Grazzhopprz, het blog over goede initiatieven, 1 jaar online

DEVENTER, 20110525 -- Grazzhopprz, het blog over goede initiatieven, viert haar eerste verjaardag. En niet alleen dat, deze mijlpaal gaat gepaard met nog eentje: het eerste jaar heeft Grazzhopprz namelijk maar liefst 100 posts gepubliceerd! Over goede, duurzame en inspirerende initiatieven. De grazzhopprz zitten verspreid over de hele wereld, en “buzzen” over goede dingen die ze tegenkomen. Omdat ze zo een bijdrage willen leveren aan het duurzame consumeren. Want als we de goede alternatieven weten te vinden, dan kunnen we goede keuzes maken, en dan kunnen we met z’n allen echt een verschil maken. Grazzhopprz blogt over de goede alternatieven in het leven!

Engelstalig persbericht:

Grazzhopprz – continues to successfully promote small good initiatives

“This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. This is great everybody sharing opinions. You must continue your writing. I’m confident, you have a great readers’ base already!”  is one of the readers comment about Grazzhopprz, the blog promoting European sustainable initatives. 100 posts later, covering 16 countries and 7 bloggers greater Grazzhopprz, the blog that buzzes about good initiatives, turns 1 year this month.  “For us this is really worth celebrating” says both Tove Antonissen and Mikaela Ekholm, the drivers behind the Grazzhopprz blog.

A bit more than a year ago, Tove Antonissen, a consultant in international trade & sustainability, and Mikaela Ekholm, a marketing professional, with their different backgrounds put their brains together over Skype conferences and came up with the idea of launching a blog about good initiatives. They started writing about what surrounded them and the Grazzhopprz blog had soon taken shape.  “Grazzhopprz is a wonderful blog that presents beautiful products and ideas that make life just a little nicer” says Ingrid Ploem, the founder of Fabs World, which is one of the several initiatives that has been featured in the blog.

Meeting two types of needs

The Grazzhopprz blog was actually created to meet two types of needs. “Several of our friends complained about the difficulty of easily finding good products – products that are both sustainable and nice, fashionable. Actually, we used to e-mail each other when we found good products since we all live in different countries” says Tove Antonissen. So one of the objectives of the Grazzhopprz blog is to save time and to make the search for good products in Europe easier for the final shopper. The second objetive of Grazzhopprz is to promote the small good initatives and help them to be found online.  “I have always had a passion to help small companies take to move from offline to online, so I thought why not create a community for small intiatives to be promoted online” says Mikaela Ekholm.

What is Grazzhopprz?

Up to day date Grazzhopprz has published more than 100 posts about good initiatives from 16 different countries thanks to a network of 7 bloggers that report and buzz about what’s going on in their parts of the world. Grazzhopprz’ content is very diverse and the blogging community has written posts with a practical approach ranging from promoting sustainable options to news alerts in eco-fashion & eco-design, and from inspiring posts about local goodies to city reviews for eating-out in Stockholm, Amsterdam and Paris. But Grazzhopprz also includes a bit more informative posts, for example about global trade chains and the confusion about the terminology of natural, organic, sustainable and ecological products.

The figures support this broad range of topics covered, where of the 100 posts published in the first year, 39 were about good (web)shopping; 15 reported on the discovery of local goodies; 12 covered international happenings; 9 provided insights about the world of consumerism and 25 were about other good stuff.

Good response from the initiatives

“The feedback from the initiatives we cover is very impressive”, says Tove. Elmar Haker, who runs the Global Trade Project with the mission to

discover creative talent around the world and help them in their promotion shares his opinion about Grazzhopprz. “When I got a mail from Grazzhopprz saying they blogged about the website, I was thrilled. In many ways Grazzhopprz has the same objective: discovering interesting stuff and sharing it with the world. Especially small initiatives, like the GTP, are helped tremendously by spontaneous blogs like Grazzhopprz. But, after having followed the blog for some time now, I know that their readers get the best deal by being part of a continuous discovery of good and inspiring initiatives. Thumbs up!”

Anne-Rose Hartman – van der Krabben, the founder of With a touch of Rose, a small Dutch initiative that produces baby products made of organic and fair trade certified cotton says “I do not have to think very long about it... And you know why? Your blog was different than all other pieces written about With a touch of Rose. You highlighted my passion, so the passion of the entrepreneur behind the scene. Why I think this was unique? We didn't talk about it, we talked about how great the products are, about the sustainability, doing something good by buying our products.  Nevertheless you found the essence of founding this organisation.”

What’s next?

So that’s Grazzhopprz in a nutshell: diverse, a good deal, and getting down to the essence. What’s next? Well,”life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get”, as Forrest Gump’s mama used to say. “We also don’t have a clear picture of which road to take and where we will take Grazzhopprz, but we’re looking forward to nding out and exploring our options”, Mikaela explains. “If you want to find out, the best way is to simply follow us!”

More information:

To get more information and to receive the full Grazzhopprz annual report, please e-mail us at

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