Mensenrechtendag: Maputo

Op 11 december zullen alle ambassadeurs wiens landen onderdeel uitmaken van de EU een bezoek brengen aan de Machava High Security gevangenis en de Boane jeugdgevangenis, om te zien hoe de rauwe werkelijkheid daar is. Daarnaast werkt de post samen met verschillende NGO's bij het organiseren van MR-activiteiten, tot nu toe: AGIR ( Civil Society support platform) in partnership with the Civil Society Human Right Forum and Ministry for Justice, holds its Human Right Day Conference on the 10th December. The conference brings together decision makers, leaders of CSOs and the general public to raise their awareness for greater respect for universally principles and protocols that protect and promote respect for human rights of men and women. In addition to that they are preparing 15 days advocacy campaign on human right with a wide variety of activities such as public debates, human right fair, concerts and marathon. Our partner Lambda (LGBT) will also organize its first symposium about sexual minorities in the context of rights and justice in Mozambique.