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CNN doet wereldwijd verslag van de 10e herdenking van de aanslagen op 11 september

Op de 10e herdenking van 9/11 zendt CNN live uit vanuit New York, Washington, D.C., Shanksville, Pennsylvania en Afghanistan.

CNN doet live verslag via televisie en andere platforms van 14.30 uur tot 19.00 uur. In New York, vanaf Ground Zero, is de presentatie in handen van Anderson Cooper en Candy Crowley, bijgestaan door CNN International presentator Becky Anderson, medisch correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta en speciaal correspondent Soledad O'Brien. Wolf Blitzer doet verslag vanuit het Pentagon in Washington, D.C., bijgestaan door Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr. John King is bij het Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville in Pennsylvania. En presentator Suzanne Malveaux, correspondent Nick Patton Walsh en internationaal correspondent Nic Robertson zullen hun bijdragen leveren vanuit Afghanistan.

Op 11 september 2001 was correspondent Nic Robertson een van de weinige Westerse televisie journalisten in het door de Taliban gecontroleerde Afghanistan. Hij deed via videofoon verslag van de reactie van de Taliban en de aanvallen op Kabul.

Presentator Fareed Zakaria zal voormalig Minister van Defensie Donald Rumsfeld interviewen voor zijn programma Fareed Zakaria GPS, dat op 12 september om 13.00 uur wordt uitgezonden.

Vier speciale programma's rond de herdenking van 9/11

In de week voorafgaand aan de herdenking van 9/11 zal CNN vier speciale programma's uitzenden (vermelde uitzendtijden zijn Nederlandse tijden).


Courtesy of CNN
Download image CNN Presents: Footnotes of 9/11

Saturday September 10th at 2100

Sunday September 11th at 1100

Duration: 1 hour
FOOTNOTES OF 9/11 features interviews with people who went to work on September 11th, 2001 - and unexpectedly became part of history. Each of the eight people profiled by investigative correspondent Drew Griffin for this documentary is mentioned in The 9/11 Commission Report - their unique experiences are drawn from the 1,742 footnotes of that report and offer critical detail to the tragic events of that day - are literal and figurative footnotes to one of America's darkest days.

They include ticket agents who checked in some of the terrorists, a maintenance technician who answered a call from one of the planes under attack, and the Lt. Col. in the Massachusetts Air National Guard - also a United Airlines pilot - who scrambled to provide defense to New York, and faced possibly having to shoot down a passenger plane.

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Courtesy of CNN
Download image Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: Terror In The Dust

Saturday September 9th at 1300

Sunday September 11th at 2100

Duration: 1 hour
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: Terror In The Dust examines how responders who breathed in the toxic dust and noxious fumes at New York City's Ground Zero are coping with the health effects of the attacks. The environmental hazards at the World Trade Center disaster site - mercury from fluorescent light bulbs, dioxin and benzene emitted as the jets burned, asbestos from the building materials, and more - have caused severe respiratory ailments, immune problems and, some suspect, a greatly increased cancer risk.

Among those who speak to Dr. Gupta are two brothers - firefighters who searched for survivors in the pile of the collapsed towers - one whose lungs are now failing and the other who appears to have had no permanent physical effects. Ten years after the attacks chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaks to first responders who continue to experience emotional trauma. Dr. Gupta's investigation includes never before broadcast footage of the collapse of the Twin Towers, the medical consequences of the killer dust, and safety recommendations for future crisis responses.

Watch a sneak peak at:


Courtesy of CNN
Download image Beyond Bravery: The Women Of 9/11

Saturday September 10th at 1400

Duration: 1 hour
BEYOND BRAVERY: THE WOMEN OF 9/11 profiles the sometimes overlooked female rescue workers who raced to the Twin Towers in the wake of the attack. Anchor and special correspondent Soledad O'Brien looks at the work of these rescue workers over the decade following their life-altering experiences.

Among the stories of these heroic women of New York's Ground Zero is an African-American firefighter whose company lost seven of the 342 firefighters who died that day. She is pushing to recruit more women to this dangerous job, even as the number of female firefighters has dropped to less than one percent of the NYFD. O'Brien also speaks with the family of a decorated police officer and mother who was photographed rescuing survivors just moments before the collapse of the towers. O'Brien reports the present-day health and emotional struggles of these unsung heroines and hears about their determination to be prepared for the next attack - and to restore hope.

Watch a sneak peek at:


Courtesy of CNN

Download image Beyond 9/11: Portraits Of Resilience

Saturday September 10th at 2200

Sunday September 11th at 1200

Duration: 1 hour
CNN will premiere a special presentation from TIME in association with HBO, BEYOND 9/11: PORTRAITS OF RESILIENCE. Captured in words and moving images, this documentary features untold stories drawn from 40 women and men who led and sacrificed for America in the hours, days, and months that followed the attacks. Working with the editors of TIME, award-winning photographer Marco Grob produced an astonishing set of portraits which are coupled with dramatic recollections from government leaders, survivors of the towers, and first responders.
