
AMSTELVEEN, 23 maart 2009 - HP kondigt HP SWFScan aan, een gratis webtool voor Flash-ontwikkelaars om hun websites te beschermen tegen hackers en datalekken.

HP SWFScan helpt ontwikkelaars om veiligere codes te maken. Het gaat om de eerste tool die Flash-apllicaties decompileert en statistische analyses uitvoert om het gedrag van de applicaties te begrijpen. Zodoende kunnen lekken onder de oppervlakte van applicaties, die met traditionele dynamische methodes niet te ontdekken zijn, toch ge?dentificeerd worden.

Een voorbeeld van een datalek is dat Flash-ontwikkelaars vaak onbedoeld toegangsinformatie, zoals paswoorden en encryptiesleutels, encoden in hun applicaties. Billy Hoffman, mede-oprichter van SPI dynamics, inmiddels onderdeel van HP, laat op deze video zien hoe hij onbeperkt hamburgers kan winnen door op eenvoudige wijze een lek in Flash te benutten.

Veel bedrijven die hun applicaties moderniseren, gaan over op Web 2.0 technologie?n waaronder Adobe? Flash? Platform. Adobe Flash Player is inmiddels dan ook op ruim 98 percent van alle PC's met internetverbinding ge?nstalleerd. Het is daarom noodzaak dat webapplicaties, gebouwd met Flash technologie, veilig zijn.

Met de HP SWFScan kunnen Flash-ontwikkelaars:

? Controleren op bekende onregelmatigheden waar hackers naar op zoek zijn, waaronder onbeveiligde vertrouwelijke informatie, cross-site scripting, cross-domain privilege escalatie en gebruikers-input die niet gevalideerd wordt.

? Snel problemen oplossen door zwakheden te highlighten in de source-code en advies krijgen hoe deze veiligheidsproblemen op te lossen.

? Nagaan of applicaties voldoen aan veiligheidsstandaarden en richtlijnen.

Het programma is gratis te downloaden op www.hp.com/go/swfscan

Vervolg van het persbericht is in het Engels

"The Adobe Flash Platform is being used more and more by large media companies and for business-critical applications. We are working with HP to make sure developers have tools to help secure content and keep customers safe," said Brad Arkin, product security and privacy director, Secure Software Engineering Team, Adobe. "We worked with HP on their SWFScan tool, which will help Flash developers find potential security issues early in the development process so they can understand and prevent problems before web applications are ever deployed."

Find, fix and prevent security vulnerabilities

An example of the types of security vulnerabilities HP SWFScan can prevent is leaving confidential information accessible to hackers. Flash developers often create an unintentional vulnerability by encoding access information such as passwords, encryption keys or database information directly into their applications. This video demonstrates how hackers can exploit this vulnerability.

HP analyzed almost 4,000 web applications developed with Flash software and found that 35 percent violate Adobe security best practices Non-HP site . Hackers can exploit this situation to circumvent security measures and gain unfettered access to sensitive information. HP SWFScan helps developers find and correct these problems before they become an issue.

"Applications developed with Flash technologies are no more immune to security vulnerabilities than any other web applications," said Joseph Feiman, vice president and fellow, Gartner. "Giving Flash developers the ability to check whether their code is secure, providing guidance on how to fix it, and offering best secure-programming practices will help to protect businesses and their customers from hackers."

The HP Web Security Research Group, which developed SWFScan, includes many renowned experts in the security field. The group tracks web-related security threats and develops new technology to help IT professionals eliminate application security vulnerabilities. The results of the group's research are incorporated into HP Application Security Center, a suite of products that allows customers to find, fix and prevent these vulnerabilities across the application life cycle.

HP Application Security Center includes the HP Assessment Management Platform as the foundation of the solution, and features HP DevInspect software for developers, HP QAInspect software for quality assurance teams and HP WebInspect software for operations and security experts.

"As organizations modernize their applications with Web 2.0 technology, they must be vigilant about preventing malicious hacker attacks and eliminating software defects of a security nature," said Jonathan Rende, general manager and vice president, Products, Software and Solutions, HP. "HP continues to help make the web a safer place by turning our security research into solutions for customers to protect their applications, their websites and their sensitive information."

A free download of HP SWFScan is available at www.hp.com/go/swfscan.

About HP

HP, the world's largest technology company, simplifies the technology experience for consumers and businesses with a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure. More information about HP (NYSE: HPQ) is available at http://www.hp.com/.