Mission MH17 in East Ukraine has been concluded

27 juni 2015 - Landelijk Parket

The mission in the criminal investigation into the downing of flight MH17 that started in East Ukraine about two weeks ago, has been concluded today. With support of OSCE access has been gained to the Donetsk region.

The most important goals of the mission were in this region. Ground samples have been taken at various locations and technical research has been conducted to locate cell towers and check the working of the Eastern-Ukrainian telephone network. The information that has been collected during the
mission, will be examined and analyzed in the Netherlands.

No access Luhansk

The mission was also aimed at technical research into cell towers and telephone network in the Luhansk area. This has until now not succeeded, as representatives of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic in talks with the OSCE until now have refused access to the Luhansk area.

The investigation mission has been executed by experts from the Dutch National Police and the Ministry of Defense. OSCE facilitated the mission. The mission was aimed at gathering evidence to support or discard different scenarios of the cause of the crash.

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