10 okt 2 008

Onderdeel: Wageningen UR
Nummer: 071

De VN-organisatie voor voedsel en landbouw (FAO) en Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum gaan nauw samenwerken bij het bevorderen en ondersteunen van onderwijs, onderzoek en technische en institutionele capaciteit in ontwikkelingslanden. Daartoe hebben directeur-generaal Jacques Diouf en Aalt Dijkhuizen voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van Wageningen UR vandaag een overeenkomst getekend.

Beide partijen willen effectief bijdragen aan het behalen van de Millenniumdoelen van de Verenigde Naties. Zij geven daarbij prioriteit aan het internationale antwoord op de opdoemende voedselschaarste en stijgende voedselprijzen, die ertoe leidt dat een snel stijgend en vooral arm deel van de wereldbevolking lijdt onder voedselonzekerheid en politieke instabiliteit.

Tekst persbericht FAO, zie ook www.fao.org/newsroom/en/news/2008/1000936/index.html

New agreement FAO-Wageningen University and Research Centre

Mobilizing science for development

10 October 2008, Rome â The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Wageningen University and Research Centre (Wageningen UR) today signed an agreement to enhance their cooperation to promote and support education, research and technical and institutional capacities in developing countries.

The two parties agree to establish a strong and effective base for collaboration and ensure maximum harmony and synergy towards their common goal of strengthening capacities of developing countries to effectively attain the Millennium Development Goals. Priority will be given to cooperation in support of the international response to evolving food scarcity and subsequent soaring food prices, which are resulting in rapidly increasing numbers of food insecure poor people and political instability, especially in the poorest countries.

âThe recent crisis in food prices has drawn renewed attention for the importance of stimulating and enhancing worldwide food production. Wageningen UR is proud to be a partner of FAO and to be able to contribute to its policy programmes in this respect,â said Dr. Aalt Dijkhuizen, Chairman of the Executive Board of Wageningen UR.

Specific areas of cooperation will include identification and promotion of appropriate technologies to boost agricultural production through sustainable use of natural resources and in the context of climate change, institutional strengthening and capacity building for education, research and technology, development of effective tools aimed at assisting member States in the formulation and implementation of international policies and legislation and joint organization of seminars, workshops and expert consultations.

âThis new agreement with important Dutch knowledge and research institutions may also lead to a more intensive policy dialogue between the Netherlands and FAO on critical issues related to food and agriculture and eventually to increased cooperation in concrete actions in the fieldâ, said Dr. Jose Maria Sumpsi, FAO Assistant Director-General, Technical Cooperation Department.

Under the terms of the FAO-Wageningen agreement, the two parties will stimulate the exchange scientific staff and experts, and assign young professionals/students in ongoing activities, as part of practical internships or on-the-job training. In this regard, it may be recalled that FAOâs Associate Professional Officers (APO) programme started in 1954 with five young agricultural engineers from Wageningen University and that, since then, hundreds of young experts have followed, resulting in very close linkages between experts on both sides.

The agreement was signed by FAO Director-General Dr. Jacques Diouf and the Chairman of the Board of Wageningen UR, Dr. Aalt Dijkhuizen.

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