables W Germany 0,13 0,05 48732275 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Other vegetables W Suriname 0,21 0,05 57293764 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Other vegetables W Indonesia 0,07 0,05 57294485 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Passion fruit W Columbia 0,30 0,05 A 57034289 Endosulfan Yard long bean W Suriname 0,08 0,05 A 57032294 Endosulfan Aubergine/egg plant W Dominic. Rep. 0,09 0,05 A 57456876 Endosulfan Green cabbage W The Netherlands 0,46 0,05 45518973 Endosulfan Green cabbage W The Netherlands 0,06 0,05 44302837 Endosulfan Okra W Uganda 0,26 0,05 A 57299444 Endosulfan Okra W Suriname 0,11 0,05 A 57533595 Table D1. Page 3

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Esfenvalerate Date W China 0,13 0,02 58367362 Esfenvalerate Raisin W 0,95 0,44 57456019 Ethion Other vegetables W Thailand 0,22 0,10 46671449 Ethion Pepper W 0,19 0,10 57298197 Ethion Pepper W Thailand 0,11 0,10 A 57016779 Ethion Pepper W Thailand 0,26 0,10 A 57037849 Ethion Pepper W Egypt 0,12 0,10 A 57292199 Ethion Sweet pepper W India 0,38 0,10 57559179 Fenitrothion Parsley W Italy 1,30 0,50 A 58301086 Fenthion (sum) Kaki, sharonfruit W Spain 0,07 0,05 58300969 Fenthion (sum) Kaki, sharonfruit W Spain 0,11 0,05 A 58300977 Fenthion (sum) Kaki, sharonfruit W 0,08 0,05 58355941 Fenthion (sum) Kaki, sharonfruit W Spain 0,11 0,05 A 58300934 Fenthion (sum) Nectarine W Spain 0,07 0,05 57032901 Fenthion (sum) Nectarine W Spain 0,20 0,05 A 48952461 Fenthion (sum) Nectarine W Spain 0,13 0,05 46671821 Fenthion (sum) Peach W Spain 0,16 0,05 A 45389715 Fenthion (sum) Peach W Spain 0,07 0,05 46671848 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,06 0,05 A 45396665 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,15 0,05 A 56060723 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,45 0,05 A 45403815 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,55 0,05 A 58301116 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,09 0,05 58323179 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,06 0,05 56060898 Fenthion (sum) Tangerines W Spain 0,08 0,05 56267832 Hexaconazole French bean W Morocco 0,04 0,02 57186593 Imazalil Celeriac W The Netherlands 0,03 0,02 48775985 Imazalil Grape W Turkey 0,24 0,02 A 57462256 Imazalil Grape W Turkey 0,03 0,02 48952674 Imazalil Grape W Turkey 0,38 0,02 A 45403882 Imazalil Grape W Turkey 0,03 0,02 56060855 Imazalil Kiwi fruit W Greece 0,04 0,02 A 48528287 Imazalil Other fruits and fruit products W South-Africa 0,88 0,02 57448008 Imazalil Peach W Israel 0,04 0,02 A 46656024 Imazalil Pomegranate W Turkey 0,04 0,02 48528465 Imidacloprid Other vegetables W Columbia 0,32 0,05 A 57043202 Iprodione Celeriac W The Netherlands 0,03 0,02 57185341 Iprodione Celery W Spain 0,09 0,02 A 44253631 Iprodione Lollo rossa W Belgium 11,00 10,00 A 48707912 Iprodione Mixed vegetables W The Netherlands 0,10 0,02 57242337 Iprodione Mixed vegetables W The Netherlands 0,03 0,02 57242345 Iprodione Other tropical fruits W Vietnam 0,03 0,02 57293829 Iprodione Other vegetables W Israel 37,00 0,02 A 57046481 Iprodione Other vegetables W Columbia 7,90 0,02 A 57043202 Iprodione Purslane W The Netherlands 8,20 0,02 A 45277992 Iprodione Turnip tops/greens W The Netherlands 0,10 0,02 48439241 Kresoxim-methyl Parsley W The Netherlands 0,06 0,05 45519066 Lindane (HCH gamma-) French bean W Senegal 0,02 0,01 48776019 Lindane (HCH gamma-) Sweet pepper W Spain 0,02 0,01 46579127 Malathion Cumquat W Spain 0,51 0,50 57301767 Mecarbam Lemon W 0,98 0,05 45518825 Metalaxyl Yard long bean W Thailand 0,06 0,05 57447397 Metalaxyl Basil W Thailand 1,40 1,00 A 57016787 Metalaxyl Basil W Thailand 1,40 1,00 A 57302186 Metalaxyl Other vegetables W Thailand 0,12 0,05 A 57061626 Metalaxyl Other vegetables W Germany 0,06 0,05 48732259 Metalaxyl Other vegetables W United States 0,07 0,05 A 57430427 Metalaxyl Pepper W Thailand 0,08 0,05 57302046 Metalaxyl Sweet pepper W Thailand 0,12 0,05 A 45328104 Metalaxyl Tomato W Morocco 0,10 0,05 46716655 Methamidophos Fig W Brasil 0,08 0,01 A 48634419 Methamidophos Fig W Brasil 0,09 0,01 A 57043164 Methamidophos Melon W Spain 0,06 0,01 A 57447826 Methamidophos Pepper W Thailand 0,59 0,01 A 57061677 Methamidophos Pepper W Thailand 0,05 0,01 A 57037806 Methamidophos Pepper W Thailand 0,58 0,01 A 57041617 Methamidophos Pepper W Thailand 0,18 0,01 A 57291923 Table D1. Page 4

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Methamidophos Pepper W Thailand 0,40 0,01 A 57043806 Methamidophos Plant extract W Indonesia 0,09 0,01 57034831 Methamidophos Plant extract W Indonesia 0,02 0,01 57034866 Methamidophos Watermelon W Spain 0,08 0,01 A 45417913 Methidathion Kiwi fruit W Greece 0,36 0,02 RA 48528287 Methiocarb (sum) Yard long bean W 0,84 0,05 A 46716175 Methiocarb (sum) Yard long bean W Dominic. Rep. 0,16 0,05 A 57469552 Methiocarb (sum) Aubergine/egg plant W Dominic. Rep. 0,28 0,05 A 57456876 Methiocarb (sum) Aubergine/egg plant W Dominic. Rep. 0,74 0,05 A 57444851 Methiocarb (sum) Other vegetables W Dominic. Rep. 0,32 0,05 57306777 Methiocarb (sum) Other vegetables W 0,71 0,05 48636012 Methiocarb (sum) Sweet pepper W Spain 0,13 0,05 A 44189186 Methiocarb (sum) Sweet pepper W Spain 0,54 0,05 A 45404536 Methiocarb (sum) Sweet pepper W Spain 0,16 0,05 A 57292148 Methiocarb (sum) Sweet pepper W Spain 0,21 0,05 A 48528511 Methomyl (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,13 0,05 A 57060468 Methomyl (sum) Yard long bean W Thailand 0,07 0,05 57466189 Methomyl (sum) Beans with pod (fresh) W Spain 0,11 0,05 A 57462116 Methomyl (sum) Grape W Australia 0,10 0,05 A 46655974 Methomyl (sum) Grape W South-Africa 0,36 0,05 A 48528325 Methomyl (sum) Grape W South-Africa 0,36 0,05 48528325 Methomyl (sum) Other vegetables W Thailand 0,07 0,05 A 57469242 Methomyl (sum) Pepper W The Netherlands 0,25 0,05 A 57543868 Methomyl (sum) Pepper W Thailand 0,12 0,05 A 57041617 Methomyl (sum) Pepper W Morocco 0,09 0,05 57042389 Methomyl (sum) Sweet pepper W Italy 0,17 0,05 A 45417921 Methomyl (sum) Sweet pepper W Italy 0,17 0,05 45417921 Omethoate Yard long bean W Thailand 0,31 0,02 A 57060468 Omethoate Yard long bean W Suriname 0,06 0,02 A 57042052 Omethoate Yard long bean W Thailand 0,04 0,02 57037776 Omethoate Yard long bean W Thailand 0,08 0,02 A 46671384 Omethoate Yard long bean W Thailand 0,04 0,02 57043814 Omethoate Yard long bean W Suriname 0,27 0,02 A 57032294 Omethoate Yard long bean W Suriname 0,06 0,02 A 57031174 Omethoate Yard long bean W Suriname 0,04 0,02 A 57032219 Omethoate Basil W Thailand 0,12 0,02 A 57037784 Omethoate Basil W Thailand 0,68 0,02 56061002 Omethoate Basil W Thailand 0,24 0,02 A 57302186 Omethoate Basil W Thailand 0,11 0,02 A 57037741 Omethoate Basil W Thailand 0,68 0,02 A 56061002 Omethoate Beans with pod (fresh) W Suriname 0,12 0,02 A 57453087 Omethoate coriander W Thailand 0,15 0,02 A 57061685 Omethoate coriander W Thailand 0,28 0,02 A 57037768 Omethoate Cucumber W Suriname 0,06 0,02 A 57043768 Omethoate Cucumber W Suriname 0,06 0,02 A 57043857 Omethoate French bean W Spain 0,05 0,02 A 46716353 Omethoate Kaki, sharonfruit W Spain 0,12 0,02 48634435 Omethoate Okra W Suriname 0,04 0,02 A 57533595 Omethoate Orange W Egypt 0,03 0,02 A 44196557 Omethoate Orange W Egypt 0,04 0,02 A 57292253 Omethoate Orange W Spain 0,03 0,02 A 48775667 Omethoate Other flavourings W Thailand 0,15 0,02 A 57453001 Omethoate Other vegetables W Suriname 0,09 0,02 A 57042095 Omethoate Other vegetables W Thailand 0,56 0,02 57043792 Omethoate Edible Orchids W The Netherlands 12,00 0,02 RA 56060839 Omethoate Papaya W Brasil 0,03 0,02 A 45277917 Omethoate Passion fruit W Kenya 0,03 0,02 A 57540508 Omethoate Pepper W Dominic. Rep. 0,06 0,02 A 57469536 Omethoate Pepper W Thailand 0,12 0,02 A 57538821 Omethoate Pepper W Thailand 0,05 0,02 A 57302208 Omethoate Pepper W Thailand 0,38 0,02 A 57444827 Omethoate Tangerines W Morocco 0,08 0,02 A 58323152 Oxydemeton-methyl (sum)
Lollo rossa W Belgium 0,94 0,05 RA 56060685 Parathion Pear W China 0,06 0,05 57301686 Parathion-methyl Basil W Thailand 1,50 0,02 A 57469277 Parathion-methyl Basil W Thailand 0,57 0,02 A 57016787 Parathion-methyl Basil W Thailand 0,06 0,02 A 57041579 Table D1. Page 5

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Parathion-methyl coriander W Thailand 0,05 0,02 A 45328112 Parathion-methyl Fig W Brasil 0,06 0,02 A 48634419 Parathion-methyl Grapefruit W The Netherlands 0,13 0,02 A 48688705 Parathion-methyl Other flavourings W Thailand 0,53 0,20 A 57453001 Parathion-methyl Other vegetables W Thailand 1,10 0,02 A 57533625 Penconazole Pepper W Israel 0,09 0,05 A 46768019 Penconazole Pepper W Chile 0,45 0,05 A 48636004 Penconazole Strawberry W Israel 0,08 0,05 57017384 Penconazole Thyme W Italy 0,16 0,05 A 46768248 Permethrin Kale W The Netherlands 0,31 0,05 A 45469972 Permethrin Leek W 0,81 0,05 A 57242108 Permethrin Sweet pepper W 0,27 0,05 A 57242175 Permethrin Sweet pepper W Egypt 0,54 0,05 A 57392002 Permethrin Tomato W The Netherlands 0,72 0,05 45519503 Pirimiphos-methyl Other cerials W The Netherlands 0,21 0,05 57182415 Pirimiphos-methyl Other cerials W The Netherlands 0,22 0,05 57182407 Pirimiphos-methyl Other vegetables W Thailand 0,31 0,05 A 57054174 Prochloraz Other tropical fruits W Malaysia 0,13 0,05 57456817 Prochloraz Pepper W Thailand 0,08 0,05 57458895 Prochloraz W India 0,09 0,05 57308702 Procymidone coriander W Thailand 0,16 0,02 A 57061685 Procymidone Leek W France 0,12 0,02 46656199 Procymidone Mixed vegetables W The Netherlands 0,07 0,02 57242345 Profenofos Basil W Thailand 1,60 0,05 A 46671406 Profenofos Onion (small) W Egypt 0,14 0,05 A 48636217 Profenofos Other vegetables W The Netherlands 0,11 0,05 A 56060839 Profenofos Other vegetables W United States 1,70 0,05 A 57430427 Profenofos Plant extract W Indonesia 0,18 0,05 57034831 Profenofos Sweet pepper W Thailand 0,08 0,05 A 45328104 Propiconazole Broccoli W China 0,34 0,05 A 57043423 Propiconazole Other vegetables W Thailand 0,16 0,05 57043792 Propiconazole Other vegetables W Thailand 0,12 0,05 A 57453117 Propiconazole Other vegetables W Thailand 0,31 0,05 A 57031328 Propiconazole Parsley W Thailand 0,12 0,05 A 57294493 Propiconazole Pepper W Thailand 0,08 0,05 57302046 Propiconazole Pepper W Thailand 0,07 0,05 57032243 Propiconazole Pepper W Thailand 0,07 0,05 57453109 Pyraclostrobine Apple W The Netherlands 0,03 0,02 44377837 Pyraclostrobine Raisin W United States 0,03 0,02 57461829 Thiabendazole Orange W Turkey 6,20 5,00 48528368 Thiabendazole Other tropical fruits W Jamaica 0,16 0,05 57301856 Triadimefon (sum) Beans with pod (fresh) W Thailand 0,14 0,10 A 57453028 Triadimefon (sum) Beans with pod (fresh) W Thailand 0,13 0,10 46671422 Triadimefon (sum) Papaya W Ghana 0,30 0,10 A 44290723 Triadimefon (sum) Strawberry W Spain 0,73 0,50 48635393 Triadimenol Beans with pod (fresh) W Thailand 0,14 0,10 A 57453028 Triadimenol Beans with pod (fresh) W Thailand 0,13 0,10 46671422 Triadimenol Papaya W Ghana 0,14 0,10 A 44290723 Triadimenol Strawberry W Spain 0,74 0,50 48635393 Triazophos Yard long bean W Thailand 0,15 0,02 A 57533692 Triazophos Yard long bean W Thailand 0,45 0,02 RA 57031344 Triazophos Pepper W Thailand 1,10 0,02 A 57294507 Trifloxystrobine Pepper W Zimbabwe 0,09 0,02 46655184 Trifloxystrobine Raspberry W The Netherlands 0,04 0,02 46681924 Triforine French bean W The Netherlands 0,09 0,05 57392916 Triforine Pepper W Thailand 0,07 0,05 57469285 Vinclozolin Mixed vegetables W 0,14 0,05 45468186 Vinclozolin Tomato W Belgium 0,06 0,05 58323004 (*) Point of sampling in distribution: F = farmgate, R = retail, W = wholesale, O = other (**) e.g. W: Warnings have been issued to the holders of the product inspected and sampled A: Administrative consequences have followed, e.g. prohibiting for sale, the levying of penalties or fines P Prosecution RA a Rapid Alert has been notified Table D1. Page 6

Table D2: Details of Residues Exceeding non-harmonised MRLs, including national MRLs
Surveillance sampling
(Samples of national and co-ordinated programme)
(Fresh and frozen fruit, vegetables and cereals)
Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005 Please make one entry in the list for each exceeded MRL. The same samples should have the same sample reference. Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in national MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Acrinathrin Nectarine W Spain 0,07 0,05 A 48952569 Acrinathrin Sweet pepper W Spain 0,06 0,05 57041358 Boscalid Tomato W 0,08 0,05 57469374 Bromuconazole Pepper W Israel 0,07 0,05 45489892 chlorfenapyr Grape W Australia 0,10 0,05 A 46655974 chlorfenapyr Melon W Brasil 0,06 0,05 45445364 chlorfenapyr Other vegetables W Thailand 0,06 0,05 A 57061626 Chlorfluazuron Broccoli W China 0,20 0,02 A 57043423 Cyprodinil Aubergine/egg plant W Spain 0,06 0,05 48634516 Cyprodinil Currant (red, white, black) W Belgium 1,60 0,05 A 48707718 Cyprodinil Lettuce W Italy 1,30 0,05 A 44290677 Cyprodinil Lollo rossa W France 0,98 0,05 A 46704991 Cyprodinil Nectarine W France 0,06 0,05 57032944 Cyprodinil Onion (small) W Germany 0,07 0,05 48732291 Cyprodinil Other vegetables W Egypt 1,20 0,05 A 57042796 Cyprodinil Peach W France 0,10 0,05 A 57467851 Cyprodinil Pepper W Spain 0,09 0,05 A 48862616 Cyprodinil Raspberry W 0,06 0,05 57448105 Cyprodinil Tomato W Spain 0,22 0,05 A 48528309 Diethofencarb Sweet pepper W Spain 0,08 0,05 A 44189186 Difenoconazole Basil W Thailand 0,06 0,05 A 57016787 Difenoconazole Other vegetables W Thailand 0,11 0,05 57043792 Difenoconazole Other vegetables W Thailand 0,07 0,05 A 57453117 Difenoconazole Other vegetables W Thailand 0,15 0,05 A 57031328 Dimethomorph Curly lettuce W Germany 0,47 0,05 A 44253739 Dimethomorph Grape W 0,09 0,05 44377888 Dimethomorph Grape W Brasil 0,26 0,05 A 48689078 Dimethomorph Grape W Brasil 0,31 0,05 A 57447591 Dimethomorph Lollo rossa W The Netherlands 0,10 0,05 A 57186976 Dimethomorph Lollo rossa W Belgium 3,80 0,05 A 48707912 Dimethomorph Oakleaf lettuce W The Netherlands 0,10 0,05 57186844 Dimethomorph Onion (small) W Germany 0,06 0,05 58372005 Dimethomorph Thyme W Italy 0,14 0,05 A 46768248 EPN Yard long bean W Thailand 0,22 0,05 RA 57031344 EPN Yard long bean W Thailand 0,27 0,05 A 57031387 EPN Yard long bean W Thailand 0,13 0,05 A 57031298 EPN Yard long bean W Thailand 0,39 0,05 A 57294442 EPN Basil W Thailand 0,12 0,05 A 57042109 EPN Beans with pod (fresh) W Thailand 0,36 0,05 A 57453028 Epoxyconazole Green/(garden) peas (fresh) W The Netherlands 0,09 0,05 57186712 Ethoprophos Sweet pepper W Turkey 0,05 0,02 A 46671503 Etofenprox Endive W Italy 0,90 0,01 A 44315149 Etofenprox Grape W Italy 0,09 0,01 A 56060618 Etofenprox Grape W India 0,13 0,01 A 57447583 Etofenprox Nectarine W France 0,02 0,01 57032952 Etofenprox Nectarine W Italy 0,02 0,01 57462248 Etofenprox Nectarine W Spain 0,47 0,01 A 48952569 Etofenprox Other vegetables W Thailand 1,10 0,01 A 45328139 Table D2. Page 1

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in national MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Etofenprox Other vegetables W Columbia 0,03 0,01 A 57043202 Etofenprox Peach W Italy 0,05 0,01 A 58301078 Etofenprox Peach W Italy 0,04 0,01 A 58301051 Etofenprox Spinach W Thailand 0,21 0,01 A 57061693 Etofenprox Spinach W Thailand 0,09 0,01 A 57060085 Etofenprox Spinach W Thailand 0,43 0,01 A 57061669 Fipronil Grape W India 0,02 0,01 A 57031808 Fludioxonil Currant (red, white, black) W Belgium 2,10 0,05 A 48707718 Fludioxonil Endive W Italy 0,06 0,05 58323055 Fludioxonil Lettuce W Italy 0,88 0,05 A 44290677 Fludioxonil Lollo rossa W France 1,00 0,05 A 46704991 Fludioxonil Other vegetables W Egypt 0,38 0,05 A 57042796 Fludioxonil Peach W France 0,07 0,05 A 57467851 Fludioxonil Sweet pepper W Turkey 0,09 0,05 48528244 Fludioxonil Sweet pepper W 0,06 0,05 45467708 Flufenoxuron Grape W Turkey 0,07 0,05 56060855 Flufenoxuron Grape W Greece 0,10 0,05 48689531 Flufenoxuron Grape W Italy 0,18 0,05 A 56060618 Flufenoxuron Raisin W Turkey 0,15 0,05 57456329 Flufenoxuron Spinach W The Netherlands 0,16 0,05 45489965 Flutolanil Carrot W The Netherlands 0,04 0,02 46656237 Fluvalinate, tau- Beans with pod (fresh) W Spain 0,07 0,05 A 57462116 Fluvalinate, tau- Tomato W Spain 0,09 0,05 44196549 Fluvalinate, tau- Tomato W The Netherlands 0,07 0,05 48528805 Hexythiazox Strawberry W The Netherlands 0,11 0,10 57448113 Hexythiazox Tangerines W Spain 0,03 0,02 45404544 Imidacloprid Beans with pod (fresh) W Spain 0,08 0,05 48689043 Imidacloprid Celery W Israel 0,06 0,05 48863132 Imidacloprid Endive W The Netherlands 0,09 0,05 57393165 Imidacloprid Lollo rossa W The Netherlands 0,81 0,05 A 46809599 Imidacloprid Oakleaf lettuce W Spain 0,15 0,05 A 46716671 Imidacloprid Spinach W The Netherlands 0,07 0,05 46655907 Mepronil Lollo rossa W France 1,30 0,05 A 46704991 Monocrotophos Yard long bean W 0,23 0,20 A 46716175 Monocrotophos Cherry W Turkey 0,12 0,05 A 46671546 Monocrotophos Pepper W Dominic. Rep. 0,06 0,02 A 57306785 Nuarimol Parsley W The Netherlands 0,03 0,01 45519066 Oxadixyl Lollo rossa W Belgium 0,08 0,05 A 48707912 Oxadixyl Lollo rossa W France 0,18 0,05 A 46704991 Oxadixyl Other vegetables W Thailand 0,07 0,05 A 57469242 Oxycarboxine Beans with pod (fresh) W Spain 0,11 0,05 45278433 Phenthoate Orange W Egypt 0,22 0,05 A 57447621 Piperonyl-butoxide Parsley W The Netherlands 12,00 3,00 A 57383232 Prometryn Dill W The Netherlands 0,28 0,10 45519589 Prometryn Parsley W The Netherlands 1,90 0,10 45519066 Prothiofos Other tropical fruits W Thailand 0,03 0,02 A 57042826 Prothiofos Other vegetables W Thailand 0,25 0,02 A 57302178 Prothiofos Parsley W Thailand 0,04 0,02 A 57294493 Pyridaben Grape W Italy 0,05 0,02 A 45567516 Pyridaben Pepper W Egypt 0,66 0,10 A 57292199 Pyridaben Sweet pepper W Spain 0,16 0,10 A 45404536 Pyridaphenthion Apple W Argentina 0,17 0,02 A 46863216 Pyrimethanil Aubergine/egg plant W Spain 0,14 0,05 A 48528481 Pyrimethanil Courgette W The Netherlands 0,46 0,05 A 48688683 Pyrimethanil Cucumber W Spain 0,09 0,05 46579011 Pyrimethanil Sweet pepper W Spain 0,08 0,05 57041374 Pyrimethanil Sweet pepper W Turkey 0,14 0,05 57042435 Pyrimethanil Sweet pepper W Turkey 0,42 0,05 A 48528252 Pyrimethanil Sweet pepper W Spain 0,07 0,05 45445399 Pyriproxifen Grapefruit W Turkey 0,03 0,02 57543876 Pyriproxifen Grapefruit W South-Africa 0,03 0,02 57447982 Pyriproxifen Lemon W Spain 0,03 0,02 45277283 Pyriproxifen Lemon W Spain 0,04 0,02 58300993 Pyriproxifen Lemon W 0,06 0,02 45518825 Table D2. Page 2

