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David Allen, de man achter Getting Things Done komt naar Nederland!

Wat hebben mensen bij KPMG gemeen met mensen van Life Hacking, of Palm Inc, of met vele andere Nederlanders? Ze passen allemaal Getting Things Done toe. Ofwel ze hebben de kunst van de lege e-mailboxen onder de knie en leiden een stressvrij leven.

Op 19 februari 2009 komt David Allen, de bedenker van het succesvolle Getting Things Done (GTD) concept en de auteur van de gelijknamige bestseller, naar Amsterdam. Dit is uw kans om hem te zien en te ontmoeten!

Waarom David Allen? Hij en zijn bedrijf de David Allen Company ( geven mensen, van directeuren, managers tot receptionisten, de mogelijkheid om hun vak stressvrijer, productiever en vooral efficiënter uit te oefenen. Op 19 februari 2009 krijgt u de kans om gelijk tot de kern van Getting Things Done door te dringen, de meester aan het werk te zien en aangestoken te worden door David Allen's enthousiasme.

Ja het is mogelijk! Een lege e-mailbox, een leeg hoofd en de rust zodat je precies weet wat je wel en niet doet en waar je prioriteiten liggen. Tijdens het seminar Making it all Work op 19 februari in Amsterdam komen alle facetten van Getting Things Done ter sprake. U wordt volledig ondergedompeld in de systematiek van GTD, die wordt geïllustreerd met humoristische, praktische en persoonlijke voorbeelden en ervaringen van David Allen zelf.

Het seminar Making it all Work , the art of stress free productivity met David Allen wordt georganiseerd door Life Architect en vindt plaats in Pakhuis de Zwijger. Kijk voor meer informatie op



"Excellent seminar, one of the best seminars I have ever attended. It's great that most of the material being taught is practical, common sense things that are easy to understand and simple to implement. Finally, an organizational seminar that doesn't feel overwhelming as soon as its over, I truly feel empowered and inspired." Eric Nguyen,
The Lancer Group

"... it pretty much immediately clarified for me why all the various approaches I've taken to organization haven't quite worked." David Schlesinger,
Palm Inc.

"The method has made a huge difference in my life. People saw me carrying the book and wondered why on earth I would be reading about organizing. I enjoy the reputation of the guy who is well organized and gets things done. This method has taken the stress out of my mind and helped me to work at a much more relaxed state. It has taken me to the next level of productivity and enjoyment." Jeffrey S. Irby,
Partner, KPMG Consulting

"David Allen's Roadmap is a fantastic opportunity to get to know the philosophy and methodology behind GTD. I went to see David live on a rainy day in London in Oct. 2008. David was his usual upbeat mode and gave us the full Monty. Spanning the bridge from the very basics of GTD to the high levels of "black belt" expertise-David showed us what best practices for staying clear, focused, and in control of your life GTD offers.

"As a heavy GTD practitioner, I am already convinced of the merits of the method. Even so, David managed to raise the bar even further and helped me to see the next levels beyond, that are now within my reach. As a result, I am now not just reviewing my Projects, but also setting Goals and developing Visions to where I want to be in my work, life and eternity years from now. The connection between these levels of planning and the everyday tasks you commit yourself to, is actually executable within the GTD framework.

"With GTD, I feel wholly focused and in control of my life, no matter what surprises life has to offer. It is a no-brainer decision: everyone ought to practice GTD and we would be much more productive and healthier, in every regard." Göran Askeljung
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