Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer

Pers- en Nieuwsberichten

februari 2001

Europese gedragsregels voor bescherming beleggers

Het forum van Europese toezichthouders op effectenverkeer (Forum of European Securities Commissions, FESCO) heeft met de publicatie van het document Harmonisatie van de gedragsregels voor bescherming van de belegger een belangrijke stap voorwaarts gezet naar de harmonisatie van Europese toezichtregimes. Het document is tot stand gekomen onder voorzitterschap van STE-bestuurslid Jacob Kaptein en wordt vandaag middels onderstaand persbericht door FESCO openbaar gemaakt. Het harmoniseren van gedragsregels die een effecteninstelling in acht neemt in relatie met klanten heeft hoge prioriteit voor de Europese Commissie. Het wordt beschouwd als een voorwaarde om te komen tot verdere ontwikkeling van een Europese markt. Het doel van de harmonisatie van gedragregels is een goede bescherming aan de Europese belegger te bieden en tegelijkertijd te komen tot meer concurrentie, efficiëntie en transparantie. In het document zijn de regels die binnen de verschillende lidstaten gehanteerd worden, geharmoniseerd. Voor Nederland betekent dit met name dat de gedragsregels die de Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer (STE) hanteert (beschreven in de Nadere Regeling toezicht effectenverkeer 1999) meer gedetailleerd zijn uitgewerkt.
Voor effecteninstellingen heeft de harmonisatie als voordeel dat de instellingen in alle FESCO-lidstaten met dezelfde regelgeving aan de slag kunnen.
In alle FESCO-lidstaten worden marktpartijen gevraagd te reageren op het document. Daar is een periode van drie maanden voor uitgetrokken. In Nederland zorgt de STE voor deze consultatie. FESCO zal alle reacties uit de consultatieronde bezien en verwerken om vervolgens met een definitief document te komen. Lidstaten hebben vervolgens een inspanningsverplichting om de geharmoniseerde gedragsregels te implementeren.
Bijgaand treft u het originele FESCO-persbericht.

FESCO Consultative Paper on "the Harmonisation of Core Conduct of Business Rules for Investor Protection" (ref. FESCO/00-124b)

During its last meeting in Vienna, FESCO members decided to start a consultation process on their proposal for the harmonisation of conduct business rules for investor protection (ref. FESCO/00-124b) (see, section "Consultative Papers"). The area of investor protection and particularly the harmonisation of article 11 of the Investment Services Directive (ISD) are considered by FESCO members one of the major obstacles to the effective cross-border provision of investment services. Conduct of business regimes adopted at domestic level are still different throughout the European Economic Area (EEA). The harmonisation of conduct of business rules has been considered by the Financial Services Action Plan and by a recent Communication from the European Commission on upgrading the ISD, as a priority for the achievement of an integrated securities market and an effective passport for investment firms. A FESCO expert group, chaired by Jacob Kaptein, Commissioner of the Dutch STE, has worked intensively in this area and, after a comparison of different regimes throughout FESCO members, FESCO has:
- adopted in March 2000 a paper on the "Implementation of article 11 of the ISD: Categorisation of investors for the purpose of conduct of business rules" (00-FESCO-A) following an intense period of consultation. It provides criteria and procedures to implement an appropriate differentiation between categories of investors; among others, these criteria were endorsed by the European Commission in its recent Communication on the interpretation of article 11 of the ISD, which was widely welcomed by FESCO members;

- and agreed to start a consultation on an new paper on "The harmonisation of core conduct of business rules for investor protection" (ref. FESCO/00-124b).
These two documents are intended to be complementary and part of the same exercise, aimed at providing a harmonised framework for the provision of investment services throughout EEA. First, intermediaries have to categorise their clients on the basis of the criteria laid down in the FESCO document; then, depending on the outcome, either the retail or the professional regime will apply.
The elaboration of these documents is a significant contribution to the EU Action Plan for Financial Services developed by the European Commission. In line with the conclusions of the Lisbon European Council, this will contribute to enhancing investor confidence and, therefore, to the implementation of efficient and transparent financial markets in Europe.
The today's consultative paper is intended to be exhaustive: it covers the provision of services to non-professional clients, as well as the services rendered to professional investors. Furthermore, it provides principles and rules on all aspects of the provision of the investment services, as defined in Section A of the Annex to the ISD, but, where appropriate, it covers non-core services.
The document is open to public consultation for a period of 3 months.

Toezichthouders Euronext sluiten overeenkomst

2 februari 2001

Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer / De Nederlandsche Bank


The Belgian, Dutch and French authorities involved in the regulation, supervision and oversight of Euronext, the merger of the exchanges of Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris, have agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding that will ensure a co-ordinated approach of their respective powers and responsibilities. This approach provides a common and efficient regulatory framework for the progressive integration of Euronext.
It is the first multilateral Memorandum of Understanding designed to regulate a multi-jurisdictional cash and derivatives exchange. The memorandum is open to additional national authorities, should Euronext be enlarged to other exchanges.
The Memorandum of Understanding echoes a common letter of the Ministers of Finance of Belgium, France and the Netherlands of 19 January 2001 on the regulation of Euronext and establishing a dialogue between the Ministries.
The memorandum comprises two parts. The first part deals with the regulation and supervision of the regulated markets operated by Euronext. The main objective of this part is that the signatory authorities agreed to co-operate in order to set up a coherent regulatory framework that will foster the efficiency of the regulatory system on the securities markets involved. Such is of importance to maintain the integrity of Euronext's regulated markets and thereby ensure the confidence of investors.
The second part deals with the clearing activities of Euronext, handled by Clearnet. The basic objective of this part of the memorandum is to ensure that the competent authorities involved in the clearing will closely work together in the supervision and oversight of the clearing house and its systems, based upon a common adequate and effective supervisory and oversight framework as well as co-ordinated action-plans.
For co-ordinating the activities coming from both parts of the memorandum, two Committees will be set up.
The memorandum will take effect in February 2001.

Dit is een gezamenlijk persbericht van de verantwoordelijke Belgische, Franse en Nederlandse financiele toezichthouders betrokken bij Euronext.