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in national MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Pyriproxifen Lemon W Spain 0,04 0,02 A 58301124 Pyriproxifen Lemon W Spain 0,04 0,02 57042524 Pyriproxifen Orange W South-Africa 0,03 0,02 45396622 Pyriproxifen Tangerines W Spain 0,07 0,02 A 45396665 Sulfur (S8) Grape W Chile 55,00 50,00 45390071 Sulfur (S8) Other vegetables W 12,00 0,50 57302232 Sulfur (S8) Other vegetables W Thailand 5,00 0,50 A 57533625 Sulfur (S8) Strawberry W The Netherlands 87,00 50,00 48859305 Tebuconazole Apricot W France 0,16 0,05 A 45389545 Tebuconazole Apricot W Greece 0,07 0,05 48689108 Tebuconazole Celeriac W The Netherlands 0,06 0,05 57182636 Tebuconazole Cherry W Greece 0,07 0,05 48689094 Tebuconazole Green/(garden) peas (fresh) W Kenya 0,06 0,05 57557583 Tebuconazole Kale W The Netherlands 0,58 0,05 A 44197898 Tebuconazole Nectarine W Spain 0,14 0,05 A 45390217 Tebuconazole Parsley W The Netherlands 0,51 0,05 45519066 Tebuconazole Peach W France 0,08 0,05 46809416 Tebuconazole Peach W France 0,17 0,05 A 45390063 Tebuconazole Pepper W Spain 0,12 0,05 A 48862616 Tebuconazole Sweet pepper W Spain 0,08 0,05 45445399 Tebuconazole Sweet pepper W Spain 0,13 0,05 A 48854729 Tebuconazole Tomato W Spain 0,15 0,05 A 46768108 Tebuconazole Tomato W Spain 0,08 0,05 46704894 Tebuconazole Tomato W Spain 0,15 0,05 A 48776035 Tebufenozide Apple W New-Zealand 0,09 0,05 45389707 Tebufenozide Apple W France 0,08 0,05 45277267 Tebufenozide Apple W New-Zealand 0,06 0,05 48958168 Tebufenozide Apple W New-Zealand 0,15 0,05 A 48689027 Tebufenozide Apple W New-Zealand 0,08 0,05 46656431 Tebufenozide Basil W Thailand 0,15 0,05 A 57037784 Tebufenozide Basil W Thailand 0,66 0,05 A 57037741 Tebufenozide Grape W Italy 0,18 0,05 A 45403351 Tebufenozide Other vegetables W Thailand 0,26 0,05 A 57061626 Tebufenozide Sweet pepper W Spain 0,06 0,05 46579127 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,11 0,05 A 45403351 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,06 0,05 45392945 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,07 0,05 58300918 Tebufenpyrad Grape W 0,08 0,05 44377888 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,21 0,05 A 58300926 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,06 0,05 A 45567516 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,06 0,05 A 56060618 Tebufenpyrad Grape W Italy 0,11 0,05 A 44422271 Tebufenpyrad Pepper W Israel 0,31 0,05 A 46716787 Tebufenpyrad Pepper W Chile 0,94 0,05 A 48636004 Tebufenpyrad Pepper W Israel 0,53 0,05 A 46768019 Tebufenpyrad Raspberry W The Netherlands 0,08 0,05 46681924 Tebufenpyrad Strawberry W Spain 0,08 0,05 48813062 Tebufenpyrad Tangerines W Spain 0,07 0,05 57286393 Tetramethrin Leek W 0,53 0,05 A 57242108 Tetramethrin Sweet pepper W 0,25 0,05 A 57242175 Tetramethrin Sweet pepper W 0,25 0,05 A 57242175 Tetramethrin Sweet pepper W Egypt 0,45 0,05 A 57392002 Tetramethrin Tomato W The Netherlands 1,20 0,05 45519503 Thiamethoxam Yard long bean W Dominic. Rep. 0,06 0,05 A 57291877 Thiamethoxam Grape W India 0,07 0,05 57302372 Thiamethoxam Strawberry W Morocco 0,06 0,05 44290537 Tolclofos-methyl Lettuce W The Netherlands 1,10 1,00 48528937 Tolclofos-methyl Lettuce W The Netherlands 1,90 1,00 57426284 Tolylfluanid (sum) Leek W The Netherlands 0,11 0,10 57185198 Tolylfluanid (sum) Leek W The Netherlands 0,34 0,10 A 57717084 Tolylfluanid (sum) Leek W The Netherlands 0,73 0,10 A 57555564 Tolylfluanid (sum) Lettuce W Italy 2,18 1,00 48439233 Tolylfluanid (sum) Lettuce W The Netherlands 1,64 1,00 44253607 Tolylfluanid (sum) Oakleaf lettuce W Belgium 1,57 1,00 A 58322911 Table D2. Page 3

Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in national MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Tolylfluanid (sum) Onion (small) W Spain 0,99 0,10 A 46579267 Tolylfluanid (sum) Rosemary W Italy 0,77 0,10 A 46768256 Tolylfluanid (sum) Rosemary W Italy 1,25 0,10 46768256 Tolylfluanid (sum) Thyme W Italy 9,80 0,10 A 46768248 Trifloxystrobine Sweet pepper W Turkey 0,06 0,05 A 48528252 (*) Point of sampling in distribution: F = farmgate, R = retail, W = wholesale, O = other (**) e.g. W: Warnings have been issued to the holders of the product inspected and sampled A: Administrative consequences have followed, e.g. prohibiting for sale, the levying of penalties or fines P Prosecution RA a Rapid Alert has been notified

Table D2. Page 4

Table D3: Details of Residues Exceeding EC-MRLs
Follow-up enforcement sampling

(Samples of national and co-ordinated programme)
(Fresh and frozen fruit, vegetables and cereals)
(Pesticides covered by Directives 76/895, 86/362 and 90/642) Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005 Please make one entry in the list for each exceeded MRL. The same samples should have the same sample reference. Pesticide (in
alphabetical order of Point of Residue in EC-MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Chlorpyriphos-ethyl Grape W Italy 1,70 0,50 57073128 (*) Point of sampling in distribution: F = farmgate, R = retail, W = wholesale, O = other (**) e.g. W: Warnings have been issued to the holders of the product inspected and sampled A: Administrative consequences have followed, e.g. prohibiting for sale, the levying of penalties or fines P Prosecution RA a Rapid Alert has been notified

Table D3. Page 1

Table D4: Details of Residues Exceeding non-harmonised MRLs, including national MRLs
Follow-up enforcement sampling
(Samples of national and co-ordinated programme)
(Fresh and frozen fruit, vegetables and cereals)
Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005 Please make one entry in the list for each exceeded MRL. The same samples should have the same sample reference. Pesticide (in national alphabetical order of Point of Residue in MRL Follow-up Sample the English name) Food item sampling (*) Country of origin mg/kg (mg/kg) (**) reference Tebufenpyrad Tangerines W Spain 0,07 0,05 57286393 Thiamethoxam Grape W India 0,06 0,05 57258098 (*) Point of sampling in distribution: F = farmgate, R = retail, W = wholesale, O = other (**) e.g. W: Warnings have been issued to the holders of the product inspected and sampled A: Administrative consequences have followed, e.g. prohibiting for sale, the levying of penalties or fines P Prosecution RA a Rapid Alert has been notified

Table D4. Page 1

Table E: Details of Samples with Multiple Residues (>=2) in Single Samples

(Samples of national and co-ordinated programme)
(Fresh and frozen fruit, vegetables and cereals)
(Sum of surveillance and follow-up enforcement sampling) (Pesticides covered by Directives 76/895, 86/362 and 90/642 and by the national programmes) Reporting country: The Netherlands Year of sampling: 2005 Total number of samples with multiple residues (>=2): 1287 Number of samples with 2 pesticide residues: 429 Number of samples with 5 pesticide residues: 140 Number of samples with 8 pesticide residues: 39 Number of samples with 3 pesticide residues: 274 Number of samples with 6 pesticide residues: 92 Number of samples with 9 pesticide residues: 20 Number of samples with 4 pesticide residues: 220 Number of samples with 7 pesticide residues: 51 Number of samples with more than 9 pesticide residues: 22 not mandatory Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Grapefruit 5 Acetamiprid 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,34 Imazalil 0,06 Phenylphenol 2- 0,24 Thiabendazole 0,01 TR 4527770400 Grapefruit 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,13 Imazalil 0,39 Phenylphenol 2- 0,35 Thiabendazole 0,28 AR 4539019500 Grapefruit 2 Diazinon 0,08 Thiabendazole 0,35 HN 4540393900 Grapefruit 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,22 Imazalil 0,80 Phenylphenol 2- 0,28 Thiabendazole 0,85 TR 4541789100 Grapefruit 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,14 Imazalil 0,06 Malathion 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,04 HN 4546768600 Grapefruit 3 Bromopropylate 0,10 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Imazalil 1,50 4667151100 Grapefruit 3 Azoxystrobine 0,07 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,08 Imazalil 0,59 SZ 4680949100 Grapefruit 3 Imazalil 0,75 Imidacloprid 0,05 Trifloxystrobine 0,03 ZA 4686317800 Grapefruit 3 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,10 Thiabendazole 1,80 IL 4852882100 Grapefruit 6 Dichlofluanide (parent) 0,02 Fenbuconazole 0,02 Imazalil 1,30 Phenylphenol 2- 1,30 Pyraclostrobine 0,01 Thiabendazole 1,50 ZA 4863465600 Grapefruit 5 Dicofol 1,30 Imazalil 0,62 Phenylphenol 2- 0,03 Pyraclostrobine 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,50 US 4863607100 Grapefruit 3 Carbaryl 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Parathion-methyl 0,13 NL 4868870500 Grapefruit 4 Buprofezin 0,03 Imazalil 0,92 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiabendazole 1,60 ZA 4868871300 Grapefruit 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,25 Imazalil 0,46 Methidathion 0,41 Prochloraz 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,15 TR 4877565900 Grapefruit 4 Imazalil 2,80 Methidathion 0,06 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiabendazole 1,10 IL 4879258800 Grapefruit 2 Imazalil 0,56 Imidacloprid 0,01 ZA 4895277100 Grapefruit 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,14 Pyriproxifen 0,01 TR 5626802200 Grapefruit 3 Imazalil 0,48 Phenylphenol 2- 0,30 Pyraclostrobine 0,07 US 5704146300 Grapefruit 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 1,00 ZA 5744761300 Grapefruit 5 Buprofezin 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 0,85 Methidathion 0,35 Pyriproxifen 0,03 ZA 5744798200 Grapefruit 7 Acetamiprid 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,30 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,04 Imazalil 1,00 Prochloraz 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,07 TR 5754387600 Grapefruit 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,22 Imazalil 0,54 Thiabendazole 0,63 TR 5770039400 Grapefruit 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,19 Imazalil 0,16 Phenylphenol 2- 0,74 Thiabendazole 0,02 TR 5830876500 Grapefruit 3 Bromopropylate 0,41 Imazalil 1,40 Thiabendazole 1,50 IL 5835596800 Grapefruit 2 Imazalil 0,71 Thiabendazole 0,21 IL 5835602600 Grapefruit 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,12 Imazalil 2,20 Thiabendazole 2,40 IL 5837176900 Lemon 8 Azinphos-methyl 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Dicofol 0,18 Imazalil 1,70 Phenylphenol 2- 1,20 Prochloraz 1,60 Pyriproxifen 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,13 ES 4527728300 Lemon 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,67 Ethion 1,00 Mecarbam 0,98 Methidathion 0,04 Phenylphenol 2- 0,63 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,47 Pyriproxifen 0,06 4551882500 Lemon 2 Dicofol 0,20 Imazalil 1,20 ES 4852847300 Lemon 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Dicofol 0,14 Imazalil 2,20 Methidathion 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 4,60 Pyriproxifen 0,02 ES 4863464800 Lemon 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Dicofol 0,08 Fenitrothion 0,10 Imazalil 0,84 Malathion 0,03 Prochloraz 0,26 ES 4863603900 Lemon 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Imazalil 0,46 Methidathion 0,42 Thiabendazole 0,12 ZA 4868754700 Lemon 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Dicofol 0,12 Imazalil 2,00 Methidathion 0,08 Prochloraz 0,80 ES 4877567500 Lemon 3 Imazalil 1,70 Prochloraz 0,01 Pyriproxifen 0,02 ES 4886249700 Lemon 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Imazalil 3,30 Phenylphenol 2- 0,22 ES 4895824900 Lemon 2 Imazalil 2,20 Phenylphenol 2- 2,00 AR 4895879600 Lemon 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Clofentezine 0,03 Fenitrothion 0,05 Imazalil 0,77 Pyriproxifen 0,04 ES 5704252400 Lemon 4 Imazalil 1,30 Phenylphenol 2- 0,41 Prochloraz 0,91 Thiabendazole 0,50 UY 5746938200 Lemon 3 Imazalil 4,40 Prochloraz 3,20 Thiabendazole 0,25 AR 5830098500 Lemon 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,19 Imazalil 2,40 Myclobutanil 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,87 ES 5830099300 Lemon 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,15 Imazalil 2,20 Myclobutanil 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,04 Thiabendazole 1,60 ES 5830112400 Lemon 3 Imazalil 0,41 Phenylphenol 2- 0,07 Thiabendazole 0,03 TR 5837177700 Lime 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 0,75 Thiabendazole 1,10 BR 4527735600 Lime 2 Imazalil 0,50 Thiabendazole 0,19 BR 4541790500 Lime 2 Imazalil 0,45 Prochloraz 0,23 BR 4542998900 Lime 2 Imazalil 1,10 Thiabendazole 0,25 BR 4671624800 Lime 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 0,66 Prochloraz 0,13 Thiabendazole 0,04 BR 4863594600 Lime 3 Imazalil 0,82 Prochloraz 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,10 BR 4868861600 Lime 3 Imazalil 0,24 Methidathion 0,03 Prochloraz 0,91 BR 4868891800 Lime 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,37 Cypermethrin 0,29 Malathion 0,18 MY 5744612900 Lime 2 Imazalil 0,32 Thiabendazole 0,15 BR 5746943900 Lime 2 Imazalil 0,56 Thiabendazole 0,10 BR 5830885400 Lime 3 Imazalil 0,34 Prochloraz 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,36 BR 5837178500 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,34 Imazalil 1,40 Malathion 0,03 Methidathion 0,10 MA 4418898800 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,23 Dicofol 0,42 Imazalil 3,10 Methidathion 0,10 ES 4418912700 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,18 Dicofol 0,06 Hexythiazox 0,01 Malathion 0,10 ES 4419672700 Tangerines 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,24 Thiabendazole 1,20 ES 4431510600 Tangerines 6 Imazalil 2,90 Imidacloprid 0,01 Malathion 0,02 Propargite 0,64 Tetradifon 0,10 Thiabendazole 2,90 ZA 4527847600 Tangerines 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,38 Imazalil 1,30 Malathion 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 0,04 Pyriproxifen 0,07 ES 4539666500 Tangerines 4 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,45 Prochloraz 0,03 AR 4539687800 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,14 Dicofol 0,15 Imazalil 1,10 Malathion 0,05 ES 4540331900 Tangerines 7 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,11 Dicofol 0,05 Fenthion (parent) 0,11 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,31 Imazalil 0,95 Malathion 0,15 Prochloraz 0,09 ES 4540381500 Tangerines 5 Imazalil 0,78 Malathion 0,21 Metalaxyl 0,06 Phenylphenol 2- 0,06 Thiabendazole 0,08 ES 4540387400 Tangerines 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,41 Hexythiazox 0,03 Imazalil 1,70 ES 4540454400 Tangerines 3 Imazalil 0,82 Phenylphenol 2- 0,47 Prochloraz 1,10 CL 4541785900 Table E. Page 1

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Tangerines 5 Imazalil 0,85 Malathion 0,39 Phenylphenol 2- 0,23 Prochloraz 1,10 Thiabendazole 0,07 AR 4541788300 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 Dicofol 0,21 Imazalil 2,00 Phenylphenol 2- 6,00 ES 4544537200 Tangerines 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,21 Dicofol 0,14 Imazalil 2,50 Malathion 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,03 ES 4646377300 Tangerines 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,20 Imazalil 0,06 ES 4657900300 Tangerines 4 Imazalil 2,40 Phenylphenol 2- 5,40 Tebufenpyrad 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,31 ES 4670512200 Tangerines 2 Imazalil 1,70 Methidathion 0,32 PL 4696037800 Tangerines 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Imazalil 0,11 Malathion 0,05 ES 4852839200 Tangerines 6 Bromopropylate 0,19 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Dicofol 0,23 Imazalil 0,34 Phenylphenol 2- 0,05 Thiabendazole 0,06 IL 4852884800 Tangerines 3 Imazalil 2,10 Phenylphenol 2- 0,29 Thiabendazole 0,14 UY 4868901900 Tangerines 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Imazalil 2,90 Malathion 0,06 Thiabendazole 2,30 ZA 4879259600 Tangerines 8 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Difenoconazole 0,01 Imazalil 1,50 Phenylphenol 2- 0,27 Propiconazole 0,01 Pyriproxifen 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,01 Thiabendazole 3,60 TR 4885478800 Tangerines 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Imazalil 0,56 Phenylphenol 2- 0,06 ZA 4891732100 Tangerines 8 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Fenthion (parent) 0,05 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,09 Imazalil 1,90 Imidacloprid 0,02 Malathion 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,07 Pyriproxifen 0,02 ES 5606072300 Tangerines 9 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,20 Fenthion (parent) 0,01 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,05 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,48 Methiocarb (parent) 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,48 Pyriproxifen 0,02 Thiabendazole 2,50 ES 5606089800 Tangerines 3 Imazalil 3,70 Malathion 0,22 Thiabendazole 0,28 ES 5626780800 Tangerines 6 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Fenthion (parent) 0,03 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,05 Imazalil 3,00 Malathion 0,14 Thiabendazole 0,16 ES 5626783200 Tangerines 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Dicofol 0,20 Imazalil 1,30 Malathion 0,03 Thiabendazole 1,20 ES 5704144700 Tangerines 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Imazalil 1,70 Malathion 0,05 Methidathion 0,04 Thiabendazole 1,50 ES 5704245100 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Imazalil 0,55 Phenylphenol 2- 0,06 Tebufenpyrad 0,04 ES 5728638500 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,11 Imazalil 0,69 Phenylphenol 2- 0,38 Tebufenpyrad 0,07 ES 5728639300 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 Imazalil 0,66 Phenylphenol 2- 0,48 Tebufenpyrad 0,02 ES 5728640700 Tangerines 5 Imazalil 0,59 Malathion 0,07 Phenylphenol 2- 0,08 Prochloraz 0,80 Thiabendazole 4,50 AR 5744747800 Tangerines 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Imazalil 0,38 Prochloraz 0,02 Thiabendazole 2,80 ZA 5744748600 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,31 Imazalil 3,30 Malathion 0,12 Phenylphenol 2- 0,05 ES 5754388400 Tangerines 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Malathion 0,30 ES 5770034300 Tangerines 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,08 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,02 Malathion 0,10 Pyriproxifen 0,02 ES 5830094200 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,02 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,01 ES 5830110800 Tangerines 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,19 Fenthion (parent) 0,16 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,34 Imazalil 1,20 ES 5830111600 Tangerines 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Imazalil 2,40 Malathion 0,33 Myclobutanil 0,02 Thiabendazole 2,60 ES 5832296200 Tangerines 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,21 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,28 Imazalil 1,20 Omethoate 0,08 Thiabendazole 0,03 MA 5832315200 Tangerines 8 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Fenthion (parent) 0,03 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,06 Imazalil 1,40 Phenylphenol 2- 0,27 Propargite 0,06 Thiabendazole 0,02 ES 5832317900 Tangerines 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Imazalil 1,30 Malathion 0,06 Phenylphenol 2- 0,30 Phosmet (parent) 0,02 ES 5835601800 Orange 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Imazalil 1,80 Phenylphenol 2- 0,70 Thiabendazole 1,10 ES 4418899600 Orange 6 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,13 Imazalil 0,63 Malathion 0,01 Omethoate 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 0,96 Thiabendazole 0,06 EG 4419655700 Orange 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Imazalil 1,70 Phenylphenol 2- 0,44 ES 4419657300 Orange 9 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,27 Dicofol 0,16 Hexythiazox 0,01 Imazalil 1,10 Malathion 0,01 Methidathion 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 0,17 Tebufenpyrad 0,04 ES 4429058800 Orange 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,18 Hexythiazox 0,01 Imazalil 0,49 Malathion 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,04 ES 4429059600 Orange 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,19 Imazalil 2,40 ES 4431511400 Orange 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 3,40 Malathion 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 2,80 Thiabendazole 1,30 ES 4432453900 Orange 5 Bromopropylate 0,07 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Imazalil 1,90 Imidacloprid 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,68 ZA 4432655800 Orange 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 1,20 Phenylphenol 2- 0,14 Prochloraz 0,10 Thiabendazole 4,70 AR 4437782900 Orange 2 Imazalil 0,71 Methidathion 0,07 ZA 4442218200 Orange 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 0,55 ZA 4442226300 Orange 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Imazalil 2,10 Tebufenpyrad 0,03 Thiabendazole 1,70 ES 4527729100 Orange 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 1,60 Thiabendazole 2,80 ZA 4527835200 Orange 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,20 Dicofol 0,16 Imazalil 2,30 Phenylphenol 2- 0,59 Pyriproxifen 0,02 Thiabendazole 1,40 ES 4527837900 Orange 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Imazalil 0,73 Thiabendazole 0,57 ZA 4538953700 Orange 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,13 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,45 Imazalil 1,80 Malathion 0,03 MA 4539015200 Orange 2 Imazalil 2,00 Phenylphenol 2- 0,31 UY 4539270800 Orange 4 Imazalil 1,40 Malathion 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,50 Prochloraz 0,18 UY 4539284800 Orange 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,15 Imazalil 2,20 Malathion 0,02 Methidathion 0,39 Pyriproxifen 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,03 ZA 4539662200 Orange 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 1,20 Phenylphenol 2- 0,36 Prochloraz 0,39 Thiabendazole 0,54 AR 4539684300 Orange 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 1,40 ZA 4540391200 Orange 5 Dicofol 0,12 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,13 Phenylphenol 2- 0,05 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,04 ES 4540455200 Orange 3 Bromopropylate 0,15 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Imidacloprid 0,08 ZA 4541786700 Orange 4 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,06 Phenylphenol 2- 0,07 Thiabendazole 0,07 ES 4541787500 Orange 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,21 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 0,47 ES 4544534800 Orange 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Dicofol 0,20 Malathion 0,06 Methidathion 0,04 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,07 ES 4546763500 Orange 3 Imazalil 2,10 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,54 EG 4548986800 Orange 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,30 Dicofol 0,61 Imazalil 0,58 Phenylphenol 2- 0,06 ES 4646378100 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Imazalil 2,30 Methidathion 0,04 ES 4657898800 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,14 Imazalil 0,99 Methidathion 0,20 ES 4657899600 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Imazalil 1,10 Methidathion 0,03 ES 4665504400 Orange 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Dicofol 0,36 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,02 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,15 Thiabendazole 0,42 ES 4665510900 Orange 3 Imazalil 1,70 Malathion 0,01 Methidathion 0,13 MA 4665520600 Orange 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,02 ES 4665561300 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Imazalil 1,20 Methidathion 0,39 MA 4665595800 Orange 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Imazalil 2,30 Thiabendazole 1,20 ES 4665600800 Orange 2 Imazalil 1,60 Thiabendazole 0,86 EG 4665601600 Orange 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 1,20 Methidathion 0,27 MA 4665636900 Orange 4 Dicofol 1,40 Imazalil 1,40 Phenylphenol 2- 0,86 Thiabendazole 0,72 US 4665637700 Orange 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,16 EG 4667153800 Orange 4 Carbofuran (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Imazalil 4,20 Thiabendazole 0,10 PT 4667163500 Orange 4 Imazalil 1,40 Methidathion 0,31 Phenylphenol 2- 0,09 Thiabendazole 0,34 UY 4667192900 Orange 4 Bromopropylate 0,05 Imazalil 0,73 Pyriproxifen 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,02 ZA 4668204100 Orange 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 0,58 Profenofos 0,02 ZA 4668206800 Orange 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,13 Imazalil 0,10 ES 4670508400 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Imazalil 0,98 Phenylphenol 2- 1,70 ES 4670509200 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Imazalil 1,40 Phenylphenol 2- 1,20 ES 4671650700 Orange 3 Imazalil 1,30 Phenylphenol 2- 1,30 Thiabendazole 0,41 EG 4671655800 Table E. Page 2

