Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie

Jong N-VA solidair met Baskisch jongereninitiatief voor vrede

klok 14 mei 2010

In Baskenland is een nieuw jeugdinitiatief van start gegaan dat over de ideologische grenzen heen pleit voor onafhankelijkheid: Gazteherria. Jong N-VA verwelkomt dit initiatief met open armen en wil de organisatie mee helpen haar stem te laten horen op het internationale forum.

Gazteherria verenigt jeugdorganisaties en individuele jongeren die werken rond feminisme, muziek, studenten, huisvesting, internationalisme enz. uit zowel Spaans als Frans Baskenland. Wat hen bindt is hun vreedzaam streven naar Baskische onafhankelijkheid. De organisatie vraagt van de Spaanse en Franse overheid respect voor hun overtuiging en eist het einde van de vervolgingen door beide staten. Vorige week nog arresteerde de Franse politie vier Baskische onafhankelijkheidsactivisten.

Gazteherria eist, daarin gesteund door Jong N-VA, dat er een einde komt aan de onophoudelijke politieacties, de "incommunicado", de marteling en opsluiting van Baskische activisten.

U vindt hierbij de verklaring die Gazteherria verspreidde n.a.v. hun bezoek aan Jong N-VA in Brussel:

We are representatives of the youth of a country working for independence every day. On this moment when the Basque Country is facing a decisive moment, the basque youth have united and stablished a diverse and open framework in order to work together for independence: Gazteherria.

On Gazteherria we meet youth organisations and individual youth working in different areas like; feminism, students movement, promoters of popular music, building our own and free comunicative means, internazionalism, housing rights... we have come to Brusels representing all of them.

We are here today with the aim of spreading the need of the Basque Country to independence worldwhile and also on defense of the civil and political rights of the basque youth.

Our rights are not recognized in the Basque Country. The work for independence is totally criminalized from the French and Spanish goverments. The youth that dream on independence can not work freelly because the work for independence brings represion as conclusion. We know well the endless police operations, "incomunicado" situation, torture and imprisonment, and we came here with the aim to end with this. We consider that international communitty should engage itself in ending this situation.

In fact, within the European Union, there are states like France and Spain where basic civil and political rights of collectives and individulas are constantly violated. The European Union, an institusion that defines it self as democratic can not look to the other side. They cannot stay blind and muted infront of this situation. We think it is also Europes responsabillity to ask for civil and political rights for basque youth.

This situation unfortunately has recently got a new episode,when last week, the french state arrested four proindependence young activists. Being a basic right to life free in the Basque Country, we want to denounce the strategy against the basque youth from the french and spanish states. Those four pro independence young activists where forced to leave their homes by the spanish state on Novemener due to the policial operation against the youth organistion SEGI where 34 youth where also arrested and imprisoned.

Gazteherria infront of this attack wants to denounce the following: .Those arrets show the denial of civil and political rights of the basque youth .The work for independence is legitimate and we have the right to do it freely. .We ask the respect of our rights as youth.

All in all, here we are, in Brusels, in the heart of Europe, in defense of our rights to underline the inportance of the international inplication in order to solve the political conflict that confronts the basque country with both spanish and french states. We would like to end this statement saying thanks to all the international solidarity and support we have recived during these days. Auteur(s): David Manaigre, Voorzitter Jong N-VA Contactinfo:

David Manaigre Tel: 0472 76 10 06 Fax: 02 217 35 10