Mannen in een zorgende rol: `likable losers' of `superdads'? - KU Leuven

3 NOV. 2015. De voorbije decennia namen vrouwen steeds meer typisch `mannelijke' rollen op in onze samenleving. Er gebeurde ook heel wat onderzoek naar deze verschuiving. Mannen in typisch `vrouwelijke' rollen, blijven echter zeldzaam en ook onderzoek rond dit thema blijft achter. Daarom brengt professor Colette Van Laar van 5 tot 7 november onderzoekers van over de hele wereld rond dit thema samen in Leuven.

Keynote speaker op 5 november is de Amerikaan Peter Glick, hij specialiseerde zich in onderzoek naar stereotypering en vooroordelen. Op 6 en 7 november wordt Glick gevolgd door collega's van over de hele wereld.

6 november

* Toni Schmader: Unpacking the Status Asymmetry in Changing Gender Roles

* Natasza Kosakowska & Tomasz Besta: Why Men are Restrained from Household Duties? The Role of Culture and Agentic Self-Stereotyping

* Elizabeth Haines: The Gender Prioritization Model: `When are Caregiving Men "Likable Losers" and when are they "Superdads"?

* William Ickes: A Theoretical Model of Gender-Role Influences in Social Interaction: A Focus on Men's Communality

7 november

* Jennifer Bosson: Breadwinner Wives Make Unhappy Husbands: Trait Ascriptions and Perceived Relationship Dynamics in Nontraditional Couples

* Joseph Vandello: Explaining Men's Resistance to Gender Inequality at Work and Home: Stigma Perception and Zero-Sum beliefs

Data Blitz talks (15 min)

* Loes Meeussen: Who will do what? The Role of Gender Norms in Young Adults' Work-Family Balance and Task-Divisions

* Lauren Ruth: Belief in the Social Construction of Gendered Personality

* Leire Gartzia: Employees' and Managers' Communion: A Female Franchise?

* Melanie Steffens: `Is there a "Fatherhood Penalty" for Single Fathers?

* Asa Ekvall: Promoting change in men's behavior: When men do what women traditionally do

* Lisa Horvath: What hinders men from realizing parental leave plans? A social-cognitive approach to explaining leadership as a barrier

* Janine Bosak: Be an advocate for others, unless you are a man. Gender-Deviants, Backlash Effects and the Role of Advocacy.

* Terri Vescio: The Consequences of Threats to Masculinity and Affirmations of Masculinity

Meer informatie over deze conferentie vindt u op U bent van harte welkom.


5 november, 19u30 6-7 november, 9-18u

Erasmushuis 08.26 Huis Jeanne Devos, lokaal 00.40

Blijke Inkomststraat 21, Leuven Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 32, Leuven