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Orange 4 Bromopropylate 0,13 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 0,51 Thiabendazole 0,24 ZA 4680947500 Orange 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 0,78 Imidacloprid 0,02 Thiabendazole 1,80 ZA 4680948300 Orange 5 Diazinon 0,07 Imazalil 2,20 Phenylphenol 2- 1,00 Profenofos 0,02 Thiabendazole 1,90 EG 4680950500 Orange 5 Bromopropylate 0,24 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 2,20 Imidacloprid 0,04 Thiabendazole 1,40 ZA 4686315100 Orange 3 Imazalil 1,50 Phenylphenol 2- 0,32 Thiabendazole 3,00 TR 4852834100 Orange 3 Imazalil 2,50 Phenylphenol 2- 0,76 Thiabendazole 6,20 TR 4852836800 Orange 4 Diazinon 0,09 Imazalil 3,00 Phenylphenol 2- 3,40 Thiabendazole 0,78 EG 4852881300 Orange 6 Dichlofluanide (parent) 0,02 Dicofol 0,13 Imazalil 2,10 Phenylphenol 2- 0,12 Pyraclostrobine 0,01 Thiabendazole 2,20 4863466400 Orange 6 Bromopropylate 0,25 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Diphenylamine 0,01 Imazalil 1,80 Imidacloprid 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,81 ZA 4868961200 Orange 5 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,05 Imazalil 1,10 Omethoate 0,03 Phenylphenol 2- 0,39 Thiabendazole 0,81 ES 4877566700 Orange 2 Imazalil 1,10 Phenylphenol 2- 0,31 GR 4885457500 Orange 3 Imazalil 0,36 Phenylphenol 2- 0,70 Thiabendazole 0,81 TR 4886266700 Orange 5 Bromopropylate 0,06 Imazalil 2,30 Imidacloprid 0,02 Phenylphenol 2- 3,50 Thiabendazole 0,02 ES 4891727500 Orange 2 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Imazalil 0,74 ZA 4895239900 Orange 3 Imazalil 0,45 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,14 ZA 4895276300 Orange 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 2,20 Methidathion 0,05 ZA 4895872900 Orange 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Imazalil 0,90 Malathion 0,10 Thiabendazole 1,30 ES 5626782400 Orange 3 Imazalil 1,50 Phenylphenol 2- 0,70 Prochloraz 0,25 UY 5626801400 Orange 5 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Imazalil 1,40 Malathion 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,42 Thiabendazole 0,55 EG 5703384300 Orange 5 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,02 Phenylphenol 2- 1,70 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,07 Thiabendazole 0,95 EG 5703438600 Orange 5 Imazalil 1,60 Malathion 0,02 Phenylphenol 2- 1,90 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,66 EG 5703439400 Orange 5 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,12 Imazalil 1,20 Omethoate 0,02 Phenylphenol 2- 0,57 Thiabendazole 0,93 EG 5703880200 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Imazalil 1,30 Thiabendazole 2,20 ES 5704143900 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Dicofol 0,18 Imazalil 1,00 ES 5704250800 Orange 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Imazalil 1,70 Malathion 0,05 Phenylphenol 2- 0,83 Thiabendazole 0,01 ES 5704251600 Orange 2 Imazalil 0,63 Thiabendazole 1,60 CU 5704261300 Orange 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,13 Imazalil 1,10 Phenylphenol 2- 0,72 Thiabendazole 0,44 EG 5704262100 Orange 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Imazalil 1,00 MA 5704309100 Orange 2 Imazalil 1,00 Methidathion 0,56 MA 5704310500 Orange 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 0,96 Phenylphenol 2- 0,65 Thiabendazole 0,08 EG 5704359800 Orange 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 1,00 Phenylphenol 2- 0,35 Thiabendazole 0,13 EG 5704360100 Orange 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,07 Imazalil 0,80 Omethoate 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,16 EG 5704362800 Orange 5 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Imazalil 1,30 Omethoate 0,01 Phenylphenol 2- 0,66 Thiabendazole 0,95 EG 5704363600 Orange 3 Imazalil 1,30 Phenylphenol 2- 0,58 Thiabendazole 2,10 EG 5704364400 Orange 5 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,38 Imazalil 0,96 Omethoate 0,04 Phenylphenol 2- 0,75 Thiabendazole 0,70 EG 5729225300 Orange 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Imazalil 0,93 Phenylphenol 2- 0,95 Thiabendazole 1,60 EG 5729268700 Orange 4 Dicofol 0,06 Imazalil 2,20 Phenylphenol 2- 0,16 Thiabendazole 3,70 EG 5729547300 Orange 5 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,02 Phenylphenol 2- 1,40 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,45 EG 5729694100 Orange 3 Imazalil 1,20 Phenylphenol 2- 1,50 Thiabendazole 0,57 EG 5729696800 Orange 4 Imazalil 0,84 Phenylphenol 2- 1,50 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,08 Thiabendazole 0,38 EG 5729697600 Orange 4 Imazalil 0,85 Phenylphenol 2- 1,90 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,31 EG 5729698400 Orange 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Imazalil 1,50 Malathion 0,02 Methiocarb (parent) 0,02 Phenylphenol 2- 1,40 Thiabendazole 0,16 ES 5730089200 Orange 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Imazalil 1,80 MA 5730090600 Orange 2 Malathion 0,06 Thiabendazole 2,70 MA 5730094900 Orange 3 Malathion 0,03 Methidathion 0,71 Thiabendazole 2,40 MA 5730095700 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,28 Imazalil 1,20 Malathion 0,01 MA 5730096500 Orange 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,08 Imazalil 0,97 Thiabendazole 0,96 ES 5730097300 Orange 5 Imazalil 0,90 Malathion 0,05 Phenthoate 0,22 Phenylphenol 2- 1,00 Thiabendazole 0,13 EG 5744762100 Orange 3 Imazalil 2,60 Malathion 0,01 Methidathion 0,82 MA 5744764800 Orange 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Imazalil 1,60 Phenylphenol 2- 0,71 Prochloraz 5,20 Thiabendazole 0,24 AR 5746208600 Orange 6 Imazalil 2,30 Methidathion 0,74 Phenylphenol 2- 0,16 Prochloraz 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,19 Thiabendazole 1,10 UY 5746221300 Orange 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Fenthion (parent) 0,02 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,03 Prochloraz 0,07 ES 5770038600 Orange 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Imazalil 2,60 Malathion 0,04 Phenylphenol 2- 1,60 Thiabendazole 2,80 ES 5832298900 Pomelo 2 Imazalil 2,20 Thiabendazole 1,20 IL 5704253200 Other citrus fruit 7 Carbofuran (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,12 Dicofol 0,17 Flutriafol 0,02 Imazalil 1,60 Methidathion 0,17 Thiabendazole 0,43 TR 4546764300 Other citrus fruit 3 Imazalil 1,40 Malathion 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,24 IL 4548990600 Other citrus fruit 4 Imazalil 3,40 Malathion 0,03 Pyriproxifen 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,76 IL 4657913500 Other citrus fruit 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,05 Omethoate 0,12 ES 4863443500 Other citrus fruit 2 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,10 Phenylphenol 2- 0,11 ES 5830097700 Apple 2 DMST 0,04 Indoxacarb 0,01 NL 4418901100 Apple 2 Captan 0,06 Indoxacarb 0,02 NL 4418914300 Apple 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 DMST 0,25 Indoxacarb 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,06 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 NL 4419661100 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 DMST 0,41 Indoxacarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,07 NL 4419772300 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 DMST 0,22 Indoxacarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4419776600 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,24 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4419778200 Apple 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,06 Diphenylamine 0,04 ZA 4425367400 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 DMST 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4429056100 Apple 9 Captan 0,10 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Diphenylamine 0,88 DMST 0,07 Fenoxycarb 0,01 Propargite 1,10 Thiabendazole 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,05 FR 4429340400 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 DMST 0,06 Indoxacarb 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,05 NL 4429341200 Apple 5 Captan 0,06 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 DMST 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 Triadimenol 0,02 NL 4430259400 Apple 5 Captan 0,20 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 DMST 0,37 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,09 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,27 NL 4430267500 Apple 6 Captan 0,20 Carbendazim (parent) 0,27 DMST 0,14 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Tebufenpyrad 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,19 NL 4430269100 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,26 DMST 0,08 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4430288800 Apple 7 Captan 0,09 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 DMST 0,02 Indoxacarb 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 NL 4430292600 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 DMST 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,11 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 ZA 4432486500 Apple 4 Carbaryl 0,26 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,51 Malathion 0,01 CL 4436230901 Apple 3 Carbaryl 0,19 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,54 CL 4436231701 Apple 6 Boscalid 0,07 Captan 0,16 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Pyraclostrobine 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,01 NL 4437783700 Apple 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,35 Diphenylamine 0,02 DMST 0,04 Tebufenozide 0,08 Thiabendazole 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 FR 4527726700 Apple 3 Captan 0,24 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,06 NL 4527793300 Table E. 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Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Apple 4 Captan 0,33 Carbaryl 0,22 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,07 NL 4527794100 Apple 3 Carbaryl 0,13 Famoxadone 0,01 Tebufenozide 0,01 BR 4527838700 Apple 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,06 Diphenylamine 2,60 Thiabendazole 0,61 CL 4539003900 Apple 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,06 Diphenylamine 0,13 CL 4539268600 Apple 7 Captan 0,12 Carbaryl 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 DMST 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,23 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 NL 4539660600 Apple 3 DMST 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,07 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4540394700 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 DMST 0,02 Indoxacarb 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,05 NL 4540457900 Apple 2 Fenoxycarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4547000800 Apple 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,58 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 NL 4547002400 Apple 4 Captan 0,05 DMST 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,06 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4547011300 Apple 2 Carbaryl 0,05 Thiabendazole 0,03 CL 4551942200 Apple 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Carbaryl 0,13 Diphenylamine 0,02 NL 4665500100 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4665638500 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,24 DMST 0,14 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,11 NL 4665639300 Apple 2 Indoxacarb 0,01 Tebufenozide 0,08 NZ 4665643100 Apple 2 Phosmet (parent) 0,05 Trichlorfon 0,11 ES 4668197500 Apple 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Malathion 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,05 FR 4668198300 Apple 2 Diphenylamine 0,38 Thiabendazole 0,38 FR 4671641800 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Diphenylamine 0,62 Thiabendazole 1,10 FR 4671642600 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,13 Diphenylamine 0,25 DMST 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,46 FR 4671648500 Apple 2 Diphenylamine 0,16 Thiabendazole 0,49 FR 4671672800 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Phosmet (parent) 0,04 Tebufenozide 0,01 BR 4680943200 Apple 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,11 Carbaryl 0,24 Iprodione 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,60 CL 4686320800 Apple 5 Carbaryl 0,03 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Diphenylamine 1,40 Pyridaphenthion 0,17 Thiabendazole 1,40 AR 4686321600 Apple 6 Captan 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Diphenylamine 1,90 Fenoxycarb 0,02 Tebufenozide 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,84 FR 4863458300 Apple 7 Captan 0,14 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 DMST 0,02 Endosulfan 0,10 Fenoxycarb 0,01 Thiabendazole 1,10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 FR 4863609800 Apple 7 Azinphos-methyl 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 DMST 0,03 Endosulfan 0,03 Phosmet (parent) 0,01 Propargite 0,31 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 FR 4863610100 Apple 6 Captan 0,15 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Diethofencarb 0,02 DMST 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,06 Triadimenol 0,02 BE 4868872100 Apple 2 Captan 0,10 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 NL 4868874800 Apple 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,01 Diphenylamine 0,93 Thiabendazole 0,59 CL 4868903500 Apple 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,08 Diphenylamine 0,45 ZA 4868958200 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,17 Diethofencarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 FR 4868960400 Apple 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,22 DMST 0,03 NL 4870787400 Apple 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Diphenylamine 0,31 DMST 0,02 Propargite 0,05 Tebufenozide 0,01 Thiabendazole 1,00 FR 4873243700 Apple 3 Captan 0,10 DMST 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4876452500 Apple 3 Captan 0,79 Carbendazim (parent) 0,44 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4879250200 Apple 4 DMST 0,03 Indoxacarb 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,06 NL 4879252900 Apple 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,11 DMST 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4886241100 Apple 2 Thiabendazole 0,05 Thiacloprid 0,02 AR 4886315900 Apple 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Carbaryl 0,01 FR 4895243700 Apple 5 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Diphenylamine 0,34 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,02 Imazalil 0,52 Trichlorfon 0,05 ES 4895244500 Apple 2 Diphenylamine 0,74 Tebufenozide 0,06 NZ 4895816800 Apple 2 Diphenylamine 0,20 Thiabendazole 0,42 NL 5604269500 Apple 5 Azinphos-methyl 0,01 Diphenylamine 0,42 Flufenoxuron 0,05 Thiabendazole 0,28 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 5604276800 Apple 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Diphenylamine 3,20 DMST 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,26 FR 5626804900 Apple 5 Captan 0,10 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Tebufenpyrad 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 NL 5704140400 Apple 6 Captan 0,12 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 DMST 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Tebufenpyrad 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,05 NL 5718538400 Apple 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 5728838800 Apple 6 Azinphos-methyl 0,10 Captan 0,45 Fenpyroximate 0,02 Iprodione 0,81 Methoxyfenozide 0,01 Pyriproxifen 0,02 UY 5730102300 Apple 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,06 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Diphenylamine 3,60 ZA 5744749400 Apple 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,09 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Diphenylamine 0,05 Endosulfan 0,02 ZA 5744750800 Apple 6 Azinphos-methyl 0,07 Carbaryl 0,21 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Diphenylamine 2,70 Thiabendazole 1,80 AR 5744784200 Apple 3 Diazinon 0,09 Propargite 0,34 Tebuconazole 0,02 HU 5746229900 Apple 2 Diazinon 0,03 Diphenylamine 0,04 CL 5746940400 Apple 5 Captan 0,06 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 DMST 0,27 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,09 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 5832303900 Apple 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,13 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 DMST 0,04 Propargite 0,12 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 FR 5832304700 Apple 4 Endosulfan 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,02 Methoxyfenozide 0,02 Spirodiclofen 0,02 FR 5837196300 Pear 2 DMST 0,06 Indoxacarb 0,03 NL 4418913500 Pear 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Indoxacarb 0,01 NL 4419660300 Pear 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 DMST 0,02 Indoxacarb 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 NL 4419781200 Pear 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Chlormequat 0,06 DMST 0,11 Spirodiclofen 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,28 NL 4419784700 Pear 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,11 DMST 0,05 Indoxacarb 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,09 NL 4430257800 Pear 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 DMST 0,06 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,08 NL 4430271300 Pear 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Chlormequat 0,06 DMST 0,11 Indoxacarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,21 NL 4430305100 Pear 6 Captan 0,06 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Difenoconazole 0,01 DMST 0,05 Indoxacarb 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,13 NL 4430309400 Pear 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 DMST 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4431508400 Pear 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,02 NL 4437784500 Pear 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 DMST 0,06 Spirodiclofen 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,08 NL 4527732100 Pear 4 Captan 0,08 Carbendazim (parent) 0,20 DMST 0,08 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,20 NL 4527839500 Pear 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Phosmet (parent) 0,05 FR 4539005500 Pear 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,12 DMST 0,07 Indoxacarb 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,25 NL 4539018700 Pear 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,15 Chlormequat 0,06 DMST 0,09 Spirodiclofen 0,06 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,16 NL 4539683500 Pear 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,11 Chlormequat 0,14 DMST 0,09 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,21 NL 4540458700 Pear 4 Captan 0,19 Carbendazim (parent) 0,21 DMST 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,02 NL 4547014800 Pear 2 Captan 0,08 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 NL 4547016400 Pear 4 Captan 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 DMST 0,11 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,19 NL 4657918600 Pear 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,11 Chlormequat 0,15 DMST 0,09 Indoxacarb 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,24 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 NL 4665566400 Pear 4 Captan 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,40 DMST 0,12 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,36 NL 4665596600 Pear 6 Captan 0,09 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 DMST 0,04 Indoxacarb 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,30 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,14 NL 4670511400 Pear 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Chlormequat 0,08 DMST 0,16 Indoxacarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,29 NL 4671647700 Table E. 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Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Pear 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,06 Carbaryl 0,09 Chlormequat 0,07 AR 4671670100 Pear 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 DMST 0,06 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,13 NL 4863459100 Pear 6 Captan 0,08 Carbendazim (parent) 0,20 Chlormequat 0,09 DMST 0,06 Indoxacarb 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,17 NL 4863613600 Pear 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Carbaryl 0,06 Thiabendazole 0,13 AR 4868875600 Pear 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,15 DMST 0,06 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,09 NL 4870794700 Pear 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 DMST 0,03 Indoxacarb 0,04 Tebufenozide 0,04 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,08 BE 4876450900 Pear 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,10 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 IT 4894110900 Pear 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,70 Chlormequat 0,08 ES 4895242900 Pear 4 Captan 0,06 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Difenoconazole 0,02 Indoxacarb 0,02 NL 4895805200 Pear 5 Acetamiprid 0,03 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,04 Difenoconazole 0,01 Diflubenzuron 0,37 Spirodiclofen 0,02 TR 5606086300 Pear 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 DMST 0,11 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,26 NL 5626795600 Pear 2 Captan 0,10 Indoxacarb 0,02 NL 5704141200 Pear 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,25 DMST 0,11 Indoxacarb 0,02 Spirodiclofen 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,31 NL 5704145500 Pear 4 Captan 0,14 Carbendazim (parent) 0,21 DMST 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,07 NL 5704147100 Pear 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Carbaryl 0,06 Iprodione 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,56 AR 5729223700 Pear 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 CL 5730164300 Pear 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Parathion 0,06 CN 5730168600 Pear 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlormequat 0,07 Diphenylamine 1,70 Folpet 1,10 Imazalil 0,56 Phosmet (parent) 0,17 Tebuconazole 0,02 PT 5754381700 Pear 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,20 DMST 0,04 Spirodiclofen 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,05 NL 5832314400 Pear 3 DMST 0,06 Spirodiclofen 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,14 NL 5837195500 Apricot 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,08 Difenoconazole 0,05 Tebuconazole 0,16 FR 4538954500 Apricot 2 Captan 0,20 Tebuconazole 0,07 GR 4868910800 Apricot 3 Captan 0,28 Endosulfan 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,04 TR 4894118400 Apricot 2 Carbaryl 0,89 Iprodione 1,40 NZ 5704214100 Apricot 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Propargite 0,06 GR 5744772900 Apricot 2 Fenbuconazole 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 MA 5746006700 Apricot 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Fenarimol 0,01 MA 5746036900 Apricot 2 Captan 0,20 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 TR 5754897500 Cherry 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Diazinon 0,07 Omethoate 0,03 TR 4538890500 Cherry 5 Bitertanol 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,13 Omethoate 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,03 GR 4539022500 Cherry 2 Monocrotophos 0,12 Omethoate 0,02 TR 4667154600 Cherry 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,11 Omethoate 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,07 Thiacloprid 0,02 GR 4868909400 Cherry 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Diazinon 0,03 TR 4894124900 Cherry 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,37 Endosulfan 0,02 Fenthion (parent) 0,01 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,02 Omethoate 0,03 Tebuconazole 0,02 GR 5744775300 Cherry 6 Bitertanol 0,07 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,09 Omethoate 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,05 Tebuconazole 0,01 GR 5744776100 Cherry 4 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,28 Imidacloprid 0,03 Iprodione 0,15 Omethoate 0,06 CA 5746788600 Cherry 6 Azinphos-methyl 0,07 Fenbuconazole 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,12 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,04 CA 5746789400 Cherry 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,22 Dicofol 0,20 TR 5746791600 Cherry 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 3,00 CN 5836731100 Peach 3 Cypermethrin 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,05 FR 4538892100 Peach 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,16 Hexythiazox 0,01 ES 4538971500 Peach 6 Azinphos-methyl 0,07 Carbendazim (parent) 0,55 Iprodione 1,70 Methomyl (parent) 0,18 Spinosad (A & D) 0,07 Tebuconazole 0,17 FR 4539006300 Peach 7 Azinphos-methyl 0,09 Captan 1,00 Carbendazim (parent) 0,16 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,03 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,03 Procymidone 0,44 ES 4539277500 Peach 5 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,05 Imazalil 0,04 Omethoate 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,02 IL 4665602400 Peach 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,03 Myclobutanil 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,30 ES 4667147300 Peach 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,21 Fenthion (parent) 0,03 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,04 Phosmet (parent) 0,08 ES 4667184800 Peach 2 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 ES 4667186400 Peach 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Fenbuconazole 0,01 Procymidone 0,35 FR 4668190800 Peach 5 Difenoconazole 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,06 Spinosad (A & D) 0,03 Tebuconazole 0,08 FR 4680941600 Peach 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 ES 4680942400 Peach 3 Endosulfan 0,06 Fenbuconazole 0,04 Iprodione 2,30 ZA 4863460500 Peach 5 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Bitertanol 0,06 Carbendazim (parent) 0,13 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,01 ES 4868897700 Peach 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Procymidone 0,28 ES 4868951500 Peach 3 Captan 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 TR 4894116800 Peach 3 Acetamiprid 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Thiacloprid 0,05 TR 4894128100 Peach 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Phosmet (parent) 0,09 ES 4895248800 Peach 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Propargite 0,09 ES 4895808700 Peach 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Malathion 0,07 EG 5730184800 Peach 2 Iprodione 0,13 Tebufenpyrad 0,03 ES 5744766400 Peach 4 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,10 Fenbuconazole 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,07 FR 5746785100 Peach 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Malathion 0,05 Myclobutanil 0,02 Propargite 0,60 ES 5746946300 Peach 5 Etofenprox 0,04 Fenitrothion 0,07 Iprodione 0,06 Myclobutanil 0,02 Procymidone 0,45 IT 5830105100 Peach 2 Etofenprox 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 IT 5830107800 Nectarine 2 Iprodione 0,31 Propargite 0,18 ES 4425371200 Nectarine 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,03 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imazalil 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,01 ES 4432487300 Nectarine 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,17 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,12 Flusilazole 0,02 ES 4538891300 Nectarine 2 Malathion 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,14 ES 4539021700 Nectarine 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Propargite 0,14 ES 4539276700 Nectarine 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,08 Bitertanol 0,08 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 ES 4539292900 Nectarine 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,39 Fenthion (parent) 0,08 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,05 Phosmet (parent) 0,02 ES 4667182100 Nectarine 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,05 Carbaryl 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,01 FR 4668193200 Nectarine 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,05 Carbaryl 0,07 Cyprodinil 0,04 Iprodione 1,20 CL 4671643400 Nectarine 2 Carbaryl 0,06 Iprodione 1,70 CL 4863617900 Nectarine 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,36 Procymidone 0,18 ES 4868898500 Nectarine 5 Bitertanol 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,24 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,03 Phosmet (parent) 0,03 Procymidone 0,38 ES 4868950700 Nectarine 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Iprodione 0,36 Malathion 0,02 Procymidone 0,34 Trichlorfon 0,07 ES 4879253700 Nectarine 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Fenthion (parent) 0,09 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,09 Phosmet (parent) 0,02 Procymidone 0,20 ES 4895246100 Nectarine 2 Phosmet (parent) 0,02 Procymidone 0,16 ES 4895254200 Nectarine 4 Acrinathrin 0,07 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Etofenprox 0,47 Tebuconazole 0,01 ES 4895256900 Nectarine 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,15 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Tetraconazole 0,03 ES 4895809500 Table E. 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Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Nectarine 4 Azinphos-methyl 0,02 Bitertanol 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,25 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 ES 4895814100 Nectarine 3 Fenthion (parent) 0,02 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,05 Phosmet (parent) 0,02 ES 5703290100 Nectarine 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,01 Cyprodinil 0,06 Fludioxonil 0,02 FR 5703294400 Nectarine 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,02 Etofenprox 0,02 Procymidone 0,08 FR 5703295200 Nectarine 2 Bitertanol 0,02 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,04 ES 5703297900 Nectarine 4 Carbaryl 0,05 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Iprodione 2,40 Spinosad (A & D) 0,01 CL 5704302400 Nectarine 4 Bitertanol 0,04 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Iprodione 0,12 Spinosad (A & D) 0,01 ES 5744767200 Nectarine 2 Iprodione 0,11 Tebufenpyrad 0,03 ES 5744769900 Nectarine 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 ES 5744787700 Nectarine 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,19 Iprodione 0,82 Methomyl (parent) 0,09 Tebuconazole 0,04 FR 5746216700 Nectarine 3 Azinphos-methyl 0,02 Etofenprox 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,03 IT 5746224800 Nectarine 5 Azinphos-methyl 0,04 Carbaryl 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,04 Propargite 0,10 Tebuconazole 0,03 IT 5746787800 Plum, including damson 3 Captan 0,08 Phosmet (parent) 0,02 Propargite 0,09 ES 4539280500 Plum, including damson 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,02 NL 4668196700 Plum, including damson 2 Bitertanol 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 ES 4894121400 Grape 2 Azoxystrobine 0,12 Procymidone 0,73 ZA 4418915100 Grape 2 Kresoxim-methyl 0,05 Procymidone 1,40 ZA 4418917800 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Fenhexamid 0,28 Sulfur (S8) 2,00 AR 4419666200 Grape 2 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Zoxamide 0,02 BR 4432454700 Grape 2 Fenhexamid 0,04 Iprodione 0,04 EG 4432496200 Grape 11 Carbendazim (parent) 0,33 Cyprodinil 0,38 Fenhexamid 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,08 Flusilazole 0,02 Iprodione 0,65 Pyrimethanil 0,03 Spiroxamine 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 3,00 4433477101
11 Triadimenol 0,07 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 4433477101 Grape 5 Cyfluthrin 0,14 Dimethomorph 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,12 Indoxacarb 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,02 IT 4437785300 Grape 9 Carbaryl 0,14 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Dimethomorph 0,09 Indoxacarb 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,05 Pyrimethanil 0,27 Sulfur (S8) 0,18 Tebufenpyrad 0,08 Triadimenol 0,03 4437788800 Grape 10 Cyfluthrin 0,10 Dimethomorph 0,05 DMST 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,41 Indoxacarb 0,02 Iprodione 0,61 Iprovalicarb 0,04 Penconazole 0,02 Tebufenpyrad 0,11 IT 4442227100 10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,08 IT 4442227100 Grape 3 Azoxystrobine 0,07 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,25 Sulfur (S8) 0,39 ZA 4527737200 Grape 3 Fenarimol 0,01 Iprodione 0,26 Vinclozolin 0,06 ZA 4527745300 Grape 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,36 Triadimenol 0,01 CL 4527782800 Grape 2 Cyprodinil 0,04 Penconazole 0,01 EG 4538894800 Grape 2 Fenhexamid 1,70 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,08 EG 4538968500 Grape 7 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,09 Fenhexamid 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 55,00 Tebuconazole 0,13 CL 4539007100 Grape 6 Cyprodinil 0,30 Dimethomorph 0,01 Famoxadone 0,14 Fludioxonil 0,07 Tebufenpyrad 0,06 Triadimenol 0,04 IT 4539294500 Grape 6 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Cyprodinil 0,46 Fludioxonil 0,18 Pyrimethanil 0,15 Tebuconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,02 IT 4539657600 Grape 4 Indoxacarb 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,02 Phosmet (parent) 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,49 GR 4539658400 Grape 3 Iprodione 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,03 Spiroxamine 0,06 GR 4539665700 Grape 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,26 Cyprodinil 0,29 Fludioxonil 0,07 Indoxacarb 0,07 Procymidone 0,44 GR 4540333500 Grape 9 Azoxystrobine 0,09 Cyprodinil 0,71 Dimethomorph 0,02 Fenhexamid 1,90 Fludioxonil 0,26 Pyrimethanil 0,37 Tebuconazole 0,05 Tebufenpyrad 0,03 Triadimenol 0,06 IT 4540334300 Grape 15 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,35 Fenhexamid 0,28 Fludioxonil 0,12 Iprovalicarb 0,03 Metalaxyl 0,35 Procymidone 0,09 Spinosad (A & D) 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 4,00 IT 4540335100 15 Tebuconazole 0,03 Tebufenozide 0,18 Tebufenpyrad 0,11 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 Triadimenol 0,04 Trichlorfon 0,02 IT 4540335100 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 1,00 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 ES 4540337800 Grape 3 Dimethomorph 0,04 Famoxadone 0,03 Indoxacarb 0,04 FR 4540339400 Grape 7 Azoxystrobine 0,06 Bifenthrin 0,03 Dimethomorph 0,02 DMST 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,18 Pyrimethanil 0,04 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 IT 4540378500 Grape 2 Azoxystrobine 0,12 Boscalid 0,11 BR 4540379300 Grape 16 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,03 Cyprodinil 0,64 DMST 0,02 Fenazaquin 0,03 Fenhexamid 0,36 Fludioxonil 0,20 Myclobutanil 0,03 Penconazole 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,26 IT 4540380700 16 Quinoxyfen 0,06 Tebuconazole 0,03 Tebufenpyrad 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 Triadimenol 0,01 Trichlorfon 0,02 Zoxamide 0,04 IT 4540380700 Grape 13 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,22 Cypermethrin 0,40 Cyprodinil 0,02 Dicofol 0,40 Diniconazole 0,02 Hexythiazox 0,01 Imazalil 0,38 Metalaxyl 0,06 Myclobutanil 0,02 TR 4540388200 13 Propargite 0,09 Pyrimethanil 0,03 Spinosad (A & D) 0,01 Triadimenol 0,16 TR 4540388200 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 1,00 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,21 TR 4540390400 Grape 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Cyprodinil 0,59 Fenhexamid 1,60 Fludioxonil 0,15 Iprodione 3,60 CL 4541794800 Grape 7 Bifenthrin 0,03 Cyprodinil 0,50 Dimethomorph 0,05 Fenitrothion 0,33 Fludioxonil 0,29 Procymidone 1,10 Triadimenol 0,03 IT 4552523600 Grape 6 Bifenthrin 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,39 Fludioxonil 0,21 Metalaxyl 0,03 Procymidone 0,51 Pyrimethanil 0,64 IT 4552524400 Grape 7 Cyfluthrin 0,15 Cyprodinil 0,30 Fenhexamid 1,40 Fludioxonil 0,14 Indoxacarb 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,08 Triadimenol 0,10 IT 4552525200 Grape 10 Azoxystrobine 0,13 Cyprodinil 0,55 Dimethomorph 0,04 DMST 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,18 Indoxacarb 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 IT 4556750800 10 Triadimenol 0,02 IT 4556750800 Grape 9 Clofentezine 0,04 Hexythiazox 0,06 Metalaxyl 0,08 Myclobutanil 0,04 Penconazole 0,04 Phosalone 0,28 Procymidone 0,14 Pyridaben 0,05 Tebufenpyrad 0,06 IT 4556751600 Grape 9 Azoxystrobine 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,47 Dimethomorph 0,01 DMST 0,02 Fludioxonil 0,25 Metalaxyl 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 Triadimenol 0,02 IT 4556752400 Grape 8 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,10 Dimethomorph 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,10 Fludioxonil 0,05 Indoxacarb 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,12 IT 4556753200 Grape 8 Cyprodinil 0,56 Fludioxonil 0,34 Metalaxyl 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,05 Phosalone 0,21 Sulfur (S8) 2,00 Tebufenpyrad 0,05 Triadimenol 0,02 IT 4556755900 Grape 8 Fenhexamid 1,80 Fenitrothion 0,41 Fenpyroximate 0,03 Iprovalicarb 0,05 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,29 Triadimenol 0,70 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 IT 4556756700 Grape 2 Fenhexamid 0,76 Iprovalicarb 0,01 4636430901 Grape 2 Azoxystrobine 0,12 Sulfur (S8) 4,60 ZA 4657188601 Grape 3 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,20 Sulfur (S8) 22,00 CL 4657189401 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,19 Triadimenol 0,09 IN 4662102600 Grape 3 Azoxystrobine 0,14 Iprodione 0,38 Sulfur (S8) 1,90 ZA 4665578800 Grape 3 Fenhexamid 0,11 Iprodione 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 7,30 CL 4665583400 Grape 5 chlorfenapyr 0,10 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Iprodione 0,04 Methomyl (parent) 0,10 Sulfur (S8) 3,50 AU 4665597400 Grape 6 Azoxystrobine 0,06 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,12 Cyprodinil 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,01 Iprovalicarb 0,01 Triadimenol 0,17 TR 4667148100 Grape 5 Flusilazole 0,04 Indoxacarb 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,08 Sulfur (S8) 0,31 Tebufenozide 0,01 GR 4668188600 Grape 7 Cyprodinil 0,13 Dimethomorph 0,02 Fludioxonil 0,05 Flufenoxuron 0,05 Indoxacarb 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,01 IT 4668189400 Grape 6 Azoxystrobine 0,36 Fenhexamid 0,49 Metalaxyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,25 Pyrimethanil 0,42 Tebuconazole 0,03 IT 4668191600 Grape 5 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,04 Iprodione 0,85 Iprovalicarb 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,36 ZA 4852832500 Grape 2 Iprodione 0,34 Sulfur (S8) 2,10 ZA 4863615200 Grape 6 Cyproconazole 0,01 Difenoconazole 0,01 Dimethomorph 0,26 Famoxadone 1,10 Iprodione 0,10 Zoxamide 0,38 BR 4868907800 Grape 5 Cyprodinil 0,22 Fludioxonil 0,04 Iprodione 0,72 Sulfur (S8) 2,60 Triadimenol 0,01 EG 4868908600 Grape 6 Flusilazole 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,02 Propargite 0,31 Spiroxamine 0,04 Sulfur (S8) 0,13 GR 4868949300 Grape 3 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,05 Iprodione 0,19 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 GR 4868952300 Grape 6 Famoxadone 0,01 Flufenoxuron 0,10 Iprodione 0,76 Myclobutanil 0,05 Pyrimethanil 0,06 Spiroxamine 0,02 GR 4868953100 Grape 9 Bifenthrin 0,09 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,17 Clofentezine 0,15 Fenhexamid 0,30 Metalaxyl 0,13 Penconazole 0,02 Propargite 0,49 Quinoxyfen 0,05 Triadimenol 0,02 IT 4868956600 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,01 Myclobutanil 0,07 Triadimenol 0,02 IN 4880403901 Table E. 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Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Grape 3 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Iprodione 0,52 Sulfur (S8) 1,80 ZA 4886245400 Grape 4 Captan 1,20 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 11,00 CL 4886255100 Grape 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 Hexaconazole 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 Penconazole 0,01 IL 4891722400 Grape 4 Cyprodinil 0,12 Fenhexamid 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,03 Procymidone 0,06 EG 4891737200 Grape 4 Fenhexamid 0,18 Metalaxyl 0,16 Tebuconazole 0,02 Triadimenol 0,05 TR 4894117600 Grape 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,12 Diniconazole 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 2,00 TR 4894119200 Grape 9 Azoxystrobine 0,60 Cyprodinil 0,82 Dimethomorph 0,05 Fludioxonil 0,34 Indoxacarb 0,06 Metalaxyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,16 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 IT 4895249600 Grape 3 Azoxystrobine 0,18 Metalaxyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,57 IT 4895251800 Grape 9 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,25 Cyprodinil 0,21 Fludioxonil 0,09 Hexythiazox 0,05 Imazalil 0,03 Indoxacarb 0,01 Penconazole 0,03 Procymidone 1,00 Pyrimethanil 0,03 TR 4895267400 Grape 8 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Famoxadone 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,02 Iprodione 0,31 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 Tebufenozide 0,04 Trichlorfon 0,01 ES 4895819200 Grape 12 Bifenthrin 0,03 Clofentezine 0,03 Etofenprox 0,09 Fenbuconazole 0,04 Fenitrothion 0,21 Flufenoxuron 0,18 Myclobutanil 0,02 Quinoxyfen 0,07 Tebuconazole 0,03 IT 5606061800
12 Tebufenpyrad 0,06 Tetraconazole 0,05 Triadimenol 0,24 IT 5606061800 Grape 9 Azoxystrobine 0,06 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,06 Cyprodinil 0,02 Flufenoxuron 0,07 Imazalil 0,03 Indoxacarb 0,09 Procymidone 1,20 Thiabendazole 0,01 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 TR 5606085500 Grape 8 Azoxystrobine 0,18 Cyprodinil 0,19 Fenhexamid 0,19 Fludioxonil 0,06 Indoxacarb 0,03 Iprovalicarb 0,06 Metalaxyl 0,01 Triadimenol 0,02 IT 5606090100 Grape 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,32 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Endosulfan 0,02 Iprodione 0,04 Metalaxyl 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 IN 5703139500 Grape 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,34 Metalaxyl 0,02 Triadimenol 0,19 IN 5703139501 Grape 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,63 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,08 Iprodione 0,07 Metalaxyl 0,07 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Triadimenol 0,02 IN 5703140900 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,17 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Metalaxyl 0,04 Triadimenol 0,04 IN 5703140901 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 1,10 Iprodione 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,08 Triadimenol 0,08 IN 5703178600 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,34 Fipronil 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,03 Triadimenol 0,02 IN 5703180800 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,11 Thiamethoxam 0,02 Triadimenol 0,04 IN 5703181600 Grape 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Hexaconazole 0,01 IN 5703183200 Grape 3 Carbaryl 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 IN 5703185900 Grape 2 Folpet 0,07 Sulfur (S8) 9,00 AR 5704297400 Grape 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Cyprodinil 0,10 Fludioxonil 0,08 Iprodione 0,13 Sulfur (S8) 4,00 AR 5704298200 Grape 2 Iprodione 0,49 Sulfur (S8) 0,30 ZA 5704303200 Grape 2 Iprodione 0,47 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 ZA 5704305900 Grape 2 Iprodione 0,81 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 ZA 5704306700 Grape 9 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 1,70 Cyprodinil 1,30 Fenitrothion 0,09 Fludioxonil 0,60 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,02 Procymidone 0,85 Tetraconazole 0,25 Trichlorfon 0,03 IT 5707312800 Grape 6 Cyprodinil 0,32 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,80 Fenhexamid 0,54 Fludioxonil 0,12 Folpet 0,49 Sulfur (S8) 7,80 CL 5719208900 Grape 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,26 Metalaxyl 0,07 Thiamethoxam 0,06 IN 5725809802 Grape 3 Cyprodinil 0,06 Fludioxonil 0,04 Iprodione 0,44 ZA 5729220200 Grape 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Hexaconazole 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,04 Triadimenol 0,09 IN 5729553800 Grape 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,86 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,06 IN 5729691700 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,05 IN 5729692500 Grape 3 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,38 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Myclobutanil 0,01 IN 5729701800 Grape 4 Cyprodinil 0,22 Fenhexamid 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,10 Sulfur (S8) 14,00 CL 5730101500 Grape 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Clothianidin 0,05 Hexaconazole 0,01 Myclobutanil 0,03 Thiamethoxam 0,07 IN 5730237200 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,01 IN 5730257700 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,01 IN 5730258500 Grape 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Etofenprox 0,13 Metalaxyl 0,03 IN 5744758300 Grape 8 Dimethomorph 0,31 Famoxadone 0,64 Fenamidone 0,07 Fenarimol 0,01 Iprodione 0,34 Myclobutanil 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 0,12 Zoxamide 0,12 BR 5744759100 Grape 7 Azoxystrobine 0,19 Cyprodinil 0,07 Fenhexamid 0,13 Fludioxonil 0,02 Iprodione 0,66 Sulfur (S8) 0,43 Tebuconazole 0,01 CL 5744760500 Grape 3 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,06 Fenarimol 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 17,00 CL 5744778800 Grape 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,03 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,01 Procymidone 0,18 EG 5744781800 Grape 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Cypermethrin 0,20 Etofenprox 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,03 Metalaxyl 0,02 IN 5744788500 Grape 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Imidacloprid 0,01 IN 5744789300 Grape 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,02 IN 5744790700 Grape 3 Azoxystrobine 0,37 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 Tetraconazole 0,09 IT 5746212400 Grape 5 Bifenthrin 0,07 Carbendazim (parent) 0,12 Indoxacarb 0,05 Myclobutanil 0,06 Spiroxamine 0,05 GR 5746213200 Grape 10 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,24 Cyprodinil 0,39 Dicofol 1,50 Imazalil 0,24 Indoxacarb 0,25 Pyrifenox 0,03 Pyrimethanil 0,05 Spinosad (A & D) 0,03 TR 5746225600 10 Triadimenol 0,03 TR 5746225600 Grape 5 Acetamiprid 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,21 Fludioxonil 0,04 Pyrifenox 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,02 IT 5746226400 Grape 8 Azoxystrobine 0,09 Cyprodinil 0,17 Dimethomorph 0,05 Fenhexamid 0,02 Fludioxonil 0,08 Indoxacarb 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,03 Pyrimethanil 0,01 IT 5746784300 Grape 9 Bifenthrin 0,05 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,04 Fenitrothion 0,24 Iprodione 0,51 Metalaxyl 0,10 Methomyl (parent) 0,04 Penconazole 0,06 Procymidone 0,53 Trichlorfon 0,04 IT 5746792400 Grape 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Iprovalicarb 0,04 Metalaxyl 0,01 Penconazole 0,03 Tetraconazole 0,04 IT 5746941200 Grape 8 Carbendazim (parent) 1,00 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,12 Famoxadone 0,19 Fenitrothion 0,10 Metalaxyl 0,22 Myclobutanil 0,03 Procymidone 3,90 Tetraconazole 0,07 ES 5754384100 Grape 11 Bifenthrin 0,04 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,94 DMST 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,36 Indoxacarb 0,04 Metalaxyl 0,14 Penconazole 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,11 IT 5755563700
11 Triadimenol 0,05 Zoxamide 0,08 IT 5755563700 Grape 2 Indoxacarb 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 14,00 IT 5825168200 Grape 12 Azoxystrobine 0,08 Bifenthrin 0,05 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 DMST 0,12 Hexaconazole 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,13 Iprovalicarb 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,08 Procymidone 0,44 IT 5830089600
12 Tebuconazole 0,13 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,80 Triadimenol 0,01 IT 5830089600 Grape 12 Azoxystrobine 0,07 Bifenthrin 0,04 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,20 Fenazaquin 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,43 Fenitrothion 0,08 Fludioxonil 0,12 Metalaxyl 0,04 IT 5830091800 12 Pyrimethanil 0,19 Tebufenpyrad 0,07 Triadimenol 0,08 IT 5830091800 Grape 11 Bifenthrin 0,04 Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0,07 Cyprodinil 0,48 Fenitrothion 0,09 Fludioxonil 0,36 Penconazole 0,03 Procymidone 0,64 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Quinoxyfen 0,10 IT 5830092600
11 Tebufenpyrad 0,21 Triadimenol 0,10 IT 5830092600 Grape 4 Boscalid 0,04 Cyproconazole 0,03 Fenpyroximate 0,03 Iprodione 0,28 BR 5832307100 Grape 11 Azoxystrobine 0,36 Bifenthrin 0,05 Cyprodinil 1,30 DMST 0,02 Fludioxonil 1,10 Iprodione 0,17 Metalaxyl 0,02 Pyrimethanil 1,60 Tebuconazole 0,06 IT 5837185800
11 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,06 Triadimenol 0,01 IT 5837185800 Grape 12 Azoxystrobine 0,19 Bifenthrin 0,06 Cyprodinil 1,20 Dimethomorph 0,02 DMST 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,51 Iprodione 0,25 Metalaxyl 0,01 Pyrimethanil 1,40 IT 5837197100
12 Tebuconazole 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 Triadimenol 0,01 IT 5837197100 Strawberry 4 Boscalid 0,42 Iprodione 0,29 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Pyraclostrobine 0,09 NL 4425368200 Strawberry 2 Mepanipyrim 0,31 Thiacloprid 0,12 NL 4427692500 Strawberry 5 Cyprodinil 0,31 Fludioxonil 0,09 Kresoxim-methyl 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,05 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4427693300 Strawberry 4 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 2,50 Thiamethoxam 0,06 Triadimenol 0,01 MA 4429053700 Strawberry 5 Cyprodinil 0,15 Fenarimol 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,07 Hexaconazole 0,03 Hexythiazox 0,01 ES 4429054500 Strawberry 4 Bupirimate 0,03 Fenhexamid 0,09 Iprodione 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,03 NL 4432494600 Strawberry 8 Cyprodinil 0,26 Fenhexamid 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,19 Hexythiazox 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,07 Mepanipyrim 0,02 Penconazole 0,03 Pyridaben 0,01 BE 4432657400 Strawberry 5 Boscalid 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,09 Mepanipyrim 0,14 Pyrimethanil 0,20 Sulfur (S8) 0,50 NL 4442229800 Strawberry 2 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 Thiacloprid 0,01 NL 4442230100 Table E. Page 7

