Ingezonden persbericht

Neuroloog Allen Bowling slaat een brug tussen complementaire en reguliere zorg bij MS Op 29 september a.s., 9.30 uur in het Mercure hotel Nieuwegein. .

Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD is op 29 september de spreker bij de lancering van het boek 'Complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen bij Multiple Sclerose' in het Mercure Hotel in Nieuwegein. De bijeenkomst "Over wat nog meer mogelijk is bij MS" handelt over de integratie van complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen bij MS. Doel is te komen tot een integrale aanpak binnen de zorg. Neuroloog Bowling heeft hiervoor een vijf-stappenplan uitgedacht dat in Amerika al door zowel zorg als patiënten is omarmd. Het initiatief voor deze dag ligt bij Stichting MS-Anders die hoopt dat Dr Bowling met al zijn kennis en kunde ook in Nederland in staat is om op een positieve manier een brug te slaan tussen 'complementaire en reguliere zorg', mede door in een open en opbouwende discussie de mogelijkheden en beperkingen te onderzoeken.

Allen C. Bowling
Dr. Bowling staat aan het hoofd van het programma Complementaire en Alternatieve Geneeswijzen van het Rocky Mountain MS Center in Englewood, Colorado (VS) . Daarnaast is hij associate professor klinische neurologie aan de universiteit van Denver en het Health Sciences Center. Dr. Bowling maakt zich sterk voor integratie tussen reguliere en complementaire geneeswijzen en heeft verschillende prestigieuze onderscheidingen ontvangen voor zijn werk op dit gebied. Ook op het gebied van Multiple Sclerose verschenen verscheidene boeken en artikelen van zijn hand.

Waarom een combinatie van complementaire en reguliere behandelingen? In de zoektocht naar een medicijn tegen de ziekte Multiple Sclerose worden er steeds vaker hoopvolle vindingen gedaan, maar deze conventionele geneeswijzen slaan nog vaak niet of te weinig aan, zijn niet voor iedere patiënt geschikt en geven soms hele ongemakkelijke en vervelende bijwerkingen. Een toenemende meerderheid van patiënten met MS combineert daarom conventionele geneeswijzen op enigerlei wijze met complementaire en alternatieve behandelingen om het leven zo dragelijk mogelijk te maken.

Het boek 'Complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen bij Multiple Sclerose', van de hand van Dr Bowling dient als richtlijn voor de discussie. Dit naslagwerk is op initiatief van Stichting MS-Anders vertaald, omdat: "in dit boek iedere alternatieve behandelwijze op een kritische, wetenschappelijke en objectieve manier wordt benaderd", aldus Professor dr. J.H.A. de Keyser, als neuroloog verbonden aan het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen en het Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel. Stichting MS-Anders stelt zich als doel zoveel mogelijk objectieve, eerlijke en betrouwbare informatie over complementaire en alternatieve behandelwijzen beschikbaar te stellen, zodat de MSpatiënt van vandaag de dag een individuele en verantwoorde keuze kan maken.

Uit een rapport van TSO/NIPO blijkt dat maar liefst 5 miljoen mensen positief staan tegenover complementaire zorg en dat ruim 1,5 miljoen patiënten/consumenten gebruik maken van enige vorm van complementaire zorg. Het wordt zolangzamerhand dus echt hoog tijd dat ook de professionals in de zorg hun patiënten serieus informeren over alle bestaande conventionele en onconventionele therapieën en hoe deze - op maat - op een veilige en verstandige manier in te zetten.

Voor meer informatie en aanmelding:
Stichting MS-Anders;; telefoon: 020 6116666 U kunt hier ook het boek 'Complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen bij Multiple Sclerose' aanvragen.

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Dear Colleague,
I am writing you about a topic that I think is important for MS clinicians to be knowledgeable about and address in patient care--alternative medicine. Among conventional health care providers, the subject of alternative medicine evokes a wide range of responses, including curiosity, apathy, and disgust. Regardless of your perso- nal feelings about the subject, I think the quality of care that is provided to people with MS can be improved by addressing alternative medicine issues. In studies in Europe (as well as Canada, Australia, and the United States), it has been found that the majority of people with MS use some form of unconventional medicine. Unfortunately, for these people, current information sources, such as the in- ternet and lay books, are of variable quality. High quality, evidence-based information in this area is important because unconventional therapies may be helpful, harmful, or have no effect whatsoever.
To improve the quality of MS-relevant unconventional medicine information, I have written several books, including Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis. You can improve the situation for your own patients by becoming knowledgeable in this area and providing appropriate information. I have been involved in the area of unconventional medicine for more than ten years. For me, it is not a substitute, but rather a complement, to what I provide with conventional medical care. When appropriate, I am now able to guide patients away from unconventional therapies that are unsafe or ineffective and towards those that are low-risk and possibly effective. Overall, I think it has improved the quality of care that I provide to my patients. I encourage you to explore this subject.


Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD

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Over wat er nog méér mogelijk is bij MS
Wanneer? Dinsdag 29 september 2009
Waar? Mercure Hotel Nieuwegein (vlakbij A2). Buizerdlaan 10, 3435 SB Nieuwegein. Doel? Inzicht in wat er nog méér mogelijk is bij MS Voor wie?
Uitsluitend voor Nederlandse en Belgische professionals in de behandeling van, en de zorg voor MS-patiënten
Kosten? Voor rekening van stichting MS-Anders Progr. 09.30 - 10.00 uur Ontvangst, informele kennismaking 10.00 - 11.00 uur
`Complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen bij MS' door Dr. A.C. Bowling MD, PhD

Specifi ek aan de orde komen: enkel- en meervoudige symptoom- behandeling, voeding, wellness, beweging.

11.00 - 11.15 uur Korte pauze

Gelegenheid tot het indienen van vragen en discussie-onderwerpen.

11.15 - 11.30 uur Vijf-stappenplan
Hoe te komen tot een integrale aanpak van MS.
11.30 - 12.00 uur Open discussie o.l.v. de dagvoorzitter aar liggen de mogelijkheden? Waar de beperkingen? Wat zijn ieders W
ervaringen? Wat is de meerwaarde bij MS?
12.00 - 12.45 uur Afsluiting en korte lunch Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
Medisch directeur van het Rocky Mountain MS Center, Englewood, Colorado (VS) Associate professor klinische neurologie universiteit van Colorado, Denver (VS) en het Health Sciences Center.
Dr. Bowling heeft verscheidene boeken en artikelen geschreven over Multiple Sclerose. Voor zijn werk op het gebied van complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen ontving hij verscheidene prestigieuze onderscheidingen.
`In tegenstelling tot veel andere publicaties rond dit onderwerp benadert de auteur iedere alternatieve behandelwijze op een kritische, wetenschappelijke en objectieve manier.' Prof. dr. J.H.A. De Keyser, verbonden aan het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen en het Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel.
Stichting MS-Anders Tel. (020) 611 66 66 Overschiestraat 59a Fax (020) 611 76 95 1062 XD Amsterdam E-mail:

