Webinar op 14 oktober over integratie hernieuwbare energiebronnen

Webinar op 14 oktober over integratie hernieuwbare energiebronnen

DOOR Redactie - 26 augustus 2015

Op 14 oktober aanstaande vindt van 15:00 tot 16:00 uur een Webinar plaats over de integratie van hernieuwbare energiebronnen en het mogelijk maken van flexibele huishoudens en gebouwen. Hierbij worden de resultaten en ervaringen van succesvol geimplementeerde projecten gedeeld. Hier kunt u zich aanmelden voor de Webinar.

De Webinar is Engelstalig. Hieronder vindt u een korte beschrijving van de Webinar:

Demand response is seen as a measure to increase the power system flexibility. Recent developments from research projects and pilots pave the way to large scale deployment and commercialization. This webinar will present the potentials of different DR technologies and different national and international approaches and discusses how flexibility of demand is making its way into markets and network operation. IEA-DSM Task 17 addresses the current role and potential of flexibility in electricity demand and supply of systems of energy consuming/producing processes in buildings (residential and commercial) equipped with DER (Electric Vehicles, PV, storage, heat pumps, ...) and their impacts on the grid and markets.

Moderator: Hans de Keulenaer

Hans De Keulenaer is Director of Energy & Electricity at the European Copper Institute (ECI), a non-profit organisation working towards the support and expansion of copper and copper alloy's markets in Europe. He has over 25 years of experience in running international campaigns for companies and international organisations in the industrial sector. His current interests are sustainable energy systems, e-learning, quality of supply, smart & age-adaptive buildings and energy regulation.