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Strawberry 2 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,08 Sulfur (S8) 16,00 ES 4527744500 Strawberry 10 Azoxystrobine 0,10 Clofentezine 0,10 Cyprodinil 0,10 DMST 0,01 Endosulfan 0,03 Myclobutanil 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,56 Tebufenpyrad 0,04 Thiacloprid 0,04 DE 4527783600 10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 DE 4527783600 Strawberry 9 Boscalid 0,14 Dimethomorph 0,05 DMST 0,05 Fenhexamid 0,06 Hexythiazox 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,03 Mepanipyrim 0,18 Pyraclostrobine 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,05 NL 4527784400 Strawberry 4 Boscalid 0,16 DMST 0,01 Pyraclostrobine 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 NL 4527792500 Strawberry 4 Fenhexamid 0,03 Hexythiazox 0,03 Iprodione 0,10 Mepanipyrim 0,06 NL 4527796800 Strawberry 5 Boscalid 0,05 DMST 0,01 Iprodione 0,03 Mepanipyrim 0,12 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4527804200 Strawberry 8 Bupirimate 0,12 DMST 0,03 Fenhexamid 0,37 Hexythiazox 0,01 Iprodione 0,23 Mepanipyrim 0,13 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 Vinclozolin 0,07 NL 4527821200 Strawberry 4 Fenhexamid 0,02 Mepanipyrim 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,12 NL 4527842500 Strawberry 7 Bupirimate 0,23 DMST 0,20 Ethirimol 0,03 Fenarimol 0,09 Penconazole 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,54 Vinclozolin 0,30 NL 4538897200 Strawberry 2 Boscalid 0,11 Pyraclostrobine 0,02 NL 4538972300 Strawberry 2 Mepanipyrim 0,14 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,07 NL 4539017900 Strawberry 3 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,03 Hexaconazole 0,03 Triadimenol 0,12 MA 4544542900 Strawberry 4 Cyprodinil 0,03 Endosulfan 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,06 Myclobutanil 0,05 ES 4546762700 Strawberry 4 Fenarimol 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 5,00 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4547070900 Strawberry 3 Fenhexamid 0,34 Hexaconazole 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 9,00 MA 4547071700 Strawberry 4 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Clofentezine 0,22 Imazalil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 29,00 ES 4548991400 Strawberry 7 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,24 Flusilazole 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,22 Penconazole 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 7,20 Triadimenol 0,05 ES 4548998100 Strawberry 3 DMST 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 6,50 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 ES 4549000900 Strawberry 7 Clofentezine 0,37 Cyprodinil 0,16 Fludioxonil 0,09 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,24 Sulfur (S8) 20,00 Triadimenol 0,09 ES 4564333600 Strawberry 2 Fenarimol 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 ES 4564334400 Strawberry 3 Azoxystrobine 0,54 Sulfur (S8) 0,11 Triadimenol 0,02 ES 4665499400 Strawberry 4 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Cyprodinil 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,04 Sulfur (S8) 0,31 ES 4665512500 Strawberry 2 Procymidone 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 0,18 ES 4665526500 Strawberry 2 Dimethomorph 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,42 NL 4665527300 Strawberry 2 Hexythiazox 0,06 Mepanipyrim 0,37 NL 4665589300 Strawberry 7 Boscalid 0,19 DMST 0,05 Fenhexamid 0,10 Hexythiazox 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,06 Pyraclostrobine 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,11 NL 4665605900 Strawberry 7 Cyprodinil 0,01 Fenhexamid 3,40 Fludioxonil 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,02 Thiacloprid 0,03 BE 4665606700 Strawberry 6 Fenhexamid 0,01 Hexythiazox 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,04 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Thiacloprid 0,03 NL 4665607500 Strawberry 2 Indoxacarb 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 NL 4665642300 Strawberry 5 Bupirimate 0,05 Fenhexamid 0,04 Mepanipyrim 0,32 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,11 Triadimenol 0,02 NL 4667158900 Strawberry 6 Bupirimate 0,31 Captan 0,58 Ethirimol 0,04 Hexythiazox 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,19 Vinclozolin 0,35 NL 4667159700 Strawberry 5 Boscalid 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,21 Hexythiazox 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,33 NL 4667195300 Strawberry 6 Azoxystrobine 0,09 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Kresoxim-methyl 0,03 Malathion 0,01 Procymidone 0,20 Sulfur (S8) 18,00 ES 4670510600 Strawberry 3 Azoxystrobine 0,04 Clofentezine 0,04 Fenhexamid 0,04 ES 4671638800 Strawberry 4 Hexythiazox 0,01 Iprodione 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,10 Mepanipyrim 0,29 NL 4671652300 Strawberry 2 Azoxystrobine 0,07 Myclobutanil 0,01 ES 4671653100 Strawberry 2 Kresoxim-methyl 0,07 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,18 NL 4671656600 Strawberry 3 Azoxystrobine 0,13 Fludioxonil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 4,70 ES 4671677900 Strawberry 2 Mepanipyrim 0,27 Thiacloprid 0,15 NL 4671680900 Strawberry 3 Hexythiazox 0,02 Mepanipyrim 0,09 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,13 NL 4671681700 Strawberry 5 Azoxystrobine 0,13 Cyprodinil 0,44 Fenarimol 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,21 Myclobutanil 0,02 ES 4676804300 Strawberry 6 Clofentezine 0,04 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 16,00 Triadimenol 0,05 ES 4676805100 Strawberry 7 Clofentezine 0,38 Cyprodinil 0,15 Fludioxonil 0,10 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,23 Sulfur (S8) 8,00 Triadimenol 0,07 ES 4676807800 Strawberry 4 Boscalid 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,04 Iprodione 0,01 Thiacloprid 0,07 NL 4680946700 Strawberry 8 Boscalid 0,06 Bupirimate 0,20 Dimethomorph 0,01 DMST 0,01 Ethirimol 0,02 Fenhexamid 1,20 Mepanipyrim 0,30 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,06 NL 4851436700 Strawberry 6 Dimethomorph 0,01 Iprodione 0,20 Kresoxim-methyl 0,05 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,23 Thiacloprid 0,06 NL 4851437500 Strawberry 2 Clofentezine 0,08 Procymidone 0,08 ES 4863457500 Strawberry 4 Clofentezine 0,02 Fenarimol 0,04 Malathion 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 ES 4863538500 Strawberry 6 Clofentezine 0,51 Cyprodinil 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Penconazole 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,50 Triadimenol 0,74 ES 4863539300 Strawberry 4 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Malathion 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,63 Sulfur (S8) 14,00 ES 4863540700 Strawberry 2 Azoxystrobine 0,98 Sulfur (S8) 6,20 ES 4863614400 Strawberry 3 Fenhexamid 0,04 Iprodione 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,31 EG 4865332400 Strawberry 3 Fenhexamid 0,02 Iprodione 0,02 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 EG 4865333200 Strawberry 4 Bupirimate 0,05 DMST 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,45 NL 4868955800 Strawberry 2 Iprodione 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 0,12 NL 4870774200 Strawberry 4 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,66 Tebufenpyrad 0,01 Triadimenol 0,09 ES 4870777700 Strawberry 5 Clofentezine 0,03 Fenhexamid 0,33 Fludioxonil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 3,20 Triadimenol 0,07 ES 4870778500 Strawberry 4 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,04 Kresoxim-methyl 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 2,00 ES 4870782300 Strawberry 6 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Cyprodinil 0,08 Fludioxonil 0,05 Hexythiazox 0,05 Myclobutanil 0,09 Triadimenol 0,06 ES 4870783100 Strawberry 10 Azoxystrobine 0,51 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Clofentezine 0,34 Fenhexamid 0,64 Hexaconazole 0,03 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,04 Procymidone 0,06 ES 4876451700 10 Sulfur (S8) 17,00 ES 4876451700 Strawberry 3 DMST 0,01 Iprodione 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 NL 4879255300 Strawberry 2 Myclobutanil 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 34,00 ES 4881228700 Strawberry 2 Myclobutanil 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 0,95 ES 4881300300 Strawberry 3 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Fenarimol 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 8,80 ES 4881301100 Strawberry 4 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Malathion 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 6,60 Triadimenol 0,04 ES 4881303800 Strawberry 4 Cyprodinil 0,05 Fludioxonil 0,05 Myclobutanil 0,21 Sulfur (S8) 0,94 ES 4881304600 Strawberry 2 Azoxystrobine 0,20 Sulfur (S8) 3,00 ES 4881305400 Strawberry 6 Cyprodinil 0,11 Fenhexamid 0,20 Fludioxonil 0,07 Kresoxim-methyl 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 2,70 Tebufenpyrad 0,08 ES 4881306200 Strawberry 3 Clofentezine 0,33 Fenarimol 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 43,00 ES 4885929100 Strawberry 3 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 87,00 NL 4885930500 Strawberry 6 Azoxystrobine 0,08 Cyprodinil 0,38 Fludioxonil 0,22 Kresoxim-methyl 0,12 Metalaxyl 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 5,00 ES 4885931300 Strawberry 2 Iprodione 0,05 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,09 NL 4886244600 Strawberry 5 Azoxystrobine 0,16 Cyprodinil 0,02 Fenhexamid 0,08 Fludioxonil 0,04 Sulfur (S8) 3,10 ES 4886260800 Strawberry 4 Azoxystrobine 0,14 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,15 Sulfur (S8) 5,50 ES 4886316700 Strawberry 3 Cyprodinil 0,06 Fludioxonil 0,07 Myclobutanil 0,02 ES 4886317500 Strawberry 4 Boscalid 0,09 Dimethomorph 0,02 Fenhexamid 0,09 Mepanipyrim 0,02 NL 4891734800 Strawberry 6 Bupirimate 0,09 DMST 0,07 Fenhexamid 0,11 Mepanipyrim 0,06 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4891739900 Strawberry 7 Boscalid 0,02 DMST 0,07 Fenhexamid 0,13 Iprodione 0,04 Mepanipyrim 0,03 Pyrimethanil 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,08 NL 4895826500 Table E. Page 8

