Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

NWO investeert zes miljoen in conflictonderzoek

7 juli 2009

De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) heeft elf aanvragen gehonoreerd binnen het thema Conflict en Veiligheid. Hiermee kunnen negen postdocs en twintig aio's vijf jaar lang onderzoek doen en worden acht onderzoekers vrijgesteld van hun onderwijsverplichtingen. Hun onderzoek zal nieuw inzicht bieden in de maatschappelijke gevolgen van conflicten.

De 93 ingediende aanvragen zijn beoordeeld door wetenschappers uit binnen- en buitenland én door een Maatschappelijke Adviesraad, met daarin onder andere Randstad Holding, Forum en Cordaid. Bij de beoordeling is dan ook niet alleen gelet op de wetenschappelijke kwaliteit van de voorstellen, maar ook op het maatschappelijk belang van de onderzoeksvoorstellen. Uiteindelijk zijn elf voorstellen gehonoreerd en wordt er zo'n zes miljoen in deze voorstellen geïnvesteerd.

NWO-thema Conflict en Veiligheid

Door globalisering, transnationale migratie en mobiliteit worden samenlevingen steeds diverser. Culturele, etnische, religieuze, klasse- en taalverschillen kunnen dan leiden tot scherpe confrontaties. Onderzoek binnen het thema Conflict en veiligheid richt zich op de belangrijke maatschappelijke vragen die uit dat conflict voortkomen. De verschillende programmalijnen zijn zo opgezet dat wetenschappers uit verschillende disciplines kunnen samenwerken.

Begin 2010 start een tweede ronde voor kortlopend onderzoek. Daarnaast lanceert NWO in de zomer van 2009 in samenwerking met het ministerie van Buitenlandse zaken het programma Cocoon. Dit programma is onderdeel van het Thema Conflict en Veiligheid en is gericht op onderzoek naar conflict en samenwerking rond natuurlijke hulpbronnen in ontwikkelingslanden. De eerste subsidieoproep gaat in juli uit.

Het thema Conflict en Veiligheid is een initiatief van de NWO-gebieden Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen, Geesteswetenschappen en WOTRO Science for Global Development. Bij de vormgeving van het thema zijn verschillende externe partijen betrokken waaronder de ministeries van BZK, Justitie, SZW, Defensie, BuZa en VROM en een aantal maatschappelijke instellingen. Daarnaast heeft het thema een Comité van Aanbeveling dat bestaat uit vier prominente (oud-)politici. Dat zijn mr. dr. Job Cohen, prof. dr. Jan Pronk, dhr. Doekle Terpstra, en prof. dr. Joris Voorhoeve.

Alle toekenningen op een rij

Hieronder vindt u een lijst met de gehonoreerde projecten op alfabetische volgorde naar hoofdaanvrager.


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* afdeling Voorlichting en Communicatie NWO
* t.: +31 (0)70 344 07 13,

Lijst van gehonoreerde projecten

Besmettelijk sociaal conflict: arbeidsconflicten als een bron van strategisch leren
Dr. A. (Agnes) Akkerman, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen This project studies the conditions under which industrial conflict is contagious or not. The core hypothesis is that industrial conflict produces important strategic information for other unions and employers. It investigates whether waves of industrial conflict result from the transmission of this strategic information. The project studies: (a) the diffusion of strategic information in formal and informal networks of negotiators for unions and employers; (b) worker mobilization by negotiators and mass media; (c) institutional factors that hinder or facilitate the diffusion of strategic information. The communication infrastructure of industrial stakeholders actively supports the dissemination of results and recommendations.

Politieke conflicten in vijf stelsels: de rol van burgers, media en partijen in de politisering van immigratie en Europese integratie Prof. dr. W. (Wouter) van der Brug, Universiteit van Amsterdam Politics is essentially about conflict over issues. Yet, limited knowledge exits of factors explaining why certain issues become object of heightened conflict at a particular time or in a particular country. This study enhances our understanding of issue evolution by comparing political conflict over immigration and European integration in five institutionally highly similar political systems, which vary in the extent to which both issues have been politicised: the Netherlands, Flanders, Denmark, Sweden and Wallonia. Three interrelated PhD projects study the roles and reciprocal influences of the media, citizens, and parties in the politicisation of immigration and European integration.

De inbedding van criminele netwerken in lokale etnische gemeenschappen: een bron van (etnisch) conflict? Prof. mr. dr. H.G. (Henk) van de Bunt, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam We challenge the assumption that criminal involvement of specific ethnic minorities is the result of poverty and poor integration and question whether this involvement is the source of local conflicts. Criminal activities can be interpreted as an expression of resistance against dominant society and as attractive means to acquire a certain (luxurious) lifestyle. Research in two neighbourhoods on interactions between criminal networks, local ethnic groups and global linkages will provide an-swers as to whether and how criminal involvement of immigrants leads to conflicts within their group, influences the group?s integration into Dutch society and fuels conflicts in the broader com-munity.

