
Nederlandse Europarlementariërs stellen vragen over veiling mobiele frequenties

Nederlandse Europarlementariërs stellen vragen over veiling mobiele frequenties

woensdag 11 november 2009 17:24

In Duitsland worden opnieuw frequenties voor het GSM-netwerk geveild. Volgens Nederlandse Europarlementariërs wordt daarbij de interne markt afgeschermd, waardoor buitenlandse aanbieders minder kans maken. Er is dan sprake van discriminatie. Daarom zijn er Schriftelijke Vragen gesteld aan de Commissie.

De Schriftelijke Vragen kunt u hieronder vinden.

To ensure the proper functioning of the internal market it is important that (a) the allocation of these frequencies is done in a coordinated manner across the Member States and that (b) the allocation of these frequencies promotes wherever possible the development of more competition by facilitating access for new entrants on a non-discriminatory basis and/or by taking away existing barriers to competition.

It appears that the design of the German auction, as decided by the Bundesnetzagentur, does not only fail to take away the existing discrimination between first and later entrants (caused by the historical allocation of the more efficient 900 MHz frequencies to the first two entrants T-Mobile and Vodafone) but even increases such discrimination.

Commissioner Reding requested the Bundesnetzagentur (by letter dated 7 Oct. 2009) to amend the auction design. However, and notwithstanding this request, the German government decided to approve the design without changes.

1) Did the Commission receive a reply to its letter of 7 October 2009? And if so, does the Commission consider the reply as satisfactory. And if so, how does the Bundesnetzagentur intends to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market?

2) If the reply is considered to be unsatisfactory, what legal steps will the Commission undertake to ensure compliance with the above mentioned principles? And will the Commission ensure that these steps are taken before the auction takes place in order to avoid an irreparable situation? If not, why not?

3) Will the Commission initiate other actions to ensure that the above mentioned principles will be respected in other future decisions on the allocation or redistribution of frequencies? If not, why not?

Signature(s): Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Hans van Baalen, Judith Merkies, Lambert van Nistelrooij, Wim van de Camp, Peter van Dalen, Thijs Berman, Sophie In't Veld, Marietje Schaake, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Ria Oomen-Ruijten

Peter van Dalen