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Strawberry 3 Boscalid 0,08 Mepanipyrim 0,01 Pyraclostrobine 0,01 NL 4895864800 Strawberry 4 Dimethomorph 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,17 Pyrimethanil 0,31 Thiacloprid 0,04 NL 5606075800 Strawberry 2 Kresoxim-methyl 0,08 Mepanipyrim 0,01 IL 5701737600 Strawberry 4 Iprodione 0,13 Kresoxim-methyl 0,14 Penconazole 0,08 Tetraconazole 0,30 IL 5701738400 Strawberry 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 6,00 EG 5704149800 Strawberry 2 Endosulfan 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 9,00 EG 5704150100 Strawberry 2 Clofentezine 0,01 Hexaconazole 0,03 ES 5705965600 Strawberry 4 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,03 Hexaconazole 0,01 Hexythiazox 0,02 ES 5705967200 Strawberry 4 Cyprodinil 0,05 Fludioxonil 0,04 Sulfur (S8) 0,69 Triadimenol 0,03 ES 5730098100 Strawberry 7 Bupirimate 0,06 Fenhexamid 0,31 Hexythiazox 0,11 Iprodione 0,08 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Mepanipyrim 0,34 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,24 NL 5744811300 Strawberry 2 Captan 0,76 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 AR 5753354400 Strawberry 8 Boscalid 0,15 Captan 0,20 Cyprodinil 0,12 Fludioxonil 0,04 Myclobutanil 0,07 Pyraclostrobine 0,05 Spiromesifen 0,21 Sulfur (S8) 0,80 US 5754048600 Strawberry 4 Iprodione 0,06 Kresoxim-methyl 0,03 Mepanipyrim 0,52 Thiacloprid 0,02 NL 5754383300 Strawberry 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,09 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Profenofos 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 EG 5830880300 Strawberry 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 Indoxacarb 0,02 EG 5832312800 Blackberry 5 DMST 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,31 Iprodione 0,27 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4667194500 Raspberry 3 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Tebufenpyrad 0,08 Trifloxystrobine 0,04 NL 4668192400 Raspberry 4 Cyprodinil 0,06 Fenhexamid 0,79 Fludioxonil 0,04 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,03 5744810500 Blue bilberry 2 DMST 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,06 NL 4538973100 Blue bilberry 5 Captan 0,79 DMST 0,06 Fenhexamid 0,23 Imidacloprid 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,10 NL 4667162700 Currant (red, white, black) 7 Captan 0,81 DMST 0,08 Fenhexamid 2,00 Iprodione 2,80 Kresoxim-methyl 0,06 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,18 NL 4539275900 Currant (red, white, black) 6 Captan 0,34 DMST 0,05 Iprodione 2,80 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,06 NL 4539293700 Currant (red, white, black) 3 Captan 0,16 Fenhexamid 1,60 Iprodione 2,20 NL 4851438300 Currant (red, white, black) 5 Captan 1,00 DMST 0,28 Fenhexamid 2,20 Iprodione 0,80 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,99 NL 4863461300 Currant (red, white, black) 6 DMST 0,03 Fenhexamid 0,39 Iprodione 2,20 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,05 NL 4868957400 Currant (red, white, black) 4 DMST 0,12 Fenhexamid 0,20 Iprodione 0,97 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 NL 4870769600 Currant (red, white, black) 7 Cyprodinil 1,60 DMST 0,02 Famoxadone 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,67 Fludioxonil 2,10 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 BE 4870771800 Currant (red, white, black) 5 Captan 0,12 DMST 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,04 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,11 BE 4895810900 Avocado 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Prochloraz 0,29 ZA 4868941800 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,12 Thiabendazole 0,14 BR 4432649300 Banana 2 Bitertanol 0,52 Thiabendazole 0,15 GT 4442217400 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,28 Thiabendazole 0,37 PA 4527775500 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,30 Thiabendazole 0,43 PA 4527807700 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,51 Thiabendazole 0,64 CO 4538895600 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,18 Thiabendazole 0,44 CO 4539674600 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,20 Thiabendazole 0,23 CO 4657904600 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,15 Thiabendazole 0,11 CO 4668199100 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,56 Thiabendazole 0,40 CO 4670487800 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,29 Thiabendazole 0,32 EC 4877607800 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,34 Thiabendazole 0,25 CO 4877608600 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,49 Thiabendazole 0,49 CO 4891742900 Banana 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,89 CO 5606084700 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,30 Thiabendazole 0,53 PA 5704578700 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,29 Thiabendazole 0,43 CO 5704579500 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,45 Thiabendazole 0,04 CO 5704580900 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,27 Thiabendazole 0,32 CR 5704581700 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,23 Thiabendazole 0,26 EC 5744755900 Banana 2 Imazalil 0,46 Thiabendazole 1,10 PA 5832318700 Date 2 Dicofol 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 CN 5703261800 Date 3 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 Triadimefon (parent) 0,01 Triadimenol 0,03 CN 5703263400 Date 3 Esfenvalerate 0,13 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 Triadimefon (parent) 0,01 CN 5836736200 Fig 2 Methamidophos 0,08 Parathion-methyl 0,06 BR 4863441900 Fig 3 Methamidophos 0,09 Sulfur (S8) 2,00 Tebuconazole 0,02 BR 5704316400 Kiwi fruit 2 Imazalil 0,04 Methidathion 0,36 GR 4852828700 Kiwi fruit 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Diphenylamine 0,03 Fenhexamid 3,10 Iprodione 0,07 ES 4870786600 Kiwi fruit 2 Iprodione 0,14 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,03 NL 5604272500 Mango 3 Acephate 0,05 Monocrotophos 0,02 Thiabendazole 0,27 BR 4527776300 Mango 2 Prochloraz 0,26 Thiabendazole 0,02 PE 4548982500 Mango 2 Prochloraz 0,79 Thiabendazole 0,07 BR 4671622100 Mango 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Prochloraz 0,07 PE 4863445100 Mango 2 Prochloraz 0,44 Thiabendazole 0,66 US 4868756300 Mango 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Prochloraz 0,16 BR 4868857800 Passion fruit 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Difenoconazole 0,01 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,30 Fenthion-sulfoxide 0,01 Methamidophos 0,01 CO 5703428900 Passion fruit 4 Difenoconazole 0,02 Flusilazole 0,04 Pyrimethanil 0,04 Sulfur (S8) 0,20 CO 5730173200 Passion fruit 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,07 Omethoate 0,03 KE 5754050800 Passion fruit 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 KE 5755208500 Pineapple 3 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,46 Triadimefon (parent) 0,28 Triadimenol 0,62 CR 4430315900 Pineapple 4 Carbaryl 0,03 Piperonyl-butoxide 1,00 Triadimefon (parent) 0,31 Triadimenol 0,52 CR 4527727500 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,98 Triadimenol 1,20 EC 4527790900 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,05 Triadimenol 0,20 CR 4539014400 Pineapple 3 Carbaryl 0,46 Triadimefon (parent) 0,05 Triadimenol 0,20 CR 4540373400 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,05 Triadimenol 0,08 CR 4863590300 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,11 Triadimenol 0,12 HN 4868862400 Pineapple 3 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,84 Triadimefon (parent) 0,23 Triadimenol 0,73 CR 4868938800 Pineapple 3 Carbaryl 0,04 Triadimefon (parent) 0,16 Triadimenol 0,58 CR 5626790500 Pineapple 5 Carbaryl 0,01 Prochloraz 0,01 Thiabendazole 0,02 Triadimefon (parent) 0,09 Triadimenol 0,29 HN 5744744300 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,59 Triadimenol 0,81 BR 5830875700 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,11 Triadimenol 0,25 PA 5832301200 Pineapple 2 Triadimefon (parent) 0,26 Triadimenol 0,44 CR 5837193900 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Ethiprole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,14 GH 4429072300 Table E. Page 9

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Other fruits and fruit products 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 Omethoate 0,03 Thiabendazole 0,64 BR 4527791700 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,28 NL 4530178800 Other fruits and fruit products 4 Acetamiprid 0,02 Ethion 0,04 Propiconazole 0,01 Thiamethoxam 0,02 IN 4539282100 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 IN 4680966100 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Imazalil 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,03 TR 4852846500 Other fruits and fruit products 3 Carbaryl 0,08 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Paclobutrazol 0,05 TH 4863448600 Other fruits and fruit products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Imidacloprid 0,02 Thiamethoxam 0,01 IN 4868852700 Other fruits and fruit products 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Ethiprole 0,02 Prochloraz 0,19 Sulfur (S8) 0,19 BR 4868946900 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,37 TH 5703619200 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbaryl 0,06 Thiabendazole 0,05 JM 5704249400 Other fruits and fruit products 5 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Malathion 0,02 Parathion-methyl 0,05 Prothiofos 0,03 TH 5704282600 Other fruits and fruit products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,04 Prochloraz 0,12 MY 5704317200 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Prochloraz 0,30 MY 5704520500 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Iprodione 0,03 VN 5729382900 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbaryl 0,09 Thiabendazole 0,16 JM 5730185600 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,20 Prochloraz 0,15 MY 5744468100 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Prochloraz 0,37 Sulfur (S8) 0,16 BR 5744745100 Other fruits and fruit products 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Omethoate 0,01 Prochloraz 0,07 MY 5745314100 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Fenpyroximate 0,03 Prochloraz 0,16 MY 5755198400 Other fruits and fruit products 2 Acetamiprid 0,03 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 ES 5830083700 Carrot 2 Difenoconazole 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,01 NL 4429343900 Carrot 2 Chlorfenvinphos 0,03 Linuron 0,06 NL 4432469500 Carrot 2 Boscalid 0,03 Linuron 0,01 NL 4442233600 Carrot 3 Linuron 0,06 Metalaxyl 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,40 ES 4548997300 Carrot 2 Iprodione 0,02 Linuron 0,01 ES 4657917800 Carrot 2 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Iprodione 0,02 ES 4670503300 Carrot 2 Chlorfenvinphos 0,04 Linuron 0,03 NL 4680963700 Carrot 2 Difenoconazole 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,01 NL 4875107500 Carrot 3 Chlorfenvinphos 0,15 Difenoconazole 0,01 Iprodione 0,06 NL 4877563200 Carrot 3 Chlorfenvinphos 0,03 Linuron 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,02 NL 5718298900 Carrot 2 Chlorfenvinphos 0,10 Linuron 0,03 NL 5718522800 Carrot 2 Boscalid 0,02 Linuron 0,01 NL 5746209400 Carrot 3 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Difenoconazole 0,06 Epoxyconazole 0,03 NL 5755555600 Celeriac 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Difenoconazole 0,03 Imazalil 0,03 Linuron 0,03 Prochloraz 0,01 NL 4877598500 Celeriac 3 Difenoconazole 0,08 Epoxyconazole 0,01 Linuron 0,02 NL 5718271700 Celeriac 2 Difenoconazole 0,05 Linuron 0,03 NL 5718299700 Celeriac 2 Chlorothalonil 0,44 Difenoconazole 0,10 NL 5718299701 Celeriac 4 Chlorfenvinphos 0,03 Difenoconazole 0,02 Iprodione 0,03 Linuron 0,02 NL 5718534100 Onion 2 Procymidone 0,07 Tebuconazole 0,02 NL 5718293800 Onion 2 Tebuconazole 0,01 Thiofanate-methyl 0,02 NL 5718295400 Onion 2 Epoxyconazole 0,02 Halofenozide 0,01 NL 5771693200 Onion (small) 3 DMST 0,51 Iprodione 0,23 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,49 ES 4657926700 Onion (small) 5 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Chlorothalonil 1,30 Cyprodinil 0,03 Dimethomorph 0,05 Iprodione 0,07 DE 4665615600 Onion (small) 2 Chlorothalonil 0,09 Dimethomorph 0,02 DE 4868905100 Onion (small) 2 Cyprodinil 0,07 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,06 DE 4873229100 Tomato 3 Iprodione 0,14 Thiacloprid 0,02 Triadimenol 0,02 MA 4418908900 Tomato 4 Bifenthrin 0,03 Endosulfan 0,02 Oxamyl-oxime 0,03 Pyriproxifen 0,02 ES 4418922400 Tomato 2 Dimethomorph 0,03 Pyriproxifen 0,01 NL 4419651400 Tomato 9 Buprofezin 0,01 Cyprodinil 0,02 Dimethomorph 0,02 Fenarimol 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,05 Procymidone 0,09 Pyrimethanil 0,09 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 ES 4419652200 Tomato 9 Bifenthrin 0,05 Buprofezin 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Fluvalinate, tau- 0,09 Procymidone 0,14 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,20 Tetraconazole 0,03 Triadimenol 0,04 ES 4419654900 Tomato 2 Buprofezin 0,03 Hexythiazox 0,06 NL 4427687900 Tomato 2 Pyrimethanil 0,09 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 NL 4429068500 Tomato 2 Chlorothalonil 0,03 Tebuconazole 0,01 ES 4429069300 Tomato 3 DMST 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,07 NL 4437777200 Tomato 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Dimethomorph 0,01 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,05 Tebuconazole 0,02 ES 4527731300 Tomato 2 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,01 Spiromesifen 0,08 NL 4539670300 Tomato 4 Buprofezin 0,01 Dimethomorph 0,02 Iprodione 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4540372600 Tomato 6 Buprofezin 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorothalonil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,04 Iprodione 0,16 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4544535600 Tomato 3 Dicofol 0,87 Sulfur (S8) 2,20 Tetradifon 0,34 TR 4551940600 Tomato 2 Permethrin 0,72 Tetramethrin 1,20 NL 4551950300 Tomato 2 Procymidone 0,22 Triadimenol 0,07 ES 4657903800 Tomato 5 Dimethomorph 0,02 Endosulfan 0,26 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,07 Tetraconazole 0,01 ES 4657905400 Tomato 3 Oxadixyl 0,02 Thiacloprid 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 IL 4657906200 Tomato 2 DMST 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 NL 4667171600 Tomato 8 Buprofezin 0,01 Chlorothalonil 0,02 DMST 0,01 Iprodione 0,11 Pyridaben 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,08 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 Triadimenol 0,04 ES 4670489400 Tomato 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4670491600 Tomato 3 Cyprodinil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,12 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4671664700 Tomato 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,10 Triadimenol 0,01 MA 4671665500 Tomato 6 Buprofezin 0,03 Dimethomorph 0,01 Iprodione 0,17 Procymidone 0,16 Pyridaben 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,15 ES 4676810800 Tomato 3 Cyprodinil 0,22 Fludioxonil 0,04 Pyrimethanil 0,03 ES 4852830900 Tomato 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Mepanipyrim 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiacloprid 0,02 ES 4852840600 Tomato 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,09 SY 4852853800 Tomato 3 Boscalid 0,02 Imazalil 0,05 Thiabendazole 0,01 IL 4852872400 Tomato 4 Chlorothalonil 0,03 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,20 NL 4852873200 Tomato 5 Chlorothalonil 0,04 Cyprodinil 0,05 Fludioxonil 0,01 Iprodione 0,08 Procymidone 0,41 ES 4852877500 Tomato 4 Dimethomorph 0,01 Fluvalinate, tau- 0,07 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 NL 4852880500 Tomato 4 Chlorothalonil 0,22 DMST 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,05 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 ES 4870780700 Tomato 3 Mepanipyrim 0,02 Procymidone 0,14 Pyriproxifen 0,03 ES 4877602700 Tomato 4 Chlorothalonil 0,02 DMST 0,11 Famoxadone 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,15 ES 4877603500 Tomato 2 Hexythiazox 0,02 Iprodione 0,01 NL 4885474500 Table E. Page 10