Herijking van politieke filosofie en recht: recht doen aan dynamiek en hybride identificaties
Prof. dr. mr. W. (Wibren) van der Burg, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam The presence of Islamic minorities in the Netherlands gives rise to such intractable controversies as quarrels over headscarves in public space and the refusal to shake hands. The dominant political theories and legal doctrines (e.g., doctrines of human rights, neutrality and separation of church and state) cannot adequately conceptualize those conflicts, partly because they are static and focus on distinct groups. This project aims to reconstruct those doctrines so that they can deal more adequately with conflicts concerning religion in the public sphere, specifically with regard to their dynamics and to their connection with hybrid identification processes.

Vertegenwoordigende onderhandelingen: cross-level invloeden in conflicten tussen groepen
Prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu, Universiteit van Amsterdam To enable sound diagnosis, training and advice, this project takes a multi-level/multi-function perspective on representative negotiation in inter-group conflict in policy and industry. Three core outcomes - (a) the development of creative agreements, (b) within-constituency conflict and consensus, and (c) inter-group perceptions and hostility
- are considered to depend on (1) the representative's individual-level cognition, affect, and motivation, (2) within-constituency dynamics, and (3) the broader inter-group relations. In 2 PhD and 1 Postdoc project hypotheses will be tested using experiments, case studies, and quantitative surveys. Results will be communicated in academic and professional publications and will serve as input for training and development programs.

Waardenconflict: de invloed van verschillen in waarden op conflictescalatie en effectiviteit van interventies. Prof. dr. N. (Naomi) Ellemers, Universiteit Leiden Previous research has addressed conflicts concerning the allocation of scarce resources (money, space). However, differences in core values (justice, religion), which often are embedded in people's socio-cultural identities, have become common sources of conflict. Unfortunately, we know very little about the mechanisms involved in the development, escalation and reconciliation of value conflicts. This project aims to address this issue, by taking a cross-levels approach to examine how group identities affect interpersonal value conflict. We will study (1) the development and escalation, (2) the effectiveness of different interventions for reconciliation, and (3) the impact of cultural differences in value conflict.

De dynamiek van hedendaags antisemitisme in een wereldwijde context Prof. dr. E.E. (Evelien) Gans, Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
Since early Christianity 'the Jew' has been branded as 'the Other', the incarnation of conflict. Thus, anti-Semitism served as a meaningful frame to interpret threatening developments in society. This project will examine the dynamics of contemporary anti-Semitism in a globalising context, choosing the Netherlands as point of departure. a. It will analyze the chemistry between Dutch 'traditional' and post-Holocaust anti-Jewish stereotypes and those within the Turkish, Moroccan and Polish communities. b. It will explore, in depth, the relationship between anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and Israel criticism. c. It will move from the Netherlands to Morocco, Poland and Turkey, and back.

De rol van communicatie bij escalatie en de-escalatie van conflicten tussen etnische groepen
Dr. E.H. (Ernestine) Gordijn, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Dutch society seems to have transformed from a former 'beacon of tolerance' to a society in which intolerant ideas are acceptable and enacted. This observation inspired the proposal of a novel and dynamic psychological model of conflict escalation and de-escalation between ethnic groups. The model describes cross-level influences of communication within and between groups about conflict. These communications transform perceptions that individuals have about themselves and other groups into destructive conflict behaviors or more constructive behaviors through the experience of specific emotions. This research proposal aims to test the new model, develop interventions to de-escalate conflict, and evaluate their success.

Een comparatief onderzoek naar etno-religieuze conflicten in Indonesië en de Filippijnen
Prof. dr. F.A.M. (Frans) Hüsken, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen This research investigates the influence of ethno-religious identification on support for collective violence among in areas of actual and potential conflict in Indonesia (Maluku and Yogyakarta) and the Philippines (Mindanao and Metro-Manila), while taking into account theoretically relevant contextual variables at the individual and societal level. Its innovative character lies in the application and development of an integrated theory of intergroup conflict, in formulating and empirically testing hypotheses for explaining cross-cultural and inter-individual differences of latent conflicts. It integrates theories and specific insights from anthropology, sociology and religious studies.

Relaties tussen etnische diversiteit in lokale gemeenschappen met solidariteit jegens de in-group en uitsluiting van out-groups Prof. dr. P.L.H. (Peer) Scheepers, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen We test hypotheses on the relationships between ethnic diversity in localities with inter-ethnic contacts versus conflicts which, in turn, affect solidarity with the (majority) in-group as well as exclusion of (minority) out-groups. These hypotheses will be tested in a most different selection of European countries with broad ranges of local ethnic diversity, taking advantage of high-quality most similar secondary data. These data will be analysed with hierarchical structural equation models providing ample analytical possibilities to specify elaborate (path-) models and simultaneously taking the structure of the data (i.e., individuals nested in localities) into account.

Lokale betrokkenheid bij rechtspleging in gebieden in transitie Dr. C. (Carsten) Stahn, Universiteit Leiden
International judicial responses to conflict have been characterised by ad hoc-ism and deference to externally driven reform agendas. This project revisits contemporary practice from the perspective of domestic constituencies. It examines the role of `local ownership' from three angles. Pillar 1 reviews rationales and methodologies of external intervention in justice responses. Pillar 2 examines the societal impact of international criminal proceedings, based on analysis of the first practice of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Pillar 3 analyses whether and under what circumstances ICC justice may contribute to capacity-building and legal harmonisation in postconflict situations.
laatst gewijzigd op 7 juli 2009