SNN Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland

Interessante workshop over duurzame energie tijdens de Open Days in Brussel!

Van 10 - 13 oktober 2011 vinden de Open Days in Brussel plaats. Er worden veel activiteiten en bijeekomsten georganiseerd, klik hier voor het programma.

Dinsdag 11 oktober vindt de workshop 'Regions delivering on sustainable energy strategies - Good practice examples from regional players' plaats. Tijdens deze workshop zal Jelle Wiarda, programmasecretaris bij het SNN vertellen over het promoten van duurzame energie door middel van de subsidieprogramma's.

Wilt u zich aanmelden voor deze workshop? Hier vindt u de benodigde informatie.

Inhoud van de workshop
How can regional bodies steer the delivery of Europe 2020 targets on energy and climate change? This workshop aims to present good practice examples of regions planning, financing and implementing concrete actions to deliver sustainable energy measures. The workshop will reflect the variety of important actors at regional level and their different approaches to stimulate uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. The engagement of public authorities in delivering the European 2020 targets is also highlighted in the upcoming European Energy Efficiency Plan. The presentations will focus on the achievements of a Regional Development Agency, a Regional Energy Agency and a Managing Authority of operational programmes (SNN). It will also feature a recently developed toolbox for regional bodies in the framework of DG ENER's Intelligent Energy Europe programme.
1. Newly developed toolbox for supporting the work of regional bodies in the field of sustainable energy development and planning - IEE project Energy4Mayors

2. Regional Development Agencies embarking on a low carbon economy - Regional Development Agency of Marche, IT

3. Managing Authorities promoting sustainable energy development through their operational programme - Northern Netherlands Provinces, NL

4. Regional Energy Agencies providing technical expertise to regional energy planning - Mazovia Energy Agency, PL