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Tomato 3 Acetamiprid 0,23 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4895813300 Tomato 2 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 Triadimenol 0,04 ES 5626799900 Tomato 2 DMST 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,04 NL 5718251200 Tomato 2 DMST 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,09 NL 5718656900 Tomato 3 Hexaconazole 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,20 Triadimenol 0,02 IL 5744604800 Tomato 2 Sulfur (S8) 1,70 Tetradifon 0,10 5745916600 Tomato 5 Boscalid 0,08 Hexythiazox 0,01 Iprodione 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,04 Triflumizole 0,04 PL 5746937400 Tomato 4 Clothianidin 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 5770040800 Tomato 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Pyrimethanil 0,01 NL 5830872200 Tomato 4 DMST 0,03 Pyridaben 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 Vinclozolin 0,06 BE 5832300400 Tomato 6 Acetamiprid 0,02 Bifenthrin 0,06 Buprofezin 0,03 Iprodione 0,11 Pyrimethanil 0,10 Pyriproxifen 0,01 ES 5835585200 Tomato 3 DMST 0,02 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 BE 5835587900 Tomato 8 Buprofezin 0,15 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Iprodione 0,03 Kresoxim-methyl 0,04 Oxamyl-oxime 0,04 Pyriproxifen 0,04 Tetraconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,04 ES 5835590900 Tomato 2 Spiromesifen 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 NL 5837180700 Sweet pepper 8 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Diethofencarb 0,08 Imidacloprid 0,25 Malathion 0,01 Procymidone 0,27 Pyridaben 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Tebufenozide 0,02 ES 4418918600 Sweet pepper 6 Endosulfan 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,13 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,02 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,16 Pyridaben 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,03 ES 4418919400 Sweet pepper 3 Endosulfan 0,06 Pyrifenox 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,01 ES 4419650600 Sweet pepper 3 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,60 Tebuconazole 0,01 IL 4419678600 Sweet pepper 5 Imidacloprid 0,14 Iprodione 0,02 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,07 Procymidone 0,47 Pyrimethanil 0,02 ES 4427697600 Sweet pepper 5 Imidacloprid 0,12 Malathion 0,01 Procymidone 0,17 Tebuconazole 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 ES 4427698400 Sweet pepper 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,60 IL 4429052900 Sweet pepper 8 Imidacloprid 0,12 Iprodione 0,05 Methiocarb (parent) 0,01 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,01 Oxamyl-oxime 0,03 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,03 Procymidone 0,15 Tebuconazole 0,02 ES 4429070700 Sweet pepper 5 Fludioxonil 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,01 Malathion 0,01 Methiocarb (parent) 0,05 Pyridaben 0,02 ES 4527748800 Sweet pepper 6 Carbofuran (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,13 Cypermethrin 0,12 Dicofol 0,13 Metalaxyl 0,12 Profenofos 0,08 TH 4532810400 Sweet pepper 3 Endosulfan 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,17 Pyridaben 0,05 ES 4540329700 Sweet pepper 3 Methiocarb (parent) 0,01 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 ES 4540401300 Sweet pepper 9 Buprofezin 0,12 Chlorothalonil 0,04 Cyproconazole 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,47 Methiocarb (parent) 0,49 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,06 Pyridaben 0,16 Pyriproxifen 0,05 Triadimenol 0,21 ES 4540453600 Sweet pepper 7 Acrinathrin 0,05 Cypermethrin 0,11 Endosulfan 0,09 Imidacloprid 0,22 Lufenuron 0,06 Methomyl (parent) 0,17 Pyridaben 0,03 IT 4541792100 Sweet pepper 7 DMST 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,13 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,03 Procymidone 0,05 Pyrimethanil 0,07 Tebuconazole 0,08 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 ES 4544539900 Sweet pepper 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,06 Cyprodinil 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,05 Iprodione 0,33 Pyridaben 0,02 ES 4544539901 Sweet pepper 2 Imidacloprid 0,07 Tebuconazole 0,03 ES 4544539902 Sweet pepper 6 Bifenthrin 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,13 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,02 Procymidone 0,08 4546770800 Sweet pepper 6 Chlorothalonil 0,03 Endosulfan 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,40 Iprodione 0,11 Procymidone 0,34 Sulfur (S8) 4,00 ES 4548981700 Sweet pepper 3 Pyridaben 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,03 Triadimenol 0,03 ES 4657911900 Sweet pepper 7 Dichlorvos 0,04 Endosulfan 0,12 Imidacloprid 0,25 Lindane (HCH gamma-) 0,02 Lufenuron 0,05 Tebufenozide 0,06 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4657912700 Sweet pepper 4 Imidacloprid 0,09 Procymidone 0,06 Tebuconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4665516800 Sweet pepper 4 Imidacloprid 0,09 Iprodione 0,02 Lufenuron 0,05 Procymidone 0,34 ES 4665517600 Sweet pepper 2 Endosulfan 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,17 ES 4665519200 Sweet pepper 5 Acetamiprid 0,08 Bromopropylate 0,05 Endosulfan 0,09 Ethoprophos 0,05 Oxamyl-oxime 0,03 TR 4667150300 Sweet pepper 8 Cyprodinil 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,20 Iprodione 0,15 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,03 Procymidone 0,17 Pyrimethanil 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,02 ES 4670488600 Sweet pepper 6 DMST 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,26 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,03 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 ES 4670493200 Sweet pepper 10 Acetamiprid 0,06 Endosulfan 0,05 Fludioxonil 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,09 Iprodione 0,04 Methiocarb (parent) 0,04 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,04 ES 4670495900 10 Tebuconazole 0,03 ES 4670495900 Sweet pepper 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Cyprodinil 0,02 Fludioxonil 0,09 Iprodione 0,06 Procymidone 0,19 Triadimenol 0,03 TR 4852824400 Sweet pepper 8 Acetamiprid 0,02 Azoxystrobine 0,14 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Procymidone 0,82 Pyrimethanil 0,42 Tetraconazole 0,10 Triadimenol 0,04 Trifloxystrobine 0,06 TR 4852825200 Sweet pepper 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,11 Tetraconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,10 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 TR 4852827900 Sweet pepper 6 Endosulfan 0,08 Imidacloprid 0,17 Indoxacarb 0,01 Methiocarb (parent) 0,19 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,04 ES 4852851100 Sweet pepper 2 Boscalid 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,04 IL 4852870800 Sweet pepper 2 Boscalid 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,09 IL 4852871600 Sweet pepper 5 Cyprodinil 0,01 Fludioxonil 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,18 Iprodione 0,04 Thiacloprid 0,03 ES 4852878300 Sweet pepper 10 Endosulfan 0,09 Fludioxonil 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,32 Iprodione 0,11 Malathion 0,03 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,06 Procymidone 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,01 ES 4863439700 10 Triadimenol 0,02 ES 4863439700 Sweet pepper 4 Boscalid 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,05 Pyraclostrobine 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,21 IL 4863599700 Sweet pepper 6 DMST 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,16 Methiocarb (parent) 0,03 Pyrimethanil 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,13 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 ES 4885472900 Sweet pepper 2 Acetamiprid 0,06 Triadimenol 0,04 TR 4894135400 Sweet pepper 13 Acrinathrin 0,06 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Clothianidin 0,02 Cypermethrin 0,05 Dichlorvos 0,07 Endosulfan 0,17 Imidacloprid 0,07 Indoxacarb 0,01 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,01 ES 5704135800
13 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 Procymidone 0,36 Thiamethoxam 0,01 Triadimenol 0,11 ES 5704135800 Sweet pepper 6 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,27 Iprodione 0,12 Procymidone 0,28 Pyrimethanil 0,08 ES 5704137400 Sweet pepper 2 Endosulfan 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,06 ES 5704138200 Sweet pepper 7 Acetamiprid 0,06 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Iprodione 0,12 Triadimenol 0,03 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 TR 5704241900 Sweet pepper 8 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Diniconazole 0,03 Iprodione 0,08 Oxamyl-oxime 0,01 Procymidone 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Triadimenol 0,02 TR 5704242700 Sweet pepper 8 Acetamiprid 0,07 Azoxystrobine 0,12 Fenamidone 0,07 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Procymidone 0,39 Pyrimethanil 0,14 Tetraconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,11 TR 5704243500 Sweet pepper 2 Acetamiprid 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,01 IL 5718541400 Sweet pepper 3 fenobucarb 0,45 Permethrin 0,27 Tetramethrin 0,25 5724217500 Sweet pepper 11 Acetamiprid 0,01 Cyproconazole 0,01 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,16 Fenhexamid 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,05 Methiocarb (parent) 0,02 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Procymidone 0,16 Pyridaben 0,08 ES 5729212100
11 Tebuconazole 0,02 Triadimenol 0,05 ES 5729212100 Sweet pepper 5 Acetamiprid 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,19 Methiocarb (parent) 0,15 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,01 ES 5729214800 Sweet pepper 6 Acetamiprid 0,02 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,36 Imidacloprid 0,04 Oxamyl (parent) 0,01 Oxamyl-oxime 0,01 Pyridaben 0,04 ES 5729215600 Sweet pepper 4 Allethrin 0,10 fenobucarb 0,75 Permethrin 0,54 Tetramethrin 0,45 EG 5739200200 Sweet pepper 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Spinosad (A & D) 0,03 NL 5746233700 Sweet pepper 2 Cypermethrin 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,34 ES 5754394900 Sweet pepper 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Ethion 0,38 IN 5755917900 Sweet pepper 8 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Cypermethrin 0,46 Fenarimol 0,04 Flusilazole 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,14 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 Penconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,08 EG 5770035100 Sweet pepper 6 Azoxystrobine 0,07 Cypermethrin 0,16 Flusilazole 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,11 Methomyl (parent) 0,05 Triadimenol 0,05 EG 5770037800 Sweet pepper 5 Acetamiprid 0,02 Clothianidin 0,01 Cypermethrin 0,16 Fenhexamid 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,05 EG 5830894300 Sweet pepper 3 Dichlorvos 0,04 Pyridaben 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,29 NL 5835582800 Sweet pepper 3 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,20 Teflubenzuron 0,07 NL 5835589500 Aubergine/egg plant 8 Acetamiprid 0,01 Cyprodinil 0,03 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,16 Imidacloprid 0,09 Oxamyl (parent) 0,02 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Pyriproxifen 0,01 Thiamethoxam 0,01 ES 4676815900 Aubergine/egg plant 6 Acetamiprid 0,48 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Diethofencarb 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,34 Pyridaben 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,14 ES 4852848100 Aubergine/egg plant 4 Cyprodinil 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,01 Pyridaben 0,02 Thiamethoxam 0,02 ES 4863451600 Table E. Page 11

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Aubergine/egg plant 5 Acetamiprid 0,02 Cyprodinil 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,07 Thiacloprid 0,01 ES 4876453300 Aubergine/egg plant 6 Acetamiprid 0,02 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Iprodione 0,04 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 Procymidone 0,08 Pyrimethanil 0,01 TR 5704239700 Aubergine/egg plant 7 Captan 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,17 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Methiocarb (parent) 0,39 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,37 Sulfur (S8) 0,20 DO 5744485100 Aubergine/egg plant 4 Chlorothalonil 0,02 Endosulfan 0,09 Methiocarb (parent) 0,06 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,22 DO 5745687600 Pepper 2 Imidacloprid 0,20 Pyrimethanil 0,02 NL 4427690900 Pepper 2 Cypermethrin 0,23 Profenofos 0,43 UG 4542999700 Pepper 2 Bromuconazole 0,07 Myclobutanil 0,01 IL 4548989200 Pepper 2 Kresoxim-methyl 0,04 Trifloxystrobine 0,09 ZW 4665518400 Pepper 7 Methoxyfenozide 0,01 Penconazole 0,03 Spinosad (A & D) 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,20 Tebufenpyrad 0,31 Teflubenzuron 0,06 Triadimenol 0,26 IL 4671678700 Pepper 7 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,18 Flutriafol 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Penconazole 0,09 Spinosad (A & D) 0,08 Tebufenpyrad 0,53 Triadimenol 0,24 IL 4676801900 Pepper 8 Chlorothalonil 0,08 Clothianidin 0,04 Dichlorvos 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,19 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,05 Pymetrozine 0,01 Spinosad (A & D) 0,07 Thiamethoxam 0,03 ES 4863442700 Pepper 6 Clofentezine 0,01 Clothianidin 0,02 Flutriafol 0,02 Penconazole 0,45 Spinosad (A & D) 0,12 Tebufenpyrad 0,94 CL 4863600400 Pepper 8 Bifenthrin 0,07 Buprofezin 0,01 Cyprodinil 0,09 Fludioxonil 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,09 Procymidone 0,33 Sulfur (S8) 0,96 Tebuconazole 0,12 ES 4886261600 Pepper 8 Buprofezin 0,01 Carbofuran (parent) 0,08 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,26 Ethion 0,11 Imidacloprid 0,06 Metalaxyl 0,04 Triadimenol 0,01 TH 5701677900 Pepper 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Profenofos 0,01 TH 5703127100 Pepper 5 Carbaryl 0,16 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Carbofuran (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,38 Profenofos 0,09 TH 5703130100 Pepper 2 Prochloraz 0,01 Propiconazole 0,07 TH 5703224300 Pepper 4 Cypermethrin 0,20 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,03 Methamidophos 0,05 TH 5703780600 Pepper 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Carbofuran (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,26 Profenofos 0,16 TH 5703782200 Pepper 4 Cypermethrin 0,50 Ethion 0,26 Imidacloprid 0,04 Profenofos 0,04 TH 5703784900 Pepper 2 Cypermethrin 0,20 Omethoate 0,01 TH 5703785700 Pepper 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Carbofuran (parent) 0,01 Cypermethrin 0,11 Metalaxyl 0,02 Profenofos 0,03 TH 5703865900 Pepper 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Cypermethrin 0,05 TH 5703868300 Pepper 9 Carbaryl 0,12 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Carbofuran (parent) 0,12 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,09 Dicofol 0,64 Methamidophos 0,58 Methomyl (parent) 0,12 Profenofos 0,92 TH 5704161700 Pepper 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,10 SR 5704181100 Pepper 2 Dodemorph 0,01 Omethoate 0,01 SR 5704195100 Pepper 2 Carbofuran (parent) 0,02 Profenofos 0,02 TH 5704200100 Pepper 5 DMSA 0,16 Methomyl (parent) 0,09 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Thiacloprid 0,05 Triadimenol 0,22 MA 5704238900 Pepper 3 Carbaryl 0,06 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,12 Profenofos 1,30 TH 5704365200 Pepper 2 Bifenthrin 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,02 TH 5704368700 Pepper 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,20 Imidacloprid 0,03 Pyriproxifen 0,05 SR 5704377600 Pepper 12 Acetamiprid 0,03 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Carbaryl 0,74 Carbendazim (parent) 0,45 Carbofuran (parent) 0,15 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,02 Methamidophos 0,40 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 Omethoate 0,02 TH 5704380600
12 Prochloraz 0,02 Profenofos 0,71 Propiconazole 0,01 TH 5704380600 Pepper 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,13 Methamidophos 0,59 TH 5706167700 Pepper 7 Carbaryl 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Carbofuran (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,21 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,15 Profenofos 0,05 Propiconazole 0,01 TH 5729191500 Pepper 8 Buprofezin 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,70 Methamidophos 0,18 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Omethoate 0,01 Profenofos 0,18 TH 5729192300 Pepper 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,44 Imidacloprid 0,05 ES 5729217200 Pepper 8 Acetamiprid 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,09 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,46 Ethion 0,12 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,09 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pyridaben 0,66 EG 5729219900 Pepper 3 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,01 Triazophos 1,10 TH 5729450700 Pepper 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Cypermethrin 0,14 Ethion 0,19 Profenofos 0,02 LK 5729819700 Pepper 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Cypermethrin 0,45 TH 5729935500 Pepper 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 Profenofos 0,15 UG 5729945200 Pepper 2 Metalaxyl 0,08 Propiconazole 0,08 TH 5730204600 Pepper 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,27 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 1,00 Cypermethrin 0,52 Imidacloprid 0,01 TH 5730206200 Pepper 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Cyproconazole 0,01 Omethoate 0,05 TH 5730220800 Pepper 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,22 Clothianidin 0,01 Monocrotophos 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 DO 5730678500 Pepper 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,18 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Dicofol 0,47 Omethoate 0,38 TH 5744482700 Pepper 2 Prochloraz 0,02 Propiconazole 0,07 TH 5745310900 Pepper 3 Azoxystrobine 0,09 Ethion 0,10 Prochloraz 0,08 TH 5745889500 Pepper 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,08 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Cypermethrin 0,92 Dicrotophos 0,03 Phosalone 0,14 TH 5746615400 Pepper 2 Carbofuran (parent) 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,03 TH 5746621900 Pepper 6 Azoxystrobine 0,11 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Carbofuran (parent) 0,05 Cypermethrin 0,85 Metalaxyl 0,07 Triforine 0,07 TH 5746928500 Pepper 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,09 Procymidone 0,16 NL 5746935800 Pepper 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,11 Iprodione 0,12 Omethoate 0,06 DO 5746953600 Pepper 2 Azoxystrobine 0,04 Carbofuran (parent) 0,01 TH 5746957900 Pepper 2 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Carbofuran (parent) 0,01 TH 5746958700 Pepper 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,24 Metalaxyl 0,01 Omethoate 0,12 Profenofos 0,63 TH 5753882100 Pepper 4 Halofenozide 0,19 Hexythiazox 0,09 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,25 NL 5754386800 Pepper 2 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,04 TH 5755759100 Other solanacea 3 Clothianidin 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,84 Thiamethoxam 0,04 BR 5729940100 Other solanacea 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,37 Endosulfan 0,26 Profenofos 0,01 UG 5729944400 Other solanacea 4 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,11 Endosulfan 0,11 Omethoate 0,04 SR 5753359500 Cucumber 4 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Chlorothalonil 0,01 Cyprodinil 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,02 ES 4418905400 Cucumber 5 Dimethomorph 0,01 Procymidone 0,07 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Thiamethoxam 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 4418920800 Cucumber 2 Procymidone 0,12 Triflumizole 0,02 NL 4437780200 Cucumber 4 Boscalid 0,03 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Cyprodinil 0,04 Pymetrozine 0,03 DE 4539296100 Cucumber 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,05 Iprodione 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,13 ES 4546759700 Cucumber 5 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,04 Imidacloprid 0,02 Iprodione 0,13 Oxamyl-oxime 0,01 4546769400 Cucumber 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Dimethomorph 0,02 Oxamyl (parent) 0,04 Oxamyl-oxime 0,04 Procymidone 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,09 Thiacloprid 0,02 ES 4657901100 Cucumber 2 Boscalid 0,04 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 NL 4676798500 Cucumber 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorothalonil 0,08 Cyprodinil 0,02 Dichloran 0,02 Fludioxonil 0,04 ES 4852829500 Cucumber 2 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Procymidone 0,18 ES 4852841400 Cucumber 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Dimethomorph 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,05 Procymidone 0,08 Thiacloprid 0,01 ES 5626791300 Cucumber 3 Chlorothalonil 0,64 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,05 Omethoate 0,06 SR 5704376800 Cucumber 3 Chlorothalonil 0,94 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,06 Omethoate 0,06 SR 5704385700 Cucumber 2 Methiocarb (parent) 0,13 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,32 DO 5745686800 Cucumber 2 Methiocarb-sulfone 0,03 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,17 DO 5746954400 Cucumber 4 Imidacloprid 0,03 Oxamyl (parent) 0,01 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Procymidone 0,08 ES 5754379500 Cucumber 2 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,02 NL 5771716500 Cucumber 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Dimethomorph 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,02 Pyridaben 0,02 ES 5830889700 Table E. Page 12