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Contact Information | |
|Name             |Allen C. Bowling, M.D., Ph.D.                        |
|Address          |Neurology Care                                       |
|                 |701 E. Hampden Ave., Ste. 320 Englewood, CO 80113    |
|Phone            |303-788-7667                                         |
|Fax              |303-409-6800                                         |
|Education                                                              |
|1982 B.S.        |Yale College                                         |
|1988 M.D.        |Yale University School of Medicine                   |
|1988 Ph.D.       |Dept. of Pharmacology, Yale University School of     |
|                 |Medicine                                             |
|Postdoctoral Training                                                  |
|1988-1989        |Internship, Internal Medicine Department, University |
|                 |of California - San Francisco                        |
|1989-1992        |Residency, Neurology Department, University of       |
|                 |California - San Francisco                           |
|1992-1995        |Fellowship, Neurology Service, Massachusetts General |
|                 |Hospital and Harvard Medical School                  |
|Employment                                                             |
|Feb. 1996-present|Neurology Dept, Univ of Colo at Denver and Health    |
|                 |Scis Center, Aurora, CO                              |
|Sept.            |Associate Clinical Professor                         |
|2003-present     |                                                     |
|July 1997-Sept.  |Assistant Clinical Professor                         |
|2003             |                                                     |
|Feb. 1996-July   |Clinical Instructor                                  |
|1997             |                                                     |
|                 |                                                     |
|Aug. 1997-Oct.   |Rocky Mountain MS Center, Englewood, CO              |
|2007             |                                                     |
|Jan. 2003-June   |Medical Director                                     |
|2007             |                                                     |
|Aug. 1997-Dec.   |Associate Medical Director                           |
|2002             |                                                     |
|Aug. 1997-Oct.   |Director of Complementary and Alternative Medicine   |
|2007             |Program                                              |
|                 |                                                     |
|July2007-present |Neurology Care, address above                        |
|Aug. 1997-June   |Colorado Neurology, Englewood, CO                    |
|2007             |                                                     |
|Aug. 1995-July   |Western Neurological Group, Denver, CO               |
|1997             |                                                     |
|Licensure and Certification                                            |
|1995             |Colorado Board of Medical Examiners, Lic. No. 34465  |
|1993             |Amer. Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Cert.No.    |
|                 |38571                                                |
|1992             |Mass. Board of Registration in Medicine, Reg. No.    |
|                 |75973                                                |
|1990             |Medical Board of California, Cert. No. G68090        |
|Academic Awards                                                        |
|2000             |Berlex Award for Best Presentation in Patient        |
|                 |Education, annual meeting of the Consortium of       |
|                 |Multiple Sclerosis Centers                           |
|1999             |Labe Scheinberg Award, annual meeting of the         |
|                 |Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers             |
|1988             |American Epilepsy Society Award                      |
|1987             |Saul R. Korey Award in Experimental Neurology        |
|                 |(American Academy of Neurology)                      |
|1988             |Medical Scientist Training Program Student           |
|1982             |Summa Cum Laude, Yale College                        |
|1982             |Phi Beta Kappa, Yale College                         |
|1982             |Fellows' Prize, Yale College                         |
|1982             |Distinction in Major, Yale College                   |
|1982             |Scholar of the House, Yale College                   |
|1981             |Bates' Summer Travelling Fellowship, Yale College    |
Publications - Allen C. Bowling, MD PhD
Books | Book Chapters | Pamphlets & Brochures | Lay Articles | Journal Articles | Abstracts Books
Russell M, Bowling AC. The Everything Health Guide to Multiple Sclerosis. Cincinnati: Adams Media, 2009. Bowling AC. Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2007. Bowling AC, Stewart TM. Dietary Supplements and Multiple Sclerosis: A Health Professional's Guide. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2004. Polman CH, Thompson AJ, Murray TJ, Bowling AC, Noseworthy JH. Multiple Sclerosis: The Guide to Treatment and Management. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2006.

Book Chapters
Bowling AC. Alternative therapy considerations. In: Fraser RT, Kraft G, Ehde D, Johnson K. The MS Workbook: Living Fully with MS. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2006. Bowling AC. Complementary and alternative medicine. In: Kalb RC. Multiple Sclerosis: The Questions You Have-The Answers You Need. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2008.

Pamphlets & Brochures
Bowling AC, Stewart TM. Acupuncture in MS. Patient Pamphlet for National MS Society, 2004. Bowling AC, Stewart TM. Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs in MS. Patient Pamphlet for National MS Society, 2004.

Lay Articles (partial listing)
Bowling AC, Stewart TM. A reasonable approach to diet. Open Door: MS Trust Newsletter. 2006;Feb.:8-9.

