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Persbericht Cinema vertoningen
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SMART Cinema presents Film Première:
Première: 25 maart 20:00 uur. Te zien t/m 28 april

Locatie: SMART Project Space, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam

Verenigde Staten 2009, 100 min Engels gesproken, niet ondertiteld Regie: Andrew Bujalski
Met: Tilly Hatcher, Maggie Hatcher, Alex Karpovskyl

Het verhaal draait rond een tweeling: Jeannie die al jong in een rolstoel terechtkwam en Lauren (Zelfde gezicht, ander lichaam). Jeannie heeft samen met haar half-vervreemde vriendin Amanda een winkel voor tweedehands en vintage kleding. Lauren is werkloos en doet wat met vrienden aan landschapsarchitectuur, heeft momenteel geen vriendje en overweegt naar het buitenland te vertrekken om Engelse taal te gaan doceren.

De spanningen tussen Jeannie en Amanda dreigen in een rechtzaak uit te monden - Amanda's vader is advocaat, en Jeannie treedt in contact met een ex-vriendje die net is afgestudeerd in de rechten. Ze gaan alle mogelijkheden door, maar Amanda lijkt alle interesse in een rechtzaak verloren te hebben.

Beeswax gaat over families, echte en verbeelde, over mensen die voor elkaar zorgen wanneer ze dat willen, wanneer dat nodig is, en wanneer het zou moeten.

Noot | Voor uitgebreide informatie over de films en speeltijden kunt u contact opnemen met hoofdprogrammeur Cinema, Chris Pazzaglia Tel (+31) 020 427 59 51of e-mail

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SMART Project Space wordt ondersteund door Mondriaan Stichting; Gemeente Amsterdam; Bureau Broedplaatsen; Stichting DOEN; Filmfonds; Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds; VSBfonds. Press Release Cinema
For immediate release
SMART Cinema presents Film Premiere:
Première: 25 March 20:00 hrs. Screens till 28 April

Location: SMART Project Space, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam

United States 2009, 100 min., Engels spoken, not subtitled Dir.: Andrew Bujalski
Cast: Tilly Hatcher, Maggie Hatcher, Alex Karpovskyl

The story revolves primarily around a pair of twin sisters - Jeannie, who has been in a wheelchair since youth, and Lauren. (Same face, different bodies...) Jeannie co-owns a used & vintage clothing store with her semi-estranged friend Amanda, while Lauren is between jobs (picking up some days filling in with landscaper friends) and between boyfriends, considering going overseas to teach English.

Tensions are mounting between Jeannie and Amanda, their management styles clashing and communication problems getting exacerbated. An e-mail from Amanda implying that their conflict will end in a lawsuit if necessary sends Jeannie into a mild panic--Amanda's lawyer father had written up all their agreements and Jeannie feels beleaguered and at a distinct disadvantage. She calls on an ex-boyfriend, Merrill, who has just graduated from law school and is studying for the bar, and after falling immediately into bed together, Merrill begins distracting himself from his own problems by trying to assist Jeannie. Various strategies for dealing with the Amanda crisis are discussed and pursued, though it remains infuriatingly unclear exactly how serious the crisis is--Amanda remains in the background and no one knows how idle her threat has been. (She claims that she has no interest in wasting time or energy on a lawsuit, and naturally this denial fuels Jeannie & Merrill's paranoia all the more.) When Lauren, at loose ends, gets roped into a familial obligation back home with her mother, her mother's partner, Sally, somewhat overreaching her stepmotherly bounds, tries to involve herself in Jeannie's problems.Beeswax is a story about families, real and imagined, people taking care of each other when they want to, when they need to, when they ought to.

Beeswax is the third feature film directed by Andrew Bujalski (Funny Ha Ha, Mutual Appreciation). Like Bujalski's previous films, the cast is made up of non-professional (but carefully cast) actors and filmed with a light, fast-moving crew. The goal is to tell an intimate, peculiar story the likes of which one could not achieve via a more traditional, large-scale mode of production.

Note | For more information, video and photo material, please contact Head of Cinema: Chris Pazzaglia,

tel (+31) 020 427 59 51 or e-mail

In case of publication please mention:

SMART Project Space is kindly supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Municipality Amsterdam, Bureau Broedplaatsen, Stichting DOEN, The Netherlands Film Fund, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, VSBfonds, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.

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