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Cucumber 6 Endosulfan 0,02 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 Myclobutanil 0,02 Oxamyl (parent) 0,09 Oxamyl-oxime 0,11 Triadimenol 0,01 ES 5837181500 Courgette 3 Endosulfan 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,01 Triadimenol 0,02 ES 4527730500 Courgette 2 Endosulfan 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,09 ES 4539681900 Courgette 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 DMST 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,11 Thiamethoxam 0,02 ES 4657925900 Courgette 3 Endosulfan 0,05 Imidacloprid 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 2,00 ES 4852850300 Courgette 2 Imidacloprid 0,04 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,03 NL 5604270900 Courgette 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Endosulfan 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,13 ES 5830892700 Melon 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Endosulfan 0,12 CR 4549054800 Melon 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Endosulfan 0,08 CR 4665502800 Melon 3 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 Triadimenol 0,03 ES 4667164300 Melon 2 Tetraconazole 0,02 Triadimenol 0,01 IL 4671658200 Melon 2 Dicofol 0,08 Imidacloprid 0,01 ES 4680945900 Melon 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Oxamyl-oxime 0,02 Pyridaben 0,01 Triadimenol 0,02 ES 4868755500 Melon 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Endosulfan 0,09 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 ES 4868936100 Melon 2 Buprofezin 0,01 Imazalil 0,02 BR 4885456700 Melon 2 Tetraconazole 0,01 Triadimenol 0,01 IL 4886251900 Melon 2 Imidacloprid 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,40 ES 4895822200 Melon 4 Chlorothalonil 0,06 Imazalil 0,12 Oxamyl-oxime 0,04 Thiabendazole 0,03 HN 5730171600 Melon 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Endosulfan 0,21 Imidacloprid 0,04 ES 5744752400 Melon 6 Acetamiprid 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Endosulfan 0,18 Imidacloprid 0,01 Methamidophos 0,06 Nitenpyram 0,03 ES 5744782600 Melon 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Endosulfan 0,21 ES 5744783400 Melon 2 Imazalil 0,28 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 ES 5830086100 Melon 3 Acetamiprid 0,01 Boscalid 0,02 Imazalil 0,05 BR 5830877300 Melon 2 Endosulfan 0,11 Imazalil 0,03 BR 5830902800 Melon 2 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Fludioxonil 0,01 BR 5837186600 Watermelon 6 Acetamiprid 0,02 Endosulfan 0,10 Methamidophos 0,08 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 Tebufenozide 0,03 ES 4541791300 Watermelon 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,02 ES 4868859400 Broccoli 2 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,08 Metalaxyl 0,01 ES 4873232100 Broccoli 4 Chlorfluazuron 0,20 Cypermethrin 4,40 Metalaxyl 0,01 Propiconazole 0,34 CN 5704342300 Brussels sprouts 2 Epoxyconazole 0,02 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 NL 4430294200 Brussels sprouts 2 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,03 NL 4540385800 Brussels sprouts 2 Tebuconazole 0,02 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 NL 5604271700 Brussels sprouts 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,02 NL 5742435400 Brussels sprouts 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Tebuconazole 0,02 NL 5749339900 Red Cabbage 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Iprodione 0,07 NL 4419792800 Red Cabbage 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Iprodione 0,07 NL 4430297700 Other head cabbage 2 Difenoconazole 0,01 Endosulfan 0,06 NL 4430283700 Chinese Cabbage 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 NL 4877560800 Kale 2 Permethrin 0,31 Pyridaben 0,01 NL 4546997200 Other leafy cabbage 2 Iprodione 4,80 Malathion 0,01 NL 4431517300 Other leafy cabbage 2 Chlorpropham 0,09 Iprodione 0,61 NL 4863620900 Other leafy cabbage 3 Iprodione 0,10 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,12 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,17 NL 5718288100 Other leafy cabbage 3 Iprodione 2,60 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,04 NL 5718527900 Other leafy cabbage 2 Iprodione 0,03 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,44 NL 5755557200 Other leafy cabbage 3 Iprodione 0,14 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 NL 5837201300 Lamb's lettuce 2 Deltamethrin 0,07 Iprodione 1,20 BE 4427691700 Lamb's lettuce 4 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,78 Iprodione 4,00 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 NL 4873221600 Lamb's lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,47 Sulfur (S8) 0,80 NL 5718255500 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,98 Tolclofos-methyl 0,04 NL 4418925900 Lettuce 5 Iprodione 1,10 Metalaxyl 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 Tolclofos-methyl 0,04 Vinclozolin 0,31 NL 4419802900 Lettuce 4 DMST 0,85 Iprodione 1,20 Mevinphos 0,18 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,26 NL 4425360700 Lettuce 3 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,07 Dimethomorph 0,47 Iprodione 2,80 DE 4425373900 Lettuce 5 Cyprodinil 1,30 Dichloran 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,88 Iprodione 0,49 Metalaxyl 0,40 IT 4429067700 Lettuce 6 Imidacloprid 0,03 Iprodione 1,30 Metalaxyl 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 Tolclofos-methyl 0,09 Vinclozolin 0,25 NL 4430310800 Lettuce 4 Iprodione 0,31 Piperonyl-butoxide 1,00 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,12 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,57 NL 4538887500 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 1,10 Tolclofos-methyl 0,22 NL 4657921600 Lettuce 2 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Carbaryl 0,03 ES 4665574500 Lettuce 2 Bifenthrin 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 1,70 ES 4665586900 Lettuce 3 Imidacloprid 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,06 BE 4667165100 Lettuce 4 Bifenthrin 0,03 Fludioxonil 0,01 Iprodione 0,04 Oxadixyl 0,02 FR 4670498300 Lettuce 7 Cyprodinil 0,98 Fludioxonil 1,00 Folpet 0,40 Iprodione 2,80 Mepronil 1,30 Methamidophos 0,01 Oxadixyl 0,18 FR 4670499100 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 1,10 Tolclofos-methyl 0,92 Vinclozolin 0,51 NL 4670500900 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,21 Tolclofos-methyl 0,06 NL 4671627200 Lettuce 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,15 ES 4671667100 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,21 Procymidone 2,70 IT 4676817500 Lettuce 8 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,81 Iprodione 4,70 Metalaxyl 0,04 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,06 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,10 Sulfur (S8) 0,16 Vinclozolin 0,22 NL 4680959900 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,09 NL 4688407801 Lettuce 5 Acephate 0,02 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 DMST 0,92 Omethoate 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,69 IT 4843923300 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,08 Vinclozolin 0,07 NL 4851433200 Lettuce 6 Deltamethrin 0,46 DMST 0,01 Iprodione 0,21 Tolclofos-methyl 0,12 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 Vinclozolin 0,20 NL 4852890200 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 1,00 Tolclofos-methyl 1,10 Vinclozolin 0,61 NL 4852893700 Lettuce 8 Deltamethrin 0,06 DMST 0,08 Iprodione 8,20 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,12 Tolclofos-methyl 0,17 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,18 Vinclozolin 0,21 NL 4855604300 Lettuce 4 Dimethomorph 3,80 Iprodione 11,00 Metalaxyl 0,48 Oxadixyl 0,08 BE 4870791200 Lettuce 3 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,09 Iprodione 0,07 Tolclofos-methyl 0,04 NL 4873245300 Lettuce 3 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,10 Iprodione 1,50 Tolclofos-methyl 0,13 NL 4873248800 Lettuce 5 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1,00 Iprodione 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,05 Vinclozolin 1,20 NL 4873249600 Lettuce 4 Deltamethrin 0,05 Iprodione 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,05 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,12 NL 4873251800 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,28 Tolclofos-methyl 0,05 NL 4875079600 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,29 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 Tolclofos-methyl 0,09 NL 4875082600 Lettuce 5 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 2,10 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 Tolclofos-methyl 0,48 Vinclozolin 0,56 NL 4875088500 Table E. Page 13

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,27 Tolclofos-methyl 0,68 Vinclozolin 1,10 NL 4875091500 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 3,60 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 Tolclofos-methyl 0,80 NL 4875093100 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,29 Tolclofos-methyl 0,09 Vinclozolin 0,10 NL 4875106700 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 1,10 Tolclofos-methyl 0,05 Vinclozolin 0,09 NL 4875108300 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,40 Vinclozolin 0,12 NL 4875109100 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,04 Tolclofos-methyl 0,05 NL 4875110500 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,02 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,14 NL 4879267700 Lettuce 8 Demeton-S-methyl 0,28 Dimethomorph 0,02 DMST 0,09 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 0,04 Oxydemeton-methyl (parent) 0,67 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,08 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,03 BE 5606068500 Lettuce 2 Imidacloprid 0,04 Iprodione 0,04 NL 5718282200 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,10 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,09 Tolclofos-methyl 0,06 NL 5718524400 Lettuce 4 Iprodione 0,06 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,10 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,07 NL 5718525200 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,18 Tolclofos-methyl 0,10 Vinclozolin 0,17 NL 5718528700 Lettuce 4 Iprodione 0,49 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,08 Tolclofos-methyl 0,03 NL 5718555400 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,26 Tolclofos-methyl 0,12 NL 5718556200 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,17 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,16 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,26 NL 5718578300 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,47 Tolclofos-methyl 0,10 NL 5718579100 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,04 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,06 NL 5718581300 Lettuce 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,11 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,32 NL 5718587200 Lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,98 Tolclofos-methyl 0,20 Vinclozolin 2,10 NL 5718589900 Lettuce 3 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,07 Iprodione 0,12 Tolclofos-methyl 0,03 NL 5718618600 Lettuce 2 Dimethomorph 0,10 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 NL 5718684400 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,81 Tolclofos-methyl 0,61 NL 5726556601 Lettuce 9 Bifenthrin 0,03 Chlorfenvinphos 0,03 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,16 DMST 0,03 Iprodione 2,20 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,01 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,13 Tolclofos-methyl 0,51 Vinclozolin 0,21 NL 5729222900 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 2,20 Tolclofos-methyl 1,90 NL 5742628401 Lettuce 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,02 Vinclozolin 0,13 NL 5744803200 Lettuce 6 Azoxystrobine 0,78 Indoxacarb 0,20 Iprodione 0,02 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,23 Pymetrozine 0,04 DE 5746779700 Lettuce 2 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 0,04 NL 5749334800 Lettuce 2 Deltamethrin 0,18 Iprodione 0,02 NL 5749361500 Lettuce 2 Deltamethrin 0,06 Iprodione 0,20 NL 5749363100 Lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,06 Tolclofos-methyl 0,81 NL 5749374700 Lettuce 5 Cypermethrin 0,18 DMST 0,41 Metalaxyl 0,01 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,91 BE 5832291100 Lettuce 2 DMST 0,07 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 ES 5835604200 Iceberg lettuce 2 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Procymidone 0,13 ES 4418926700 Iceberg lettuce 4 Cyprodinil 0,01 Dimethomorph 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,01 Procymidone 0,09 ES 4419663800 Iceberg lettuce 5 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,05 Dimethomorph 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,03 Iprodione 0,02 Procymidone 0,06 ES 4429047200 Iceberg lettuce 3 Dimethomorph 0,03 Metalaxyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,09 ES 4852842200 Iceberg lettuce 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Procymidone 0,08 ES 4852889900 Iceberg lettuce 3 Dimethomorph 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,03 Metalaxyl 0,04 ES 4870788200 Iceberg lettuce 2 Imidacloprid 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,01 NL 4886270500 Iceberg lettuce 3 Dimethomorph 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,02 Methomyl (parent) 0,05 ES 5626800600 Iceberg lettuce 3 Iprodione 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,01 ES 5704127700 Iceberg lettuce 3 Imidacloprid 0,03 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,04 NL 5718619400 Iceberg lettuce 2 Imidacloprid 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 ES 5730100700 Iceberg lettuce 2 Iprodione 0,15 Tolclofos-methyl 0,09 NL 5749365800 Endive 3 Iprodione 1,30 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 NL 4429344700 Endive 3 Etofenprox 0,90 Penconazole 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 1,80 IT 4431514900 Endive 4 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,06 Iprodione 0,08 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,26 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,09 NL 4527743700 Endive 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 NL 4538888300 Endive 3 Iprodione 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 NL 4665521400 Endive 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Iprodione 0,13 NL 4665611300 Endive 4 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,36 Sulfur (S8) 8,60 ES 4670502500 Endive 3 Iprodione 0,31 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 NL 4671629900 Endive 2 Iprodione 0,15 Procymidone 0,06 NL 4676818300 Endive 2 Fenpropimorph 0,02 Iprodione 0,01 NL 4851472300 Endive 4 Deltamethrin 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,03 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,06 NL 4851477400 Endive 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Iprodione 0,66 NL 4886309400 Endive 2 DMST 0,01 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,02 ES 5704128500 Endive 2 Imidacloprid 0,02 Iprodione 0,29 NL 5718280600 Endive 3 Iprodione 0,30 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,07 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,09 NL 5718523600 Endive 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,03 NL 5718612700 Endive 2 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 0,56 NL 5718614300 Endive 2 Imidacloprid 0,04 Iprodione 0,18 NL 5718634800 Endive 2 Imidacloprid 0,03 Iprodione 0,65 NL 5718635600 Endive 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,03 NL 5744812100 Endive 3 Fludioxonil 0,06 Iprodione 0,01 Penconazole 0,02 IT 5832305500 Spinach 2 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,07 Flufenoxuron 0,16 NL 4548996500 Spinach 2 Etofenprox 0,09 Indoxacarb 0,06 TH 5706008500 Chives 8 Carbendazim (parent) 0,31 Chlorothalonil 0,08 Diethofencarb 0,05 Iprovalicarb 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,03 Methamidophos 0,01 Triadimefon (parent) 0,03 Triadimenol 0,01 NL 4551873600 Parsley 5 Kresoxim-methyl 0,06 Nuarimol 0,03 Prometryn 1,90 Tebuconazole 0,51 Triadimenol 0,06 NL 4551906600 Parsley 4 Clothianidin 0,04 Mepanipyrim 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,01 Thiamethoxam 0,02 IT 4852844900 Parsley 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,10 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 NL 5718675500 Parsley 2 Azoxystrobine 0,14 Linuron 0,03 5724209400 Parsley 6 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,53 Cyproconazole 0,05 Difenoconazole 0,08 Propiconazole 0,12 Prothiofos 0,04 Tebufenozide 0,05 TH 5729449300 Parsley 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,15 NL 5730186400 Parsley 2 Linuron 0,05 Piperonyl-butoxide 12,00 NL 5738323200 Parsley 3 Chlorpropham 0,03 Linuron 0,07 Malathion 0,04 NL 5771685100 Parsley 3 Chlorpropham 0,03 Linuron 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 NL 5771687800 Parsley 2 Fenitrothion 1,30 Linuron 0,06 IT 5830108600 Other herbs 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Parathion-methyl 0,05 TH 4532811200 Other herbs 9 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Chlorothalonil 0,04 Dimethomorph 0,14 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,40 DMST 1,50 Penconazole 0,16 Sulfur (S8) 22,00 Tolylfluanide (parent) 8,30 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 IT 4676824800 Table E. Page 14

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Other herbs 5 Chlorothalonil 0,79 Dichlofluanide (parent) 0,37 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 1,10 DMST 0,77 Sulfur (S8) 47,00 IT 4676825600 Other herbs 2 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,17 NL 5604277600 Other herbs 8 Carbendazim (parent) 1,60 Cypermethrin 0,35 Dichlorvos 0,13 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 Methomyl (parent) 0,04 Omethoate 0,68 Prochloraz 0,02 Propiconazole 0,04 TH 5606100200 Other herbs 7 Cypermethrin 0,35 Dichlorvos 0,13 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 Methomyl (parent) 0,04 Omethoate 0,68 Prochloraz 0,02 Propiconazole 0,04 TH 5606100201 Other herbs 3 Difenoconazole 0,06 Metalaxyl 1,40 Parathion-methyl 0,57 TH 5701678700 Other herbs 7 Carbaryl 2,10 Cypermethrin 0,20 Metalaxyl 0,21 Methomyl (parent) 0,19 Omethoate 0,11 Sulfur (S8) 1,30 Tebufenozide 0,66 TH 5703774100 Other herbs 7 Carbaryl 0,88 Cypermethrin 0,20 Metalaxyl 0,10 Methomyl (parent) 0,24 Omethoate 0,12 Sulfur (S8) 0,80 Tebufenozide 0,15 TH 5703778400 Other herbs 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 Chlorfluazuron 0,05 EPN 0,12 Methomyl (parent) 0,28 TH 5704210900 Other herbs 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,20 Carbofuran (parent) 0,38 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,02 TH 5705953200 Other herbs 4 Cypermethrin 0,10 Omethoate 0,15 Procymidone 0,16 Pyrifenox 0,01 TH 5706168500 Other herbs 7 Cypermethrin 2,20 Difenoconazole 0,05 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 3,40 Malathion 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,02 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 TH 5729189300 Other herbs 5 Cypermethrin 0,86 Dimethoaat (parent) 2,30 Metalaxyl 1,40 Methomyl (parent) 0,31 Omethoate 0,24 TH 5730218600 Other herbs 2 Acetamiprid 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,01 TH 5744736200 Other herbs 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,28 Cypermethrin 1,10 Parathion-methyl 1,50 TH 5746927700 Other herbs 3 Iprodione 0,26 Metalaxyl 0,15 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,02 UG 5755204200 Other herbs 2 Metalaxyl 0,16 Sulfur (S8) 34,00 UG 5755206900 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Bifenthrin 0,05 Iprodione 0,10 MA 4425365800 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 KE 4527736400 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Oxamyl (parent) 0,01 Oxamyl-oxime 0,01 Oxycarboxine 0,11 ES 4527843300 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Dicofol 0,05 Iprodione 0,07 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 SN 4548992200 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,01 ES 4665507900 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Iprodione 0,03 Vinclozolin 0,06 ES 4665651200 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Triadimenol 0,13 TH 4667142200 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Bifenthrin 0,08 Dicofol 0,11 Iprodione 0,08 SN 4670506800 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,27 Omethoate 0,05 ES 4671635300 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 Omethoate 0,02 SN 4676811600 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Famoxadone 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,04 KE 4680954800 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Cyprodinil 0,01 Procymidone 0,08 ES 4863591100 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Bifenthrin 0,04 Oxamyl (parent) 0,05 Phosphamidon 0,03 SN 4863612800 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Imidacloprid 0,08 Kresoxim-methyl 0,01 ES 4868904300 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Iprodione 0,09 Triforine 0,04 MA 4880437300 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Vinclozolin 0,07 NL 4897224100 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Carbofuran (parent) 0,05 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,02 KE 5703300200 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Methoxyfenozide 0,01 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,12 Spinosad (A & D) 0,01 KE 5703936100 Beans with pod (fresh) 4 Acephate 0,22 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Methamidophos 0,02 Triadimenol 0,10 KE 5704281800 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Cypermethrin 0,05 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 KE 5706048400 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,04 Hexaconazole 0,04 MA 5718659300 Beans with pod (fresh) 3 Bifenthrin 0,03 Iprodione 0,13 Triforine 0,09 NL 5739291600 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Hexaconazole 0,02 KE 5744478900 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 KE 5744487800 Beans with pod (fresh) 6 Carbaryl 0,11 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Cypermethrin 0,88 Difenoconazole 0,04 EPN 0,36 Triadimenol 0,14 TH 5745302800 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,07 Omethoate 0,12 SR 5745308700 Beans with pod (fresh) 11 Fenitrothion 0,11 Fenpyroximate 0,06 Fluvalinate, tau- 0,07 Methiocarb (parent) 0,01 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,11 Myclobutanil 0,01 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,06 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,01 ES 5746211600
11 Sulfur (S8) 3,00 Triadimenol 0,03 ES 5746211600 Beans with pod (fresh) 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Sulfur (S8) 15,00 EG 5746923400 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,06 Tebuconazole 0,03 KE 4527841700 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,07 Tebuconazole 0,02 KE 4539690800 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,01 Cypermethrin 0,77 MA 4544543700 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Kresoxim-methyl 0,04 Vinclozolin 0,14 NL 4851390500 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,04 KE 4868853500 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,70 Tebuconazole 0,02 KE 5703424600 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 4 Epoxyconazole 0,09 Iprodione 0,06 Kresoxim-methyl 0,05 Vinclozolin 0,46 NL 5718671200 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,10 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 KE 5730674200 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Famoxadone 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,02 KE 5744606400 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 0,75 KE 5745888700 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,06 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 Tebuconazole 0,02 KE 5746179900 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,06 KE 5755758300 Green/(garden) peas (fresh) 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 KE 5755885700 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Cypermethrin 0,11 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,09 Omethoate 0,08 TH 4667138400 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 8 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Bitertanol 0,05 Cypermethrin 0,27 Methiocarb (parent) 0,16 Methiocarb-sulfone 0,01 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,68 Monocrotophos 0,23 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 4671617500 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,21 Cypermethrin 0,07 Dicrotophos 0,96 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 TH 5701679500 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,11 Omethoate 0,06 SR 5703117400 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Cypermethrin 0,20 EPN 0,13 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 Triazophos 0,05 TH 5703129800 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,17 Cypermethrin 0,20 EPN 0,22 Methamidophos 0,12 Triazophos 0,45 TH 5703134400 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 3 Carbofuran (parent) 0,05 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,01 EPN 0,27 TH 5703138700 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Cypermethrin 0,10 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,02 DO 5703211100 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 4 Cypermethrin 0,89 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,03 Endosulfan 0,04 Omethoate 0,04 SR 5703221900 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,83 Endosulfan 0,08 Omethoate 0,27 SR 5703229400 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Omethoate 0,04 TH 5703777600 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,04 Omethoate 0,06 SR 5704205200 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Diazinon 0,04 Monocrotophos 0,01 SR 5704325300 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Metalaxyl 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Omethoate 0,04 TH 5704381400 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Carbofuran (parent) 0,03 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,07 Cypermethrin 0,49 Dicrotophos 0,56 Monocrotophos 0,02 TH 5704524800 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Carbofuran (parent) 0,02 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,03 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,47 Omethoate 0,31 TH 5706046800 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 6 Bitertanol 0,13 Carbaryl 0,01 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Imidacloprid 0,01 Thiamethoxam 0,06 Trifloxystrobine 0,02 DO 5729187700 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 3 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Bitertanol 0,10 Methamidophos 0,01 DO 5729188500 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 7 Bitertanol 0,01 Chlorothalonil 0,03 Dicofol 0,18 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,19 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 Omethoate 0,01 DO 5729197400 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 EPN 0,39 Methomyl (parent) 0,05 TH 5729444200 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Cypermethrin 0,30 Metalaxyl 0,06 TH 5744739700 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 2 Ethion 0,05 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 TH 5745893300 Table E. Page 15

