
Werkgroep Scheiding Kerk en Staat wil opheldering van voorzitter EP

13 april 2007, 12:11
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In ´t Veld (D66): "Het EP is niet de Sint-Pieter" -

Onder leiding van D66-europarlementariër Sophie in ´t Veld heeft de Werkgroep Scheiding Kerk en Staat van het Europees Parlement de EP-voorzitter Poettering uitgenodigd om op 5 juni uitleg te geven over zijn uitnodiging aan de paus om het EP plenair toe te spreken.

Voorzitter van de werkgroep Sophie In ´t Veld: "Onze werkgroep dringt al jaren aan op meer transparantie in de relaties tussen de Europese instellingen en kerken, met name het Vaticaan. De drie leiders van de EU-instellingen, Poettering, Barroso en Merkel, zijn alledrie wel heel erg close met de Paus. De dialoog met religies is prima, maar dan wel met alle religieuze en andere levensbeschouwelijke organisaties. Zo zou hij in ieder geval ook de Humanisten moeten uitnodigen."

"Het Europees Parlement kan een rol spelen in die dialoog, maar het EP hoeft geen podium te verschaffen aan de leider van een specifieke godsdienst. Vooral niet als die leider standpunten heeft over vrouwen en homo's die niet stroken met de doelstellingen van de EU. Het Europees Parlement is niet de Sint-Pieter in Rome."

Hieronder vindt u de brief aan Poettering


Brussels, 10 April 2007

Hans-Gert Pöttering

President of the European Parliament

European Parliament

Rue Wiertz 60

PHS 11B014

1047 Brussels

Dear Mr Pöttering,

We were informed that you have invited Pope Benedict XVI to address the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasburg. On behalf of the EP Working Group

for the Separation of Religion and Politics, we would like to express our regret over this decision.

Freedom of religion is one of the fundamental rights of the European Union. In addition, churches, religious communities and non-confessional philosophical groupings contribute greatly to the public debate and to shaping our European community of values.

The European Union as a political body has never had a religious past: it never drew its authority from the idea of its divine foundation unlike European Member States might have done in the past. It is a very young reality that resulted from the will of political leaders to make war and totalitarianism impossible in the future, ensuring peace and freedom for European citizens by founding a community based on universal principles and rights. Consequently this institutional reality took the form of a secular social contract based on political and ideological pluralism.

The European Constitution would for the first time establish a formal dialogue with churches and non-confessional organisations. Article 52 stipulates that dialogue should be open, regular and transparent. A monologue by the head of one specific religion, who also happens to be head of a foreign state, hardly qualifies as an open, regular and transparent dialogue.

Therefore, a dialogue with these groupings must take place in the framework of the dialogue with civil society, on the basis of transparency and equality, reflecting Europes diversity. Instead of favouring one single religion, the European Parliament should facilitate a regular broad dialogue with all churches, religious and non-confessional organisations. In order to redress the balance, we suggest the leaders of other religions, as well as the European Humanists will equally be invited to address the plenary session.

The European Union has always favoured a clear separation of church and state, and promoted religious freedom, for example in the talks with Turkey. Moreover, in the public debate on integration, the secular nature of our European society is stressed time and again. Indeed, strict neutrality of public bodies is the very guarantee of religious freedom. The European Parliament should follow those principles as well.

The EP Working Group on Separation of Religion and Politics is looking forward to your proposals to shape the dialogue with religious as well as non-confessional organisations within the European Parliament. We would be pleased and honoured to invite you to meet with the Working Group for an exchange of views.

With kind regards,

Sophie in 't Veld

Chair EP Working Group on Separation of Religion and Politics