Journal Articles
Jenkins DJA, Wolever TMS, Taylor RH, Barker HM, Fielden H, Baldwin JM, Newman HC, Bowling AC, Goff DV. Bioavailability to man of carbohydrate in foods. Proc. Nutrition Soc. 1980; 39:11. Jenkins DJA, Wolever TMS, Tayler RH, Barker H, Fielden H, Baldwin JM, Bowling AC, Newman HC, Jenkins AL, Goff DV. Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. Am. J. Clin. Nutrition 1981; 34:362-366. Jenkins DJA, Ghafari H, Wolever TMS, Tayler, RH, Jenkins AL, Barker HM, Fielden H, Bowling AC. Relationship between rate of digestion of foods and post-prandial glycaemia. Diabetologia 1982; 22:450-455. Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Micromolar affinity benzodiazepine receptors: identification and characterization in central nervous system. Science 1982; 216:1247-1250. DeLorenzo RJ, Gonzales B, Goldenring J, Bowling AC, Jacobson R. Ca2+-calmodulin tubulin kinase system and its role in mediating the Ca2+ signal in brain. Prog. Brain Res. 1982; 56:255-286. DeLorenzo RJ, Bowling AC, Taft WC. A molecular approach to the development of anticonvulsants. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1986; 477:238-246. Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Photoaffinity labeling of a novel benzodiazepine binding protein in rat brain. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1988; 135:97-100. Bowling AC, Mutisya EM, Walker LC, Price DL, Cork LC, Beal MF. Age-dependent impairment of mitochondrial function in primate brain. J. Neurochem. 1993; 60:1964-1967. Bowling AC, Schulz JB, Brown RH, Beal MF. Superoxide dismutase activity, oxidative damage, and mitochondrial energy metabolism in familial and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J. Neurochem., 1993; 61:2322-2325. Bowling AC, Beal MF. Aging, energy, and Alzheimer's disease. In: Masters C, Bayreuther K, Trillet M, Christen Y, eds. Amyloid Protein Precursor in Development, Aging, and Alzheimer's Disease. Springer-Verlag, 1994, 216-227. Rosen DR, Bowling AC, Patterson D, Usdin TB, Sapp P, Mezey E, McKenna-Yasek D, O'Regan J, Rahmani Z, Ferrante RJ, Brownstein MJ, Kowall NW, Beal MF, Horvitz HR, Brown RH. A frequent superoxide dismutase-1 codon 4 missense mutation is associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and decreased enzyme activity. Hum. Molec. Gen., 1994; 3:981-987. Esteban J, Rosen DR, Bowling AC, Sapp P, McKenna-Yasek D, O'Regan JP, Beal MF, Horvitz HR, Brown RH. Identification of two novel mutations and a new polymorphism in the gene for Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase in patients with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Hum. Molec. Gen., 1994; 3:997-998. Mutisya EM, Bowling AC, Beal MF. Cortical cytochrome oxidase activity is reduced in Alzheimer's disease. J. Neurochem., 1994; 63:2179-2184. Bowling AC, Beal MF. Bioenergetic and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases. Life Sci., 1995; 56:1151-1171. Bowling AC, Barkowski EE, McKenna-Yasek D, Horvitz HR, Beal MF, Brown RH. Superoxide dismutase concentration and activity in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J. Neurochem., 1995; 64:2366-2369. Browne SE, Bowling AC, MacGarvey U, Baik MJ, Berger SC, Muqit MMK, Bird ED, Beal MF. Oxidative damage and metabolic dysfunction in Huntington's disease: selective vulnerability of the basal ganglia. Ann. Neurol., 1997; 41:646-653. Ferrante RJ, Browne SE, Shinobu LA, Bowling AC, Baik MJ, MacGarvey U, Kowall NW, Brown RH, Beal MF. Evidence of increased oxidative damage in both sporadic and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J. Neurochem., 1997; 69:2064-2074. Browne SE, Bowling AC, Baik MJ, Gurney M, Brown RH, Beal MF. Metabolic dysfunction in familial, but not sporadic, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J. Neurochem., 1998; 71:281-287. Bowling AC, Ibrahim R, Stewart TM. Alternative medicine and multiple sclerosis: an objective review from an American perspective. Int. J. MS Care, 2000; 2:14-21. Bowling AC, Stewart TM. Current complementary and alternative therapies of multiple sclerosis. Curr. Treatment Options Neurol., 2003; 5:55-68. Bowling AC. Worthless weed or pot of gold? (Invited editorial on marijuana and MS) Int. J. MS Care, 2003; 5:138, 166. Bowling AC. Complementary and alternative medicine in multiple sclerosis: dispelling common myths about CAM. Int. J MS Care, 2005; 7:42-44. Stewart TM, Bowling AC. Polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in MS. Int. MS J, 2005; 12:88-93.

Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Micromolar affinity benzodiazepine receptors in brain membrane. Am. Soc. Neurochem., 1982. Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Anticonvulsant receptors in brain membrane. Am. Acad. Neurol.,1982. Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Multiple phenytoin binding sites: Identification and characterization in brain membrane. Soc. Neurosci., 1982. Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Identification of a novel benzodiazepine binding protein in rat brain. Soc. Neurosci., 1986. Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. A novel benzodiazepine binding protein in rat brain. Am. Acad. Neurol., 1988. Taft WC, Bowling AC, DeLorenzo RJ. Reversible anticonvulsant displacement of benzodiazepine (BZ) photolabeling to 65 kDa BZ binding protein. Soc. Neurosci., 1988. Bowling AC, Mutisya EM, Beal MF. Aging-associated impairment of mitochondrial energy metabolism in rhesus monkeys. Am. Acad. Neurol., 1993. Bowling AC, Schulz JB, Brown RH, Beal MF. Superoxide dismutase activity and oxidative damage in brain tissue from patients with familial and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Soc. Neurosci., 1993. Mutisya EM, Bowling AC, Walker LC, Price DL, Cork LC, Vecsei L, Beal MF. Impaired energy metabolism in aging and Alzheimer's disease. Soc. Neurosci., 1993. Bowling AC, Brown RH, Beal MF. Superoxide dismutase activity and markers of oxidative damage in sporadic and familial ALS. Am. Acad. Neurol., 1994. Bowling AC, Barkowski EE, Schulz JB, MacGarvey U, Brown RH, Beal MF. Oxidative markers, electron transport chain activity, and superoxide dismutase activity in familial and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Soc. Neurosci., 1994. Browne SE, Bowling AC, Beal MF. Mitochondrial enzyme activities in Huntington's disease. Soc. Neurosci., 1994. Kowall NW, Schulz J, Ferrante R, Bowling AC, Beckman J, Brown RH, Beal MF. A superoxide dismutase-1 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide produces free radical mediated damage and neuronal degeneration in vivo. American Neurological Assoc., 1994. Browne SE, Bowling AC, MacGarvey U, Beal MF. Oxidative DNA damage and impaired mitochondrial metabolism in Huntington's disease. Soc. Neurosci., 1995. Bowling A C. An objective review of herbal medicine and vitamin supplements relevant to multiple sclerosis. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 1999; Multiple Sclerosis, 1999; 5, suppl. 1: S134. Bowling AC, Stewart TM. A website focusing on complementary and alternative medicine for multiple sclerosis. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2000. Bowling AC, Stewart TM. A web-based system for providing and collecting information about complementary and alternative medicine that is relevant to multiple sclerosis. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2001. Bowling AC, Stewart TM. Efficacy, safety, and prevalence of acupuncture use among a group of people with MS: a web-based survey. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2002; Int J MS Care, 2002; 4: 95. Stewart TM, Smeltzer SC, Bowling AC. A survey with individualized feedback regarding low bone mineral density among people with MS. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2003; Int J MS Care, 2003;5:87. Stewart TM, Bowling AC. A survey of issues related to fatigue among a large group of people with MS. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2003; Int J MS Care;5:96. Smeltzer S, Stewart TM, Bowling AC. Results of on-line survey about low bone mineral density among people with MS. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2003. Bowling A, Stewart T. A survey of issues related to marijuana use among a large group of people with multiple sclerosis. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2004. Maloni H, O'Leary M, Kennedy P, Stewart T, Bowling A. Site reactions due to disease modifying therapy and associated alleviating behaviors. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2004. Bowling A. Complementary and alternative medicine in MS (invited speaker), ECTRIMS, 2004; Mult Scler, 2004;10:S114. Fraser R, Kraft GH, Ehde D, Johnson K, Brown T, Severson B, Yorkston K, Klasner E, Dudgeon BJ, Bombardier C, Clemmons D, Bowling A, Rumrill P, McKee P, Whittenberg A, Manley M, Foley F, Holland N. Development and dissemination of coping skill modules in MS rehabilitation. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2005. Bowling A, Stewart T. A survey of dietary supplement use among a large group of people with multiple sclerosis. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2005. Dole K, Nagra R, Kennedy P, Tourtellotte W, Bowling A. Tissue bank collaboration: benefits to the research community. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, 2005. Stewart T, Wilken J, Bowling A. Survey of issues related to cognitive dysfunction among a large group of people with multiple sclerosis. Consortium of MS Centers, 2006; Int J MS Care;8:71. Dole KC, Nagra RM, Nilsen E, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK, Kennedy PK, Bowling AC. Postmortem tissue is important component of multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis) research: critical role of MS tissue banks. Consortium of MS Centers, 2006; Int J MS Care;8:77-78. Dole KC, Nagra RM, Nilsen E, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK, Kennedy PK, Bowling AC. New directions in tissue banking. Consortium of MS Centers, 2007; Int J MS Care;9:56. Stewart T, Bowling AC, Hatgidakis J. A survey of issues related to prayer and spirituality among a large group of people with MS. Consortium of MS Centers, 2007; Int J MS Care;9:76. Kennedy P, Bowling A, Saunders C, Beach B, Conner J, Denney D. Partnership between Shared Solutions and MS office nurses: adherence enhancement program. Consortium of MS Centers, 2007; Int J MS Care;9:66. Dole K, Nagra RM, Lipton H, Valyi-Nagy T, Corti M, Kleinschmidt-Demasters B, Kennedy P, Bowling AC. Networking of tissue banks. Consortium of MS Centers, 2008, Int J MS Care;10,suppl1:42-43. Stewart TM, Kennedy P, Maloni H, O'Leary M, Tran ZV, Bowling AC, Buckley K. Survey of issues related to injection-site reactions caused by injectable FDA-approved multiple sclerosis medications. Consortium of MS Centers, 2008, Int J MS Care;10,suppl1:Int J MS Care;51.

Allen C. Bowling, MD PhD © 2008

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