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Other legume vegetables (fresh) 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,07 Ethion 0,03 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 TH 5746929300 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 4 Cypermethrin 0,20 Methamidophos 0,21 Monocrotophos 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 4,00 DO 5746947100 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,10 Cypermethrin 0,24 Difenoconazole 0,02 Methomyl (parent) 0,05 TH 5746959500 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Methomyl (parent) 0,02 Triazophos 0,15 TH 5753369200 Other legume vegetables (fresh) 7 Carbaryl 0,04 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Dicrotophos 0,02 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,02 Methomyl (parent) 0,05 Omethoate 0,01 TH 5755751600 Celery 4 Chlorothalonil 0,29 Difenoconazole 0,02 Iprodione 0,09 Triadimenol 0,02 ES 4425363100 Celery 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Chlorothalonil 0,03 Tebuconazole 0,03 IL 4863619500 Celery 2 Carbofuran (parent) 0,81 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,13 SR 5704197800 Celery 2 Difenoconazole 0,01 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,01 NL 5718253900 Celery 3 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Linuron 0,06 Propiconazole 0,04 NL 5718294600 Celery 2 Difenoconazole 0,02 Linuron 0,02 NL 5718691700 Celery 6 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Chlorothalonil 0,11 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,05 Iprodione 0,06 Linuron 0,02 Metalaxyl 0,01 5724211600 Celery 3 Linuron 0,02 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,04 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,02 NL 5744815600 Leek 2 Difenoconazole 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,03 DE 4539287200 Leek 2 Chlorothalonil 0,20 Malathion 0,01 ES 4665659800 Leek 7 Boscalid 0,02 Chlorothalonil 0,41 Halofenozide 0,02 Methiocarb (parent) 0,10 Methiocarb-sulfone 0,02 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,09 Tebuconazole 0,02 NL 5606069300 Leek 2 DMST 0,02 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,08 NL 5718519800 Leek 2 Permethrin 0,81 Tetramethrin 0,53 5724210800 Leek 4 DMST 0,54 Fenpropimorph 0,29 Tebuconazole 0,45 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,19 NL 5755556400 Leek 8 Chlorothalonil 0,95 DMST 0,17 Epoxyconazole 0,01 Kresoxim-methyl 0,02 Methiocarb (parent) 0,03 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,02 Tebuconazole 0,23 Tolylfluanide (parent) 0,27 NL 5771708400 Mushrooms (not wild) 5 Carbendazim (parent) 4,50 Carbofuran (parent) 0,06 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,06 Prochloraz 0,09 Thiabendazole 0,27 NL 4551888400 Mushrooms (not wild) 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,54 Sulfur (S8) 0,24 NL 4551955400 Other oil seed 2 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,02 Propoxur 0,02 NL 4445283900 Tea 3 Bifenthrin 0,12 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,06 CN 5704419500 Tea 4 Buprofezin 0,04 Dicofol 0,18 Esfenvalerate 0,47 Imidacloprid 0,04 CN 5729688700 Tea 8 Acetamiprid 0,03 Bifenthrin 0,03 Buprofezin 0,07 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Cypermethrin 0,07 Dicofol 0,28 Imidacloprid 0,04 Methomyl (parent) 0,03 CN 5730111200 Tea 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,06 Imidacloprid 0,03 CN 5730236400 Tea 2 Dicofol 0,71 Endosulfan 0,19 IN 5730503700 Tea 2 Dicofol 0,26 Endosulfan 0,22 IN 5730504500 Tea 3 Dicofol 0,29 Endosulfan 0,18 Ethion 0,03 IN 5730505300 Tea 2 Dicofol 0,48 Endosulfan 0,35 IN 5730506100 Other arable product 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Iprodione 0,02 Vinclozolin 0,14 4546818600 Other arable product 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,14 Cypermethrin 0,11 Ethion 0,22 Profenofos 0,04 TH 4667144900 Other arable product 4 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Methiocarb (parent) 0,32 Methiocarb-sulfone 0,02 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,40 4863601200 Other arable product 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,75 IT 4873213500 Other arable product 2 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,10 Metalaxyl 0,06 DE 4873225900 Other arable product 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) 0,13 DE 4873227500 Other arable product 2 Fenpropimorph 0,01 Tebuconazole 0,01 NL 4897209800 Other arable product 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,21 Cypermethrin 14,00 Imidacloprid 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,05 Omethoate 12,00 Profenofos 0,11 NL 5606083900 Other arable product 4 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 1,60 Difenoconazole 0,15 Propiconazole 0,31 Triforine 0,01 TH 5703132800 Other arable product 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Methomyl (parent) 0,01 TH 5704184600 Other arable product 2 Buprofezin 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 3,00 TH 5704185400 Other arable product 3 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,07 Imidacloprid 0,01 Omethoate 0,09 SR 5704209500 Other arable product 3 Bromopropylate 0,08 Cyprodinil 1,20 Fludioxonil 0,38 EG 5704279600 Other arable product 6 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,79 Cypermethrin 4,70 Etofenprox 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,32 Iprodione 7,90 Spinosad (A & D) 0,15 CO 5704320200 Other arable product 3 Difenoconazole 0,11 Omethoate 0,56 Propiconazole 0,16 TH 5704379200 Other arable product 6 Azoxystrobine 0,38 Carbendazim (parent) 1,20 Carbofuran (parent) 0,03 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 37,00 Spinosad (A & D) 0,01 IL 5704648100 Other arable product 3 Cypermethrin 0,20 EPN 0,45 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,31 TH 5705417400 Other arable product 5 Carbaryl 0,58 chlorfenapyr 0,06 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,27 Metalaxyl 0,12 Tebufenozide 0,26 TH 5706162600 Other arable product 7 Acetamiprid 0,02 Bifenthrin 0,06 Carbaryl 0,02 Imidacloprid 0,01 Iprodione 0,10 Mepanipyrim 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 NL 5724233700 Other arable product 6 Carbaryl 0,04 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,01 Fenitrothion 0,06 Iprodione 0,03 Procymidone 0,07 Sulfur (S8) 0,50 NL 5724234500 Other arable product 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Prothiofos 0,25 TH 5730217800 Other arable product 3 Methiocarb (parent) 0,03 Methiocarb-sulfone 0,01 Methiocarb-sulfoxide 0,30 DO 5730677700 Other arable product 2 Pirimicarb (parent) 0,02 Pirimicarb, desmethyl 0,03 NL 5738320800 Other arable product 2 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 NL 5739329700 Other arable product 5 Carbendazim (parent) 6,20 Cypermethrin 10,00 Diuron 0,03 Metalaxyl 0,07 Profenofos 1,70 US 5743042700 Other arable product 2 Cypermethrin 0,10 Difenoconazole 0,02 TH 5744479700 Other arable product 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,04 Cyproconazole 0,02 Difenoconazole 0,07 EPN 3,20 Propiconazole 0,12 TH 5745311700 Other arable product 4 Acetamiprid 0,02 Azoxystrobine 0,05 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,25 EPN 0,94 TH 5745891700 Other arable product 3 Cypermethrin 4,60 Methomyl (parent) 0,07 Oxadixyl 0,07 TH 5746924200 Other arable product 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 4,30 Parathion-methyl 1,10 Sulfur (S8) 5,00 TH 5753362500 Other arable product 2 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,06 Omethoate 0,01 SR 5755411800 Rice 3 Deltamethrin 0,10 Malathion 0,04 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,73 4678041800 Wheat 2 Chlormequat 0,07 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,03 NL 4423770900 Wheat 4 Dichlorvos 0,05 Malathion 0,64 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,12 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,28 DE 4423772500 Wheat 3 Chlormequat 0,15 Malathion 0,01 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,23 DE 4423773300 Wheat 3 Chlormequat 0,16 Dichlorvos 0,39 Trichlorfon 0,01 FR 4423774100 Wheat 2 Dichlorvos 0,01 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,36 FR 4423776800 Wheat 2 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,06 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,03 DE 4423778400 Other cerials 2 Hexaconazole 0,02 Pirimiphos-methyl 0,21 NL 5718241501 Processed Products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 DMST 0,05 NL 4526337100 Processed Products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 DMST 0,05 NL 4526339800 Processed Products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 DMST 0,03 NL 4526345200 Processed Products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,13 Dicofol 0,10 Propoxur 0,01 CN 4547062800 Processed Products 2 Carbaryl 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 DE 4549112900 Processed Products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Dimethoaat (parent) 0,02 AR 4677360800 Processed Products 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Dimethomorph 0,02 Fenhexamid 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,04 FR 4677371300 Processed Products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,02 ES 4677382900 Processed Products 2 Dimethomorph 0,01 Iprovalicarb 0,01 FR 4677389600 Processed Products 2 Acetamiprid 0,13 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 CN 4885314500 Table E. Page 16

Number of Compound 1 Residue level Compound 2 Residue level Compound 3 Residue level Compound 4 Residue level Compound 5 Residue level Compound 6 Residue level Compound 7 Residue level Compound 8 Residue level Compound 9 Residue level Sample Food item compounds name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg name mg/kg Origin (*) reference Processed Products 3 Azoxystrobine 0,03 Fenhexamid 0,37 Metalaxyl 0,02 PT 5602905200 Processed Products 4 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Metalaxyl 0,05 Procymidone 0,06 Pyridaphenthion 0,02 ES 5602907900 Processed Products 2 Carbaryl 0,05 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 IT 5602914100 Processed Products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Dimethomorph 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,03 FR 5602916800 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,03 Metalaxyl 0,01 IT 5602917600 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,28 FR 5602943500 Processed Products 4 Azoxystrobine 0,02 Dimethomorph 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,04 Pyrimethanil 0,02 FR 5602944300 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,12 Pyrimethanil 0,16 FR 5602945100 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,06 Iprodione 0,07 PT 5602947800 Processed Products 2 Iprodione 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,07 IT 5602949400 Processed Products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Dimethomorph 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,04 FR 5602951600 Processed Products 2 Cyprodinil 0,04 Fludioxonil 0,03 FR 5602955900 Processed Products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Fenhexamid 0,01 Pyrimethanil 0,01 FR 5602959100 Processed Products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,18 Dimethomorph 0,03 Pyrimethanil 0,02 FR 5602960500 Processed Products 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,23 Diethofencarb 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,02 Procymidone 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,04 ES 5602965600 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,05 ES 5602967200 Processed Products 4 Fenhexamid 0,15 Iprovalicarb 0,01 Procymidone 0,06 Pyrimethanil 0,02 IT 5608268900 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,11 Iprovalicarb 0,01 IT 5608269700 Processed Products 2 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,02 ES 5608274300 Processed Products 4 Diethofencarb 0,02 Iprodione 0,01 Metalaxyl 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,02 PT 5608282400 Processed Products 2 Metalaxyl 0,02 Pyrimethanil 0,02 IT 5608652800 Processed Products 2 Carbaryl 0,01 Oxadixyl 0,02 IT 5608654400 Processed Products 2 Fenhexamid 0,07 Pyrimethanil 0,01 IT 5608658700 Processed Products 3 Carbaryl 0,02 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Metalaxyl 0,01 ES 5608661700 Processed Products 4 Carbofuran (parent) 0,03 Carbofuran, 3-hydroxy 0,01 Methamidophos 0,09 Profenofos 0,18 ID 5703483100 Processed Products 2 Methamidophos 0,02 Profenofos 0,02 ID 5703486600 Processed Products 2 Hexaconazole 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 35,00 IL 5704123400 Processed Products 2 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,14 Endosulfan 0,02 TH 5729936300 Processed Products 3 Fenhexamid 0,06 Iprodione 0,14 Sulfur (S8) 1,90 CL 5745202100 Processed Products 3 Carbendazim (parent) 0,04 Tebuconazole 0,04 Trifloxystrobine 0,01 KR 5745295100 Processed Products 4 Cypermethrin 0,62 Dimethoaat (parent) 1,70 Omethoate 0,15 Parathion-methyl 0,53 TH 5745300100 Processed Products 4 Cyprodinil 0,01 Fenhexamid 0,02 Iprodione 0,14 Sulfur (S8) 1,30 CL 5745598500 Processed Products 5 Esfenvalerate 0,95 Hexythiazox 0,01 Indoxacarb 0,08 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 Thiodicarb 0,01 IR 5745601900 Processed Products 3 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Flufenoxuron 0,15 Procymidone 0,31 TR 5745632900 Processed Products 5 Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0,03 Iprodione 0,03 Procymidone 0,22 Pyrimethanil 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 0,48 TR 5745634500 Processed Products 3 Cyprodinil 0,05 Fludioxonil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 0,90 TR 5745813500 Processed Products 7 Carbendazim (parent) 0,05 Cyprodinil 0,02 Indoxacarb 0,02 Iprodione 0,08 Procymidone 0,17 Pyrimethanil 0,02 Tebufenozide 0,02 TR 5745829100 Processed Products 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,02 Cyprodinil 0,02 Indoxacarb 0,02 Iprodione 0,05 Procymidone 0,19 Tebufenozide 0,01 TR 5745830500 Processed Products 5 Boscalid 0,06 Phenylphenol 2- 0,11 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,03 Pyraclostrobine 0,03 Sulfur (S8) 0,40 US 5746182900 Processed Products 5 Azoxystrobine 0,01 Cyhalothrin-lambda 0,03 Cypermethrin 0,10 Metalaxyl 0,02 Procymidone 0,09 TR 5747077100 Processed Products 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,03 Cyprodinil 0,01 Iprodione 0,03 Procymidone 0,17 Pyrimethanil 0,01 Sulfur (S8) 1,00 TR 5754912200 Processed Products 5 Carbendazim (parent) 0,10 Iprodione 0,06 Metalaxyl 0,01 Procymidone 0,09 Sulfur (S8) 0,16 TR 5755869500 Processed Products 6 Carbendazim (parent) 0,07 Cypermethrin 0,06 Iprodione 0,02 Procymidone 0,05 Pyrimethanil 0,02 Sulfur (S8) 0,14 TR 5755871700 Processed Products 3 Iprodione 0,13 Piperonyl-butoxide 0,12 Sulfur (S8) 0,10 NL 5836398700

Table E. Page 17

Table F: Details of the Homogeneity Exercise

(Please copy this table as often as needed)
(For the calculation of the homogeneity of the sample a value of 0.5*LCL should be used for negative results of single items) Reporting country: The Netherlands Year: 2005 Commodity: Tangerine Samples taken at single producer (yes/no) no Pesticide sought: chloorpyriphos imazalil malathion thiabendazole Composite sample reference 56267808 56267808 56267808 56267808 Result (mg/kg) 1 4,90 0,14 0,28
2 2,50 0,08 0,24
3 3,20 0,01 0,12
4 3,70 0,02 0,14
5 5,00 0,06 0,28
6 4,80 0,07 0,42
7 5,10 0,02 0,19
8 3,90 0,36
9 0,14 5,10 0,76 0,26
10 0,06 4,80 0,22 0,24 Maximum value (mg/kg) 0,14 5,10 0,76 0,42 reporting limit (RL) ** 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,01 Mean (mg/kg) 0,03 4,30 0,14 0,25 Factor for the homogeneity of the
sample* 4,7 1,2 5,5 1,7
*defined as maximum value/mean value of the single items
** values of the single items below the reporting limit have been estimated at half the reporting limit Pesticide sought: o-phnylphenol pyriproxifen chloorpyriphos fenthion (sum) imazalil Composite sample reference 56060723 56060723 56060723 56060723 56060723 Result (mg/kg) 0,070 0,020 0,070 0,150 1,900 Single items sample ref. 56060731 56060731 56060731 56060731 56060731 Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg)
1 0,06 0,32 2,20
2 0,08 0,02 1,20
3 0,21 0,06 0,29 3,20
4 0,04 0,02 0,09 1,70
5 0,04 2,10
6 0,06 0,36 0,82
7 0,07 0,03 1,50
8 0,12 0,02 0,86
9 0,10 0,04 0,24 2,80
10 0,09 0,04 0,12 2,10 Maximum value (mg/kg) 0,21 0,06 0,36 0,03 2,10 reporting limit (RL) ** 0,03 0,01 0,03 0,01 0,01 Mean (mg/kg) 0,09 0,02 0,15 0,01 1,85 Factor for the homogeneity of the
sample* 2,4 3,2 2,4 2,6 1,1
*defined as maximum value/mean value of the single items
** values of the single items below the reporting limit have been estimated at half the reporting limit Commodity: Orange Pesticide sought: imazalil Composite sample reference 56060626 Result (mg/kg) 3,200 Single items sample ref. 56060634 Result (mg/kg)
1 2,40
2 2,50
3 2,50
4 2,90
5 2,00
6 3,30
7 2,60
8 3,90
9 2,40
10 2,40 Maximum value (mg/kg) 3,90 reporting limit (RL) ** 0,01 Mean (mg/kg) 2,69 Factor for the homogeneity of the
sample* 1,4
*defined as maximum value/mean value of the single items
** values of the single items below the reporting limit have been estimated at half the reporting limit Table F. Page 1

Commodity: Pear

Pesticide sought: carbendazim dmst tolylfluanide Composite sample reference 56267956 56267956 56267956 Result (mg/kg) 0,070 0,110 0,260 Single items sample ref. 56267964 56267964 56267964 Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg)
1 0,09 0,16 0,27
2 0,07 0,10 0,13
3 0,04 0,10 0,15
4 0,10 0,19 0,33
5 0,13 0,20 0,35
6 0,04 0,08 0,13
7 0,10 0,13 0,26
8 0,08 0,14 0,26
9 0,08 0,13 0,15
10 0,07 0,14 0,33 Maximum value (mg/kg) 0,13 0,20 0,35 reporting limit (RL) ** 0,01 0,01 0,01 Mean (mg/kg) 0,08 0,14 0,24 Factor for the homogeneity of the
sample* 1,6 1,5 1,5
*defined as maximum value/mean value of the single items
** values of the single items below the reporting limit have been estimated at half the reporting limit Pesticide sought: acetamiprid difenoconazool diflubenzuron lambda-cyhalothrin spirodiclofen Composite sample reference 56060863 56060863 56060863 56060863 56060863 Result (mg/kg) 0,030 0,010 0,370 0,040 0,020 Single items sample ref. 56060871 56060871 56060871 56060871 56060871 Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg)
1 0,04 0,03 0,30 0,05 0,10
2 0,01 0,10
3 0,02 0,01 0,17 0,01
4 0,01 0,10 0,01
5 0,01 0,18 0,03 0,01
6 0,01 0,10
7 0,03 0,34 0,05 0,03
8 0,03 0,02 0,38 0,05 0,03
9 0,03 0,02 0,35 0,04 0,04
10 0,01 0,15 Maximum value (mg/kg) 0,04 0,03 0,38 0,05 0,10 reporting limit (RL) ** 0,01 0,01 0,05 0,03 0,01 Mean (mg/kg) 0,02 0,01 0,22 0,03 0,02 Factor for the homogeneity of the
sample* 2,0 2,7 1,8 1,7 4,1
*defined as maximum value/mean value of the single items
** values of the single items below the reporting limit have been estimated at half the reporting limit Commodity: Cucumber Pesticide sought: carbendazim dimethomorph famoxadone imidacloprid metalaxyl Composite sample reference 56267913 56267913 56267913 56267913 56267913 Result (mg/kg) 0,050 0,01 1 0,10 0,01
2 0,02 0,03 0,05
3 0,02 0,02 0,03
4 0,08 0,05 0,05
5 0,06
6 0,06 0,06 0,04 0,09
7 0,02 0,02 0,02
8 0,09 0,05 0,04 0,07
9 0,05 0,02 0,01 0,07
10 0,06 0,05 0,02 0,06 Maximum value (mg/kg) 0,10 0,08 0,05 0,06 0,09 reporting limit (RL) ** 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 Mean (mg/kg) 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,03 Factor for the homogeneity of the
sample* 3,0 4,2 3,2 6,2 3,6
*defined as maximum value/mean value of the single items
** values of the single items below the reporting limit have been estimated at half the reporting limit Table F. Page 2

Table G: Laboratories

Year 2005
Country The Netherlands
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Participa- Workload tion in Implementation of EU with regard proficiency Quality control to the tests or procedures monitoring interlaborat [please refer to each element as exercise ory tests in specified in the table below by Accreditation status 2004 giving its number] Accredita- tion achieved Percentage (Yes/No) Name of the laboratory/ of monitoring [Please Implemen- Not laboratories carrying out samples provide accr. Date of Accredita- Which? ted parts implemen- the monitoring exercise analysed certificates] accreditation tion body Scope? ted parts 100 yes 18.02.1998 RvA FAPAS, EU- 1-10 pesticide Food and Consumer residues Product Safety
Authority (VWA) -
Inspectrorate for
Health protection
EU Quality control procedures (ref. Doc.SANCO/10232/2006) Element
number Content

1 Accreditation

2 Sampling, transport, processing and storage of samples
3 Pesticide standards, calibration, solutions, etc.
4 Extraction and concentration
5 Contamination and interference
6 Analytical calibration and chromatographic integratíon
7 Analytical methods and analytical performance
8 Proficiency testing and analysis of reference materials
9 Confirmation of results
10 Reporting of results Table G. Page 1


1. SUMMARY OF RESULTS 25,0 In 2005 about the same percentage of non- 20,0 compliances was found for non-domestic 15,0 samples as in previous years (Figure 1). For the 10,0 % > MRL third year EU product show a decrease in 5,0 percentage non-compliances, whereas non-EU 0,0 avg avg avg '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 product violations increase. Probably progressing '87/90 '91/93 '94/96 EU-harmonisation contributes to this effect. In NL EU non-EU non-NL
2005 the contribution of EU-MRLs to the Figure 1. Percentage of MRL violations not including incidents number of MRL-violations has risen to 67 %,
compared to 53 % in 2004. About 63 % of the residue findings is governed by EU-MRLs (Table 3). Table 1 gives the most frequently non-complying pesticide/crop combinations with the main countries of origin. In 2005 the Netherlands issued seven rapid or information alerts on pesticide residues. Table 2 gives an overview. Both at the non-compliances and the RASFF-notifications occurrences of highly toxic obsolete pesticides from third world countries are predominant. In about 3500 samples about 6000 residues of 189 different analytes were found. The scope of the coordinated program comprised 70 % of the residues found. For a majority of the results an Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) has been established (table 3). For a number of citrus (3), pear (2) and cucumber (1) samples, products in the co-ordinated program, a homogeneity exercise has been performed. Table 4 summarises the results. The homogeneity factor varied considerably, being quite high for most of the pesticides in the cucumber sample and low for post-harvest treatment pesticides on citrus fruits.

Table 1. Main products with high percentages of non-compliances, with corresponding pesticides and countries of origin.
Product Pesticides %>MRL Countries Tropical legume vegetables (freshdimethoate, omethoate,epn ) 50,0 Thailand Pepper carbendzim, dimethoate, methamidofos, dicofol 32,7 Thailand Tangerines fenthion 24,4 Spain, Turkey Peach/nectarine etofenprox, fenthion 21,7 Spain Beans with pod (fresh) dimethoate, dicofol 20,9 Kenya, Senegal, Thailand Orange dimethoate 18,2 Egypt Grape tebufenpyrad, imazalil 16,3 Italy, Turkey Sweet pepper methiocarb, pyrimethanil 14,9 Spain Table 2. Alerts to the RASFF system issued by the Netherlands. Product Pesticide Country lettuce oxydemeton-methyl (0.94 mg/kg) Belgium edible orchids cypermethrin (14 mg/kg) and omethoate (12 mg/kg)e Netherlands Th yard long beans dicrotophos (0.9 mg/kg) Thailand yard long bean triazophos (0.45 mg/kg) and EPN (0.22 mg/kg) Thailand kiwi methidathion (0,36 mg/kg) Greece grapes methomyl (0.36 mg/kg) South Africa yard long beans dicrotophos (0,94 mg/kg) Thailand Table 3. Pesticide residues found in the EU-coordinated and Dutch monitoring program. active number of residues of pesticides in samples substances with ARfD no ARfD needed ARfD unknown with EU-MRL total EU-coordinated monitoring 55 2765 1354 4 3240 4123 Dutch national program 124 1116 651 104 557 1871 Total 179 3881 2005 108 3797 5994

Table 4. Summary of homogeneity factors (maximum unit concentration divided by sample mean) from exercise on citrus, pear and cucumber.
Pesticides in citrus samples mean minimum maximum Product Pesticides homogeneity chloorpyriphos 2 3,6 2,4 4,7 * factor imazalil 3 1,3 1,1 1,4 Pear carbendazim 1,6 malathion 1 5,5 dmst 1,5 thiabendazole 1 1,7 tolylfluanide 1,5 acetamiprid 2,0 o-phnylphenol 1 2,4 difenoconazool 2,7 pyriproxifen 1 3,2 diflubenzuron 1,8 fenthion (sum) 1 2,6 lambda-cyhalothrin 1,7
* concentration in composite sample below reporting limit spirodiclofen 4,1 Cucumber carbendazim 3,0 dimethomorph 4,2
6,2 The Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority metalaxyl * 3,6 performs the official monitoring in the Netherlands. The samples are taken without prior information about the presence of pesticides in the sample. Therefore, they represent the situation on the market for the product at that time. However, sampling is directed relatively more to products that need attention because of the violation rate in previous years. Therefore, high violation rates can indicate both an efficient sampling strategy and problems in the agricultural practice.
The Dutch Food and Commodity Law regulates the sampling procedure, i.e. the number of subsamples taken from a lot. This regulation is the implementation of the EC-directive 2002/63/EC. Inspectors of the five regional inspectorates are taking samples. The main sampling points are the premises of the auction system for Dutch products and importers, warehouses and distribution centres of retail chains for both domestic and non-domestic products. At those inspection points it is clear who is responsible for the product, so that appropriate legal action can be taken in case of non-compliance.

One regional laboratory (Northwest, in Amsterdam) performs the analyses of the samples. The general strategy is detecting as many pesticides as possible in one analysis by using Multi-Residue- Methods (MRMs). The Dutch method consists of an acetone extraction, followed by a partition step of the residues into dichloromethane/petroleum ether. The extracts are analysed by a chromatographic separation and selective detection of residues. The main detection methods are Gas Chromatography (GC) - Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometric Detection (GC-ITD) and Liquid Chromatography ­ tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Only for some analytes that are not detectable sensitively enough by ITD, additionally GC with Electron Capture Detection (ECD) is used.
For some pesticides not amenable to the MRM, Single Residue Methods based on LC-MS/MS detection are used. In the 2005 program this was only the case for chlormequat. Dithiocarbamates are analysed as CS2 using GC-FPD and GC-ITD after decomposing with acidic tin-chloride solution and extraction into iso-octane. Together the scope of the methods is about 400 analytes. The validity of the analytical results is governed by a quality assurance system under ISO17025 accreditation. The multi-residue methods are within the scope of the accreditation of the laboratory. The centralised laboratory has implemented the EU Guideline on Quality Control Procedures. It takes part in FAPAS and EU proficiency tests.
The average inter-laboratory relative standard deviation (RSDR) is estimated at 25 % based on EU- proficiency tests. Only in case an MRL is exceeded by more than the estimated expanded average measurement uncertainty of 50 %, legal action is taken.

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